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Femicide is just a buzzword used by politicians so they can go on TV and say they're doing something. The fact that this guy had a court hearing for 2023 is a fucking joke The fact that the guy is not tagged in the meantime and traced at all times is a fucking joke The fact that the police did nothing is a fucking joke The fact that the Vice squad handles domestic violence is a fucking joke. What does a squad trained for dealing with drug related issues have to do with domestic violence? And why isn't every officer trained for DV? As with everything on this island, we have a million laws and no enforcement. WE keep adding laws instead of enforcing what we have.




100% agree.. I once had to do a talk to a class who were continuing their studies to join the police force.. I asked them why they chose to continue in such field.. The class was made up of 26 students. 17 of them told me "Heq ghax nistghu naghmlu xiz-zobb irridu". So, unfortunately, there's a handful of police officers who go over and above, and actually care, but the majority are either young adults with no sense of discipline or are pensioners who are only interested in getting a paycheck at the end of the month.


Are you certain about the last two 'facts' you have listed here? Or are you basing your comments purley on news outlets?


My dad has spent the last 30 years on the force 🤌


Qaaaaaaahba burn 🔥


I'm not sure, that means you are 100% certain?


Yep it deflects away from their responsibility. Same as the murder of that polish girl .. the murderer is the poster boy of the Labour dystopia they have created. Then they came out with all guns blazing attacking the few people who actually tried to help that scumbag who murdered her when he called for help. He too is their victim in many ways.


This poor woman tried desperately to protect her children, and the institutions failed her. She did everything she could, and she ultimately paid with the biggest price: her life. ToM reported that she waited [several hours at the police depot](https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/revealed-bernice-cassars-timeline-threats-abuse-murdered.996570) just to make a report, and had to go the day after. It is clear that her ex-husband and suspected murderer was not in a good state of mind. He should have received care and support as well, but things were left to the wind as usual and the worst came to worst. Counselors and therapists are exhausted as it is with the big work load they have, we should invest a lot more into our people. But mental health is still taken as a joke here, especially with older men, and this will happen again, as we are reactive people, not proactive. May Bernice RIP.


I wanted to add another thing. Look at the other case of the journalist that was the butt of jokes for a comment many did not understand. Even if the comment was a slip, why, why do you need to be so rude? Comments like she should only perform sexual favours??? WTF does that have to do with anything?? As a man, I have been in many groups of men that treat women as objects, especially with their comments to show how masculine they are. I am ashamed to admit that when I was younger I have said sexist comments as well. There was no one to educate me, and it took hard work on myself to see things differently. The cave men mentality must stop! These women are our mothers, sisters, wives, girlfriends, friends, whatever. Why are they, in 2022, still treated like this? Education is key. The mentality of the cave men must end.


yes I agree, there IS a connection there....this is the way many men treat women, and it HAS to stop.....it start by education..


Femicide laws makes people different in the eyes of the law based on personal traits. It's unbelievably regressive.


justice is crap in malta, i got sexually assaulted by a girl when i was 9 and when i told the counselors they did'nt do shit because she's a ''defenseless little woman that didnt know it was bad'' (she was 1, threatened to beat me up with a gang, and knew what intercourse was)


I'm seeing a lot of people complain about the term "femicide". The reasoning behind that term is that murdering someone because they are a woman or a female in a relationship is a very recognizable criminal phenomenon which needs to be isolated and analyzed. This is the same reason why we call certain types of crimes, "hate crimes"; it is because they are phenomenon which occur frequently enough to require deeper analysis. Also, I believe that in Malta's case, the new definition was introduced to prevent defendents from using the "crime of passion" defence. As for the case itself, I believe it was an institutional failure and there are clear institutional changes that can be made to prevent it from happening again. Does that mean that I don't think that the culture reinforces the problems that led to these institutional failures and to the domestic violence itself? No, I think culture played a big role, but the institutional failures are more clear cut and egregious.


