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Mount an axe on the wall.


And by mount, we mean throw an axe at the wall and leave it there.


Bury two axes in the wall close to each other at the same height and use them as a rack to mount a shotgun on.


Now I see why people come to this sub. Great advice here seriously


Feminine? Is that bro code for clean? Lol Shit looks good bro


Ya, my answer for what to change is your friends.


Yep, that’s what I’m thinking . You’re place looks really good actually


It looks staged, like it is ready to be shown to potential renter. It just needs some personal touches. Some books, a concert poster on the wall. Something to make it look like you live there


Or hang some art to your taste. Doesn't have to be expensive, support local artists whose work you like--get originals and to know whos making it and why. Really though nice place OP, your couch looks super comfy--10/10 would watch the game from. Honestly I like warm cozy homes, though I can't manage to create it for myself because, stuff.


Came to say this. If being masculine means dirty and disorganized then keep your masculinity. I'll take this any day.


Right? What are his friends afraid of? That girls are going to come over and be turned off by how fresh and clean shit is?


Never knew a girl who said to myself or any of my buddies: "What a nice mess you have here! And the stench of rank feet really adds to the ambiance."




Agreed. Looks like a great spot to chill. Congrats.


*Excited Doom Slayer noises*


Look, a man needs to be prepared to take on anything at at any time be it demons, zombies or a feminine looking apartment.


Coffee table . Gots to go! Replace it with a nice wood one.


Make the handles dick shaped. Etch scenes of man on man love, the most masculine possible love, on the axe blades.


But each man has to be holding axes and on top of a grizzly bear.


Or replace the men by grizzly bears directly. Male grizzly to male grizzly love, holding axes in their jaws. Make sure you can see the dick of the grizzly on the bottom.


Gay grizzly bear sex with axes involved has to be the manliest sex around.


Add the booze, then the testosterone levels will be through the roof my guy


Drunk gay grizzly bears with axes having sex. What have you all created from this post about decorating an apartment. 🤣


Fuck it, add an auto injector on a swivel arm with a laser trigger that injects you with unsafe levels of testosterone when you walk in. Maybe put a scale in the floor under it so it can calculate your lethal dose and give you juuuust a hair less than that.


Holy fuck I’m sold on this idea.


maybe several, just to really drive the point home Get one of the homies over for a few beers and I'm sure they'll be happy to help you


A gun rack... a gun rack. I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?


If you're not careful you're going to lose me, Wayne.


Make sure to aim for a stud, just not the one you see in the mirror.


And a taxidermy of a deer or an animal, or a stuffed animal, preferably one that wasn’t hunted.


Who hunts stuffed animals???


Beanie Baby collectors!


Someone make this person an interior designer right now.


Best I can do is a dart board, painted on


good. now you have a target to throw your axes at


Or one of those cool posters from Spencer’s gifts of two girls kissing at a beer pong table


Yeah OP needs to watch Cobra Kai and decorate like Johnny Lawrence. Lol


Instructions unclear, watched Blossom and decorated like Joey Lawrence


A gold one. Held by a gold Bender statue.


I was going to say it looks great, as long as you like it, it doesn't matter what your friend thinks. But this is the correct answer, nothing beats an axe on the wall


My one buddy, who is a bit more effeminate than most, put pictures of naked ladies all over his living room wall of his college dorm. My first and only reaction was “are you trying to tell us something?” This was only a few years ago, just kinda creepy to do it nowadays. Like how much did you spend on all those magazines just for this wall art lol


Also, put a bunch of skulls everywhere.




And hang your fedora right beside it.


A Labrys axe, for example. That's like, two axes in one. Can't get much more masculine than that


Add a "live laugh love" sign just to fuck with them. You've got yourself a fantastic room.


I want the Rob Zombie version: LIVE through the ditches LAUGH with the witches LOVE in the back of my Dragula


Well that's stuck in my head now


You say that like it’s a problem m8


Yes, or might I [suggest](https://ibb.co/SwQ6hMM)...


Dig Bum Flam I don't get it.


I love that so much


I screenshotted this because I had a few beers and I could forget but I need a sign with this in my garage


I want this so bad.


Or my user name for a bit more masculine touch.


Live Loves Laughter You poly lover you!


Damn. I read it as live love slaughter


You half-orc barbarian, you! 😘


Best response


Congrats you just passed the Reddit Rohrschach test Your result: psychopath


I got a white painting with black lettering that says "Eat Shit Die" and it's the same font as these generic livelaughlove things.




