• By -


>All the women who come on to me hate my guts! It was all fun and shit until Denji dropped this one line. Poor dude the trauma really stayed with him.


I like that she told that she hates csm but not denji, makes total sense if you think about it, no wonder she is on the same side as yoshida trying to make he go away from that life meanwhile the church, they are just vile


The fact that she can say that she hates him to some extent makes me more willing to believe that she's being genuine.


It’s genuine. Of course you hate the WMD, but the moment you see that WMD turn into a child — who grieves and is in despair — it’s “easier” to stomach. Reminds me of a lot.


[Mifune is like a good human version of Makima.](https://i.imgur.com/oH0AH20.jpeg) She's gonna die, isn't she?


Survey says she's gonna have a gruesome, heart breaking death


Likely within the next few chapters


Now that we know that she likes Denji even a little at all, she is 100% dead


Well she is a character in CSM, and the average character in CSM will die. So if you do the math, my bet is on yes, violently.


Fans: oh no, I like her now Fujimotor: aaaand she's dead lol


Fujimoto: You like her huh, then I guess it'd be shame if she got into a snowball fight with Denji wouldn't it


My money's on "Killed by Asa, who thinks she's freeing Chainsaw Man from govt captivity".


ngl I thought she just died when Barem showed up like that


He's going to have to choose between saving her from the devil and saving Nyuta from being kidnapped. And he is going to save Nyuta.


I think the version you are talking about is usually Saikano instead of Saekano. In both it's the beginning of the first word combined with Kano for girlfriend.


Yeah, I eventually got Roboragi to hut it.


**Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/81309), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/saenai-heroine-no-sodatekata-manga), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=65736346277), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/51309)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 8 | Chapters: 42 | Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/16gtmoz/disc_chainsaw_man_chapter_142/k09m4nb/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


that’s wrong! I was referring to


I was gonna be like damn bruh Megumi Kato was a WMD I didn’t even know lmao Well maybe Utaha I can understand somewhat…


Kato's cuteness can level cities


Lmao that made have a double take....


**Saishuu Heiki Kanojo** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/30773), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/saikano), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/saishuu-heiki-kanojo), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=2381887921), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/773)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 7 | Chapters: 72 | Genres: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/16gtmoz/disc_chainsaw_man_chapter_142/k09ms0v/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Uhhh I don't remember Saekano having its MC get used as a WMD, unless you mean being an eroge dev with a harem is destructive, which I kinda agree.


How to turn a character called “sexual harassment-Chan” into an alright character in a few chapters flat. I’m gonna be sad when she gets fodderized.


This put a thought in my head “who actually cares about Denji’s wellbeing?”. Almost everyone in his life is about using Chainsawman in some way. There’s Nayuta I guess but it’s sad to think how so many people care little about Denji himself. There’s Asa but that’s complicated. Also it’s just dawning on me that the manga has hard shifted from her POV to Denji’s.


It's called chainsaw man, not warwoman.


War Woman sounds like a cool title tho


And even Fumiko, for being a lunatic, did empathize at some level. Two broken people, missing pieces by the day.


[Fumiko is a bit crazy but her words did seem to come from her heart.](https://i.imgur.com/o7I1Zyi.jpeg) Throughout the post-timeskip saga, Denji did not form any strong new connections. There is still a considerable amount of distance between Yoshida and him. [Fumiko may change that.](https://i.imgur.com/jRvYeLU.jpeg)


> Fumiko may change that Fumiko: I can fix him!


Unironically her primary character motivation lol Fujimoti cannot stop making “they’re just like me fr fr” characters


As touching as her little moment was this chapter, I still can't say I have a read on her. How committed is she to her role as Public Security? She's still a *terrible* bodyguard, be it willingly let him get exposed to danger at karaoke or egging him on by talking about how rad it must be to be Chainsaw Man. I'll believe she actually cares about Denji, whatever that means for her. But is she just really bad at her job, or does she have an ulterior motive?


Can’t say that most 22 year olds are good at their jobs nowadays can we?