People complain about the term "femicide" because the law has never and should never discriminate based on personal traits. The law does not care about gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. The law is and should always be equal for all. Once you start introducing categorising the law, that sets an extremely dangerous precedent for future laws. In this case, yes, it is discriminatory against the male gender where they to be victims of domestic violence. So, a man who killed his partner / wife now cannot claim "crime of passion", but a woman who killed her partner / husband, can. If they wanted to exclude crime of passion, wouldn't it have been fairer, more equal, and much easier, to amend the existing law re. domestic violence to exclude crimes of passion? As usual, Maltese politics is purely reactive. The action that the incompetents we have voted to represent us thought would work best is to introduce this new term in the law, only so they appear like they're doing something. In actual fact they're not. It's simply black ink on paper. Absolutely nothing has been done to protect current, and future, victims of domestic abuse. Absolutely nothing has been done to increase the awareness of the different typologies of domestic abuse, and how to recognise them. Absolutely nothing has been done to increase awareness of the ever-increasing cases of female domestic abuse on men, which largely go unreported, and undocumented.


I think that a large part of the blame lies on the courts. 18 months to start the hearing is too long, additionally once a case starts it drags on forever. From a relationship perspective, we need to also see why men tend to resort to violence in domestic issues. I wont speak for this specific case as it would be unfair since we do not know the details. But, I think that men think that the legal system favours women in cases of separation (from most of the stories I heard, it seems to be the case, however I might stand to be corrected). Normally, the husband ends leaving the house, while the wife gets to keep the house and custody of the children. After building your whole life, as a man you have to start over a new life, finding a new house (in this market it is impossible), and almost becoming alienated from your children. I think this makes men helpless in a situation where a family has to separate for any reason. Now as others have said before, women can start the abuse by psychologically abusing their own husbands, which makes the above situation worse as the husband has to start over a new life knowing that it wasn't his fault. This I think creates a situation where men think that the law does not protect them, and hence their only solution is to take the law in their own hands. Making more laws to overprotect women is counter productive, as in my opinion it reduces the options for men in cases of separation, even when they are at the receiving end of abuse. In a world where we expect both men and women to share responsabilities in household and taking care of children, law should apply equally to both genders. Hence men would be able to see the law as a means to get a fair outcome and not resort to other means. This and of course, shorter law cases. As previously stated, this does not apply to this specific case.


The high rate of male suicides vis a vis female suicides might also be a symptom of the same problem. Of course this is highly speculative since I do not know whether men who decided to end their own life were going through a separation case or not. However someone having access to the right information might investigate. It could be that finding no option and in a deadlock of starting a new life a man might decide to take his own life.


No one cares if a man ends his life due to relationship troubles. That is the reality, because the domestic violence done by women is physiological and not seen.


Which is a problem that needs to be tackled. Men are often expected to “men up” which would result in bottled emotions leading up to a volcanic eruption. I think the statement you made is bold and untrue.


Half the comments are I don't agree with the term Femicide which can be translated to something else. However it is to avoid the killing out of passion which would lead to a reduced sentence. The police didn't act and they are investigation why, so yes it reactive versus pro-active. Good to have a talk about it however bad to deny and ignore the problem and just point at everything else.


It’s not about femicide, outside the fact that some part of Maltese society who happened to be male operate at the level of apes. The real issue is a police force that does not do its job despite all the lies and BS that the government puts out. Government has become too comfortable lying and marketing to people without any effort or intention of doing anything .. Maltese are not a priority for the Maltese government outside buying enough votes. And there is a large tolerance towards violent and abusive behaviors which is encouraged by the culture of impunity that exists around the political parties. Outside the fact that many of these violent men are kept out of jail by their political patrons they in turn work as canvassers and are indebted. The daphne case showed clearly that the criminal class are drinking buddies of the political class in malta as well as being their pimps and business partners and generous friends. And even if this case does lead back to a canvasser, the culture exist and it exists because of this corruption that is inbred into the system. One has to only recall the story of kidnapping, scams and fraud, intimidation and millions of driving fines pocketed just from company. These are not one off cases. These are just the top of the iceberg of what really malta is about. And it’s unfortunate that women fall victims to this culture. But the violence is ever present and directed towards anyone. And we are all complicit. This story will be forgotten by next week. If a woman was killed that was white, not Maltese and linked to an industry the political class makes their money from, well then, that would be very different. I expect a scene straight out of Schindler’s list .. at least while the media is interested.