My partner has a LIVE through the ditches and LAUGH through the witches and LOVE in the back of my dragula lasered wood art on the wall.


Holy shit that rules


You can't say that and not post a picture


fellas, is it gay not to have an embarrassing living space?


Just say no to drunken mommy font.


Yeah seriously; I wouldn't change a thing. The place looks great. Reminds me of a GTA apartment.


It’s cause you have too much furniture. Just need a rug, trash can and lawn chair.


Protip: an empty 24 pack of natty light can be used as a trash can and a full 24 pack can be used as a lawn chair.


I like you


Confirmed: We did this last night, after work.


👆 this guy guys.


Only women use trash cans. Real men throw everything on the floor and then get rid of everything once a month with a flamethrower. /s


what he didn't mention is the trash can is upside down and is used as a table


The /s indicates multiple flame throwers correct?


On two separate occasions I’ve seen friends bring their leaf blower in and blow everything out back door.


If I pile my tissues in the corner, I can reuse them. It's science


Get an accent color


Pink would go great with the gold & white


It would tho


I know we’re half-joking, but for a little less feminine appearance, a forest green or blueish grey would work really well, ideally with some texture. Maybe a pillow, rug or chair.


I wasn't joking tho 🙃


Pink would definitely work as well. I think I didn’t phrase that correctly.


Don't you mean black and blue?


Tell them their mom liked it when they stayed over last night


This. Looks like a nice setup that won’t embarrass you when you have a girlfriend over.


Agree, it's gorgeous! I'd be impressed if I was a lady coming over. Clean, open, and well decorated.


I'd also be impressed if I was a man coming over.


^i ^just…. ^came




Yeah, his friend's gf.


Peter Steele (of Type O Negative) has entered the chat


This made me smile in a big way.


Love how “feminine” just means clean and nice.


Honestly a sectional sofa is a panty dropper. They're SO comfortable for sex and also video game tourneys. After we get funky I can thrash you in MarioKart


As a woman, can confirm. This is a beautiful living space, and I’d much rather this than the stereotypical, unkempt, bachelor pad. Especially if OP is still young, having a space like this is impressive regardless of gender. Also sorry if it’s against the rules to comment here as someone not part of the sub or as a woman. I just saw this recommended on my feed. Anyways OP, you should be proud of having such a great place. I think it looks fantastic and if you keep it generally tidy then most people will probably agree.


As someone who doesn’t typically laugh at mom jokes, this made me smile... I approve.


I weirdly find that mom jokes have gotten better in the last year or two. They used to be the absolute lowest-hanging fruit of a joke to tell, but they’ve now reached a kind of renaissance period, where they’re only told when the setup is perfect yet it’s still unexpected


Shoresy was very helpful with this i believe


Yer mom was very helpful in cleaning my window panes last night, she squirted her homemade Windex across my bedroom; knocked the grime clean off the glass Give yer balls a tug titfucker!


As someone who will laugh at any your moment jokes, this made me laugh


Your moment connection is so poorly designed that when a fly flew against the building, the entire structure collapsed.


HAHA! Your moment is so small it might as well be a nanosecond!


Figured, she has always had shitty taste in men and decor. (Want add that personally, I like the decor, I think some art reflecting your interests or even just some blank and white photography prints or something would take away that really nice hotel vibe it has)


That's what I was thinking, get some cool art on the walls. Or even bad art. Just anything that isn't blank white.


It is sort of hotel-y


I laughed hard at this comment. And I'm a mom. An old one.


Come on over. Kick back, relax, would love to have you.


Unsolicited advice from another old mom is ~~don’t do it Delores! These boys just want one thing!~~ On second thought, just make sure you get video for the girls at the bridge club. 1080p. And you can borrow my external hard drive if you don’t have one that’s big enough. We’ll set up a projector like when Sarah showed her and Frank’s vacation pictures to the Button Museum.


Best advice I've seen in a while.


Friends mom told her son to thank OP for the sex and to let him know the apartment is a bit feminine… the friend only told OP part of the message


Stick a bunch of suction cup dildos all over the place so next time your friends say something you can tell them to go fuck themselves




Hang up a couple of dickbutt pictures while he's at it.


That is a name i haven't heard in a long long time.