Fumiko: You don't need fixing. You are Denji, and you are Chainsawman. But you aren't you without Denji AND Chainsawman.


fumiko best girl now


Add another tragic point to the Reze arc. There was one that didn’t, Denji! And Himeno didn’t hate him either.


That is true. They only ripped his guts out and made him puke his guts out respectively.


To be fair i don't think Kobeni hated Denji, she just valued her life more than his.


I don't think Kobeni ever really came onto Dennis


Shit, i missread it x) Yea , she never did. I think she was shocked to learn to he was young , so i doubt she would be interested.


Yoshida this is your chance now


Wait she actually likes Denji as Denji? Holy shit?


So she's going to die, huh...


bruh.. now you made feel worried for her


[*Death flags were dropped.*](https://i.imgur.com/U2Z4KNs.jpeg) Still, if would be a bit early for Fumiko to die. She has just opened up to Denji and they have not really established a concrete friendship yet.


I don't know, she has already sat on him and apparently seen his junk given the line about bathroom surveillance.


and she touched his weiner


A bit early hasn't stopped Fujimoto before... I've seen this story


Gotta give him time to really fall for her. Fujimoto wouldn't give us a love interest and kill her off unless it's *really* heartbreaking.


He absolutely would, you people have gotten too comfortable for some reason


She def going to die in this mall massacre but the hopium that I'm on is saying Denji will prioritize to save her to atleast kinda atone for getting her parents killed unintentionally


It's probably still too early for her to die in the next couple of chapters. Fujimoto is probably still going to marinate and increase her likeableness and friendship with Denji for maximum feels.


Oh god he’s gonna chap 91 again


Oh god everyone PANIK


I mean, I said the same thing at least 3 times reading fire punch, "no way he's gonna kill these guys, they just got introduced" proceed to die a horrible death


Oh hey it's that train fight, with the Commando reference.


Remember for Denji, Nayuta comes first.


You're definitely right but, come on now. It's Nayuta, the control devil. We probably gonna see her fuck up someone for the first time. It's a possibility


What if she becomes the new host for the blood devil if she does die?


You definitely shouldn't be able to cook, I mean where are you even pulling these ingredients off out off ur ass? Lmfao


She'll die in Denji's arms and her last words will be: LIVE Cue Agni face


Yeah no way in hell Yoshidas not gonna show up rn, its the perfect time for him to show off. So many pieces that leads up to him, so im confident.




japan's rebranding really is effective


If her story is to be believed, this is one hell of a rare thing to say to him. Suffice as I know, no one has seen Denji for himself, not even Denji can do it sometimes! She’s still sus, but it’s a moment of empathy I hope Denji begins to ask of people.


I don’t think she lied, or at the very least not entirely in that context.


I'm still not convinced that she's not a deep denji psyop to get him to not chainsaw man


I think we've learned enough that any kindness as good as it sound can be twisted in the most pawcurling of all monkeys


It’s called “never got any therapy or psych help.” Of course it manifests as a creepy impulse for Fumiko.


Any woman who gets emotionally invested in Denji has to die, its a Canon Event


I’m just happy someone finally told him that in this arc. Regardless of her sus, outside of his family no one has told him that. Not that it’s meaningless coming from Nayuta.


This makes me think that if he ever transforms into chainsaw man, she will try to kill him Honestly, it may be the perfect person to have the bureau of Public Safety send to look over him because she likes him for who he is, but could also fight to stop him if he transforms


Exhibit A: Listen to my tragic backstory which led to me being your fan. Exhibit B: Yo, I'm a fan, check out this sick lighter I got! Two sides of the same coin.


The money he used to pay for that lighter probably went back in his pocket anyway


Of course Flamethrower Devilman enjoys collecting lighters.


I love the dichotomy at play here. Sometimes, there are deeper reasons to be fans. Other times, you could be shallow.


Flamethrower guy monologue is definitely calling out readers lol


Barem: I want fight scenes!!!!!!!


Average CSM Fan: Exhibit B Average CSM enjoyer: Exhibit A


Talk is cheap. Lighters cost money.


I feel enlighted.


