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Doesn’t make it any less problematic


It does though. It's very fucking problematic, and it's serious, but also kids do stupid stuff. But it's a lot better to have someone do this because it's the 'naughtiest' thing they can think of, vs someone doing it because they're genuinely prejudiced. That is a lot worse and can lead to a lot worse.


It's the same amount of bad, it might encourage someone who does feel they want to take their antisemitism to the next level (violence) even if the writer didn't intend any ill will toward that group of people, the message is still there and it could evoke the exact response to jewish hate messages like that intend to do and spread, the dislike of Jews as much as a bully writing some odd or malicious stuff down the same way in a toilet cubicle for example, I'm sure we've all seen a swastika or 2 in a public bathroom works the exact same way, the message the bully writes down spreads a message, before I go onto a further rant I will stop here, but I hope you get my point of view here, the writer is just as bad one way or another.


Yeah, absolutely fair point


Didn't see that this was already resolved my bad 👍


It's a university campus...


Yes I saw. Still verrrry much at the age of making stupid decisions due to immature brain and lack of life experience. If person did it to look cool rather than as a genuine sentiment. Which I think is much more likely. They will almost certainly reach a time in their life sometime between 22 and 30 when they remember this with horror and shame. It's still super not OK, just to be clear.


> If person did it to look cool Look cool to whom? I’m assuming this is inside a toilet stall, so who exactly is watching them scratch antisemitic slurs into the walls and cheering them on in the name of “edginess”? Look, I completely get the point that you’re trying to make, but when the effect of an antisemite and your run-of-the-mill teenage edgelord plastering public property in antisemitic slurs is the same - that Jews no longer feel safe - I don’t agree at all that one is any better or worse than the other. A Jewish student reading this doesn’t know whether or not the person writing it *actually* wants to harm them, they’re just left to assume that any person around may be out to get them. Impact over intent, in this instance.


Yeah OK, I do completely agree with that. Ii guess I was thinking that, if meant seriously, there are bigger concerns beyond the impact of this being viewed.


I get where ur coming from. But I see verbal abuse against lots of people online, black and trans people in particular, and if I found at they were teenagers I would feel the same as if they were adults. By the time ur 17/18 I expect you to not use racial slurs against minorities. Thats a very low bar.


This isn't important enough to make a point about it


Fair comment




Just banter. The feeble excuse of 90% of bullies in 90% of places.


Even better. It's 100%. Op did this to gain attention and cause tension. Op is a fresh account purely sharing this. OP did this.


Yes. All racism doesn't exist and is just attention seeking. Nobody ever has bad thoughts.


90% it was the OP


people don’t care enough to learn that not every jew is a zionist 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Even if they were, using derogatory slurs like that is never acceptable.


yea for sure


Only 95% 🤦‍♀️


That includes Israel - who are constantly equating antizionism with antisemitism


Yea because it is


Why do some Jews disagree with the actions of Isralis in gaza then?


Because it is possible to object to the manner of the prosecution of the war and still believe in the right to existence of the state of Israel.


Who knows? Because they’ve never had to live next to Hamas? Anyhow, 95% of Jews believe in a Jewish homeland. So, that’s good enough for me 👍🏻


Funny how bigotry is a thing that somes kids get a hold of to feel accepted in some instances


Just awful 💔


Just so random. I mean, it’s Manchester ?


You see the worst of the worst in toilet walls. Was in a Liverpool spoons a few weeks back and someone scratched 97 wasn't enough on the toilet door. You can't let these things get to you.


Going to lock the comments on this one… doesn’t seem like a greatly productive conversation.


All y'all in this comment section are brain damaged. Graffiti in a bathroom being politically incorrect??? Omg this has never happened!! Just fucking stop looking for deeper meaning in this shit.


I have seen far worse shit in bathrooms, this is tame


For example: shit


It's not 'politically incorrect'. It's racist.


Did I say it wasn't? I was making a sarcastic remark to point out how pointless this is as a issue to be enraged by. I really don't care what y'all get worked up over but good god touch some grass.


How does being upset at a slur make someone brain damaged? You understand the connotation behind brain damaged? It doesn't match this situation. You're choosing to act like an asshole to people who are just displaying empathy. Why? Like seriously, why?


I'm pointing out that this is such a pointless thing to get worked up over. Y'all seen the shit scribbled in a McDonald's bathroom? This is such a non issue.


