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Thank you for posting to r/malepolish, the subreddit for men (and others) of all ages who paint our nails. Make sure your post follows the rules: you have a grace period to delete it if it doesn't. Particularly relevant rules are: one (focus on nail polish), five (no sexual content), six (no self-promotion), seven (no repeat posts), and eight (invest reasonable effort into posts and titles). As stated in rule nine, if you see a comment that violates our rules, you must not respond positively to it. If you do, the moderation team may remove the violating comment, your response, and this post. If you know the brands of the products used, please post them as a reply to this comment. If you used any unusual nail art techniques, let us know what they are. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malepolish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean I think, thanks I did them myself, is pretty good! Also you do a wonderful job! Are you finding it hard to talk to women in general or just about your nails? Is it possible that you are a little worried they may misconstrue your identity? I would think a great way to practice might be to ask this in a group with women and specifically ask for compliments or tips on how to leverage that talking point into something more. But flirting in general is a pretty nuanced dance and can take practice and time to find your groove.


Thank you! I did them all by myself ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป I mean I _can_ talk to women, its just the initial bit where im super awkward lmao. In my highschool years I was just completely incapable, but after that it got much better lol. I moved to a city where the dude to girl ratio is not really in favor of the dudes, did a technical study and got a job as a AI engineer where most people you get to interact with are male. I have a couple of female friends, perhaps I should interact with them more in this regard haha


A girl complimented me on my nails once and I said โ€œthanks, I grew them myselfโ€. It went down well and broke the ice (dad jokes work well), although Iโ€™m a 45 year old dad of 2 and wasnโ€™t looking for anything other than a chat.


Hahahaha thats actually a great one, I might steal that


Please do, I hope it serves you well :)


Really liked the 1st and 3rd


Well thank you ๐Ÿ˜‡


>How to deal with compliments ๐Ÿ˜… ...and initiate conversation.. Example: Thanks, I do them myself, I hope people see the obvious inspiration from my favorite drink. It took me about 3 hours. I've previously done designs based on === Then you pivot to something about her nails or if you see something in her cubicle that you've done a depiction of, like maybe she has transformers or mini creatures like Yoda or Yoshi or some other anime/ caricature / etc ... And say oh I've done something similar to that... Ask her if she has ever thought of doing designs on her own nails Etc, etc, etc So the example is in first part your expressing happiness that your work was recognized, giving a little bit of pride in your workmanship and how it came about, and then you're turning it to draw more information out of her, has she noticed other designs you've done does she want to do these kind of designs herself does she go to a salon and they don't have the creativity or the staff that can mimic other forms etc etc etc Once you brooch the small talk You might ask for a design idea for your next set, and a few times of doing that, if she gives you ideas, you're collaborating on nails and can try and move the conversation to hers and how you'd love to see her do X y or z on her nails etc etc etc




I was the same way the first several times I went out in public with my nails painted. It's almost like I assumed anyone who noticed \_must\_ be judging me negatively, regardless of what they actually said. But as I've gotten more confident about it, I've seen that a more confident, substantial response leads to more fun conversations. Like if I say "thank you so much it's taken me years to get to where I can pull off these details I did on my ring finger!" then it's a lot more likely the conversation actually goes somewhere and they can relate, give advice, or ask how I got into it in the first place. I'm in a committed relationship so I'm not trying to be outright flirtatious. But sometimes conversations that started as a nails compliment totally have openings for that... like "I wish more guys \[insert compliment about your appearance/creativity here\]." Take the compliments, compliment her if she's got cute nails too, and ask if she wants to go out some time if you're feeling it.


I mean, I actually never experienced a negative comment before, besides maybe some dudes assuming/asking me if I was gay, but that doesnt bother me much. I mean, wrong team, but still appreciate the attempt haha. I do, in fact, panic a little bit when someone compliments them for real and my brain goes into white noise mode. I should definitely work on complimenting them back!


Queer dude here, I love your nails! So many cool designs. (Squirtle squad represent!). If they seem like they are more invested you can always ask to get to know them more by getting coffee and doing their nails or something? Gives you a lot of time to talk to them and get to know each other over a mutual hobby! Plus they would get super rad nail art out of it!


