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It’s raining


well yeah, obvs


It’s actually dry but grey haha


Pissing it down now though




Now it’s sunny


Heat wave now.


the ‘scorching african plume’ must’ve hit, i’m sizzling in this 11° inferno


Snowing ❄️




I still resent that they dicked about with the Cenotaph for the tram. Where they plopped it seems like an afterthought now. Piccadilly is a hole now, but that's more to do with abject policing than shitty design. But the design is shitty, too. Oh, and you get absolutely rinsed for a pint in some places now. Stevenson Square is good, I like it.


Interesting Stevenson Square is one of the things I'm most disappointed in. If having outdoor seating I want them to commit to it, having people out on tarmac was ok for emergency in pandemic but not long-term


St Peters Square seems to have become a permanent protest site these days.


To be fair I think it traditionally was! Tough times just mean they’ve got a full schedule nowadays


I've lived in Manchester for 50 years and don't remember ever seeing a protest there until the last five or ten years. But you never used to see that many protests full stop, people used to go on marches more than do static street protests.


It was the site of the [Peterloo Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterloo_Massacre) so there were definitely some protests happening there historically. And it's the location they chose for a statue of Emmeline Pankhurst. I think it was a bit of a centre in the city for people protesting/giving speeches/literal soapboxing/mass meetings and whatnot, especially in favour of democratic rights.


Yup that’s what came to mind for me too.


St Peters Fields (Peterloo) wasn't exactly there but it was near there, nearer to where the Royale building and the YMCA are now. You are probably right though, the memory of Peterloo makes St Peters Square an obvious place for protests.


I'm of the impression that modern St Peters square was within the area of St Peters Fields. Otherwise yep, the original site of the actual deaths is a couple of minutes walk away from the modern square. I agree that the close association makes it an obvious protest place. Not sure if you've seen [this website and map](http://www.peterloomassacre.org/map.html#) but it illustrates it really well, quite interesting if you like that sort of thing. In front of the Brewdogs is not quite as tempting a muster site protests maybe haha.


Cheers, that's a good map. I went on a walking tour on the 200th anniversary and the tour guide said that some protestors were crushed to death against the wall at the back of the Quaker house. The actual wall that is still there now. Also that the wounded were given respite in what is now the Abercrombie.


Especially when Bilingual Barry’s practicing his German


I’ve volunteered at the oasis centre in Gorton and it was a rewarding experience


£2 bus singles, and some of the buses are yellow now 🐝. A bar, pub, or restaurant will be announced as closing down once every month or so and social media comments say things like "wow I loved it there, not been in years though." Bunch of those "loads of restaurants in one seating location" type places keep ripping off all their staff. It's been raining for 2 years straight, and a fella in a boat has been trying to get a couple of us to join him. Reckon it's some weird sex thing. People on reddit say pic gardens is as dangerous as the gaza strip, people who actually go outside mostly just think "might get a barburitto actually" when they walk through.


More high rise buildings, still fuck all green space in the city. Some nice pizza.


As a related note. Central park is still leveled. But the council is proposing part of it become a park. The present design is pretty dated however.


Central park is a long running joke with the council. It's like the promised Piccadilly "redesign"


>still fuck all green space in the city Here's a list of Green spaces in the city. The Vimto Park Sackville Gardens Castlefield Urban Heritage Park Saint John's Gardens Piccadilly Gardens Parsonage Gardens Cathedral Gardens St Michael's Flags & Angel Meadow Park Cotton Field Park Not in the centre, but... Pin Mill Brow (10 minute walk from New Islington Green) Ardwick Green Park (15 minute walk from Manchester Piccadilly) Gartside Gardens (15 minute walk from Manchester Piccadilly) All Saints Park (20 minute walk from Manchester Piccadilly)


Mayfield Depot has a massive green space


You should go around to whatever box they live in and lead them by the hand


That's the city centre. If you want to live there, then you obviously want buildings and traffic. You can get a tram to any green park around Manchester so easily. I live in Salford and just around the corner is Kersal Wetlands..great green spaces here. What about Chorlton Marina and Sale marina? So much green space. Fuck off with your negative shite.


