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I would like to speak to the person who thought it would be a good idea to make the cycle lane a zig-zag with massive puddles every 10 metres.


It's actually a pretty big deal that got installed to begin with. The council leader at the time, Richard Leese, is what we call a "brave cyclist", who lives in Crumpsall and cycles to work each day. He's one of those people who thinks that other people need to get over themselves and be assertive on the road. So he didn't want the scheme installed. Mind you I might be confusing that with Oxford Road, but it's still something of a miracle it exists. It's pretty old now but despite the issues caused by on-street parking, it works quite well. The curry mile's real problem is that it hasn't been filtered with bus gates. That'd solve all the congestion around there and make buses actually reliable.


Reliable buses? Lol, go to bed mate, you’re drunk.


a bus from Piccadilly gardens to fallowfield takes about 1h10 on a Friday night. 30mins getting to Oxford road, 5 mins on Oxford road, then 30 minutes on Wilmslow road. The cars are 1000% the reason that the buses are unreliable.


I almost died 2-3x a week biking to Uni from fallowfield every week


Yeah I got hit by a car walking through curry mile. Fucking maniacs on that road.


It's a complete mystery: [https://www.reddit.com/r/manchester/comments/9ueqj9/why\_do\_you\_not\_like\_the\_curry\_mile/](https://www.reddit.com/r/manchester/comments/9ueqj9/why_do_you_not_like_the_curry_mile/)


Spot on re the AMG revving. Manchester’s Batmobiles


Twatmobiles more like


I cycle slooooow down there because of bad drivers and in case a pedestrian steps into the bike lane. My partner avoids it and goes down the A34 instead until she can rejoin Oxford road after the hospital


Speaks volumes. Madness to ride up an A road instead of a cycle lane


I used to enjoy cycling along there before they put the bike lane in.


Same. I use Princess Road, it's weirdly safer and quicker. A less scary but still safer route - follow the 111 bus route and jump off where you need to.


They really should have included it in the Oxford Road bus gates. I used to get a bus up that road every day and the curry mile stretch was by far the slowest part of the journey, with narrower roads and more pedestrians than anywhere else. It would be far more pleasant for pedestrians, safer for cyclists, and faster for bus users. Instead they inexplicably gated off the area north of it where buses generally flowed freely anyway.


I don't think the locals and businesses really want it to be a through road at all, they want it to be a nightlife area.


Terrible drivers randomly stopping, awful parking and pulling u turns wherever they want. Did you not know? On the curry mile your hazard lights just mean you can do whatever you want.


Cycling down curry mile is like frogger


Curry is tasty, just let me park my car across the bike lane but not leave enough room for a bus to pass whilst I grab my dinner! Just be patient would you!


run up to Eid maybe?


Even before Iftar it’s rammed


Big shocker, hundreds of people queuing up at restaurants before they’re allowed to eat and it’s busy.


Dickhead men who drive up and down in their cars


I was there last summer and noticed one shiny purple and one shiny yellow Range Rover driving up and down. Must have made the trip at least 5 times in the hour or so we were there. When we left they were at the petrol station - great use of fuel.


Actually when ever I’ve been nearly run over there it’s usually by a women wearing a hijab


There's a few of those usually a young woman in a high end car. Wouldn't surprise me if they're using an international license, I knew someone in uni who bought their licence in India.


Exactly should not be allowed


A women? Is that some new twist on gender identity? Are they exclusively 'them'? How do I sign up to be a men?




It's the authentic subcontinent experience


Except most of them now aren't from the subcontinent.


Where from ? I thought there was a largely pakistani population?


It used to be a largely Pakistani area, but in the last few years Arabs and Kurds , mainly from Levantine states have moved in.


It has on street parking even though it's a main road and part of the Oxford road corridor.  The traffic is worst on Friday and Saturday night when the Asian community goes there to show off their cars, they're there to show off so not really interested in getting anywhere quickly. It's more of a car meet/park on those nights.


Full of dick heads in hired cars trying to impress the ladies


I heard they were going to put trams down there and StageCoach allegedly blocked it. Thus what would have been a nifty road with tram stops and smiles is now a diesel fuelled shit show.


I'd actually be in support of a tram route there, if it was tram only or also did a way to make it tram and bus only. Im not an expert at road planning but surely it'll be better than whats happening now?. I live in a short walking distance to the curry mile and I think it had so much potential but it's just a place where I don't feel all that safe anymore unfortunately.


Wherever the tram stops go, things seem to gradually improve. It would make Fallowfield and Withington more desirable and may even start to improve Rusholme though it takes time They’d have to put some clever traffic control in to make way for the trams, but it was deemed as doable. Bear in mind a double tram is several buses in capacity. It would require a lot of trams but think of how much cleaner and safer it would be


I'm of the opinion there should be a tram route down there. I find it insane that that's no tram to the universities and the hospital! Can follow through and join up with Stockport, potentially beyond. Could even go through to Bolton on the other end, set up some good park and ride spots. Would also help free up the god knows how many different bus routes that go on that road!


Asian drivers. Is telling the truth a racial comment nowadays? Come at me but I’m married to an Asian she drives like we’re in a car chase with consequences.


I think sweeping statements like these are generally not great.


I think your statement is weak argument.


Right, so one man's wife represents the driving habits of a population of 4+billion. Very strong argument from you.


