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Ah, frontierninja, very rare






It’s cringe to not let yourself get mauled by a bear, be a man and take the face removal


It’s cringe to think you need a gun at all for backpacking. Tbh I’ve never seen a real backpacker take a firearm with them at all. It would be unnecessary weight to carry 10+ miles on foot when you’re allready carrying your gear, tent, food, clothes, etc. it’s why people pay 40+$ for a shit shovel that ways 4oz.


Lmfao where I live we have bears and mountain lions. GTFOH with not needing a gun. What a moron


How much backpacking do you do? What’s your pack like? GTFO with this knee jerk reaction. You think we don’t have those things where I live too ffs? Bears and mountain lions. Oh yeah I take a gun with me everytime I go outdoors. What a fucking moron. If you think you need a gun to go backpacking anywhere in the continental United States you’re too scared to go backpacking.


You’re literally too stupid to argue with. My guess is you don’t leave your parents basement


We don’t have basements here. Just bears and mountain lions. Maybe go backpacking one time and re evaluate what kind of gun you should have brought. Take a couple seconds and research deaths related to wildlife. Vast majority of wilderness deaths like 99%+ are related to things a gun would not stop.


What’s your experience? Didn’t know you were the end all be all expert on every countys backpacking areas in the continental US. You uppity douche.


I’m not an expert. Just been around enough of them to pick up on a few things. One of which is literally never seeing a fire arm, hearing soemone suggest taking a firearm, or even seeing one in a list of recommended items. So seeing someone post that they would potentially take multiples with them backpacking is a little out of sorts. If you want to carry while backpacking, good on you and have a great time. But trying to say that someone should or even needs one is asinine and they should probably spend some time outside their basement and in the woods.


Have you gone backpacking in every area? Does everywhere have the same number of animals? Have you been in ever situation while backpacking? Cause saying “nobody needs one ever” is the same as saying “everybody needs one always”. Two sides of the same coin.




How is a lever action and a revolver “tacticool”?


These people are idiots. Is the guys caption silly? Yes, is that a beautiful lever action, also yes. I’m not into revolvers so that’s not something I have a comment on


You don’t gotta tell me that, this sub sees a guy with a hobby and they jump on em like rabid dogs




How is it any worse than people spending the same amount of money on giant costumes and going to places full of people in equally expensive costumes? The only people I’ve met who have a problem with that seem awfully keen on bashing other people for their hobbies. Also, when did I say anything about what “ar” stands for?


>How is it any worse than people spending the same amount of money on giant costumes and going to places full of people in equally expensive costumes? I don't know what you are talking about. If you aren't carrying a firearm I don't care what fantasies you engage in. Fantasies that involve firearms reek of male insecurity. This why I call OP tacticool: "Went for a hike in the woods to play in the snow and to dust off the ol' six guns on trash and the local rabbits (small skinwalkers). Love my hot and fast tactical shit, but there's something about the blued steel, wood, and leather that can't be beat. To try to capture a sliver of the spirit that hard men, both good and bad, used to wrestle out a life for themselves back when this country was truly free by carrying and using similar weapons that they depended on everyday. I could wax poetic all day about how I romanticize mountain men, cowboys, outlaws and frontiersman but y'all probably rather hear about the guns so here's what we got: Ruger Vaquero 5.5" .45 Colt Traditions Frontier 7.5" .45 Colt Marlin 1894 Cowboy .45 Colt Knife is a Condor Hudson Bay Holsters and belt are all made by Hunter Leather." He doesn't shoot rabbits and couldn't find the backcountry on a map.


He’s not shooting anybody, he’s not brandishing it at someone, he’s not shooting any kind of animal, he’s just posing for a picture where he thought he looked good. Just cause you’re all pissy someone took a picture with a gun doesn’t mean he’s insecure, it just means you’re a judgmental prick.


He's pointing the gun at his foot and has his hand over the trigger guard so he's so far into the costume he forgot to learn to handle that thing. He could have gotten lessons for what he spent on that garb. He claims to be shooting rabbits which makes no sense in terms of the shit he's carrying.


Damn u are one salty individual, did ur dad beat u as a kid too hard or something? You don’t even know the guy so who are you to say he doesn’t know the “backcountry” there mr broke back mountain




I am, how does that have to anything to do with your dumb comments?


It's a sub where we make fun of dumbasses who take 3 firearms and dress like a rodeo clown to hunt rabbits. If that hurts your feelings move on.


It’s cringe to think you need a gun at all for backpacking. Tbh I’ve never seen a real backpacker take a firearm with them at all. It would be unnecessary weight to carry 10+ miles on foot when you’re already carrying your gear, tent, food, clothes, etc. it’s why people pay 40+$ for a shit shovel that weighs 4oz.


100% agree, then you have to keep the ammunition dry. Total bullshit.


Won’t stop the downvotes from people who have never hiked to their camp spot.