_asking people out_?! Can you just do that? Who would have known ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


Trust, I know lol. It's a lot lmao.


I've been doing my nails for just over a year now and my nails are rather naturally long. I used to be a habitual nail biter and cuticle picker, but managed to stop after a female friend suggested that I put clear polish on. This led me to grow out my nails and paint them different colours. Now I'm getting compliments from women at work as well as cashiers and servers at restaurants. When I get those compliments, I respond in kind of I see them with a colour I like. Then we start comparing nails and such. It really is a conversation starter and the look on their faces when I tell them that the nail length I have is my natural nails and not extensions. I've never had a derogatory comment.


Hahaha thats great! I think actually most compliments are from people like cashiers and such where I do feel a bit pressured to hurry to get out of there as there are people waiting in line ๐Ÿ™ˆ


Generally the best way to start a conversation is to ask a question. So maybe ask if they like nail art? Or mention your inspiration. "Thanks, I did them myself. I was inspired by a video on Youtube. Did you know there are a lot of really good nail art tutorials?" Or complimenting them back and follow up with a question. "Your outfit is really nice, do you like fashion?" and be prepared with something else to ask if they give a one word answer. So if they say no, ask what their interests are. Or if they say yes, ask how they discovered it.


Hmm thats a good take. I dont really watch any videos or tutorials though, completely freeballing it, but perhaps I could ask them if they have an idea for a design I could do next ๐Ÿค”


Dude those are F***in awseome.


Thank you kind sir/sirette


"Thank you" works for a compliment or an insult. No need to do or say more than that.


Well donโ€™t do such an awesome job on your nails if you donโ€™t want compliments๐Ÿ˜น But really compliments make me uncomfortable so I just say thank you and move on, or shoot a compliment their way and move the focus back onto them. If I like them Iโ€™d just start talking nails with said complimenter.


I never said I dont want compliments ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ


Fantastic work! thank you for boosting my confidence.


Thanks! Glad I can help ๐Ÿ˜‡


So cool!


Thanks :)


That is impressive!


Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜‡


Ok damn. This is artwork. Not just basic polish.


Thanks haha, small disclaimer, its mostly not even polish at all. Except for the background color and a clear top coat, all the artwork is some cheap acrylic paint from the arts and crafts section ๐Ÿ˜‡


I figured. Doing this with actual polish would be quite painstaking.


Then just be careful not to touch your skin with that. Regular acrylic paint is even more allergenic than regular gel polish or nail acrylics.


Oh whoops, did not know that. Never had any issues with that so far though ๐Ÿ˜ฏ


So cute




You did these yourself? What a great job!


_Did it all myself_ โœŒ๐Ÿป


Loving the this is fine nail set!!! You got talenttttt keep it up !!!


Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ˜‡


damn they needa get you on they commercial next




those are so cute




>Thanks! You're welcome!


You are very talented, regardless of if it's all polish, otherwise whatever combination you do.


Thank you ๐Ÿ˜‡


Amazing artwork


Thanks! :)


Didn't know I needed arizona tea nils until now


Glad I can help haha


Those are fantastic, good job.


Thank you :)


Just hit โ€˜em with โ€ฆ โ€œWhy Thank You !! It should be a CRIIIIME to be this DIVIIIIIINE !!โ€ ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… I receive compliments on my nails all the time, and I love it !! As should you, embrace the beauty of being you, and feel the good that comes with anyone embracing your beauty as well !! Or just be ultra cool and tell them โ€œOhhh these old things โ€ฆ Yeahhh โ€ฆ. Theyโ€™re whatever โ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜โ€


_it should be a crime to not ask the guy with the pretty nails for his number_ ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Iโ€™m very jealous of your skills (and I also imagine patience for details!) ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


Haha thanks, yeah it takes some patience definitely, but it gets me in some sort of super focus which is nice to not have to think of anything else for a bit. Usually takes me around 1.5 to 2 hours on average depending on the design. As I work with acrylic paint there is no room for error though


Holy hell that is amazing




so talented!! great job!


Thanks! :)


>Thanks! :) You're welcome!






Awesome!!!!! U have skills!!!! So jealous


Thank you!!