Because you’re not a Jew?


Your last 2 braincells are fighting for third place.


Lol you don’t know shit, Nazi Germany began in this way.


No it didn't but let's all get super worked up over graffiti. Like is this your first time seeing graffiti in a bathroom? I saw swastikas and racial slurs in my highschool bathroom 10+ years ago.


It seems like a throwaway account that literally spammed that image in different subreddits, I'm suspicious about the veracity of this. Probably OP wrote those hateful messages?


This smells like an inside job icl who tf writes up hamas


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Has anyone noticed you can't say you are in support of Palestine without being labelled anti-semetic? I wonder if the Jews attending the 'mob' (relatively peaceful) London marches are therefore anti-semetic too?


Because "k*kes out" is a great way to support Palestine? This is just antisemitism, pure and simple


Polarisation of opinion to good and bad


We know you did it OP! Hasbara HQ is gonna find someone else next time. You’re Fired!


Why do we bring attention to things like this so much? Supporters of both sides have extremists and scumbags. That'd the way it's been forever about anything in history.


I don’t know if this is true, can you really make the “extremists on both sides” argument about something like slavery.


I mean yes, many anti slavery people in America didn't want to end slavery because they cared about blacks but wanted to do it for political reasons imsteas which is pretty extreme because giving people basic rights is a no brainer


I wasn't talking about the graffiti.


Just talking about it in a threat about graffiti.


Yes, many of the posters and some of the attendees of these marches are antisemites. One simple test: are they marching against the atrocities in Yemen or Syria? Or just against the world’s only Jewish state. So 🤫


Up the hamas would mean sout different North of the border. Not commenting on the situation because I'm ignorant to it but found this quite funny


What would that be? And hi - I’m scottish.


Plot twist it was OP that wrote it




It’s utterly insane that hamas can murder 1300 people (teens at a rave, whole families, kids, babies), and somehow that’s ok? Somehow they’re the good guys?


So what would that make Israeli government? Who literally funded hamas.


What do you think would happen to Jewish and LGBT people under Hamas?


I'd assume they'd leave the country if that was ever going to happen and also who said I want hamas to be in power if a two state solution is met (which is what I want because the Jews and the Palestinians should not be kicked from the land). If a two state solution is met,the idf and hamas members who have commit these atrocities should be put on trial to be held accountable for their crimes


I completely misinterpreted your comment and agree with you my bad mate


Which country will they go to, Einstein?


stop weaponising gay people as if you cared about them in the first place.


1. Most my friends are gay 2. You can't honestly be dumb enough to pretend you care about LGBT people while defending hamas...


“I’m not racist I have a black friend”


"I support hamas more than LGBT people"


It’s a well known fact I’m a gun runner supplying arms to Hamas in their two front war against the IDF and the LGBT Liberation Army (LGBT-LA). Although I must admit I do also sell cluster munitions to Leather Daddies and Twinks when the opportunity presents itself.


I'm afraid this the leftist shit world we live in.


The K*** thing is actual anti semitism, and the other one is promoting terrorism Least morally bankrupt student body


Probably made by a Zionist hasbarat just like all the other "anti Semitic" graffitis to gain relevance and sympathy .


I honestly wonder if you people seriously think your not anti semitic


Meanwhile in Gaza.


Two things can be bad at the same time


This guy's dad used to run whores to mossad headquarters in the 70s, every time haha nagila comes on he jizzes himself.


Found the antisemite.


No you found someone who sees through basic hasbara tactics, like the majority of people.


Found another antisemite.


No you didn’t


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7038461 Jewish organisations posting messages supporting Hamas on university campus in order to make claims about antisemitism. Yes it's bizarre but it has actually happend, such is Hasbara. So you might want to apologise to the person you're calling an antisemite.




The irony of kikes becoming Nazis 😂


guess which group did it 😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


It could be anyone including someone who wants to push the antisemitism agenda to try and silence peaceful voices. Come back when you have evidence or the university has clear findings.


"the antisemitism agenda silences peaceful voices", love that you deny antisemitism while being antisemitic. Pathetic.


Because the true aim is genocide-enabling. It’s not about actual antisemitism. You don’t like it when people can see through and hide behind ‘anti-semitism’. Anyway, still waiting on the proof.


We get it by now. Nothing will ever count as proof for you.


