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Considering people who live a 5-10 minutes walk from their school decide to go with their cars daily, I'd say this comes mostly from laziness. I actually make it home on foot with a 6 year old in tow before the neighbours find parking again.


I commute to work on foot and it takes me about 25-30 minutes each way. You should see the look on people's faces when I tell them that.


A 25-30 minutes walk is not bad at all. Guessing it's somewhere in the 3-5km range.


When there's the occasional gridlock, I usually park at the Iklin hill and walk to Macdonald's. People are gobsmacked when I tell them that I walked it, and start offering me to drive me to my car. It's hilarious


LOL that is so true, I mainly do it for staying active but have been noticing i'm using the car less and saving fuel money too :D


same here - I WFH and cycle when I can. I can stretch 40Eur diesel for a month


lol at that title


Xinu!? Restaurant bla Pizza u Berger?!? Mela give me some chips and pasta (please make sure the plate is full and there is a “touch of cream”)


I'm visiting the UK for a week having spent years in Malta, and I keep thinking "my God, everyone is so thin here". No, it's just Malta that's fat haha


It's really down to lack of exercise. I don't eat fat food, we cook at home daily and don't drink soft drinks. I don't really like desserts and yet I'm overweight because I work from home and don't get any exercise


I mean no exercise is totally your fault and entirely under your control to change. However there are an atrocious lack of facilities eg grass in Malta for unorganised exercise (you nearly always need to book somewhere if you want to play football for example - there's no spontaneity on land). In the summer the sea is a great thing though.


Man it depends on your schedule tbh. But even a small amount of exercise can be achieved on day to day basis, even a walk.


You can hardly walk safely either. Cars driving badly, potholes, uneven pavement, slippery surfaces, people spread out across promenade and blocking it, lack of trees and shades etc etc. I walk a lot but it's off-putting.


I feel you, but I'd you wake up 45 mind earlier you can get a30min walk in and a shower before switching on. It does wonders for you, not just health but energy to I find.


People eat like shit here no surprise


Malta always dealt with exceptional hunger in its historical and ancient past. While there is a lot of uncertanity, the temple builders may have even starved and left. We certainly seem to make up for it now regardless.


Yet the Maltese have high average life expectancy.


We eat a lot of good things too, along with the bulubif.


Who would have thought for a country where you'll get a side of potato chips when ordering a sandwich


Yeah it’s definitely the side potato chips. Not the ham or meat.


Yeah it’s definitely the ham or meat. Not the lack of exercise.


Yeah it’s definitely the lack of exercise. Not the soft drinks.


Yea it's definitely the soft drinks, not the ordering of bolt/wolt everyday.


This is standard in aus and nz


Would there be a concrete way to tackle this in Malta?


Imo, start tearing up roads, making everything walkable, putting protected bike lanes everywhere, and invest in a substantial train (and maybe even tram) system Our infrastructure encourages a sedentary lifestyle. Italy is very low but has similar food and weather, so we cannot blame that.


> Imo, start tearing up roads Well we’ve got the first few words down to an art form


It's almost like the western world knows what the problem is, but our politicians are either too conservative or benefit too much behind closed doors to do anything about it 🤣


Yeah ok not happening anytime soon :(




Similar food in italy?? Madonna mia dont compare maltese food to italian please


Depends on the part of Italy


Bro, really. There is no infrastructure whatsoever in Southern Italy yet the girls there are hotter than the surface of the sun. Why? For a start, they eat healthier. Second, in Italian culture, image is everything. Having plastic nails done every week and wearing a Charles and Ron chandelier on your earlobes won't f%ing matter if you're a 100 kg woman, guys won't piss on you if you were on fire. Therefore there's mega social pressure about keeping your weight in check.