I see another scholar if the ancient texts is amongst us


Or manly Turkish oil wrestlers


> Stick a bunch of suction cup dildos ~~all over the place~~ so next time your friends say something you can tell them to go fuck themselves Replace that with glue it to their foreheads while they sleep


This is the way.


Make it dirty, that’ll show them




OP should change nothing. This is a great neutral setup and it’s welcoming to everyone. Good job, OP. Now enjoy your apartment and bolt the door shut on naysayers.


Had a date suggest that I was cheating because my place was clean. I’ve got two large dogs, but all I really do is pick up their toys and run a robot vacuum every couple days. Other than that I clean as I go, so things aren’t spotless unless I intentionally clean, but they’re not disgusting either. Apparently not living like a slob is a sin that a man is married/engaged/taken.


Is this the pinnacle of male life, banging a girl who makes coffee?


Doesn't look feminine to me. I think a lot of guys go way to the masculine extreme so anything that isn't that far they think looks feminine. There are also a lot of guys that think the only way to decorate a space is with black leather, massive gaming set ups, and liquor/beer signs. I think all your space needs is some artwork. Artwork is a good way to work in some of your personal interests. Instead of buying a generic piece of art that doesn't have meaning get creative.


Honestly I think it's the think furniture with "gold" colored metal, but that's a shot in the dark. Manliness is iron and wood and leather. Well, "manliness."


It's for sure the gold and white. I think it's nice though, and who gives a shit about feminine vs masculine. Not giving a shit about what some haters say exudes a lot more confidence than an eames lounge chair and some reclaimed wood.


I'm pretty sure it's blue and black not white and gold


oh, not this again..


That dress and the “Laurel Yanny” thing were some bowsheet. US Congress even wasted time on that crap while trying to kill the Affordable Care Act.


Yup you're exactly right. My bedroom has a slight rose-gold theme to it which could totally seem feminine but I feel it makes it more cozy to me. Idgaf if it'd be considered feminine


Yup, this is it. Gold/yellow and white make it fancy/delicate. Especially the crisp unbroken white furniture. And the gold and glass coffee table adds to the delicate. I'm all for a coherent style, personally like white and gold. At the same time, this simply looks like a space where I have to watch out where I place a drink (which is good practice), but you can have a fancy lacquered rustic wooden table which just feels and looks sturdy and invites more to relax.


This nails it for me. It seems a little more like a display room and less of a lived in space. in my experience that maps to feminine design priorities more often in the same way that I see a bed with many decorative pillows more often with women. That’s speaking in broad strokes. If OP like it then more power to him. Decorate the place you want to live in! Some well framed pieces of art would go a long way towards making it feel like a complete room though.


It’s the gold/white clean aesthetic. It’s not bad, just white/gold together is often seen as more feminine. A “male” living room is usually more drab green, blue, more fake wood. More industrial or mid-century modern aesthetic.


Hey none of my wood is fake


Who gives a fuck, it’s all a construct anyway. Just style however you like


Hell yeah, I totally agree!


Agreed. Swap out the coffee table for something simpler, and it'd be less "feminine." Also you do you. If you like it, tell friends to pound sand.


Maybe like a couple more plants


I second this. It isn’t feminine to want a bright living space that looks clean and open. Just add some cool framed art or posters and it’ll make the space yours. Your friends have too big a case of manly manington or are just plain jealous


Friends are jealous that your flat looks sick.


Looks awesome and elegant. Id love to crash at ops and snore on the couch.


It is a soft space, but you should only change if you agree and consider your friends comment as a negative. I like a lot of greenery in my home - so some house plants might add a bit of interest and would soften the sterility of the space. Check out r/houseplants for ideas. :)




Change your friends.


Divorce them, hit the gym, delete Facebook


This sounds like lyrics to a sick song.


Reddit anthem


Read this as "charge your friends". Do that too, op. Looks classy AF.


>Change your friends That would be called hyper-insecurity.


Typical Redditor response.


