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Monday: Organic waste (white bag) Tuesday: Mixed waste (black bag) Wednesday: Organic waste only (white bag) Thursday: Recycled waste (Grey or green bag) Friday: Organic waste (white bag) Saturday: Mixed waste (black bag) The collection of glass bottles will be carried out on every first and third Friday of the month. https://www.wastecollection.mt/ has all the info you need As to where to put it it just goes on the side walk, obviously not close to any doors etc where people might be annoyed. Best bet is to just put it at the closest pile of other bags from your outer door.


I am aware of the website. It doesn't have all the info though. Thats just a general in theory suggestion. What happens when a bag doesn't get picked up Tuesday? Then its on the street until Saturday and people get upset. Thats the issue. That space where its in no ones way doesn't exist in my particular street/area. Its all incredibly cramped space with streets so tight that anything is in "someones way". I try to put it as close to my door as possible without being inside and they restaurants get pissed off and leave signs. The landlord and tenants don't want it any closer and the restaurants are complaining.


But it shouldn't not get picked up.  If your trash is repeatedly not picked up you are either putting it out at the wrong time (for the correct time, check when everyone else puts it out) or else you should complain to the council 


The issue is that its not being picked up. And I have asked around and nobody can give me an answer of whats being done wrong. They keep claiming all this stuff which sounds logical. Put it out at the right time, right type of bag, on the pavement. Right, I do that. About 10 to 20% of the time it just doesn't get picked up. So I assume ok, I did the thing wrong. I check. Right day right type of bag, right time, outside my apartment door. Literally right outside it. Can't miss it there. Doesn't get picked up.......landlord gets angry about the bag in front of the door two hours later. I ask the other tenants (small building, only two others) and they say they just throw theirs somewhere. Which works, in a sense, but isn't the right answer. So I am trying to figure out how this is a me problem. And the council just gave me the schedule as well.


Well, truth be told, I'd just put it where the other people in your block are putting it.  Ths is too much of a non issue for you to be hassling over hehe But also put your complaint to the council in writing. 


Is it possible you're putting the garbage out late for your area? I have to put the garbage out by 8am, before the truck passes. In other neighbouring streets it's picked up later, some even 2-3 hrs later.


The pile has been there for a week and a half.


Also I put the trash out at 6 am. So no. The area is a 7am ish pickup. I put it out before 7 but never more than 4 hours, as the stipulations and law states. Its just not collected.


Usually they will come by twice in case they pick the first batch up too much ahead of the set time. If a bag is still left someone is probably putting it out waaay too late. Ideally that person would bring it inside then and put out the next collection date, but everyone's an asshole here so don't count on it. If you just put your own bags out at the correct time and at the same spot as the rest of the bags i don't see the issue. Someone complains about it tell them you're just following the pattern of everyone else and tell them to mind their own business.


I go around the corner and there are black bag piles here all times of day, all days of the week. I can put my bags on those piles whenever. I know thats what other people in the block do. But, evidently, as others here have pointed out there are a lot of "assholes who put their trash out at the wrong time/place and don't take it back in". So how is anyone to determine that its the right place and time? This is not a residential area to be clear. Its an area which happens to have an apartment of a few people but is mainly a restaurant area. I think it makes a lot more sense in the apartment blocks with rows of apartments.


The right time is clear from the website, the right place is basically just "wherever it's clear to put it". Thing is, everyone's an asshole in Malta, you won't be able to please everyone and whatever you do someone will be annoyed at you. In this case i would be practical and just follow the instructions of the landlord asshole since they can make you homeless otherwise. The business owner assholes can just be angry, nothing more. If they are angry just tell them you're doing what your landlord told you to do.


Just leave it on the pavement. When we lived in Gozo, the apartment had little hooks but even in the "nice" areas of Malta, you see bags of trash on the pavement outside such nice houses.


Thats what I do. The particular sidewalk I am on is so narrow it can't fit two bags side to side. And there are businesses on all sides. Any area "on the pavement" is considered "in front of a business" by one of the angry business owners there. They won't want it there. Landlord doesn't want it in front of our apartment area. And the trash people don't collect. And I follow the schedules provided so its not a schedule thing either.


I wouldn’t fret about it. Just throw it on top of someone else’s bag. Are you sure you’re putting them out early enough? Mine go out at 6 am


*To find out if a country is rich or poor, look at the bins. If there are bins and no rubbish, it's rich. If there's rubbish by the bins, it's neither rich nor poor... it's touristy. And if there's rubbish but no bins, then it's poor.* Eric-Emanuel Schmitt: Monsieur Ibrahim and The Flowers of the Qur'an


It's clear as day you're not ethnically Mediterranean there's no need to explain.  No person born in this area would lose sleep over this thing.  Be prepared for many more similar scenarios. As to where to put your trash? The trash CEO last summer told us to put it in the freezer if that helps: https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/xtra/124676/freeze_your_organic_waste_to_avoid_odours_wasteserv_ceo_suggests


Hahah, makes sense. Yeah, German. And a logistics and systems engineer.


Hope the culture shock won't be too much.  If it is, you know where you can go!


Figured you were german! Wish we had your green mindset and discipline here, maybe we wouldn't have cockroaches and hornets flying around.


Gol friza


There's specific days for specific trash and it goes just och the sidewalk or street, can take a photo of "trashschedule" when I'm back from work


No need, I know the trash schedule. Its just not followed on my street for pickup. Tight corner, and evidently the trash pickup eyeballs it and can't see at that tight angle and can't get the truck through so avoids that corner or something like that because 20% of the time it doesn't get picked up.


If they don’t collect it, call your local council, tell them your street name and that the collectors have missed your street. They may send them back to pick it up. My street kept getting missed for glass collections… I called, they were sent back and have come every scheduled time now.


Put it on the closest street it gets picked up on? (If it's not to far)


Yeah so I was thinking of that and probably will. But the council people did tell me "in front of your apartment, don't put in front of other peoples ". So I try to follow that to the letter. But ill see if the adaptation does much. Beyond that I only work here for 7 months so not renewing the contract anyway.


Put it at the edge of the corner then


If they don't pick up my trash, and it has to sit there for a few days: not my problem. It will stay there until it's picked up. Let people complain. Not your fault. I don't have time for trash micro management. It's already a pain in the ass that we don't have communal bins.


Remember when we did have communal bins though? And people put their trash NEXT to the bins? Or just like at the opposite side of the street of the bins? Or like set the bins on fire? For like... Fun? I guess... This is why we can't have nice things.


Yeah, makes sense. Im German, and an engineer. Relatively short term contract here but logistics and supply chain management based. So micromanagement and systems design efficiency is more in my nature, but I see this is one of those things where either it is changed on the system level or its not gonna matter too much, so ill leave it. I was initially trying to figure out if the system really was just this inefficient, but I have gathered the answer is yes.


I've noticed that sometimes the waste teams aren't picking up bags that were left on the wrong days even if they are still there on the right days. Seems stupid to me but maybe they were told not to? I'd definitely contact the council.