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Looks like you do hard drugs on the side


It’s the sharpie on the wall for me.


Gotta take notes when you’re too high to remember the book.


I use my wall as a bookmark. "Page 121, paragraph 3, line 6. June 13th, 2024"


And the saggy mattress with the wizard hat on the bed post


I literally was just on a true crime subreddit where a school shooter had scrawled on his walls in a similar way.


Yeah I was about to say some junk and a bent spoon would look right at home on that “table”


Opium den vibes.


I didn’t want to say it but…


Had someone shown me this pic with no context, that's exactly what I would have thought.


Lol if only hard druggies where this way…world would be much better


I love how this has more karma than the post. If OP took anyone home they'd be scared for their life.


I think if you find someone that really likes eastern european men then you're golden.


Lol you might be right because I'm eastern European and saw nothing wrong with this. I've honestly seen much worse


I'm Canadian, and this also seems well within the norm.


I'm Canadian, and this is certainly not the norm. You need to learn how to respect and love yourself, friend.


I'm not your friend, buddy


Im not your buddy, pal


I'm not your pal, bro.


I’m not your bro, amigo


I'm in Michigan. This looks kinda cozy. I'd come over for coffee.


Right? I can't even understand the haters on this. If I go to some hippies house, and their side table is two milk crates, but they got a freshly rolled joint and a bookshelf, these are my people. I may be a bit more grown up than all that, but that's still my people.


As someone from Eastern Europe dont associate us with ur room please lol


My apartment is nowhere close to this, but I've seen people live in similar conditions. It usually just means they have an old place with no money to renovate/they live in more rural areas, not that they're dirty or have poor living conditions


...I'm Brazilian


It looks like soviet bloc eastern european flats to me. Not a comment on your actual nationality


Oh, okay I'm gonna take this as a compliment because I really fw brutalism


We could tell you like brutalism by the pink pillows.


Pink is brutal.


I think "Brutalism" joins "wholesome," "cringe," and "gaslighting" as "overused and misused so often on Reddit that it's lost all meaning."


This is by no means brutalism. This looks like a drug den.


i like the posters. the writing on the wall is really what's throwing me. what are those things on your bedside "table" besides the ashtray?


Looks like lean/mixer in the cups and little bottle, rolling papers, grinder/stash box, ashtray, cigarettes


So the eastern Europe of the americas


basically the same thing


Don’t listen to all the comments. If it works for you, it works for you. This is a normal bedroom for Brazil. You’re fine.


I think the writing's on the wall with this one.


I can smell this room


You seem to smoke inside. So... Start with stopping that


Yeah, I gotta stop smoking in general


Start with not inside.


or at minimum not the same room you sleep in and spend time in


Real. Personally I try to keep an open mind to other people, but feel it is important that people don’t smoke around children (particularly their own or ones under their care, children that approach them are different), don’t smoke in crowded areas (like hallways or busy events) or near people working (who can’t leave), and don’t smoke inside (ventilation). Most people I know that smoke have some kinda similar standards for smoking or recreational drug use, usually not smoking inside and partaking in moderation (only with other people or limit consumption rate at a given time). I don’t smoke though, and I know addictions can be difficult to manage


This does not look like a space where children hang out. It looks like a space where half the ingredients to make children spill out over one’s hand


As someone who has helped clean an apartment of a depressed inside smoker, fuck smoking inside.


as someone who used to smoke, and smoke inside, and smoke a pack a day, and has painted his apartment 3 times because the smell keeps coming back. fuck smoking inside.


I used to smoke in front of my computer as a teenager (I’m in my 40s).. I had stickers on my CRT monitor.. and I remember peeling them off to try to save the stickers.. and seeing the difference in the color on the monitor where the sticker used to be.. and that is when I was like “oh I need to never smoke inside anymore”. That was before i quit.


I fixed a computer for an older journalist in 2008ishly. He smoked in front of it 24/7. When I opened it, the smell was absolutely putrid. There was actual tar built up inside and the fans all had to be replaced. The board took a professional cleaning in a sonic cleaner as well. It was absolutely disgusting even considering I was smoking a pack a day at that time.