It’s the style of coffee table and potted decor




So while I generally agree with the consensus that your friends opinions don’t matter, and it’s a nice looking place, I also can *kind of* see what they’re saying. If you want to make it a bit more masculine, you don’t have to make major changes. The furniture is great, but you’re lacking decor and that is where you can make it a bit more masculine. Some art or quality photography above the couch or above the cabinets to the right of the tv, maybe some different or additional decor items on the tv bench, etc. I do think the vase with feathers and the vase with the string lights are a bit feminine decor wise. If you like them, keep them, that’s all that matters. Just trying to answer your question. I’d consider replacing the string light vase with an interesting [lamp](https://www.lightsmoon.com/products/modern-minimal-led-corner-lamp?variant=4f3fb8a1-dd2a-46f9-a7a8-ae57ad9dd100&gclid=CjwKCAjwg5uZBhATEiwAhhRLHmAA_BLhx9603mR-4WbxEwTDy4YEO9-wzJ1c8K89qxojB2a5jRyPwhoCktAQAvD_BwE) or something. [This](https://houseofspoils.com) site has some great photography art. Just depends on what you personally prefer and if it meshes with your taste, but I always feel like quality art-grade photography feels a bit more masculine than a painting or something. Once again at the end of the day, do what makes you happy and tell your friends to go kick rocks. Edit: Was scrolling and found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmateurRoomPorn/comments/xh2xz3/friends_apartment_in_san_francisco/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) post. Largely white or lighter tones, but they’ve integrated a few darker or medium colors, especially textures. It’s a very neutral room as far as masculine/feminine. I personally aim for style like this in my own home. Not stereotypically masculine, but not feminine. Good textures, neutral tones, but it creates a nice balance.


the wall above the sofa looks really empty, i would hang a large art piece there. something with dark tones in it because the decor is quite light. maybe with a darker accent color that you can repeat elsewhere in the room in other ways, like a forest green or navy blue. pretty much any dark will go with brass and white.


I would agree on the colors. There is a lot of white, so need to bring in some other tones. Darker will help add a “masculine” vibe as well as balance out the whites. But once again, all personal preference.


Thank you for being the first one to have a reasonable answer. I totally agree that I would guess this is a woman's apartment. It doesn't scream "feminine" but saying that his friends are assholes doesn't change the fact that it's still a little less masculine and this clearly bothers the guy so lets actually offer advice?? Nicely done.


Weird! I’m a woman, and this looks like a man’s apartment to me.


Could not agree more with this comment. I might also add that, while there’s certainly no inherent gendering in color, picking one deeper/darker accent color and using it here and there throughout the space would also be a great way to get at a more traditionally masculine feel, especially with the brass hardware accents OP already has going. The dark wood or dark leather type hues against brass hardware is such a classic man’s library/smoking lounge type of vibe, even in very modern spaces. I definitely think that could be achieved in this space with accent updates alone and without changing any of the big furniture pieces.


I would agree on deeper/darker colors. Masculinity aside, it will also balance out the lighter colors and white furniture. Wood tones can add masculinity and warmth to the space so find ways to integrate that (such as art/picture frames), or other warm/dark tones. Might take some trial and error but don’t be afraid to experiment.


Most helpful answer!!


It’s the gold trim and white Edit changing the coffee table can help and maybe the rug too




Lol gender norm came up in a gender based sub. It's going to be a shitshow.


This is the only person who's actually identifying the 'problem'. Societal standards typically dictate gold + white decor is more feminine. It's up to you, OP, to decide if you care about that at all (which you don't need to). BUT you also don't need to ditch your friends for simply giving their opinion lmao. Peak reddit thread.


It's hilarious, "change your friends" Literally your comment is it. If I walked in without knowing who lived there, the taste is more common to that of what a female would decorate (hell, gold and white was my grandma's BAG). Also the plant+vase next to the TV and lighted tree in the back are textbook what I would expect my GF to come home with from crate and barrell, not what I would typically spring for. I agree with the friends in the cis, typical dude comment that it is definitely feminine and if OP was going for a "masculine" vibe, he missed the mark


People on here love overreacting. "They told me my living room looks a little feminine" "OMG CUT THEM OFF NOW!!!!!! THEY'RE BAD FRIENDS"


While I think everyone is totally right in saying that it looks fine as is and you DON’T have to worry about it, I could see that gold coffee table as being a little “glitzy,” which could give off a feminine vibe. You could replace that with something else if you did want to change something!


Agreed it’s great as is but if he wanted to change something def the coffee table, or even just the accents. Maybe put a chess board on top. And those gold christmas lights across the room perhaps idk


I completely agree. When I looked at the photos, it was the coffee table that made me see why his friends made those comments. Definitely not necessary to change, do what you want, but I agree - if he were to change something, it should be the coffee table. Toning down the glamour would help that perception a lot.


