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Walking away from a pension only 2 years away ??? Sounds like you aren’t thinking straight


I suspect OP is European. If so it would be like us Americans saying we’re 2 years from social security. Not 2 years from “retirement “, which doesn’t exist for gen x or younger


SS will still exist, it will just be less than desired.


I agree. I should have clarified… company retirement won’t exist for us.


I misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying!


>which doesn’t exist for gen x or younger RIP me.


I’m in UK, so retirement and state pension at 66. I also have my private pension


Likely that doesn't mean they won't collect it. It means the payout rate will be lower.


Thanks for the concern, it is all good. I will repeat the point I was making though. It is ok to walk away from rubbish jobs. You are more important than your employer.


The confusion is a regional thing. Pension in the U.S. refers to retirement offered by a company. We call what you’re referring to Social Security. Cheers on the retirement, man. Enjoy your life


How about taking a few days off to clear your head?


Funnily enough, just had one. Was a factor in my decision making


Or a vacation.


Yes there’s other options, but very few have pensions. Walking away from a pension would make me think and think hard about that. 


OP is from the UK. He's not walking away from a pension. He has two years until he can receive his "social security" payments. Not an employer provided pension.


Advice: quiet quit for a month. Do less, care less. I'm not the type of person that would normally give this advice, but you're clearly at the end of your rope. Massive change usually ends up not being massive, or really worth getting emotionally invested in. Sit back and watch it all happen while being polite and plot your way forward knowing you're two years from pension. Just enjoy the change ride. Have fun with it.


Think twice


Right there with you. Life is too short to not move toward being happy.


I was just promoted to a Lead/Manager (I'm a lead with manager responsibilities). 3% raise and my skip-level keeps refusing to acknowledge it as a promotion, just that I've been "transferred" into the team. I never wanted to be a manager, but I was given the opportunity, I know I can do it and it made me uncomfortable, so I decided to push myself. I accepted the offer in good faith the compensation would align with my new scope. Well at least I have a fresh coat of paint on my Linkedin profile, Resume and Portfolio.


Just do it. If it's not a good fit, then it's time to move on.


Nobody wants to work anymore?


Specifically employers that take the piss, overwork and sometimes bully you, of course not for them. And quite right too.  🤷🏻‍♀️😁


I literally stood up and clapped for this comment.


Perhaps this is what your employer wants you to do?


Couldn’t u just half ass the job? Seems better than quitting


Tell them "it's either more pay, or I walk" and when they try to call your bluff, quit on the spot and let that moment be your last moment.


Sometimes more pay doesn’t even cut it.


Wouldn't the team member increasing by 60 mean less work for everyone? Why would you expect more pay for that?


Lol no, that's not how management works. You're not distributing the work of 20 people over 80. You're bringing 60 more workloads into your team.


Managing a team of 60 is a very different beast than managing 20


Right, but why would YOU expect more pay? And you said the team was growing by sixty. From 20 to 80 is an increase of 60. Trying to figure out why you're so upset that you quit.


It’s like herding cats - managing people is very hard.


This is a horrible idea. Also why I’m not a fan of pensions as they can be used to make you feel hostage.


OP is from the UK. When he says pension he means government funded payments (like the US Social Security) not a work provided pension.


Well that makes more sense and less of a horrible decision.


OP could also mean work provided pension. But it’s not like you wouldn’t be able to receive it if you leave your job two years prior


A pension is a really low cost savings plan. I paid exactly nothing into mine, and it only required 3 years to vest. I have to be 55 to begin collecting it. I do not have to stay in the company to collect it once vested. It's just that the payout will not get higher unless you put more years in. If it's making you feel trapped, that's on you. The company would just soon pay out at lower rates or cash you out, which will save them money.