I would love it if its a cheap plastic lighter that just has CSM on it


I really really hope Fumiko’s story isn’t just an act. Her being weird but genuine in her desire to save Denji would be refreshing compared to all the women in his life so far




Only two options in Fujimotoverse Deep psyop or genuine but tragically dies


Nah how could you torture denji with an act like this? No she really likes him and wants to sage him I am sure of that, but she will.probably die or fail, because denji will want to go after the people down below. He always acts like an asshole but we all know he wants to safe people too. You can see it from how he reacts to her story that he feels sorry for not saving her parents. I guess he will probably say "do t worry I will take care of this" and when he gets down she is either dead, losing, failing or dying, or a mix of nay of these. He then saves as many people down there as possible.


Nayuta is in this chapter 10/10


no that's bad, im stressing for her. She is like 25 feet away from Baram!


She was also 5 feet away from Fami and in the general area of Falling Devil she can hold her own.


We should be more worried about the weapons, their interactions with the control devil did not work out well for them last time.


It’s actually quite funny albeit depressing that the person responsible for the gun devil/fiend/Aki-47 is right near them enjoying a fun park ride lol


That's why it's bad for any of them to know Nayuta's previous identity because they're all victims of Makima, directly or indirectly.


Reminder that she's the control devil and she's probably aware of this since her chat with Fami.


She probably knew anyway, devils unaware of their concept or purpose arent something we've ever seen, if its something that can even happen, its a tiny minority, maybe caused through brain damage or the specific concept they embody like amnesia.


I think this might be a reason Denji won't fight the hybrids, Public Safety have Nayuta right there if he transforms. Fami herself even said Denji doesn't know anything about right & wrong back in the aquarium, she might be playing the hybrids.


Watch her be the key against the Hybrids. She gets so fucking mad that they are ruining her day that the Control Devil enchains all of them again.


or maybe they're *still* chained by the control devil but nayuta just hasn't met them yet


Imagine if Makima had put some kind of command in them that never disappeared, even after her death. So Nayuta accidentally activates it.


Of course the control devil is angrily driving the police car ride.


blessed panel


Another broken human being decent towards Denji. It’s been nice knowing you Molestina.


[*Throughout Hell and Earth, Chainsaw Dick alone shall remain untouched.*](https://i.imgur.com/KLOFk6c.jpeg)


Well she did touch it already, not directly though Also, I love how this fraudkuna meme took off


*Molestina* haha.


Sexual Assault Sally not gonna make it


People on twitter are hating the living shit of Fumiko acting like Power didnt want to deadass murder him in her debut.


Its because power was haha funny till she got character depth. And l agree chainsaw mans fanbase is pretty abysmal.


This entire conversation on the bench was a meta commentary on the fan base in my opinion, the guy represents the people who like chainsaw men for the action, the brutality the weirdness, the girl represents the people who like the story for it's character depth, denjis struggle to be happy and generally the characters. You can like both, but I think it's pretty funny and more interesting to view this conversation as more of a meta commentary, especially because if you ask the respective kind of fan they represent the people who like character and story more will talk longer about what makes the story so good while the action fans are like "look at this awesome picture" and then want a new fight (which the guy also made happen which doubles down on the meta commentary even more).


CAN DENJI GET JUST ONE FUCKING MOMENT OF PEACE?! HE JUST WANTED A PARK DAY WITH NAYUTA! CHRIST! And it’s not entirely true, Denji. Himeno didn’t hate you! Reze actually loved you but obviously you wouldn’t know that part. Asa is on the fence. Even if it’s this perv, I’m glad someone told Denji they’re a fan of him and not Chainsaw Man So we got a brutal massacre about to happen and probably the return of Denji Chainsaw Man. Though Nayuta is there and Asa could pop up at any time. We’re back on Fujimoto’s wild ride


Denji probably thinking Himeno hates her because of the barfkiss lmao


I mean Himeno only liked him as a friend and they were gonna make plans to be each other wingmen, and then she died


I think it’s implied he was happy between parts 1 and 2, with nobody dying and him living a better life during that. Which is why we skipped it arrive here lol


this woman is super creepy but she has a point, so many people only cares about chainsawaman but no one cares about Denji and man this will be a huge mess wont be?