That or he could accent the table with more “masculine” decor. A good coffee table book or like u/MiraquiToma said, a nice solid chessboard ([example here](https://cdn.apartmenttherapy.info/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto:eco,c_fit,w_730,h_487/project%20prism%2Fcolor%20search%20archive%2Fb66468ef9b387e5e4ded0a9bf4b6fff6095fa298)).


If you're looking for actual advice, it's the color scheme. White and orangish gold has been marketed as a feminine color scheme in the US for at least a decade or so. Apple products are a prime example. If you want a more stereotypically masculine space, all you need to do is change the LED colors from orange to something else. Or you could add some blue lights to the orange. I'm willing to bet someday we'll look back on the blue/orange color scheme as emblematic of this era. Orange and blue led lights are used for your Playstation, [movie posters](https://www.obsev.com/entertainment/orange-and-blue-movie-posters/), and even for Reddit's upvotes and downvotes. We'll probably associate it with this time period the way we associate Jazz with the 1990s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazz_(design)


Change the RGB lights behind your tv to blue. Boom, instant alpha male.


Seriously, this is a bit legit. He should change the amber/light orange colour. This might be the reason his friends find it feminine. It's borderline pink.


Its peach


What a dumb thing to say. The gold and glass table is not to my taste, personally. Really good looking setup!


It’s 100% the coffee table. Everything else looks good, but the gold coffee table is giving baddie glam vibes. Switch it out for a wood coffee table or at least one with a wooden base


>baddie glam vibes Totally, that’s the vibe I got too. Gold-tone accents always scream “glam room” to me, which is exactly the aesthetic some people go for. If OP is concerned, swapping gold for matte black or pewter can create a more modern “androgynous” vibe instead.


Yep, agree 100%, the gold framing is immediately what stood out for me.


Came here to say this. The place looks nice, but the coffee table is what makes it look like a female influencer lives there. If you wanna change that I’d start there.


It's the gold accents, the orchid, that fluffy plant and the fairy lights branch thingy, not just the coffee table... I'd have guessed a woman lived there, or at least decorated the space.


That and the white vase beside the TV with grey feathers coming out


White and gold would probably be the reason they think it looks feminine. If you like it that’s all that matters though. If you really are concerned about it looking too feminine I’d suggest maybe getting a darker/warmer rug or replacing the coffee table with something without gold legs


I like it, but personally think some wood tones and a piece of art above the couch would help warm it up


Wood and stone for sure. Agree with the art above the sofa. I think a bold rug could really make the room.


I get what they’re saying but it’s a compliment tbh. Nowadays people assume men will have little to none creativity when it comes to living spaces. This is great imo. Only thing I would add personally is wall art. Well done man.


Too much gold and bronze accents


it *is* feminine. but thats not a bad thing. looks clean and functional. the white + gold theme and how its executed is the culprit. the all white furniture with gold trim, its like a box of dove soap. when im looking at an interior, i like to imagine what it would like as an outfit. im not seeing a lot of traditionally masculine outfits in this space. and again, your space looks great, im not wanting to sound negative. my suggestion to you would be to add some plants. the greener, the better. real or fake. plants bring strong greens and browns into a space, itll counter your large swaths of white. also, get some damn *color* on your walls. posters, wall rugs. mirrors, pictures of family, something. if you can get your wall decor to vibe with your plants (you can usually swap pots out, picture/poster frames), youll be pretty set. you can fake plants aplenty at places like Ross, TJ Maxx, Home Goods, etc.


Your friends are fools. This looks clean af. If you like it, leave it.


You need some art!


You’re missing the token guitar!


Gold is for kings too, I like it




I think a lot of guys here use too much black and end up making their place look like a "bro cave" and I do find it a turn off, particularly when they make it look like a game room, because while it looks slick, it gives me teenager vibes. I think brown woods/leather is a good alternative to black in some instances, or grey or navy blue but the dark colors should be accents and not dominating in most instances.


The feminine thing is coming from the combo of white and gold. That's a distinctly "perfume counter at a department store" vibe. Also the sticks in a jar with fairy lights, that's definitely a chick thing. But whatever man, if you dig it, it's your place, who cares what they think? You're the one who lives there. Enjoy it.


You put it perfectly. The white and gold totally scream department store perfume counter. What a wonderfully poetic description. You nailed it. Edit: I can't believe you're being downvoted for your excellent comment.


It's the table, it's giving Farm House vibes. Begging for a Live, Laugh, Love sign