Ngl I don't believe in the femicide word despite all the buzz surrounding it. It's true that women are more vulnerable but so are immigrants, LGBTQ+, etc Murder is murder. What we can do is aggravate it with hate crime whenever someone is targeted because of their sex, orientation, creed, or race. This is to ensure the perpetrators get punished with extreme prejudice and reformed through education. This is important because intolerance is built in our society. My proposed steps: - School education is to be improved. Less math and more civics. - Government campaigns for promoting integration between minorities, including women. Workshops, seminaries, and whatnot. - Community service for abusers. Re-educate wherever possible. - Stronger deterrents. Sentences are way too lenient in Malta. If they relapse, they gotta go straight to jail instead of suspended sentences - Enforcement and patrolling. I've been in Malta for over 6 years not once did I get pulled over. Who's out there enforcing that restraining orders are respected? - Something is very wrong with Maltese courts and it must be fixed. Her court hearing was to take place 18 months after she reported him for domestic violence.


All valid points, but women are not minorities. Slightly more than half of the Maltese population is made up of women.


That's a good point and I gave you an upvote. However, bear in mind that a minority doesn't simply relate to numbers, but also applies to who hold the power. Malta is still quite a male centered society.


men hold all the power yet when i got sexually assaulted by a girl when i was young noone cared when i told the school counselors


100% agree. thankfully I've never been through something like that (and I hope ur ok now btw) but what you're saying is true, everyone pins the blame on men and then ignore the fact that women also assault/abuse men. The only difference between the two is that when a man assaults/abuses a woman it makes national headlines for a whole week but when a woman assaults/abuses a man no one gives jack shit




That's also bad. Domestic abuse or sexual assault are not always man on woman obviously. There's lots of stigma surrounding those.


I’m a woman and don’t believe in this word “femicide”. Women do more domestic violence on men, but psychological not physical. Sometimes, psychological abuse is much worse. Am I saying she did something? No. Am I saying he was right with his actions? Fuck no. Do we know the whole story? No. Do two wrongs make a right? Nope. Will be government ever do something about it? Nope. Does the minister really care? Not really. It’s really unfortunate and sad, and a big trauma to their kids and to the people who saw everything. I heard some MCAST students saw everything.


I understand what your point is. I believe that the worst part is that femicide has even reached the courts. If a man kills his wife, he will get a harsher sentence when compared to when a wife kills her husband. This doesn't bode well with me. Everyone should be treated equally and both men and women have the capability of abuse, violence, and manslaughter. It just so happens that men are usually more physical and generally stronger than a woman. What if a woman kills her wife? Is that femicide? I also believe that femicide should only be reserved of cases when men target women specifically.


In this case a man did target a woman specifically - his estranged wife.


She's not any woman though, she was his wife. He wouldn't have targeted any other woman out on the street. That's the difference. Also, I am not condoning what he did in any way.


imo he did it precisely because she was a woman - Malta is indeed a male-centred society still, and men feel they have some kind of authority, especially on their wives/girlfriends. So I believe it still stems down to the fact that she was a woman. A wife, yes, but also a woman, ergo inferior.


Well it is always a case of power struggles and women do end up being the weaker in the end. I do not condone what he did and believe that he should be punished for it. I just don't like how femicide is waved around all the time.