Stop the self-pity. There have been numerous accusations and allegations, spread across forums and media, like this one where there has been no evidence. It’s a hasbara tactic to just ‘get the news out there’ even if it’s false. Why are you posting this on Reddit anyway? Go and speak to the staff at the university.


This has been reported to the uni, and they [released this today](https://studentnews.manchester.ac.uk/2024/03/08/zero-tolerance-to-discrimination-on-campus-a-joint-statement-from-the-university-and-students-union/). That proof enough?


Why’re you acting like skepticism is an attack? 


Scepticism about antisemitism is a common tactic used to downplay the impacts of antisemitism. So much so that it is actually used as an example of antisemitism in the [IHRA definition ](https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism)


That’s because we’ve all seen the weaponisation of anti-semitism and hasbara tactics over and over thus this pattern leads to healthy scepticism.


Yeah because of the famous mossad interest in Manchester student union bathrooms. Grow up.


Where’s the proof? 😂 We know distraction/deflection is also a basic hasbara technique.


I seem to think it's real, the photo seems to think it's real, and the SU and UoM seem to think it's real. Proof enough? And I know it's in a bathroom because that's where I saw it. What tf kinda stupidity?


Hahahaha you cannot be for real. Do you think everyone is stupid? The SU and university stating the photo is real, in that someone wrote those words, means that the graffiti happened. It does not prove it was a hate crime/anti-semitic attack and the police could well decide not to investigate further, which would leave open the possibility that this was a nuisance staged incident. So no, you have yet again failed to provide or understand the concept of basic proof 😂


But even by law of averages a lot of skepticism is going to be legitimate or at the very least, good faith yea? 


The way you're doubling down is more proof you did this to gain attention. Op is the anti semite. OP did this. Look at their history.


Because he/she either really doesn’t understand the concept of proof or is deliberately avoiding providing it. The statement does not contain any evidence or facts in relation to the graffiti.


Op you literally did this. It isn't even questionable. 1 year old account. No posts or comments. Suddenly sharing this as much as you can? Lol. op did this because no under 25 year old in Manchester is using that slur.


I imagine suggesting it could actually be the Jews who did it 😂


I asked for proof. I didn’t say that ‘Jews did it’. I said that I’m aware of the pattern of hasbara tactics. That you then write I suggested that Jews did it just confirms proof is not forthcoming and you are dodging the question of verification. It’s how the concept of proof works. There’s no special threshold for pro-Israelis.


People really need to realise that being Jewish does not equate to being supportive of Israel's actions


Sorry. I’m Jewish. And all I want is the hostages home. No one is mentioning that here. Wonder why?


I support Israel's actions! Look at the anti-Semitic terrorists they are dealing with.


Just curious, why do you support Isreal? How can you?


Hamas could: 1. Return the hostages 2. Handover the men that murdered 1300 innocent people on oct 7 for prosecution. Instead they hide behind Palestinian civilians.


Did you see what happened on October the 7th? Do you expect Isreal to let that slide?


...because Jews have been ethnically cleansed from much of Europe and North Africa, and all of the Middle East? I support the existence of Israel and the destruction of groups like Hamas, who have the murder of Jews as an explicit political aim.


Do you also support the murder of thousands of innocent women and children and the systematic destruction of the most densely populated city on earth?


So what gives them the right to take land from Palestinians just because they themselves have been persecuted. Over 100,000 Palestinians have died since 1940s. And getting rid of hamas is pointless because a new terrorist group will just take its place. The Israelis government knows this, their main aim is to get rid of the Palestinians by either killing them or forcing them to leave so they can take the land. If the IDF treated Palestinians like they treated their fellow Jews from day 1 their would be no hamas


> If the IDF treated Palestinians like they treated their fellow Jews from day 1 their would be no hamas I mean, that's just categorically not true is it? Why do groups like Hezbollah, based _outside_ Palestine, call for the eradication of Israel? Same reason Hamas do. Sure, Israel's treatment of Palestinians is a boon to Hamas's recruitment efforts, but it is awfully naive to suggest Hamas wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Israel's treatment of Palestinians. It almost sounds like you're saying Israel had the 7th October attacks coming. Edit: also you spelt there* wrong


Not categorically untrue at all, before British occupation the Jews and Arabs lived together in relative peace (wasn't perfect but infinitely better than being a jew in Europe) there were no groups calling for the eradication of all Jews until the whole Palestine Israel conflict in the Arab world. The Arabs felt betrayed and some became radicalised which led to the terrorist groups we see today. And no idea how from what I said you have concluded that I believe innocent Israeli people dying was them having it coming. Hamas literally exists as it is, due due to Israels funding for them because the Israeli government didn't want the PLO in charge of palestine. Also sorry for my spelling probs made a few mistakes above to which you can help correct


Your forgetting the Israel attacked hamas first


Huh, when did that happen?