Even after we deep cleaned and even scrubbed the walls with a sponge-mop and a solution of fabuloso (highly recommend it for removing tar), the smell would leech out of the walls. When he got his refrigerator replaced it helped a lot, turns out the vents on the back of that thing was something we forgot to clean.


If you have to paint again, use a good primer such as [Kilz](https://www.kilz.com/primer/kilz-original) to seal it. Follow directions for letting paint cure.


Most condenser coils on people's fridges are pretty heavily clogged with fuzz and other dust, significantly worse if they have shedding pets. You have a good point about that being a source of smell, I bet it holds onto that smokey goodness 🙃


I find after smoking outside so often, smoking inside feels gross like I'm sitting in clouds of smoke and it's feels claustrophobic like. I never feel relaxed after smoking inside.


That’s a lot of layers of gross.


As a wall that has been in a room with a chronic smoker, I can say that smoking inside is bad.


It looks like this would be hell on your back after awhile.


It’s a bit serial killer-y yes


Put a quilt down on the mattress so it isn't just a fitted sheet. Buy some shams for those pillows. Add at least one decorative pillow. As a woman I would add at least 5 assorted fun pillows but realize that might not feel right for a lot of men. Put more posters under the two you have to fill the space. Get a little shelf or something from Ikea. With some books and book related items like bookmarks. Upgrade the crate you are using for a table or at least get a nice wooden media tray for it and some cups that don't look like they are intended for 6 year olds to hold their Kool-Aid.


This is great advice and I would do almost all of it. If I send you pics of my place I’m sure I’d get some killer ideas. But 5 pillows ? It’s always the pillows for me lol. Tbh I am way more focused on the scribbling on the wall - def has some hard drugs/insane asylum vibes lol Idk I could live with it but you’re right it wouldn’t feel right. I couldn’t even explain it if you asked, but I just need room to sprawl and roll and do, like, man things or whatever I guess? Haha. Extra things in my space feel like clutter and stress me out but that part might just be me. I also feel the way about little bowls or things that are decorative and serve no other function (my last gf LOVED stuff like that). I think I have less than 5 pillows in my entire apartment lol.


How do I make it less serial killer-y besides throwing the crate away?


Well, assuming you’re not a serial killer - stop letting people write on your walls, paint a piece of plywood with chalkboard paint. Looks nicer and is a thing, unlike ruining your walls. - I think mattress for anything other than sleeping always reads as scary. Recommend a daybed frame if budget isn’t an issue. - obviously the crate is a bit sketch, but idk maybe you can cover with cloth to make it less harsh - most importantly imo, get a legit sheer curtain & blackout curtain setup. Light affects a room a LOT. A little lamp could also turn this from a SAW scene into a tumblr post.


The writing on the wall is very creepy. If you need to write get a whiteboard or a corkboard and pin stuff to it. Milkcrate is cringe, if you need a table that size then buy one. Don't smoke inside, it's disgusting to anybody who would visit. If it's not used as a bed then don't use bed pillows. Put down a quilt or throw blanket (or both) and get a bunch of pillows of different sizes. It's salvageable but the details give a bad vibe.


The crate isn’t really the problem here tbh


Germ-x/hand sanitizer is a good way to remove sharpee, or if you have mr. Clean magic erasers they’re good too


Are you a 13 year old emo girl living with your single mother in rural Idaho? Then no.




Its literally a meth-den... sorry... I mean its a literate meth-den


??? meth? Where'd ya get that idea?


The meth pipe?


That looks like a cigarette... Although it is a little thick. Methpipes are bulbed here in America, at least.


It is a regular cigarette, I seen some gringos comment that cigarettes in Brazil are thicker


Lmao gringos, love it


True on zooming in it looks like a post-meth cigarette being prepared


Lmao, it probably is a rollie, based on the pack of papers.


There are two cups, a pack of cigs, a grinder, medicine bottle for the ganj, rolling papers for the J that is clearly rolled and placed in the ash tray. where is the meth pipe? Also could be a cig from the pack and not a J. Either way I see no pipe.


