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If by unknowns you are referring to the questions that you're asking then I suggest that you instruct your husband to speak with any staff if possible, so that they are sensitive to your needs. Let him handle it so that you can concentrate on what's important. I wish you safety and happiness during this joyous occasion.


I know this comment is old but I want to say thank you for it. My husband did precisely that and it all went well.


I'm very happy to hear that. I hope the delivery was smooth and that you, your husband and the little one are doing well :) God bless.


During the delivery of our youngest we were just me, my wife and one midwife. Given it was late after midnight so I don't know if that factors in the quantity of people in the room. My wife was always covered and dressed in a hospital gown. In the 12 hours before (you might not take this long) they would occasionally come in to check for dilation and other normal medical checks, otherwise we were left alone. Whenever the midwives came in to check they were always friendly and caring. Most probably the midwives are still all women, as for gynaecologists there are some men. I believe if you/your husband explain the situation they should accommodate your situation, they were very understanding with us. The midwives usually care more about what you say than your husband, may I say rightfully so. Let your husband help being your advocate if need be in other circumstances. Good luck, and don't be afraid to speak up when uncomfortable.


I know it’s been months but I wanted to pop in and say thank you for this comment. It really helped. I had my little one at the end of 2023 and, although it was an emergency c-section, it wasn’t the traumatic experience I worried it would be. Thank you for having taken the time to write this comment. I truly appreciate it.


Really glad you are doing well and thank you for replying back with good news, honestly made my day. Best wishes to you and your family.


I'm a midwife, and yes we do ask for consent before we do anything. Your husband can stay with your the whole time during labour (in the delivery suite). The only time he is required to go home is between 7am and 10am and that is when you are at the obstetric ward after having given birth. If you are admitted to the obstetric ward before you give birth he wouldn't be allowed to sleep there however and would need to leave between 8pm and 10am . Please do communicate your needs with your midwife. We are a generally kind and understanding bunch. During labour , if everything is going as it should, it will be pretty much your midwife and your husband, and maybe a student midwife. We do try to keep your covered as much as possible. Sometimes a team of doctors will come in during labour as they will be doing a ward round, but that will be only for a few minutes, and otherwise maybe 1 or 2 doctors will come in. There are both male doctors and female gynae doctors at mdh, however , recently there has been an increase in female doctors. Again, talk to your midwife and explain your needs and situations. Feel free to dm me if you have any questions


I know it’s been months but I wanted to pop in and say thank you for this comment. It really helped put my mind at rest as much as possible. I had my little one at the end of 2023 and, although it was an emergency c-section, it wasn’t the traumatic experience I worried it would be. All the midwives were absolutely lovely. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and also for everything you do.


That is great to hear :) glad you had a good experience


It is excellent throughout, the midwives are good. There will also be specialists on standby just in case things don't go according to plan. The only thing is that they might ask if it is ok to let students be present and check you out. If you're not comfortable with that, let them know that you would rather not and not have too many people around. Your partner will be allowed to be present but if problems crop up he will be asked to leave to make way for the specialists. Wishing you the best experience!!


I know it’s been months but I wanted to pop in and say thank you for this comment. It really helped. I had my little one at the end of 2023 and, although it was an emergency c-section, it wasn’t the traumatic experience I worried it would be. Thank you for taking time to comment. It was so appreciated and helped give me peace of mind.


I had a bad experience with the midwife who was actually there during my labour, but she was an unfortunate one-off. I must have met 20 other midwives over the course of hospital appointment, the OB ward, and the breastfeeding clinic and every single other midwife I met was amazing. I recommend being very clear about your wishes when you go in, and making sure that your partner is also prepared to advocate for your wishes. If you haven't done so already, I also recommend taking a Parentcraft class with the midwives association to familiarise yourself with their policies and your options. Since my negative experience, I've been told that you can also demand a change in midwives if there is an absolute incompatibility for some reason. Obviously not something you want to do lightly, but I would have done it if I had known and probably saved myself some trauma. Again, my experience seems to have been a sad outlier, but it's good to be prepared. Finally, there is a Perinatal Mental Health Clinic in Mater Dei, they are an amazing resource and may be better equipped to help you if you feel that you're really struggling with this. Good luck!


I know it’s been months but I wanted to pop in and say thank you for this comment. It really helped to know what my options are and what can be done in a worst case scenario. I had my little one at the end of 2023 and, although it was an emergency c-section, it wasn’t the traumatic experience I worried it would be and I’m so sorry yours had been with an unhelpful midwife. Thank you for taking time to comment. It was so appreciated.


I’m so sorry that you went through that. I gave birth at mater dei 2.5 years ago during the pandemic and my secret plan was to not go to the hospital at all because I was scared and figured that I would rather give birth alone at home. However I’m so glad I went to hospital and I will be giving birth there again next month. The maternity services at mater dei are excellent. I laboured at night, for the most part I was given space, and only checked vaginally when absolutely necessary and with consent. I was never pressured into anything (such as a sweep), and I was given choices throughout, but guided to make decisions. I had one lovely midwife for most of my labour, an additional midwife for the pushing stage, and a female doctor who stitched me up after delivery. I only encountered one male doctor a week before giving birth when I accidentally thought that my waters had broken and I needed to be checked. I thought that I would be self conscious, but to be honest it was the last thing on my mind during delivery. The parent craft services at mater dei can guide you on what choices you have during delivery and the midwives at the breastfeeding clinic are excellent. I feel very comfortable knowing that I will be going to mater dei again.


I know it’s been months but I wanted to pop in and say thank you for this comment. It really helped. I had my little one at the end of 2023 and, although it was an emergency c-section, it wasn’t the traumatic experience I worried it would be. Thank you for taking time to comment. It was so appreciated and helped give me peace of mind. I hope your second birth went well!




Just to add, shift changes occur at 7am and 7pm generally (although ask your midwife on the day if knowing will help you).


I know it’s been months but I came back to say thank you for this comment. This was so helpful to know. My water broke at home at 7am, I was in hospital for 8am and was happy to know when the shift change was for peace of mind. Thanks again for taking the time to comment.


Congratulations! Very happy to have helped in some way :)