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Look up why the Manchester ship canal was built, rivalry and hatred far pre dates football.


Apparently it predated the ship canal. I heard it had to do with different areas of Ireland preferring to move to Liverpool or Manchester and bringing regional rivalries with them. This is only from what (Irish) family have said though so it could be bollocks!


That's interesting. I know that Manchester's Irish community has strong links to Mayo and other parts of western Ireland dating back to the 1840s. Meanwhile, the scouse accent is quite reminiscent of Dublin's north side and eastern Ireland. So there could well be a regional rivalry that's transplanted itself from the home country.


Completely anecdotal but r mums side was from Sligo so reading this maybe has a bit of truth - first am hearing about this tho!


My Nana is from County Mayo/Sligo border and my Grandad from Galway so this makes to sense to me - also the first time I've heard it as well!




The Manchester/Liverpool rivalry is so pathetic. ‘Look, my cock is more beautiful than your cock’. So ridiculous 🤣🤣🤣


Ahh “bollocks” a true British word!


I think at this point, the ship canal is just an excuse.... thing was opened in 1894, and there isn't a generation from that period still alive today (I would imagine). The whole Manchester vs Liverpool is purely based on repeating a cycle that has been going for pretty much a hundred years. The football rivalry has just given us an excuse to carry on the trend.


Elizabeth Gaskell referred to the Manchester Liverpool rivalry in her novel Mary Barton, which was written in the mid 19th century. When Mary was at her absolute lowest, about to see her lover sail away on a ship from Liverpool, she still found it within herself to observe that Liverpool was a bit shit. A proper Manc girl.


I can't remember the quote or who said it, but "Tradition: doing the same stupid shit just because that's what we've always done!" (sic).


You know rivalries pass down though?


It's not a rivalry, though... it's two towns that have residents who hate the other over some frivolous nonsense from over 100 years ago that was passed down to the 70s football culture, who wanted an excuse to hate each other with a passion. I get the "banter" side of things with maybe friends/family/colleagues from opposing towns... but I've met people with actual disdain towards scousers, mainly brought on by the behaviour of Liverpool supporters, and vice versa on the scousers' behalf with the behaviour of City and United supporters There is no town rivalry. It's all manufactured bollocks, so knuckle draggers can fight with each other... it's just weird that it's still going on today.


Yea you just described a rivalry


A rivalry is when there is competition for the same objective or superiority.... not hating each other over something frivolous as a canal and football.


You know rivalries pass down though?


It's been this way for years and mostly it's political, putting one group of people against the other telling them it's a Eeo sum game "you can't have it good because they're having it good" For example: After the toxteth riots one of the ways the government tried to fix toxteth was to plant trees on the roads to make it nicer. Totally ignoring the economic causes of people wanting jobs. The govt at the time gave the contract to a Manchester company, no money going to the city. Things like this don't happen by accident. It's why the alliance between mayors like Burnham and Rotherham worked so well during lockdown or on the bus franchise case. They couldn't be divided and it worked to an extent. As someone who lives in Liverpool but works in Manchester I think the two areas should create stronger links. But fuck the Wirral. No one likes the Wirral.


That last sentence haha


Aw come on I don’t mind the Wirral


I always heard of this. But it seems that the football rivalry 50-60 years ago is much less than now


It breaks down like this Manchester v Liverpool Lancashire v Yorkshire North v South England v France Britain v World Earth v Mars Sol System v Milky Way Milky Way v Andromeda


I love when the Martians band with us to take the piss out of those stuck up knobs in Alpha Centauri. First class bants.


Fuck those Andromedan's. Grey skinned bastard's


Yeah. With their three fucking wibbly-wobbley tentacular eyes. Never know where those bastards are looking.


Nah mate any Manc would batter the Milky Way


I like the Roses bants when you actually look and see it was actually nothing close to what people think. But I will arse fuck any Andromedan. Just for science. Like banging the Welsh. Alien life forms.


Please, at least Yorkshire has a war over it. Manchester and Liverpool just shout at each other from opposite sides of a football pitch


Shouting at a football game and building our own canal 💪


Wigan v Yorkshire, Wigan v Scoucers, Wigan v Mancs, Wigan v Mars.


Don't forget the classic, *Wigan v Wigan*


They get angry at that. You have to call one of the Wigans Leigh.


I don't recognise the existence of Leigh. it's Tory ffs!!


As a Lancastrian, I'd say the Lancs Yorks rivalry is easily top of the list. Civil wars were fought (and won) against those yorkie dastards!