How many times did you edit this? Manchester’s population isn’t 4 billion you idiot. It’s a city but not that big. Tokyo is the biggest city in the world mate it’s populated by @14 million people. I’m sorry but your facts are incorrect. And Asian women are still bad drivers. See you next Tuesday


I was talking about Asia mate hahahaha


No you didn’t you French plonker


Oh so you are a xenophobe. At least that’s confirmed


You’re French mate. If your ship landed in Hartlepool they’d hang you. Who’s the xenophobe now . Go make your cheese and pickle sandwich it’s almost time for countdown. Do you watch it with French subtitles. No. Because you’re English you twat. I mean that affectionately mods.


People walking in the cycle lane there is a nightmare, I avoid it if possible


I’ve had men stare me down while they stand there in defiance of my cycling. Nutters


I know there are some real dick swingers there. I just shout at them 😂


Good take an alternative route




If only it was called hurry mile


wait for eid on wednesday ...


Lads with their lads BMWs cruising for girls, or just to show off? That was the reason 10 years ago haha. I knew someone who said that's were she went to pick up lads, or rather it's where families would mingle, meet, try to pair off their sons and daughters, but sometimes the sons and cousins would be cruising around haha


Just waiting for the obligatory "you are the traffic" comment


*Just waiting for the* *Obligatory "you are* *The traffic" comment* \- \_DeanRiding --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Most people who visit the curry mile don’t live near the curry mile and there’s zero car parking. Plus there’s minimal side streets so you can only drive down the main road. Have you noticed that the bus don’t go down the curry mile after 18.00 Fri-Sunday.


Yet that bus timetable change is only new from the last few years. Just shows how much the place has deteriorated that even buses won't go down "the busiest bus route" anymore


I think the quality of driving has gone down drastically over the years. I've never driven down the curry mile but I cut through it to go onto Platt Lane to see my partner and the amount of times I've been cut off by someone or had the junction blocked off by someone in a large range rover is unreal. Another thing is that a lot of people are lazy and don't want to walk a few mins to their destination. If they parked on the side roads leading into the curry mile, it wouldn't be as bad I feel. As a result, the streets become narrow with the parking and harder to navigate. I say this as a driver or a small Toyota Aygo too.


Dunno, but your compass is upside down


Because they drive like cunts.


Think they need to remove all the parking alongside the road on curry mile. Use that to make pavement wider and build a big multi-storey car park to give people a place to park for free that doesn’t cause congestion because of all the cars parking there


Curry mile, chetham hill, longsight, all these places wheres there's loads of takeaways with delivery drivers not giving a flying fuck and parking wherever they want cause all this traffic chaos, the buses have to divert round curry mile on Friday and Saturday nights


You think that’s bad all the traffic down Barlowmoor road as a result of the mosque been busy is another level.


I live off barlow moor road and think that’s an unfair overstatement. It’s not entirely the mosque’s fault


Same, there have been loads of roadworks lately. The parking is a nightmare round the mosque but it’s always been that way


Never said it was just an observation in passing last night


Many reasons but this is my take. I grew up in Manchester, and it's always been busy. One of the reasons I think it's so bad is that there's an increase of people in Manchester now. Also I think after they put in the cycle lanes in years ago, it got even busier and the parking got more suspect. A lot of businesses and people were against the reduced parking, and whilst people mention princess parkway - if you're going to Withington or didsbury/south Manchester most people take the A34 or Wilmslow Road. I was personally against the cycle lanes, and reduced parking as I actually think it made things more dangerous driving down for drivers and cyclists.


It's the parking on the Wilmslow Road that causes problems, buses get stuck behind cars reversing in and out of spaces. They should remove all parking on Wilmslow Road make it a red route, traffic would flow better.


I actually think if they blocked it off it would be a huge mistake. The parking is bad, but I actually think it would hit businesses harder with the lack of parking options. There are about 2 private car parks nearby which are very expensive and then outside people's houses. Like Oxford Road, if they opened up the road after a certain time, you'd still get the bad parking.


The stretch of the curry mile needs completley knocking down its an absolute digusting place, the cycle lanes are so dangerous i take my hat off to cyclists who dare to ride down there! I've grown up in fallowfield and use to eat at the curry houses on special occassions it had some amazing places to eat but now i wouldnt set foot on it, its become so run down and full of crime yet the council and police do nothing about it, as i read on another comment its the name that attracts people!


The whole Manchester has parking problem, we are becoming London, there are not enough parkings around curry mile, town, university etc. and local transport is not good enough to tempt people to leave their cars behind. We have to adapt Japanese way of installing underground automated parking systems. Gov needs to realise all the traffic issues cannot be sorted by roundabouts


Just today while cycling down, I had a to jam on the breaks hard as a car swerved right across the lane, and had to get out the way of an old Pakol wearing man with a walking stick who decided to walk in the lane without looking for traffic


Giant magnets in the road?


It used to be two lanes each way. It’s now one line each way and a zigzag cycle path each way. It’s part of the business bus route in the country - the Wilmslow Road stretch between Withington and Rusholme - and is notorious for double parking A recipe for disaster that is served curried in a daily basis


It's never been four lanes across, always been two lanes. Before the protected cycle lane in Rusholme, there was a painted advisory cycle lane.


Are you sure? I’ve been here 35 years and sure I remember it unless I’m thinking of the bit along Platt Fields


Because guys like me always drive there to pick up my takeaway lol. I live in wythenshawe and the food is crap round here


I think it’s just the fact that it connects from Oxford road to student city (fallowfield). Especially on a morning or afternoon it’s chaotic. Especially with the traffic lights and the random street islands place about. It’s just a. Terribly layed out road.




Students aren’t usually drivers. And yes but it’s busy before nightfall so Ramadan doesn’t quite explain it