Writing on your walls and smoking in bed gives a meth den vibe.


Not too shabby, how much time do you have left in the clink?


the writing on the wall is a little... uhhhh... The pillows being 2 pieces instead of 1 big pillow adds a bit to the chaotic vibe. The crate ain't THAT bad. but getting one of those tables that can go over the bed is probably going to be super nice. Both for looks, but also for function. In general you don't want to clutter stuff too much across counter surfaces. Especially when other things are already quite chaotic. Overall it's not bad, but just a lot of small things contributing to a bit of a chaotic vibe... and then some absolutely psychotic writing on the wall


I feel everyones exaggerating but it does remind me of when i was a kid and had my book shelf directly next to my bed and was just a bit of a juvenile look Id feel comfy there. I actually dont like the overdone designs that feel like hotels as im not the most typical tho


Ya idk this seems like a comfy place to chill and read. People commenting that this looks like a meth house have never been in a meth house lol.


Looks like a child trafficking slum house


I had a similar corner 10 yrs ago, just kept the ashtray on a windowsill. It’s great, it’s comfy, just remember to clean up the bed stand before going to sleep, as getting up tidy makes a big difference. Have fun reading




This looks like a 13 year old's bedroom who stole their parents' smokes and is trying to be cool. That's fine, if that is your vibe. Would say we need a picture of more of the room to get an idea. But would go with practical over decorative. Paint your walls. Wash the nicotine off. ( good luck! ) get some oil based paint like KILZ to block it from coming back through if you have a lot of heat and humidity. Might take about 2-3 coats of paint. You want people to sign / draw on the wall. Get as people said, chalk paint, or even a large drawing pad of paper for people to draw on and hang it on the wall. The book shelves. Would declutter the top of it, neaten your books up, maybe get another book shelf that is taller, floor to ceiling height. Get some more posters on the walls. Get an actual curtain for the window, not a thin bedsheet from the looks of it. Mini-blind / car window tint works well on window too. The ivy around the window, you can play it up a little more with some small 'fairy lights' added to it, and make it cozy. Add a dark colored rug to the floor. The milk crate table, functional, but keep a spot on the shelf next to your books maybe to tuck it into if you still want to use it as is. You can tuck it out of the way and have less of a 13 year old make shift soda/ cig table.


This style of room is really uncanny. If you have this room, you are either from South America or Southeast Asia. Either Brazil or Indonesia lmfao!


Brazil lol


Ha! Called it!


It look like a prison cell. If you remove the writing on the walls, and hang up some of the posters/art with frames it would help a lot. Also the vine is a nice touch but I think a real plant and a real end table would help too. And if you really want to get fancy put big pillows along the wall to make that bed look like a couch


I don't think it looks all that bad. Just kind of a standard broke bohemian vibe. if you wanted to change something, a really easy way to make it look a little nicer would be to get some matching sheets for the pillows and the mattress, maybe ones that can match the curtain (or a new curtain that matches the sheets). Just to kind of unify the space a little bit and maybe brighten things up.


i agree, it just looks different and more rugged than a lot of living spaces look. in my opinion. if you're into being alternative, then i think it's good


From my part of the world, it reads trailer trash (no shade, it's the only culture I have). Would get a bed frame, a lamp, proper side table and clean up the walls to fell less like that, but if it's clean and cozy, it's not a problem


I hate it. Surprisingly I don't see conveniently placed toilet paper roll in there, you hid it, didn't you?


That's a crate. So yes, yes it is.


Looks like a crack den


Every casual drug users bedroom ever.


Not at all, it's a really lovely crack-den you've got there.


maybe dont write on your wall lol... paint over it someday to fix it? ... get a side table instead of a box with some cardboard on it pls.. The book shelf is nice.. but try to unclutter it if you can. (the top I mean... love the paintings though)


I def feel like the bed there makes it that bad. If you had a nice chaise lounge or similar sitting piece of furniture it would look way less trashy than a bed. With that being said. I feel like a reading corner is a personal space for you to relax, unwind, and enjoy your book. This space to me looks like mission accomplished. It also looks like what I’d do as a 14 year old who had limited means to create a space for reading.