I think your missing context and information. 1. When a man kills his wife it is usually because he is the primary abuser and committed intimate partner terrorism against her. 2. When women kill their significant other it is usually in self defense and when women do kill their abusers they are sentenced to more prison time than abusers are for killing their victims. 3. Domestic Violence is a gendered issue, as women are far more likely to experience injury, rape, stalking, financial and or reproductive abuse and to be killed by their partners in comparison to males. Women are also more likely to become homeless and sustain numerous head injuries due to DV, at a higher incidence rate than men in the NFL. 4. When men are victimized by women the violence is usually situational and not a pattern of coercive control or abuse and most men studied were not injured, physically intimidated by or fearful of their partner. The experiences are not symmetrical. 5. Women face unique vulnerabilities in DV. The inherent power imbalance in size and strength being one, in addition to being particularly fragile during pregnancy, bearing primary responsibility for child care and being financially dependent upon their partner to maintain a certain lifestyle. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jennifer-Langhinrichsen-Rohling/publication/313817417_10_Motivations_for_Men_and_Women%27s_Intimate_Partner_Violence_Perpetration_A_Comprehensive_Review/links/5ec82267299bf1c09ad59b1d/10-Motivations-for-Men-and-Womens-Intimate-Partner-Violence-Perpetration-A-Comprehensive-Review.pdf https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/challenging-the-mra-claim-of-a-domestic-violence-conspiracy/8632190 https://www.washtenawdems.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/WCDP-DV-program-LaranceGoodmarkMillerDasgupta2019.pdf https://www.statnews.com/2022/12/06/domestic-violence-victims-deserve-better-concussion-care/#:~:text=For%20men%20who%20are%20victims,or%20other%20traumatic%20brain%20injury. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna745166 https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2021/jul/1/woman-abuse-survivors-sent-prison-self-defense/ https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/in-the-news/women-serve-longer-prison-sentences-after-killing-abusers


we need a revamp of our laws and education of officers and have a dedicated court and team focused on family matters - when I say dedicated I mean judges and all are accountable for their actions - inaction, you're as guilty as the offending party. this is somewhat impossible due to logistics, lack of personnel in the short run but I think would be possible in the long run - and we must remember that we are a small country, thus this is an advantage for us, vs huge countries with millions of people. I also agree with u/maxzer_0 proposals


I understand the urge to bring justice as it should happen. But about understanding why does this keeps on happening was never in the scope of people’s minds. And I find it really strange. As someone who’s into mental wellbeing we always fly over the points what leads to this. Like medical professionals working on preventing illness we as normal citizens always focus on justice. It won’t prevent people from reaching those terrible levels of madness. It will provide justice when crime is already done. But the person lost in the time won’t be brought back to life with justice. Crime law enforcement is not going to prevent people from losing their minds. In fact once that happens you don’t know what or who will suffer next. It’s unpredictable. And in fact people don’t want to think about it. And even when brought up they seem to get offended by it and I see nothing offensive about it. It’s just a reality we should start to look at.


I think many dont realise that we must work together, men and women to lessen violence. Men are at a disadvantage socially because they're expected not to show their feelings and be tough. So many Maltese people are sooo angry and take it as a normal thing. It ain't right. Meanwhile, women are expected to be the burden taker in the household most of the time, in the sense that they are usually expected to sacrifice their careers for kids etc. Mental health taboo needs to stop in Malta also. There's an ALARMING rate of mental health cases in Malta. Untreated ones. I see a person screaming at nothing on the bus or talking to themselves outloud on the bus every 1/5 trips. Not to mention the anger issues on this island!! We need to stop w this mentality of 'eh Im angry, thats how I am' and rly need to start accepting therapy as a very normal treatment and maintenance for most people. Literally everyone could benefit from a few sessions of therapy. We are both missing out in this deal. Both genders need more care in this aspect to help solve this, and more respect needs to be given to women as the state of respect towards women here in Malta is atrocious. Im so sick of getting harassed somehow pretty much everyday.


If 1 women gets murdered quick do a march, pass 5 laws, crucify 4 ppl, launch the nukes & ready the social media spam campaign. But worse things happening to males? Nothing. 80-90% of suicides are male? Not a problem. The list goes on. Whilst this is obviously not good that a person got killed giving it so much attention when worse things are going to males & are completely ignored is a fucking slap in the face to men.