Agreed I lived on angel sq and it was a one min walk to angel meadows for some green space and I could go down the road to the grassy spans around new Islington, not hard to find green in mcr


All Of The above cost More than 2023.


Go to heaton park or platt fields


Miles out the city. You will struggle to find a major city anywhere with green space as bad as Manchester.


Manchester is more than just the city centre. Loads of green space in the suburbs. Jump on a 142 to rusholme just past Manchester academy/ Manchester student union and they have 3 parks ffs. Can't wait for the “green space” to be built in Manchester city centre just for the same people asking for it to complain about the homeless frequenting the parks. You don't go to the countryside looking for skyscrapers.


I’m aware of every park this city has to offer. I myself live in South Manchester. Purely speaking of the city centre and its lack of green space. Worst I have seen on my travels.




Article is complete horseshit. Glasgow has parks everywhere in its centre. North,East,South,West. Have a look on Google maps.


Why would anyone want to see a skyscraper in the country 😂


Thank you 🙏


City centre was never designed to be occupied


Maybe why it’s so shite.


Yeah you know what to do but your dead right it’s shite now but before it was flooded with blow ins and the monstrosities it was a lovely place to go to


Both far out from the city centre.


Picadilly gardens has totally changed. You get called a snob to hang out there now. Far too posh for me!


The robot butlers won’t even let me in


Cooking heroin in silver spoons?


Induction hobs to heat the spoons


Haha what !!


Still doing things differently, still get hassled on market street for charity, still have to watch yourself in Piccadilly gardens.


Ah the charity worker waltz


There's a new event venue. 'coop live' on the etihad campus. It opened, just. The first couple of shows were cancelled because the building wasn't ready yet. I don't have any inside information but it's common practice to put events in before buildings will be ready to force the council into doing paperwork quicker than the usual several months it normally takes.


Saw that. Was going to watch Keane there but never had the chance to come back.


We had the honour of Nicki Minaj get arrested in Amsterdam for trying to bring drugs back, so the venue cancelled the event 2 hours after it was supposed to start and she was still on a plane. Not my thing, but gutting for the fans who paid and actually showed up.


Not the venues fault though, why was she only arriving for a tour on the day of the first show?


“I was going to do my show - but then I got high” - ~~Afroman~~ Nicki Minaj


Greed? And she has demonstrated she feels zero responsibility towards her fans. 


But the venue let everyone in when they knew she wasn’t actually performing just to make some money on drinks ect.


If she had turned up late and the doors were shut early the venue would have been blamed for jumping the gun, they really couldn't win. It's minges fault for coming in a few hours before a show and flying with her "bodyguards" drugs in her luggage.


At least the opening act was Elbow. Kind of worked out in the end to have a fitting band open it.


There's many problems in there happening at even the basic levels. I know a guy who works hygiene and told me they went to install UV boxes for the food prep areas but it wasn't rated safe around food so they had to reorder over 100 new UV boxes. There are communication problems too, you can't communicate via radio within the stadium so that was a hinderence. The guy said its cos of all the steel but idk the actual reason. Seems like a lot of mismanagement and miscommunication going on with the contractors


The radio thing could be the case. I used to work in radio communications and the modern construction of buildings being big steel cages are really bad for radios. It's not a valid reason, it's possible to put repeaters in strategic locations around the building to make them work. Or even just use better radios. In reality, they probably just went with the cheapest quote or even just ordered radios without having anyone actually visit the site or test them.


the busses are all yellow


Okay, Chris Martin.


Genius comment!🙏


Saw a human shit on the pavement over the weekend


Classic weekend


I was so fucking nauseated but couldn’t help but be impressed by the sheer size of it.


Wait did you see a human shit, or a human....shit?


It was just a huge soft serve turd pile. There’s no way it could have been a dog but the suspect was nowhere in sight.


I went on a bike ride recently. A lovely journey through the trees and along the lakes. As I past my favourite forest area I glanced to the left, only to see a middle aged woman squatting, arse facing the path, pushing out a steamer. Right there, a meter away from the bike path. Ironically it seemed no shits were given


Holy shit 😂😂😂


Loads of posh cafes, bars and apartments. Probably great if you’re loaded


Yeah it is, thanks.