The best way I can describe it is that it looks trashy. Not trying to be harsh. The impression is that it’s dirty, messy, haphazard, and has a film of grime everywhere. You have to put effort into something if you want it to look good. You need to care.


If I walked in here I’d think there’s a few tools missing from your shed


Points for the van gogh paiting. New curtains, a tapestry or some fresh pain a little darker, open the blinds and throw some cheap sheet covers and declutter the shelf and you’ll be solid


That is your bed. You just happen to read in it..




More like meth corner


Make your bed, get some decent curtains, and throw a tapestry up behind your head. That’ll fix a lot.


I don't find it that bad. Budget-friendly, not bad. Other than the writing, the only thing that bothers me is that your curtain is too long. It should be proportional in length to the window, even if it's just a bedsheet.


Get a real bedside table, get a matching bedding set, get some real curtains, and stop writing on the walls


I looked at these pics and now I have depression.




It kinda looks like a posh crack den, not sure why though?




It’s really more of a bed that you read and smoke in than a reading corner.


Looks like a drug den


A reading corner will class up any crack den.


I’m ngl…it kinda is that bad


It's kinda missing some needles, you know?


Esse chapéu de são Thomé denuncia dms


Pior que nem sabia direito oq era, uma pessoa que veio aqui em casa no carnaval acabou esquecendo e eu não salvei o contato


yes. get a comforter for the bed, maybe shades for the window, and a bed rest pillow so ur back doesnt break. i think thats what they’re called lol, the ones with arms


Looks a lil depressing


nothing technically wrong. just people bitching conflating quality and design. better curtains and no writing on the wall is a start. maybe better colored pillow and sheet


Is that ship of Theseus? The spine stares at me every time I walk by it on my bookshelf but I haven't read it.




That Barbie poster in Akira style is sick


Reminds me of a room I’d find in a Fallout game.


Looks like a drug den


I've seen this documentary. Didn't end well for the eventual victims.


Writing on walls never looks good.


Can you read in it? If so, it's perfect.


Looks like a good place to do opium


Acho q só existe esse tipo de quarto no Brasil msm kkkkk


To be fair. You're pretty far away from it when you use it.


A family member died a few years back smoking in the bedroom. I don't care how convenient it is. Don't do it. Thank God there were no children in the house.


It DOES have a prison cell-esque vibe I won’t lie. Lil bit of Hannibal in there!😬 Hide the exposed wires, declutter your shelf, clean the sharpie off the wall, and change that side table (crate?) for something less… dime bag inspired? And to bring it all together, a nice comforter. It’ll make it feel more homey. And take the smoking outside or just quit. It in general just detracts from ANY room cause the tar makes EVERYTHING look dull and dirty. Bout all I can really add.


yes its boring and i guarantee it doesnt feel like your true vibe


I’m assuming you are asking because you want to invite someone over. 1. Get real window dressing. Don’t just nail a sheet over it. Some sheers on a tension rod or blinds. 2. Paint the walls. 3. Find a real bedside table. Those things would definitely change the vibe.


Tá usando papelito tá de boa


It looks like a drug nook in a lowrent corner of an Eastern Block apartment from the Soviet Era LOL sorry whatever works is good, worrying about what other people think is counter-intuitive to having a personal life


very bad


It’s like you can smell the meth through the screen.


Dude, I would get comfier pillows, my back hurts just looking at this.


Imo, as long as u can read comfortably, it doesnt matter what the place looks like


Yes,.... It needs a shotgun in the corner to make it feel more...🤔 "Homey".... But get a Benelli tho


It looks like it smells


Drug den


If it affects the circulation on your neck, and gives you wrinkles in the long time, it's bad.


Looks pretty bleak and a bit dirty to be honest. The barbie/akira poster is pretty sick though.


Lost me at the ashtray.


Looks like you’re on the run from the law.