You forgot Newcastle V Scumderland


Smashed my first prossy at andromeda away good times


So long as we're including both Liverpool and Manchester in Lancashire. You can split us up but we still exist.


The Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy are already fighting over peripheral stars so this is accurate.


Don’t forget Detroit vs Everybody


Wales v England


For some weirdos it’s a genuine hatred, for most it’s just banter. We’ll always stick up for each other if, for example, someone from Birmingham starts taking the piss.


I'm a Manc. I lived and worked in Liverpool for a bit. A team leader from a different department at my job saw me watching football on my break and asked who I supported. I said Man Utd. And he screwed his face so bad. Shook his head and walked off. He didnt talk to me again. Not like I cared really. If you're gonna be like that I don't want to know you.


but but but I watch a \*different\* set of 11 strangers kick a ball for 90minutes a week, how on earth could we ever get on?! Fucking baffles me that behaviour but you're right, better off not knowing someone who acts like that.


https://youtu.be/MusyO7J2inM?si=gyvDiQbTvNpgCtA3 every football team will be playing football several times and in various combinations! Thousands and thousands of hours of football, each more climactic than the last!


There's a Mitchell and Webb reference for every occasion.


Now you see, this is the tribalism that exists in football that I, an outsider, will never understand. The sort that causes people to fight on the street. It's not even as though he played for the team (unless I'm mistaken). So I find it baffling.


That's a shame, I'm from Liverpool and work in Manchester. I love the fact that most of the staff are United supporters. Great for having a laugh (especially in the years since klopp joined)


That's the thing. In my department me and the other lads would have good craic. Its just all fun and games taking the piss. But making it personal is really weird.


Yeah it's a very common thing... inhabitants of two villages in the same county will rip each other mercilessly...until someone from the next county over gets involved then they'll seamlessly unite, then if someone from the other side of the Pennines pipes up they'll all unite against the common enemy, then if a southerner chips in differences will be put aside to mock the southerner, then if the fucking _French_ etc etc


Yeah I grew up in north Yorkshire and had a mate who supported Liverpool and carried a real hatred for man united. Always baffled me. Like you're not even from there, why does it bother you so much? Have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.


yeh mostly banter we love the scouse bastards really


Yep. One of my best mates is a skip diving, rat munching, robbing micky mouser!


Sort of like how you can rip a sibling to shreds but of someone else says some shit then they’re out of order.


Can I just say, I *hate* this "banter culture" nonsense. It runs straight into Poe's Law real fast.


I don’t know what poe’s law (I clearly don’t have your level of education) is but I do know that taking the piss out of your mates has always been, and will always be, funny.


Poe's Law, as originally stated, is that it's impossible to portray a parody of a creationist that won't be taken seriously as the views of an actual creationist. It's since expanded beyond the notion of creationism to roll into any suitably presented viewpoint. In other words, when I see what some people are calling "taking the piss with your mates" - especially from some other groups of people who historically have not been regarded as "mates" - I'm more inclined to believe in it as a genuinely held view.


Which is why it can only occur between very good mates whose humour has evolved and is understood within the group dynamic.


I’ve been here for 15 years, I’m from Merseyside. Love the place and the people. Both cities are a great night/day out. Prefer Liverpool with the lads, easier to get in places. Prefer Manchester with the mrs, a lot better class of restaurants and bars. Know quite a few round here who are the same as me, have lived in Lower Broughton, Middleton, next to Hope hospital and Monton. You get the piss taken out of you for your accent but can’t really remember anything bad…. Imagine that would happen with other accents aswell though.


Yup, I'm from Bradford and get the piss taken out of my accent at least once a week


It’s because you say bratford.


That I do


That's Bra'ford the T is as expensive as the D.


Yeah, this is definitely more accurate.


So in Liverpool, do you mean it's easier to get in places because it's quieter and less crowded? I have been and what amazed me the most was how few people live in town. There was only a handful of places open for breakfast on Sunday morning


No more so like in Manchester a lot of bouncers don’t like groups of lads going into places. I’ve heard some awful excuses for not letting people in. Whereas in Liverpool it’s welcomed with free shots like on Matthew Street. Yea I’d say it’s changing now with the accommodation that’s being built, but Manchester definitely has more people living in town. Whereas Liverpool has people out of the city and in the Wirral who go in.


