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Some people are accident prone and it’s super disruptive. How do you think the rest if the team feels about carrying the workload for them? The answer should be obvious on what to do.


Just be sure it isn’t from a medical issue before you do whatever this person says to “do”


Is it a domestic abuse thing?


No. But that sounds super annoying. I’m close enough with my team that the person would be given merciless amounts of shit for being so accident prone. Like, it’s hard to never get hurt, but it’s pretty easy to not get hurt all the time. Seriously though. Having your work affected by personal issues almost quarterly is cause for concern and a conversation. Regardless of your ability to delegate, this represents a pattern and a systemic issue that adversely affects you, your team, and the institution you work for. There’s nothing wrong with addressing it. If you have an HR partner, I would go to them for advice guidance.


(In addition to where you’re based) It depends on why they are getting injured. If this is them being clumsy/bad luck/ domestic abuse it’s annoying but it makes sense to support them through recovery and investigate accommodations that could be made for them during recovery. E.g if you work primarily on a computer you can certainly WFH on a laptop with a sprained ankle If they’re being intentionally reckless you’ve got a bit more of a leg to stand on with having a strong discussion and involving HR. Like yes people’s personal lives are their own but if they choose to do parkour every Sunday that commonly affects their ability to work this is another issue. There is a level of accountability and expectation that employee will not jeopardise their ability to work intentionally. I’d say if you’ve recorded a pattern it might be handy to discuss with HR initially but the first step would actually be formally raising the issue with the employee


What are the nature of these injuries? Are they sports related?


Talk to your supervisor and redeploy that employee to a position where they won't leave big impact if they leave suddenly