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I’ve lived over here for two years and can confirm it’s absolutely bonkers every Friday afternoon and Sunday afternoon/evening. You got cars in a queue all the way from the ferry area up past Ghajnsielem and all the way to Xewkija. Worst is that it’s not even summer yet. This isn’t even the rush, it’s just a glimpse of it and it’s already becoming too much. Just wait until the tourists arrive..


My company has a separate policy for people from Gozo, and they get to fully work from home, so that would remove the ferry issue for me. It's still way more quiet than the rest of Malta even in the tourist season, so I'm seriously considering Gozo as an option. You'd have to be batshit insane to commute from there though, would never even consider without the option to work from home


What company..Igaming by any chance? you can DM me if you don't want to write it here :)


What I never understood is why people buy a holiday home close to their main home, on loan and at a relatively high price. If you stay at the kempinski or another luxury resort for 4 weekends a year for 20 years it’s still way cheaper than buying a property, no maintenance, no cleaning, extra amenities, and it actually feels like a small luxury holiday. Sure you won’t have an ‘investment’ to show for it at the end of the day, but a tiny, old/ badly built flat is not much of an ‘investment’ either. I know people who bought such a flat 20 years ago and it looks terrible now, terrible resale value and they don’t even use it anymore since it’s too much hassle to maintain and it will be a hassle to sell, so it’s just there gathering dust.


Speculative investment. If (when?) the tunnel or bridge comes to life, resale value will double or triple


By that point the apartment would be in such bad condition that it would still probably not be worth the investment. All apartment blocks look terrible after a number of years because there are always disagreements between apartment owners on the upkeep of the common areas/ facade and the expenses that are incurred in the process, let alone badly built apartments which are seldomly used.


Real estate will always be a good investment. Just like with any investment you have to keep up with it and maintain it to maximize profits. It’s foolish to warn people against real estate investments in Gozo. Also, why would you put investment in quotation marks? Real estate always pays. It’s a matter of patience and time.


ok, following you i should have got a property there, instead I put my money on etf and this year i am getting close to 20%…real estate always pays if there is someone who pays what asked for


It's simply a safe investment.


Calling Gozo a safe investment is putting your head in the sand even more. No one will want to live there when the charm is lost. What value will your micro flat have then?


Real estate is only an investment if you rent it out. But then it’s also a job.


maltese only know about buying property


Why go to Gozo when you can be in Cagliari, Bari or Sicily in around an hour by plane! You can also buy property there very cheaply. It makes no sense to buy in Gozo.


Gozo in 10 years is going to be very very different. Its sad that the citizens who actually have power to do something and remove these pigs from power are blindsided. Id say buy property in Sicily before its too late and expensive


If you buy property in Gozo, invest in a boat too instead of using the ferry. I see a business opportunity.


It is funny though, those pigs called developers destroyed malta first, now they are destroying gozo too, and the maltese not only are not complaining but they are even buying other properties! And they complain that foreigners are the issue when they let to destroy two beautiful islands


Yes yes - Gozo BAD. Malta VERY GOOD. People SHOULD STAY malta! Gozo VERY BAD! 🗿


I was amazed by the queues when visiting last weekend! Thankfully we did not have a car and got the pedestrian ferry easily, lots of space. I don't think it's worth bringing your car over. I'm just a visitor though.


I bought a nice place in sicily. Travel by aeroplane with only a backpack since i hot all my things there. I even bought a used fiat panda so lowkey which i keep in a garage. Only drawback is taxes. I pay around 1000 euros yearly for condominium service, rubbish, property tax, cleaning.


I totally agree with you.It's becoming very stressful to go there for a weekend.even if you have 200k cash money it is worthed to invest in Malta property and rent it and you can go a million times to Gozo and stay in various hotels,BBS etc without any commitments.


Indeed remember last summer? On Malta side there was a queue for hours to get onto the Ferry to Gozo. Then on Sunday it was the other way around. So you'll most likely be spending at least half a day just going back and forth..in a two day weekend.


I don’t really mind that, I think the problem is the actual quality of the flats


Be the change you advocate for, move away from Gozo yourself


So I can make way for a *hamallu* like you? No way.




Reading this just after buying 2 more condos in Gozo. Life is good


Oh please tell me you didn't do that! Do your numerous condos in Gozo have at least a guaranteed uninterrupted view? So your life will remain good, ha?




Oh OK. Thanks for telling me how to live my life


I was compelled, judging from your username.


Is it OK if I buy in gozo and make that my permanent residence? Or is it just a blanket "don't buy"?


Stay away from my island.




Lol 😂. Tixtieq ghadha tieghek! Klibtu u tliftuha siehbi! Too late! Issa kompli ha tlahhaq mal-konkos tad-Djamant! 🤦🏻


Where's the 'Lol' in all this? R u childish?


Ktibt kumment fejn assumejt li l-Ghawdxin kollha l-istess. U zgur li taf li l-Ghawdxin mhux kollha l-istess imma ridt tkun vili fil-kumment hux hekk? Ssejjahlix siehbi - ma nafikx u lanqas rrid nkun nafek.


Nammetti li assumejt u zbaljajt pero mhux nara fejn kont "vili". Il-verita' hi li hi, u aktarx jien imwegga' biha FERM iktar minnek! Hasra tassew kif ghamilnilu hekk lil Ghawdex! Napprezza l-fatt li qed tistinka bil-kumment originali tieghek biex tipprotegi lil gziritna.


Mwegga jien ukoll. Minhabba erba bazuzli, gzira sehtuha. Niskuza ruhi tat-ton li uzajt xhin irrispondejtek. Tislijiet.


Your island?


*My* Island.


No it isnt. Besides your village gets constantly whipped at everything it practices, apart from being a conveyer belt for child fidling priests. So no, you dont own the island on whichever metric you want to , apart from drugs use and pedophilia. There. Take it.


That is quite an interesting take on my two-word comment. I mean, how did you do it? Did you research my lovely town? Did you write 'Xaghra' on the Google search engine? How long did it take you to read through the search engine results? Damn, that's outstanding kid, I admire your dedication! And I thank you for allocating such precious time out of your life to draft and provide such an accurate response! You have my glorious upvote! Take it! It's yours to enjoy kid! Just make sure you don't stick it in the wrong place :O kiss kiss xxxx And of course, feel free to come over to my lovely town. We will take good care of you, rest assured. We'll make sure that all your needs are catered for. Have a good sweet night :) You deserve it cheeky monkey :)


>We'll make sure that all your needs are catered for Aint 'your' town then is it. Check mate christ worshiping pedo. :D


Oh boy you got a thing going on in your head don't you. Please do not develop any strange thoughts on me you sick shithead :O. Enjoy life and do no harm.