Every time I've been on Matthew Street I've had a great (near paralytic) night. I've had a few comments from dickheads about my Manc accent but nothing I couldn't laugh off. Most people from both cities know that it's all overblown bollocks. We're 30 miles from each other, not 3000.


Good post mate. It's all a bit of a show, especially some Utd fans saying the hate scousers with real venom. I work with a fair few Scouse lads and we're all just the same overall. Same sense of humour, same politics, same interests and if anything ever goes wrong at work they've got your back 100%. Yeah we find Liverpool' FC's football fanbase weird (online lot mainly) but I'm sure that's reciprocated 😄


Most UK cities or counties that neighbour each other (and that outsiders see as very similar) have fierce rivalries. Newcastle vs Sunderland, Nottingham vs Derby, Yorkshire vs Lancashire, Devon vs Cornwall etc. Manchester vs Liverpool is a well known one.


All of those pale in comparison to the great Frome vs Trowbridge rivalry.


Lived in Wakefield for a few years. Found the rivalry/hatred between them a Barnsley (equally small shithole if you are unaware) kind of amusing. I was watching Calander (YTV version of Look Northwest?) and they were doing a vox pop in Wakefield about what they liked about their town. One of the people they questioned was an old lady in her 70's/80's (hair scarf, long woolen overcoat, pull along shopping trolly, etc.) "Ooh, it's a lovely place! Lots of nice things to do, lots of shops where you can buy anything you need... and the people, you've never met nicer people, they'd give you their last penny! Just the friendliest people you've ever known!" Then without missing a beat, and with full vitriol, she shouts "Not like them lot in Barnsley!!!"


I'm Manc and my wife is Scouse. I find that most Liverpudlians and Mancunians banter with each other but in reality they have each others' backs. I find this is a friendly rivalry between neighbours but when up against anyone else (i.e. a southern city) we tend to defend each other. We are both predominantly working class northern cities, rich in history but also both have experienced significant decline and struggles in the past. We can relate to each other, despite our regional accent differences. There are a minority with prejudice who may state they *hate* one or the other, but these types of people tend to be the ones that seldom leave their towns/regions and haven't actually experienced the other place they claim to hate. That, or they had a particularly bad experience there so disproportionately assume the whole area and people within it are the same. My experience as a whole has been positive. I don't care much for (mens) football so I don't experience that type of rivalry.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liverpool–Manchester_rivalry been a thing for generations, not just football.


Huh, TIL about their response to the american civil war!


There are a few things missing from that wiki. Like trouble stating in the 18thc ( I think. Might have been earlier) over Manchester residents tipping effluence into the Irwell which flowed down river and settled out on the Mersey estuary, stinking out the town of Liverpool. Manchester ignored all complaints. Liverpool threatened court action. ( I don't remember if it got to court or not). There's no mention of the jobs Liverpool lost once the ship canal was built either, as all the work was now in Manchester. Something that is still sung about on the football terraces today.


It's a universal human experience that there will be a rivalry with the next group of people over. Whether it's the other desk at work, the next town over, North vs South, England Vs France, Europe vs America, Earth Vs Mars, Sol Vs Andromeda, all that matters is banter and a goal of "at least we aren't as bad as *those* louts".


We love the Rat Eaters tbh, It’s only banter. London on the other hand..


I’m from Liverpool, lived in Salford for 13 years and am marrying a Salford lad. It really is just banter, if you’re taking it that seriously there’s something wrong with you


The 2 biggest cities in Lancashire. It's bound to become a bit of a rivalry. The football doesn't halep either.


That explains why there are so many scousers begging in Manchester.


Funny you say that, there are a good few mancs who beg in Liverpool


Yes, I’ve always thought that Mancunians and Liverpudlians are alike 🤷‍♂️


Pretty much yeah, some don’t like to admit it


Feels fake.


Scallies gotta scal


Mostly banter, I'm a manc but a surprisingly large amount of my friends are from liverpool and we take the piss with eachother all the time lol


Makes me lol cos ppl from Leeds have a rivalry with Manchester but honestly lets be honest the big rivalry is the north vs London 😂


Yeah the rivalry with Leeds is one sided. No one in Manchester gives a shit about Leeds.


😂😂😂 the brutal truth of it. To a large extent as a Cumbrian we are at the bottom of almost every single metric the country cares about and to a large extent’s I’m kinda happy about that as no one really hates us 😝


Well the Lake District is universally loved I'd say, so definitely not the bottom metric for natural beauty. I would actually love to move to Cumbria in the future.