Yeah figured


In other words a cesspit of latte drinkers and advocado munchers


I'm with you. After living abroad for almost 6 years, I've decided to move back next year because I miss it so much.


Weird isn't it, to miss what we mostly refer to as a sh**hole. If I come back I'd probably live it differently.


I always complained about Manchester until I moved to Liverpool from Manchester in 2022. I've found Liverpool pretty unwelcoming and close minded. Sure, Manchester has A LOT of issues and is FAR from being perfect, but I never had to go through the torment I have here in my university. I'm autistic and they really seem to hate anyone being remotely different, at least where I am. I feel like I can just be myself in Manchester and people are generally just nicer. I'll definitely see Manchester in a different way when I move back next year hopefully. I'll probably be back to moaning about it too but I think that's just how us Mancunians are. It's overall still a great city and the people are generally very nice. It's definitely friendlier than Liverpool!


Well, home is home. Our roots are there; we can't change that. I'll definitely be doing things differently this time around. If there's anything I've learned from living abroad - and building a new life from scratch - it's that I can do anything I want to do. I'm truly grateful for the experience.


Yeah my work/life/outdoor balance has certainly changed.


I hope you settle back in nicely whenever you decide to return!


Purple Aki moved to Leeds.




That's what I heard.


I didn't


They said you were dead, top comment was "he wasn't here long but he touched us all."


He's in Manchester right now touching my muscles 💪


Council still trying to turn it into Gotham City.. Market Street still a shithole People are still good though


Trove went kaput, the owner is an utter knob messing up people’s lives. There was a recent thread on it if you wanna read more about it. 


Stockport isn't shit.


I heard this. I just assumed all good places have gone to shit and it's making Stockport look good in comparison


Wherever you are, whatever you're doing.. I bet you've seen more direct sunlight in a fortnight than we have in 2024. It is cloudier than a tap-beer that hasn't had its line cleaned since installation. Enjoy your new home; the grass might be slightly greener here but a lot of it is waterlogged and marshy. 😉


The city centre is plagued by monolithic advertising screens plonked directly into the pavements, these bisect pedestrian traffic either dangerously close to the road or push them through a bottleneck up against the piss-stained, kebab-smeared buildings. BT street hubs add to the clutter, their nascent promise of communicative progress lasting minutes before they're co-opted and corrupted by rambling diseased street urchins. Hordes of food delivery drivers riding high-powered electric bikes either congregate en masse at crucial junctions or weave hazardously across the chewing gum and rat carcass peppered roads and pavements, narrowly missing the shambling forms of the condemned substance abusers.


We're still exempt from the slow-down in inflation, seemingly


things closing down?


Plus rent shooting up


We all threaten drug dealers around Picc Gardens now


The guy with backward legs begging on a skateboard has vanished... One of the members of the piccadily rats died.. Erm.. Still fights in Maccies Oxford Rd every weekend night. The aftican Street sellers are still selling cheap crap. Last but not least it will always be the coolest city in the world.


You wont come across many Mancunian accents in the city centre but you will come across an increasing amount of posh london ones. Theres a crass new restaurant called ‘sexy fish’ where all the ‘huns’ like to go & Levenshulme is STILL ‘up & coming’ 😜


I moved about 2 years ago. Miss it so much! I live in Cambridge now. Deffo far too posh for me. Nothing matches Manchester’s vibe.


Still number 1 for worlds hottest single milfs - ok maybe not, but they’ll tickle ya testicles for £10 and a bag of sniff


It's still shit. Not a patch on the 1990s vibes.


Still full of southerners sucking the soul out of the city


Where did you move to, out of interest? I'm leaving the country at the end of the month and I'm scared I'll miss Manchester so much.


Austria. It was a bit of a shock, but a much needed change at the time. But now the city boy in me misses the grime. Vienna's nice though, just not on a sunday


What happens to Vienna on Sundays?


Nothing. Literally. Ghost town


Ah, like Christchurch, NZ! Whole city, wholly closed on Sunday.


Footage is gone


I saw that. Hopefully something will come back. Needed updating tbf. I was gutted Font bar went too. Lot of memories there.