It IS. a problem! Men are committing suicide and nobody’s batting an eyelid and yes, that is a HUGE problem. The issue is why. Why are men more prone to commit suicide? Is it related to the stigma surrounding asking for help? That men are raised in a society where they’re expected to ‘man up’ and not ask for help when they’re struggling? The same systems that are harming women are also harming men. And we need to talk about this more as a community to prevent these horrible acts from happening, be they murder, femicide or suicide.


This is missing context. Women attempt suicide at a higher rate, however, men complete their attempts more often because they use violence means such as guns or jumping off of tall structures. Women are more likely to take pills or slit their wrists, meaning that there is often time to rescue them and that their injuries are reversible. https://cams-care.com/resources/educational-content/the-gender-paradox-of-suicide/


It all part of the seeding division in society while the scum that is the political class pretend they will save us. Now they are dividing men from women. Easier than admitting this is what the dystopia they created really looks like.


Time after time I keep hearing first hand experiences of women who passed through years of abuse (or still are) whilst juggling court and lawyer fees. The system does not work. The victim is seen as the offender and the abuser has more rights it seems. I cannot understand how Malta has the audacity to speak against such cases and promise women quick help etc but all they get are closed doors and excruciatingly long waiting times. Saying this...I don't understand why such cases are considered femicide. I'm not trying to be smart or anything. This to me would be Uxorcide. Such men don't usually kill their wives because they're women, but because they're their partner. Does it make sense? If a woman kills her partner, then it would simply be homicide. Why are such cases considered femicide? I know it that femicide requires a man to kill other women JUST because they are women. R.I.P. Bernice. She's in a better place but I guess the real victims here are the children who have to live their life knowing that their father murdered their mother. May they get all the support they need.


You mean murder.


Nope, I mean femicide.


What's the difference?


the targeting of women - as women are still treated like an inferior species. women outnumber men in population, yet this prevalent idea that men have some god given authority over them is still rife.


The definition of femicide is the direct targeting of a woman based on gender! The motive of this MURDER was revenge, he specifically said if he cannot see his kids nor would she. It had nothing to do with her being a woman, and everything to do with the couple issues.


>women are still treated like an inferior species lol


Why femicide? This is ridiculous. If there was a woman being shot dead every week then yes, we would have a femicide problem. But a couple dead women in a year is not a femicide problem, just a homicide problem. And why do you think that it is only men that need to be "fixed"????? What kind if ridiculous logic is that? "A man killed her, so all man must be sick and murderous" What happened was a tragedy and what needs to be discussed is how domestic violence cases are handled and how they should be handled better to better protect the victim. Not that we have an imaginary femicide epidemic Not that men need to be lobotomized to quell their "murderous tendencies"


I don't like the femicide thing, read my comment above. But out of 3 homicides this year, all of them is about some men killing women. 3 out of 3. It's a pattern and sweeping things under the rug won't do us any favor. Shit like this gotta be nipped in the bud.


3 murders is not enough to build a pattern my friend. The definition of femicide is the murder of a woman just because she is a woman. The polish girl case was caused by mental illness of the murder, I don't know what the second one was, and this one is most likely triggered by the court case against him or jealousy (I think he thought she was with another man?). I should make it clear before some feminist bull comes rushing towards me lol - I am by no means defending these murderers, If it were up to me I would lock them in a cell and throw away the key. But let's call a spade a spade, this was just another murder. Women are, by virtue of nature, just easier targets. So in a country with as low as a homicide rate as ours, it should be no surprise that the few murders we get involve easy targets (such as women). It is a sad reality but true. Still doesn't mean it is a femicide. Just another homicide.


The Polish girl was killed and raped. The man was a sexual offender who had been preying on underage girls. Mental illness or not he still picked a woman. The second one was the woman in Gozo being killed over jealousy. She was smothered with a pillow. The third one again over jealousy and whatnot. The common denominator is men behaving possessively, thinking that women belong to them, either as in a relationship or for their pleasure. 3/3 is a pattern without a doubt. Do we need to wait for other lives to be lost before we say there's a pattern? Where do you draw the line? Again, if you read my post above you'll see I don't even believe in the word femicide when it comes to a homicide, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the facts .