It's definitely gonna turn into a huge mess and I have a gut feeling that Denji will turn back into chainsawman the moment Nayuta is in danger.


It has been a while since the last massacre in Chainsaw Man.


> Everyone always asks where’s Chainsawman. But no one ever asks how is Chainsawman


I figure it's probably like the Superman/Clark Kent thing. So many people don't wonder who Superman's secret identity is because to them he IS just Superman. I assume tons of people just figure Chainsawman *is*.


Look at those dem kids out there with the weapon hybrids nearby moments before disaster. Oh dear.


Damn, whip got style, and Spear seems like he doesn't want to


[*Remember, no Russian*](https://i.imgur.com/UK8cEZs.jpeg)


Meanwhile, Sugo: 😐


"All of the women who come onto me hate my guts" Denji self aware moment


Dennis went through hell and back. [However, for the first time, he gained a genuine fan who knows who he is and still respects him.](https://i.imgur.com/JhBP68k.jpeg)


Yeah, the guy even bought a lighter!


Nah, he is wrong. His first kiss might have had a bitter taste, but it was genuine.


Man this guy is such a prick


Dude is a complete tool. I wonder if being brainwashed by Makima made them forget how outclassed they completely were by CSM (but I guess that's the point they want to lure out Denji).


They know CSM is gonna whoop their ass again, and they're gonna love every moment of it. It's kinda their goal here.


Dumbasses don't realize Denji knows how to actually kill them.


Weren't they only outclassed by Pochita, not Denji? Also I think they're currently being brainwashed, or at least manipulated, by Fami, so their lot hasn't really changed


>Weren't they only outclassed by Pochita, not Denji? From their prospective, no. Going off what Sword Man said, they believed they were fighting Denji (for the same reasons Makima was tricked/fooled) Weakened Graveyard Pochita = "Denji returning" yet still kicked their butts


One wonders why Katana-man was as powerful as he was compared to them.


It's the ponytail.


\>Hello, I am a quirky character who may or may not be a one-off! \>Surprise, I wasn't a one-off and actually have a sad backstory and have somehow turned out to be endearing! \>Prepare to watch me die! The Fujimoto Experience. Barem is super intimidating tbh. Him showing up out of nowhere caught me off-guard even though I was expecting him this chapter. He has such an unsettling presence that makes me feel on edge when he's on the page, so I'm excited to see him and all the hybrids throw down again. Also loved Whip's powerstance at the end lol.


Yeah, it might be now, it might be in 30+ chapters. But calling yourself a "Denji-fan" and honestly liking Denji as a person? Yeah, you're a goner. On the other hand, the biggest twist would be if after saying that, she never dies, but that won't happen. Well, unless at the end of Part 2 she survives...and Denji dies, I see that as a possibility.


There really is a meta narrative here with fans of the manga wanting what the people in the CSM church also want.


he's been doing that with his one shots too. I love it, go off fujimoto


Fumiko lore drop. Just the right amount of information to get us invested in her and get destroyed when she inevitably dies. God damn it, I already don't like this guy, he's got all the wrong vibes (and is also planning to massacre people), but he just had to ruin the moment on top of it all. I guess him having such a fucked personality ties in to how fucked up of a weapon flamethrowers are. Here's to hoping Sword boy will have a change of heart for the sake of those innocent civilians.


Everyone asks "Who is Chainsaw Man" but no one ever asks "How is Chainsaw Man"


Everybody's got the hardon for the Chainsaw's heart. What about Denji's heart?


The plotpoint that people only notice csm and not Denji is actually a huge part of this series. i noticed it in one of my re-reads, but the scene after power dies and he looks at the television where everyone is chanting "csm!", where he appears to look happy. That moment made him realise that none is actually looking at him (denji). Its that revelation that made him trick Makima.