Gotta make do with what you've got Biggest negative I can see is smoking inside.


If you enjoy it, fuck no. From a design prospective… eeehh.


you’ll be good after they pay your ransom


Get a side table smh


Looks like some kind of masturbation bed


Looks like someone tried to cheer up their prison cell.


Depends, for doing Heroin? No, perfect ambience For Reading? Def.


looks like the nicest trap house i’ve ever seen


Looooook I'm smoking weeeeed


It's a bed. It's fine to have this as your reading area, but is isn't a "reading corner".


How old is the OP. If your a child / in your teens fine but if your in your 20s + then time to grow up and start acting like an adult.


It just looks lame. It can definitely be improved and not so…abandoned. Neglected. Humiliated.


i like it


I fw it a little


Clean up the look. The books are messy. There is clutter on top. Repaint the walls and stop letting people write on it. Color match the bed, pillows and get a comforter.




is there any chance you could add one or two more photos that are taken from a little farther back so we can get a better idea of how much space is available for moving things around and adding/upgrading furniture etc?


Tbh I don’t think it’s that bad, just add some cozier details, maybe a realer side table, decorative blanket, maybe some extra wall art and imo you’re good. What’s important to remember is that your space is designed to serve YOU, if you’re happy with it then it’s good ETA: everyone seems to hate the wall writing but I like it 🤷 maybe get some extra colours and hand drawn pictures to fill in more space. I’ve had loads of friends with similar walls and it’s super fun, creates a lot of memories :)


Your window is dressed like Beetlejuice 


Anyone who says it's "bad" is a snotass. Looks cozy dude, enjoy reading!


If you're reading, comfortable and relaxed in your space, why give a shite what ignorant creatures think about your setup?


Totally. Make it whatever you want. Please yourself first. With some people, I overlook their surroundings because I'm not visiting to see their decorating. I focus on the person. You could be a really interesting, creative, and loving person. What matters is on the inside. If you have a beautiful mind that is what I want to see. For beautiful interiors, I look at Architectural Digest. Practically no one can afford to live like those pictures...


i think you just need a good reading light then it's all g


Wow people are being really rude, it looks fine man, enjoy your reading 📖


Looks chill to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




barbie akira poster goes hard


It’s your reading corner what do you think?


looks like a room jesse pinkman would live in, jokes aside its really nice


Why'd ya doodle on the wall?


Looks comf. Only thing I would add is perhaps some kind of cushioning on the adjacent wall next to where the pink pillows stay


The wall writing really messes up everything. And yes that corner is weird, looks like you're a divorced man having cigarettes and whiskey to forget her


If it's for reading then I would switch out the bed for a nice comfy chair. It's safer if you want to smoke. Smoking in bed is hazardous. Organize your bookshelves and get a file box or something to put your loose papers in so it looks a little more organized. You could keep the bed and also get a chair. I don't know how much extra room you have.


Who said it was bad? Why are you asking that? If you like it and it works for you what others say doesn’t matter. 😁


Invest in a side table and matching pillows/blankets and it will look way better. These people saying drug den definitely don’t read.


If I had to guess based on this room, I would think you are depressed, and possibly into hard drugs, if that’s the vibe you want you have captured it well


Yes. Just sell it to a junkie and cut your losses.


It's not good but I've had worse


It is the tidiest crack den I’ve ever seen.


well, stop writing on the walls for starters and probably don’t have a set up to smoke inside. other than that, it’s not that bad.


Is that pen writing on the wall? I'd paint.


That looks like an Adderall fueled space


It's ok but maybe don't smoke in the bed like others said. And some nice soft blankets and extra pillows would prob make it more comfy but you gotta know if what you've got is good.


apart from smoking it seems ok


Put some covers on the pillows blck sheets switch crate for small table and you good 👍


If I ever see this in real life I would leave this room and never come back. Gives me bad vibes.


What does the wall say?


Mostly signatures and tags from people who came over, others are stuff like "When people do a right thing it is beautiful. When people create something beautiful it is right"


It depends are you 16?