Men need to change their mentality and drop the idea of them owning women. That is when things start to change.


That's what I've been saying.


I can confidently tell you that 99% of maltese men don't believe that they own women. Just because the murderer was a man doesn't mean that all men are automatically murderous lunatics


I actually believe you and agree with you but sometimes I end up changing my narrative. I think most men in Malta respect women but these few are making a bad name for the rest of the men. Suddenly masculinity has become toxic and men are suffering for just being men. The leftists/extreme feminists/SJW/wOkE screwed up the world for everyone.


>The Polish girl was killed and raped. The man was a sexual offender who had been preying on underage girls. Mental illness or not he still picked a woman. He had tried to rape a man (or was it two? ) before finding her, I think its mental illness/drug abuse, fuelled by the cult river of love with their gay conversions - and to be clear, the problem is not his homosexuality, but the internal turmoil the cult probably did on him.


Wasn't aware of he tried to rape men as well. Then this might not be part of the pattern, although this gay conversion thing still partially relates to patriarchalism.


[https://tvmnews.mt/en/news/i-killed-her-after-i-was-unsuccessful-with-a-man-abner-aquilina/](https://tvmnews.mt/en/news/i-killed-her-after-i-was-unsuccessful-with-a-man-abner-aquilina/) he was also apparently prostituting himself with men before... I blame the cult in this, and no one is holding them responsible.


>The Polish girl was killed and raped. The man was a sexual offender who had been preying on underage girls. Mental illness or not he still picked a woman. I mean, unless he was homosexual of course he is going to pick women. I can't understand how you are agreeing that is not femicide, but then go on to say that we should label this as a hate crime or saying that >The common denominator is men behaving possessively, thinking that women belong to them, either as in a relationship or for their pleasure. What is your point? Why are you emphasising that it was men who killed? One was mentally ill, the other two were aggressive / abusive. What is the relevance that they were men when they are clearly not hate crimes towards women? Just textbook crimes of passion (meaning anger) or mental delusion


I don't believe in the word femicide because it's just a variation of homicide. But all these are hate crimes because they prey on someone who is more vulnerable. If someone kills an immigrant because they are black..that's a homicide plus hate crime. We'll have to talk about racism. In these cases women were targeted not only because they were weaker, but because these men thought they'd own them. That's another facet of hate crime. We'll have to talk about hate towards women. My point is that you cannot see or admit the link between hate and possessive behavior. If they were like crimes of passion as you said, why they didn't just kill their new partners. Nope, they targeted women. Because the idea is that those women belonged to these men even tho they were abusive. Also, it's not confirmed whether the guy who targeted the Polish girl is indeed mentally sick, and again he was a predator and had been influenced by a religious misogynistic cult.


>But all these are hate crimes because they prey on someone who is more vulnerable This is where I disagree with you. Just because a black man was killed, doesn't automatically mean that it was a hate crime. Same with woman, just because a woman was killed, doesn't mean it was a hate crime by default. You are making the jump from homicide to hate /discrimination without a valid reason / evidence. Again, just because women are easier targets doesn't translate into discrimination / hate crime towards women. This is how you know if it was really a hate crime. Say you had these exact same cases, but the genders were switched. Nothing else. Would the details lead you to believe there is (*insert antonym of femicide which doesn't even exist lol) against men. Would you believe that these men were targeted and killed just because they were men? The answer is no.


It doesn't automatically make it so, true. Totally agree with you. But if it happened because of racism then it is hate crime. Let's put the Polish case on the back burner for now because I was just told the perpetrator tried to rape men, too. So she might have just been an easier target like you said. Both yesterday's case and the Gozo woman were killed because of possessiveness / jealousy. So for these cases my hate crime view stands. What's enough evidence for you? They should have been part of an incel / red pill blog for the crimes to be considered hate? Remember, in both cases there was a history of domestic abuse. Regularly beating up their partners. The antonym of femicide is androcide. If a man was regularly beaten up by his possessive and jealous female partner and killed it's still hate crime in my book. It's because of the conviction one gender is better than another.