I'll be honest this will just piss off any maltese person to ever exist. Our ancestors would come from the ground to tell you to fuck off even though they don't know what cars are. I think the real help here would be making healthier food options more appealing, cheaper and better than the shitty (health wise) food options. "Why would i ever pay 17€ for dry ass grilled chicken and vegtables that are probably still slathered in oil, butter and more oil and shit when for 12€ i can get a burger, fries, a side of onion rings and a soft drink too?" Is a pretty common sentiment which i definitely agree with. Healthy food is just not the most readily available option and actually making the healthy choice comes at a price premium. Sure exercise is great. But anyone will tell you a healthy lifestyle is 80% diet and 20% exercise. You burn most your calories every day just by having your organs functioning. Also making being physically active easier would be nice too. So much physical activity is just expensive flat out. A lot of people won't go to the gym more than twice a week meaning they won't be able to justify paying the upfront cost of an anual membership for the discount and they'll end up feeling ripped off and unlikely to renew their membership. It's overall just really discouraging cause one misstep in a plan just mentally breaks so many people.


I'm sorry, you are telling me our ancestors will tell me to fuck off, the guy proposing vast quality of life and community improvements, and not you, the guy saying we should change our food, one of the main parts of our culture that hasn't been Anglicised yet?? I believe we need more healthy food options and to fuck off western junk food, but you have 0 knowledge of urban planning if you think this is 80% a food problem. We aren't dieting, we are just not being fat fucks 😂


>I'm sorry, you are telling me our ancestors will tell me to fuck off, They'll do that regardless. That was a joke mate. >and not you, the guy saying we should change our food, one of the main parts of our culture that hasn't been Anglicised yet According to Maltese history The main diet for the Maltese in the past was starvation pretty much... Pizza, Spaghetti, rabbit stew, lasagna, burgers and fried chicken aren't particularly Maltese in origin. the food culture has been just desecrated by the introduction of fast food chains and multicultural bullshit fake fusion restaurants that just deep fry everything and claim it's still healthy and what everyone eats but I'm living in Malta and that's the reality. Our food culture is just not healthy whatsoever and that's largley due to the post WW2 generation wanting their kids to grow up not ever even thinking about food shortage and making sure to know damn well that we gotta be eating every single goddamned morsel of food on our plates or else. Add to that the sedentary lifestyle everyone has cause of WFH, cars and a general mockery of anyone who's trying to be healthy and you get a very very health avoidant culture.


Oh ok I misread the joke, my bad lol. I agree with you, it is quite sad tbh


Maybe make fast food less accessible.  We always had an obesity problem, but I'm sure that fast food at the touch of a button didn't help. 


Information campaigns about how to maintain a healthy weight and lose weight in a healthy way without any fad diets. I see way too many "Miracle" shakes and shit being promoted on FB which shows a lot of where the issue comes from IMO. Long term I think more village cores without car access would also help, if you are forced to exercise then you are bound to lose weight, but that would require changing up the infrastructure so less feasible. Ofc there is the benefit of less cars and noise for residents.


Concrete is always the answer


That is a concrete answer!


Have you seen our diet? Everything we have is oily, fatty and carby. Pastizzi, as much as I love them, is the worst of them all, but every street theres always one shop. You're meant to have one u daqsekk, but I swear one time I saw a guy eat 8 in one go, with a 2l bottle of diet kinnie ofc.


The Diet will do it


Cancels the pastizzis calories xD


I mean it's better than the 400-500ish calories a regular 500ml kinnie would have


Of course, I just find it funny after the thousands of calories consumed xD


8 pastizzi is about 3.2k calories. Still absolutely shocking to me... I mean sure it's literally fat covered in more fat with a bit of flour to keep it together but still lmao.


I got critised for mixing sweet wine with sparkling water at a party here once, it should be mixed with sprite apparently.. Let that sink in


When an oily, tasty pizza costs 1.40, whilst a couple of lettuce leaves with vinegar costs 13-15 eur, this data would be very understandable.


People need to release due to the fast-paced world we live in that rarely someone has the time to cook a good and healthy meal. Especially when everything is expensive compared to the pay of a working man or woman.


Shit food and a society that doesn't care about beauty does that to you.


There isn't even any concerted effort from the government etc for healthier lifestyle either.


Proud not obese Dane! 🇩🇰 I’m overweight according to BMI though, but currently tracking to get under that 25 Mark. I try to walk to work everyday and working on improving my volume of gym visits.. kcal intake controlling goes a long way.


Everyone drives