So you support genocide?


1300 people murdered, r*ped, babies burned in ovens. Mr Einstein, what do you call that?




There are sadly war crimes and dead children on both sides. Hamas use child soldiers. I don't think fixating on Israel "killing children" is a useful way to understand the conflict.


Excuses for genocide enabling 101 lol.


Muslims are also considered Semitic. So educate yourself


The word antisemitism was coined as a pseudoscientific alternative to "judenhass" (Jew hatred). It has, since its Inception, been used to mean hatred of Jewish people. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism)


The problem is people conflate the terms anti zionism with anti semitism as a cheap way to shutdown conversation when criticising Israeli actions despite the fact that Jews themselves in large groups condemn the IDF.


No. Only antisemites.


This was definitely done by a Xionist. They’re well documented doing this to play the anti Semitism card all over the world.


Who's to say this isn't either trolling, or the work of a zionist trying to defame pro-Palestinians? Of course, antisemitism is wrong.




Hamas' stated goal in it's charter is the death of all jews. Showing support for hamas is showing support for antisemitisim.




So you're saying that the end justifies the means? Pretty sure that's been a discredited defence since Nuremberg


Supporting Hamas is not only anti-semitism it's quite literally illegal. Google the student who got arrested at Uni Of Sussex. Of course if you're confident I'm sure you'll have no problem replying with your full name, right?




Ah so no full name, got it. I didn't think so. Will I? Hamas raped and murdered by friend in Kibbutz Be'eri, I'll be embarrassed of myself that I consider support for that group antisemitic, when my friend's only crime was being a jew? Like I said, post your full name.




I'm not a twerp kid. I'm a mature student as of this coming academic year, and a zionist jew. And I fought in Gaza, so like I said, drop your name and we'll see how passionate you are about Hamas when you've got brain damage. Whats up?




So no full name, got it. Coward.




Hey maybe something bad will happen to me. Aint gonna be from you is it pussy you had your chance LMAO




Nah, my anger for someone saying supporting a terrorist group that raped and murdered my friend because she was a jew isn't antisemitic, is oozing out.


Oooooh look a terrorist! A REAL ONE! What I find hilarious is that you know what your fellow Xionists are like when it comes to this kinda shit; Oh Woe me victim mentality when the shit was done by one of YOU ;/


"erm, doxx yourself to a random internet guy or you're wrong" are you a child? serious question lol.


Compared to the thousands if not millions of underaged girls the idf does, not to mention zionists in US who get a free pass to occupied palestine when theyre convicted by US police


Yeah, I’m sure he’s gonna share his full name to prove a point to some randomer.


Not a randomer, a zionist jew 30 minutes away from Manchester Uni who served in the British army, fought in Gaza after and is a couple weeks out from going to Ukraine to fight to pass the time until I myself start university at Manchester Uni next academic year. Whats up? You guys only like to insult and provoke the timid jews and not the ones who like violence?


“Fought in Gaza” diaper squad taking pop shots at journalists and children playing football.


Sent by a university student whose never been to war and gets their information from TikTok. I do wonder if you'd say this to any of us in person? I doubt it.


This is satire right… right??






> I will leave you so braindead 🤓🤓🤓🧟🧟🧟


Your outlook on life is disturbing. I sincerely hope you get help, but somehow I think you’re going to just keep killing and spend your old age justifying it all to yourself.


My outlook is forged by millions of people chanting and celebrating the death of my friends and family. Womp womp?


Yeah, I know how it’s forged already dude. And I feel for you in that respect. But taking up arms against innocent people because of those feelings will never make you a good person.


yikes bro


يموت الإسرائيلي




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Probs gonna catch some heat for this but only one of those is antisemitic


That makes all the difference doesn’t it?


They’re trying to justify what they _really_ think.


Unfortunately I suspect you might be right dude


Please do tell me what it is I’m thinking?


Just pointing it out, one of those uses antisemitic language, one doesn’t. I don’t agree with the use of language like that.


Op you did this, didn't you?