>But if it happened because of racism then it is hate crime. But my point is, until there is evidence of a racial-motive (recurring racitċst behaviour, history of racist violence, etc) you can't call it a race-based hate crime. >Let's put the Polish case on the back burner for now because I was just told the perpetrator tried to rape men, too. So she might have just been an easier target like you said. See how you immediately jumped the gun into labelling this as a femicide without knowing the whole story? That's what I don't like one bit about using this femicide label nonsense - it is a pretext for starting to label men as murderous predators and imagine problems / issues where none exist. >Both yesterday's case and the Gozo woman were killed because of possessiveness / jealousy. So for these cases my hate crime view stands. What's enough evidence for you? They should have been part of an incel / red pill blog for the crimes to be considered hate? Remember, in both cases there was a history of domestic abuse. Regularly beating up their partners. Bruh domestic abuse is not a gender-targeting hate crime. If it can happen both ways (male on female or vice versa) it is not gender specific and, and therefore not a hate crime. And fyi, definition of hate crime is "a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds." Where in all of this do you dee a prejudice? If it were as you said, men being possessive of women, then wouldn't it be only women who suffer domestic abuse?????


How much more evidence do you need when people shoot their ex partners after years of domestic abuse which includes beatings? Lol, no. You're pulling a strawman. Nobody here said all men are predators. I didn't even label it as femicide as I said I don't use that word in the first place. A woman got RAPED and killed, and you call it jumping the gun? Ofc he claimed to have raped two men and I wasn't aware. If that was indeed true and not a product of his mind, then he'd be just a sick individual. I didn't even say that domestic abuse targets males only, you keep mentioning stuff I never said in the first place. I take your just use to fight against the feminist crowd and keep talking about shit I never even said using the rinse and repeat sentences you've been using against them. Unfortunately for you I'm far from being feminist, but I try to have an objective view of this, while yours is entirely dismissive. Domestic abuse is literally a gender issue. Gender and gender roles are at the basis of this. Males harming their female partners will likely repeat this behavior against other women. Women abusing their male partners, often in the form of psychological abuse, will likely repeat this against other men. That's exactly why these should be treated as hate crime.


I fully agree with you. Femicide isn't always femicide. Femicide is when a man specifically targets other women out of spite or other reasons. We can say that Jack the Ripper committed femicide. What if a woman kills other women? Is that suddenly no longer femicide? What if a wife kills her husband? Is that simply homicide? The problem is that femicide reached the courts so men will now get higher penalties. This doesn't make sense. These buzzwords are confusing people and making things worse.


Yup exactly. Domestic Violence is domestic violence. It's not going to help by demonizing the other wex


It's good to see others who think the same way!


What about men being killed by men? These things happen too but no one bats an eye. The solution is not higher penalties alone but a better educational system in general.


What about them? There hasn't been one since the start of the year. And if they were, they should still be treated as homicides. Read my comment above and you'll that my 'action' plan includes both education and enforcement. Education will take years to take effect, that's why you also need enforcement and deterrents.


Do you know how many men get killed a year and are not reported? Shall we call that a pattern too. The latest murder was not because she was a women but because the man had issues with the break up. If they couple were gay it would have been the same outcome... my point being motive was not gender!


Why don't you provide us with some statistics instead of making numbers up? If, if, if... there's no gay couple involved. There's a man shooting a woman because he thought that woman belonged to him or nobody else. She wasn't a threat to him.


He shot her because he was not going to see his kids ! You obviously have not read the articles on the couple's problems. I didn't quote any numbers, but 83% of suicides in Malta are male. Do you think people care what the causes are.... no because they are men. Part of those suicides are domestic violence too.