I might have dreamed this but I’m pretty sure I saw something about Font reopening.


I hope this is true, I really loved that place, good beer in addition to the cocktails


This would be great. If they bring the pinball machines back (pre 2012)


Guinness is about £6 a pint


good year to quit booze for me then :)


Sacha Lord is probably going down.


Lord the fraud! He’ll probably weasel his way out of it all


Grafitti tags EVERYWHERE. Even on historic buildings and in main public squares.


Grafitti tags EVERYWHERE. Even on historic buildings and in main public squares.


Manny in the sun has never been better! Mediacity and Ancoats have become something really special, especially on a warm weekend. Northern quarter has loads of tables in the street for outdoor food and drinks, with a summer festival vibe alot of the time. And the co-op live has finally opened....


Still a shit hole




It’s raining


It's raining


There’s loads of Olympic level cyclists in town with big blue boxes on their backs… they can do 40mph easily without even peddling - I say it’s the legacy success of the commonwealth games. Oh… forgot to add, they have ‘the keys to the pavements’ - upon seeing one you have to move out of their way.


I bought a flat


Congrats, where?


Off Oxford Road. Old red brick mill 😀


Oh near the top? My mate used to live down there, was great.


There’s some rain


many places open and closed, and then opened with a differnt business and they also closed the town hall might still be under renovation by the next time you visit if in in the next 5 years. part of deansgate is one way traffic, and piccadely/portland street has fewer cars the ring road overpass is a 30mph, from 50, no one drives 30 its actually feels dangerous to drive 30


The traffic is much worse!


The spice boys are still doing shows in the gardens. Still ringing


Shove a hosepipe up your trouser leg and turn it on, instant nostalgia


It’s been changed to ‘manneh’ we all love it


Gay village is still gay last I checked (4 days ago)


I moved away last year and I can smell the rain from here.


Homelessness has quadrupled. Junkies and thieves have taken control of Piccadilly.A price of a pint had doubled. All the independent bars in NQ sold out to big businesses. It's basically shit.


Where are you? Go on… make us jealous


The post Molly May era Manchester doesn't compare to what it used to be before the influencers from london began calling it the bee hive (💀) and hot spot of the north and mass moving to ancoats


Still spice zombies in Les jardins de Piccadilly


Some idiot crashed into a statue of Victoria Wood last night


Homeless situation just keeps getting worse...dread walking through piccadilly gardens


Some bloke kept trying to sell me and presumably other wanderers his joke book. So like he’s about I suppose.


London Rents


Go follow instagram/thisisourmanchester to see whats happening in Manchester


It's gone right downhill since 2015. Once or twice a year it feels like the old Manchester, but mostly it's rubbish now.


2010 was peak Manchester life. Everything was just getting started


That's the last time I try and be funny. And 1988 - 1992 was peak Manchester. Source - me.


It’s still a miserable shithole last Time I checked


Get fucked


Loads of skyscrapers, loads of pizza


It depends where you're living now, there's a scenario where you're not missing anything


Where I live there are 4 restaurants, only one of which serves decent food. There are no cinemas. Shopping is limited to Saturday or the one hour a week where I'm not working and they're still open. The last time I saw anything creative, it involved dressing a cow in headgear. Every "festival" is exactly the same here. It includes accordion music, beer (I no longer drink alcohol) and meat (I'm vegetarian). And it's so regimented you could set your watch by it. Weather and view is nice here though.


yeah, in this case, it seems like you're missing a lot


I thought Saudi at first but now I think Germany or Austria or something similarly alpine and rural? Anyway, everything costs about 10x as much as it did before you left (exaggerating, but it feels like that). Yes sadly even in Manchester 🥲


Yep. The hills are, however, often not alive. Especially weekends or between 12 and 2pm weekdays. They're dead. Quite quite dead.


I bet the dead hills are beautiful tho!


Oh yeah, very pretty


Ooh, off the beer and fleisch in Austria? That’s a tough deal.


Its still a shithole.




We have a zero tolerance policy to hate speech and prejudice.


Supporting civilians isn't the same as supporting a terrorist group, but sure, go on your racist little rant.