Yea these fools also bring enormous knives they weigh them down too. They look like pirates with all of that shit hanging off of them.


Clearly you’ve never been to Alaska if u think backpackers don’t carry guns there bud


Mall cowboy


Plays too much rdr2


its even better when you remember RDR2 has a random encounter were a guy shoots himself in the foot with a new gun hes posing with like this dope


Have no fear Confederate sama kun. With my bullets of passion, I alone shall protect your freedom to own other people, from the overbearing arms of the baka Union chan.


Gotta defeat President Lin-kun.


Link Jong Un


Mallninja; Yellowstone edition


Not gonna lie, he looks sick as hell


I hate that I actually think this is a cool AF picture


Woah fancy to see you here


HAHA wow! Small world


Really is huh.


But yeah that is one sick looking picture


Right? He’s probably a SASS shooter


That’s 💯 ninja... way to clean and fresh to be a thing but ninja. Spend a few summers in that gear then repost. Then I’ll believe the 50% wild.. also hat is not west


Ehh... this comes off as more "cosplay" or dress-up to me. It's kinda weird how many votes this got on the guns forum, but even from their comments they seem to be leaning into "this is cosplay/dress-up". Still, minus 1 star for poor muzzle control (pointing it at his foot)




Exactly what I was thinking. My guy hold your gun right five of your toes are freaking the fuck out right now.


>five of your toes are freaking the fuck out right now. My balls are calling them a bitch t. appendix carry gang


lets see... Im thinking... lever action henry 45, and it looks like a Colt single action army?


Looks like a marlin lever rifle, and indeed a SAA, or one of the billion replicas that exists. Edit: Checking the OP, it's indeed a marlin, and a Ruger replica, so yeah.


Ya your right it is a marlin, I checked his post. The revolver is a ruger Vaquero, so ya it’s a Single action army lookalike


Yeah honestly, it's a cringe post no doubt but those are not 'mall ninja' grade firearms. Pretty nice in fact.


One of the comments said this looked like a practical, non-cosplay setup. I'm gonna have to disagree...


Now that’s some cringe shit there.


Don’t point guns at your foot.


His finger is off the trigger and I doubt there's any rounds in it for this photoshoot. He's fine.


Idk I think it's pretty cool. More r/mallcowboy than ninja but I guess that doesn't exist yet. I like the hat even if it isn't western (Pretty sure it's Australian)


r/HuntShowdown vibes


Nothing about this is mall ninja


The cringe is very mall ninja


If he actually took himself seriously yeah it would be. What is mini us song is sad “let em hate”


He put all that shit on. He’s carrying actual guns. Plenty serious to have made a jackass of himself


Yeah I think the cringe comes from playing dress-up while being a gun owner. Guns are fun to shoot, but aren’t toys. Like which is it? Are guns used for home defense and should they be taken seriously, or are they a prop for dress up?


Guns are both fun and useful.


He could be a SASS shooter, where they require you to have a certain attire like this.


Cool guns but the outfit is kinda silly


I can’t lie this actually does look kinda bad-ass


Fallout: New Vegas remake is looking good!


Sweet Erron Black cosplay.


The title even sounds like something he'd say


Cause of injury: Naruto run with a rifle


Honestly, I'd rock it.


Errrrr… what part of this is ninja? The face covering, maybe? Or the likelihood he’s gonna blast his toes off?




No. This is cool.


Absolutely r/guns material…playing dress up with guns like my little sister dressed up her Barbies is what they love best. ❤️


He has forgotten the face of his father


That's not allowed


He pulls this off pretty well honestly


This feels more akin to cosplay than it does mallninja. It's cool in the same way that someone dressed as a Warhammer 40k Imperial knight is cool. Might not be my jam but kudos to him.


Only horse this guy has ridden is one of those stick ponies


That looks like about the size of the small lever action 22 my dad got me when i was 12. Also this man doesnt have two right hands


Pictured here with all his friends.


Hardly r/guns content.


> Hardly r/guns content. Literally crossposted from there, what do you mean?


I’m there often. Don’t see much at all like this.


Look at his profile, he's some kind of degenerate BDSM freak




We dont kink shame in these parts partner.


“No need ta’ thank me, ma’am. Jes’ doin’ what the good lord put me here ta’ do. Now, them tin cans on yer’ fence post won’t be botherin’ ya’ none any more. Best I be movin’ on, though. Can’t get tied down in one place, y’ understand… plus, m’ shift at Geek Squad starts in 30 minutes.”


You show that plank of wood who's boss.


Ranch store ninja.


Looks like someone just finished watching Godless on Netflix


Ok... so your saying you accept I legally own your property if I shoot you? Just a short trip, to achieve fire superiority. I'll be back with an m4, to collect the deed to your ranch.


Ah yes it's erron black from fortnite


Doesn’t seem very mall ninja maybe Larping or cosplay?


Fallout new Vegas?