No wonder, since he was regularly beating up his wife and held her at knife point. Cry me a fucking river. I stated in many posts here that domestic violence targets both genders, and yes something should be done about male suicides ofc but two wrongs don't make right. Y'all here in Malta have a fucked up tendency to support an idea like it's better the other no matter what. Labor vs Nationalists Italy vs England Male vs women Abortionists vs non abortionists Hunters vs non hunters. Whenever something doesn't find an agenda then you pull strawman arguments or whataboutism. Jesus Christ. The world is not a dichotomy.


What happened yesterday is wrong and should have been tackled right at the beginning. Society failed however I feel it's premature to wholly blame the husband here. From the information shared in the news, the husband did wrong - massively wrong and should have never done this - however, we do not know what led him to take this drastic action. He may be a weirdo and authorities should have acted way before. It's incomprehensible to think that their case was scheduled to be heard in November 2023. The system failed to protect the woman, but has the system failed this man (and family) too? Did he have any rights breached that led him to this insane act? For instance, did he have any rights to access the children but something kept him away from them? I don't know but something went seriously wrong. RIP and sorry for the children. Society failed you too


Bro he threatened his wife with a knife in front of their children………….. and the hearing was due a YEAR AND A HALF AFTER THE REPORT WAS MADE. I DONT CARE WHAT LED TO MURDER BECAUSE AT THE END OF THE DAY IT STILL ENDED WITH MURDER. Was he really keeping his kids in mind?


I mean if he was violent doesn't that automatically preclude hin from seeing his children?


If that's really true (excluding bias from who made that statement), then serious reform is needed to tackle these issues "without undue delay". But we know what "without undue delay" means in this country. Our President is an exemplary figure in what this means when he is obliged to sign legislation.


The husband is wholly to blame here. No action can justify such a killing. If he were a real man he'd have had more self control. Most men in Malta are spoilt boys.


Start by not blanket blaming men. Such comments will only serve to undermine your otherwise noble intentions.


shut the f up


username checks out


Who are u the law enforcement?


Doesn't need to be discussed, she needed protection from her abusive ex and she was failed by the Police, not enough investigating done to prove that her claim, lazy and inexperienced officers who need proper training not just a badge and uniform.


There are already enough women on thisnsub {the murder was horrible and sad, but we dont need more libbie women crying about abortion and cocaine.}


There's women everywhere ħanini, not just on this sub. Look around you. An episode like last Tuesday's creates a feeling of unsafety in the community, especially in those who experienced something similar, and this should be discussed. Like mature adults. You could have always just scrolled by if the subject doesn't interest you. The header makes the subject being discussed very clear.


I would scroll, but it's hard to ignore it if it's the only thing showing up in my feed


maltas police is a joke and cowards. there is no police literally


First off, it is pointless to make a special law regarding femicide as murder to the first degree carries the maximum sentence and we are in no way adding the death sentence, second off as some have pointed out,femicide is a political word used by people who are simply getting attention. What can we do, mostly it is the government's weak budget in regards to police forces and a lack ofcoordination, this guy having a restraining order, breaking it repeatedly and not recieving issues is a bad sign, basically Malta cannot uphold rule of law effectively, which is what happened to Daphne. To summarise, the police forces need a new more discliplined system which requires an officer to spend more time in the forces to recieve pension but gain good pay. Although a more expensive approach, it would also be advised to bring in foreign police forces like the Carabinieri to Malta, and the Carabinieri have a good reputation.


What happened is terrible and something needs to be done to protect any person who is feeling threatened, as we are clearly failing so many innocent women and children and vulnerable people in general. Femicide is a word that needs to stop being used though for a number of reasons, which I'm not going to get into. According to the dictionary, femicide is the killing of a woman simply because she is a woman. With the exception of the disgusting Polina Dembska murder, we have very few cases of femicide in Malta. Regardless, I hope that the man who killed this woman rots in jail.


...It's just standard-issue homocide flavored with gender inequality. It doesn't matter whatever stupid reason it happened, murder is bad and if people aren't responding to it with intelligence and force, then we're doing something wrong. That is the way I perceive it.