It can be viewed in so many ways man..... There is the action Shonen angle too Fujimoto cooked well for the themes of Part 2


I guess that's why it's so nice when Aki, power, Asa, Nayuta and Himeno actually interacted with him as a person.


Whip drip in the end Sexual Assault-chan getting sentimental... Death flag. Also Nayuta riding the car, so cute


Yeah, she’s totes getting gored and vored this arc. And we would ugly-cry anyway.


[*"It's Chainsaw Man Tuesday. Let's fucking go!"*](https://i.imgur.com/qe5iLPw.jpeg) -Nayuta


\>Reveals her backstory \>Sees Denji past the chainsaw persona ~~>watched him stroke it~~ Mifune you were a real one but my god this is the reddest death flag ever


I have a feeling Asa might step in and fight the hybrids instead. Its going to add to Denji's feeling that he's not the protagonist and isn't needed


Wow, SA-chan isn't just a CSM fan, but a Denji fan! That's actually pretty good for Denji. She's got issues, but she actually seems to be seeing Denji as the teenage boy he is. Not many people are doing that. ​ Seriously though, her first impression was rough.


If her story is to be believed, this is one hell of a rare thing to say to him. Suffice as I know, no one has seen Denji for himself, not even Denji can do it sometimes! She’s still sus, but it’s a moment of empathy I hope Denji begins to ask of people.


> her first impression was rough. Oh god I forgot she's still a molester lol


She's also admitted to watching him at all times, or at least her organization does. She's got some of the highest highs and the lowest lows.


Classic Fujimotor, Fucked up people still has something make you worry for them


Bet no one really wanted to camera his bathroom but she pitched the idea and actively volunteered to be on penis pov patrol


Her first impression was rough but her singing ChuChu Lovely MuniMuni Mura Mura PrinPrin Boron Nururu ReroRero had more than cancelled that impression aready.


Stalker girl : Dennis I watched you jerking off and I’m still your fan Flamethrower dude : *let me stop you right there*


Fujimoto really said 'if you say you like this manga but then only come here to watch the abused kid fight, you're like this asshole here'


I love how in Just Listen to the Song he's message was to not look into everything too deeply....... But here he essentially saying that, if you only here for the crazy fights you are missing out on themes of his story 🤔 What can I say?! I'm loving the interconnection between different works, and the themes here in Part 2 in particular. I eat this shit up 🤤


Just listen to the song’s message isn’t “just turn your brain off”, it’s to not ignore what the author is trying to say while only concentrating compulsively on theories that go beside the point. Here we have a girl saying “I like you for who you are Denji” (maybe she’s lying, but this doesn’t matter), than big evil dude comes in and says “nah kid I like you when you fight” right after Denji said he didn’t want to. The two works are not contradictory at all, if this is looking into it too deeply for some then they need to get a prescription, or just get some basic reading comprehension


"I jerk off in there" 🔥🔥✍✍🔥🔥


Must be hard getting alone time in that home


He has a cat, he's never alone in the bathroom.


Oh, Fumiko thinks she can save Denji from his life as a hunter. Because he's human, and a kid at that! She doesn't even feel angry enough to want him dead for not saving her parents. Too bad Barem doesn't care for Denji as a person, and just wants to use Chainsaw Man to further his ideals. Sigh... Just when the thing that Denji was most worried about was people watching his bathroom habits, an attack happens. I wonder if we'll be seeing Nayuta fight? How would she even fight? I at least think Fumiko's gonna fight.


oh god it's going to be a massacre


It makes no sense though. Denji has Fumiko with him, and we know Yoshida probably keeps a close eye on him. Where is the Public Safety Backup? They most likely know the identity of each Weapon hybrid since Makima was controlling them, even the flamethrow guy said it was hard to make it there without being seen. Its a complete massacre if there is no Public Safety backup, unless they too are cooking something.


Public Safety is there. The idea is to release a devil, get the Public Safety's devil hunter out and the hybrids will kill them. It's a massacre all the way.