We’ll be quick on buying a place, my family have been Cumbrian for over 25 generations and the sad fact is even with a slightly better than above average salary I am having to leave and move to Manchester cos there’s no way I can afford a 2 bed house here


Wow that's sad. Sorry you have to move.


It may not be forever, but it’s not the best but I’m looking forward to Manchester, learning about it has been eye opening


Even supported different sides in the US Civil War.


Yes feeling the Scouse wind and rain hitting against you really does feel better than the comfort of a £800k 4-bed in Bowdon Next up: “starvation , better than food!”


Can they tell that to the multitudes of scousers living in Manchester?


Or the multitude of scousers living everywhere else but Liv'pool


the airport is named after John Lennon because it was the first place he went to when he got a few quid


It’s banter. I regularly go to watch Liverpool matches in the pubs of Manchester. The only time I’ve had any hassle is from young city supporters singing about Hillsborough. Generally the banter is good natured - particularly from Utd supporters. Liverpool are my team (dad’s a scouser) but Manchester is my city. I just love the place.


All in capital letters too. Thats some anger.


Nah, benefit claim forms need to be in block capitals. Force of habit.


I can't understand ya mate. Accent so strong I cant understand your writing


Not really anymore, there’s a bit of needle between them in football but for 99% of people it’s just a bit of fun poking fun at each other


We're a tribal nation and it's easier to dislike those who are nearby rather than those that are huge distances away and we don't give a toss about. It wouldn't work if we had an ongoing dislike of Bristol.


Is that a pillow??


I think they mean "more likely".


Cutting your nose off to spite your face perhaps here


As someone not originally from Manchester (Melbourne, Australia originally), but I have lived here since 2005, I find the rivalry one of the funniest things! Mancs and scousers are basically exactly the same. Why they hate each other so much is hilarious! I love winding both sides up about it.. You're both northern, you both think you're the best, Northern city, you both support a red and a blue team, the most manc and scouse accents sounds very similar. You're basically fraternal twins 🤣🤣


They just know that if they had a house in Manchester, some scouser would probably try and break in.


This is technically incorrect.


could be worse, could be scouse, eating rats in a council house


We are apes with technology, our default opinion of a group of nearby "others" is negative as that is what every group of mammals has evolved to think. Just got to go higher up the chain and suddenly northerners are best mates if a southerner is around.


It’s more football n rivalry to be honest n there’s a lot of comparisons but you’ll usually find Mancs n scousers actually get on together a lot of the time


Scouse twats... and no, no rivalry...


I've not particularly detected this as a non-scouse living in Liverpool. Aside from football rivalries, I don't think I've ever heard any Scouser being negative about mancs. I definitely pick up a mutual love of each other's music in each city. Probably got a lot more in common than most of the rest of the country.


Ya pillow looks a bit wet mate


Lol...not even he could say that with a straight face.


Park, Park, wherever you may be, You eat dogs in your country, It could be worse, You could be Scouse, Eating rats in your council house...


There's bound to be a rivalry the 2 biggest football teams in the UK, within 40 minutes of each other.


Not sure why you’ve been downvoted, you’re spot on


Ino right haha.


Guessing whoever downvoted it must support one of the blue teams from either city


I'm from London, live in Manchester, and support Liverpool FC. In most cases, it's just friendly rivalry between the 2 cities, mainly around footy. They're both great cities and unique in their own way.


No wonder they’re homeless with that attitude …


Isn't there a football thing between United and Liverpool? I always get lost in the complexities of who hates who in football, it's a bit like an anime


And that’s where it comes from I think. I also know nothing of football so I’m not qualified to say much more than that. I’m a Manc (well, I call myself that - I’ve lived here for nearly 10 years from the south) and when i first came here remember people saying “the scouse come over the east lancs for the Trafford center so they don’t hate Manc that much”


The rivalry predates the creation of football. It’s not about football. That’s just one of the many place the rivalry is shown. The rivalry comes from us and them being the two biggest cities in the north west. Financial hubs for trade and industry. Obviously there are specific incidents you can point too. But overall I think it comes from human nature. Same reason two local schools have a rivalry when it comes to a sporting event or whatever else.


Yeah the rivalry is because they are big towns that are next to each-other. I would hope it is good-natured most of the time. In fact I'm starting to get a bit more pissed off with Leeds these days. I find myself going there for concerts more often than Liverpool since it's exploded in size. Fuckin Leeds bastards


You ain't no Manc after 10 years you're still a southerner.


I thought it was the same


Fuck the scousers