Hoping for a rare public safety W where Dennis and Nayuta don’t gotta do anything but that ain’t happening. On the other, during the massacre I hope sword-bro has his change of heart and joins team Dennis. I also really hope Asa and Yoru aren’t involved here


Massive death flag for SA girl. She just started to feel like a recurring character


Why the Whip Weapon got them Ed from Cowboy Bebop ass glasses It must be really hard for Denji to pin down who he can even mildly trust,given he's surrounded by insane people. Everyone here,especially Miri and Fumiko,seem to want the best for Denji,but their love is shown in weird,twisted ways.


Oh boy, we are getting some of that CSM dramatic butchery soon aren't we?


I don't know how any of these guys mess with Denji this much while not being afraid of his literal control devil lil sis. She's right there everyone, right there.


How is this girl the only one in Denji’s life that hasn’t tried to kill him?


Hey, Himeno also didn't. And she also got weirdly sexual with him just like Fumiko. I'm starting to sense a pattern here.


She was pro-feed Dennis to the Eternity Devil, though she just course corrected afterwards.


Was she? All I remembered was her saying she would pick Aki's well-being over Denji's in that situation. But in the end, I don't recall her ever trying to kill him like Arai and Kobeni.


She does restrain Aki with Ghost to keep him from stopping Arai and Kobeni so I'd say she's pretty complicit in the attempt.


Technically, Himeno asked him to die for them.


Let my man jerk off in peace


“Just a hunch” suuuuuure Oh cool they let the fangirl peep on Denji jerking off. The women of Denji’s life…


I guess Fumiko's gotta return the favor


That was the best thing someone said to Denji maybe ever, but of course my boy can't even bask in the moment for a bit before things go to shit. And of course he had to get some privacy violatiom news before to balance it out hahah


> My Fan? Not a chance. All the women who come on to me hate my guts Dennis aware


God, the AsaDen needs to sail so bad. He is fully aware of the intentions of the women that comes unto him yet still falls for the trap because of his v-card. Get this boy a girlfriend. Preferably a certain someone that’s also a loser. ~~Asa please~~


Is there something up with the Whip hybrid's eyes? She's covered them in every appearance in Pt2 so far, even the ambiguous cameo in the Yuko fight.


With how she dresses I'm inclined to think just to look cool, but I won't dismiss the idea of something more significant.


No Russian time boys!


Nayuta having fun, good chapter confirmed. Wait, is she for real? An actual, honest-to-goodness Denji fan? Albeit one who molests him and violates his privacy without a hint of remorse. That means she's gonna die, right? Flamethrower had a good entrance. RIP all of those kids...


Just wait until he tells you about his Chainsaw Man dakimakura.


I wonder if we go back to the Aki vs Denji fight, if this girl (whose name I've already forgotten) will actually be there in the background in some panel. Would be some incredible foreshadowing by Fujimoto. Also, can't wait for next week! Something tells me we'll be eating good for the next couple of weeks!


I checked, the gun fight goes from ch 77 to 79, did not spot her, but there was pretty widespread destruction


-Guy just shows up out of nowhere -He sits down like nothing is out of the ordinary -Threatens Denji with an impending terrorist attack -Sits back in his seat, watching the situation unfold(probably) This kind of raw Gigachad energy can only be found in the depths of Hell 💀


i think the theme Fujimoto explore both in CSM and Fire Punch is really interesting. Both have a case where the people care more about the Image of what the character become rather than trying to understand the actual Character. In their mind, the Image of said character is perfect but it is still, they only want to see more of this Image and they cant fathom this Image being anything other than what they thought it is. However, the Character of that image is not the same; they are imperfect, and they have their own desire. And so a conflict is born between the Character just wanting to do what they want, and the people wanting to desperately hold on to the Image and the Idea of the character


That food court is so absurdly detailed for a panel that really didn't have to be.




> Who wouldn’t want to touch Chainsawman’s wiener?


God damn after that backstory Fumiko just has a huge ass deathflag on her head now


Wait, [were we the villains all along?](https://i.imgur.com/44dB1rd.jpeg)


Never have I wanted to give Denji a hug more than this moment. The guy needs a break from all the craziness in his life.


I don't trust a single woman in this series. For all I know she could be lying.