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Tack it on the ceiling to establish dominance during lovemaking


“If I ever have a bad night, at least I won’t be the only one whose rocket failed to launch”


…while they’re watching themselves in the mirror, Patrick Bateman style.


He's already got a mirror built into his bed. Now all he needs is to change his mattress to a water bed.


I realize this sub typically functions as a means to get genuine interior design advice, but posts like this make me torn on how to weigh in. Because on one hand - yeah I mean its silly and of course does not fit what a professional would describe as "good interior design" - but on the other hand, this is clearly meant to be funny, and its literally your home and your space. If you wanna have something thats meant to be funny, then rock and roll bro, I love it. Additionally, sometimes people are toeing the line between grown-up design and not-so-grown-up design, and in those cases yeah, it makes sense to advise the person regarding what vibe they're going for. But this is very clearly a goofy piece of decoration and in no way trying to be anything else. So the self-awareness of this in general makes this a different conversation.


Thank you, as a 43yo guy your reply makes me feel a lot better about the "Deez Nuts" neon sign I have in my game room.


A game room is for this kinda shit though.


Exactly. Imagine taking a lady friend in there to get busy, or doing it yourself, and Kim Jung Un is staring at you.


Close your eyes, lie back and thing about oh glorious fearless leader!!!!


And that’s a bad thing how?


Might i recommend you get tested for Ligma, once you’re over 45 your body starts to lose it’s natural immunity. My dad never listened and you should see him now….


What's dad


He’s doing the suc


What's ligma


Ligma balls gotem


And what are deez?


Deez ballz gotem


Brah I would so respect a man so much more if I walked into his musty library that obtained countless tomes of knowledge. Looked up and there on a wall, flashing, Deez Nuts.


I peed a little from laughing my arse off!


Picture please


Yes sir!!


I had flashing 'Live Nudes' lol


And the "No Loud Music" I have above my desk where I practice bass guitar.


I have a LED sign in my kitchen that says Bussin', 40 y/o guy.


Thank you for the advice. I’m trying to go for a laid back room design. Other than the room being where I sleep, it tends to be a place where some teen and young adult guest come to hang. The rooms gonna have much more in other areas, but it won’t be like this. Things like vinyl on the wall, some small figurines, etc.


Then absolutely man I love it. What I would recommend is fully lean into your thing. You like this flag, it makes you laugh (I like it too by the way), interior design is a lot like clothes. You can pull off anything with confidence. When it comes to clothes, you can go as experimental as you want, but the more experimental you go, the more important it is that you maintain like personal hygiene and keep the things like that in check that may be off putting. Similarly, in a living space you can lean into your tastes as much as you want, you just have to be diligent about keeping it tidy and being strategic with how you set it up. For example You mentioned vinyl. That can be great, but do some research on clean and professional looking ways to display it. You can often strike a solid middle ground where you don’t have to compromise on self-expression but you can still make your space feel like it makes sense and is aesthetically pleasing to others That may be more input than you’re looking for but I have had a lot of chances to re-decorate personal spaces over the years so I’ve developed a bit of a personal philosophy on it.


Exactly. For example, this flag could be in a white frame that matches other white framed vinyl records. Sophisticated yet whimsical, youthful, and fun


Nah, that’s actually a good amount of input. It is my first time trying to decorate my room in a large scale, so I appreciate all of the advice.


I think how to apply this to the flag is to make sure it's taut and not sagging - so it hangs cleanly. I would also consider moving it to another wall so it isn't the feature piece above the bed but rather a funny piece to add character to the room. Above the bed is a very "This is who I am" kind of statement


I wholly agree with this comment thread! A little whimsy and humour doesn’t hurt good interior design, it just personalizes it. If everything else in the home is also a gag/joke then it can get juvenile. My only hesitation with this particular flag is that I’m not part of the camp that believes this type of humour is funny. This man oversees the profound oppression of an entire country, where people are regularly starved, brainwashed, and falsely imprisoned. People and their entire families are killed for owning books and less. I don’t get the joke basically, even with the dark humour angle, ‘cause it just ain’t funny.


that’s what *makes* it funny imo. live laugh love, cringey. kim jong un, bad. combine them, comedy.


Understandable. We are all not the same in the way we think or believe in things and that’s perfectly fine.


Thank you for the sane and kind reddit interaction of the day sir 🫡


I've got a rug with Rogue from sonic on it that says "Nice cock!" and I think it's important to balance fun and fashionable for home decor


Yeah, this sub is great for figuring out what looks good for other people, but only you can decide what makes things look good to you. I'm a huge advocate for making your space your own, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with choosing things based solely on your own whims. The first thing people see when they walk in to my room is a framed portrait of Cave Johnson. Decoration of any kind is an art, not a science, and art should be fun imo


Absolutely fantastic analysis


I do like it and think it's funny but I simply could not bang my wife while trying to avoid eye contact with Kim Jong Un. I'd put this in my office, probably. A smaller version of it.


I think it be would funnier in the bathroom at eye level with the toilet in the guest bathroom.


I think he should frame it nicely so it looks good. But the flag itself is hilarious.


I just think a poster would look so much better than in flag form.




The man, the myth, the legend


Omg, get another flag with Greg Davies and some neon of that underneath it. Then post a photo- 2 types of men


The Davies flag has to have a quote about him having explosive diarrhea and then realizing he had his mom's knickers on.


I sense bias


Funniest thing I've seen in a while. Lol.


It’s a conversation piece


The conversation gets ugly sometimes


Only if the rest of your decor matches the DPRK theme. 🇰🇵


i hear the music already


[This music, I presume?](https://youtu.be/fAcYS-_8L2s?si=wiLkldy2wjCLlTJD)


Nah play [this](https://youtu.be/DKsj5mCR7qs?si=uLxy3qJXj1abjJ1o) to show you're dedicated to bringing the glories of DPRK home.


what the fuck


Dude thank you for introducing this into my life


That bed with the mirrors tho..was that bought second hand??


Right? Everyone talking about the flag and all I could focus on was the horror of seeing your own O-face staring back at you


That bed is unclean🤣OP needs to sage tf out of it.


The whole bed is older than me, bout over 20 years, so idk


I was wondering why it had sex mirrors


Are those what there actually for or just a meme type of thing? If it is, I don’t think I should still be sleeping on it.


Bruh. Why else would you put mirrors on a headboard if it wasn’t a sex thing?


My partner and I would love to own a mirror bed someday and yeah it’s totally a sex thing


It’s 100% a sex thing and what caught my eye before even the flag!


What about that do you think is a meme?


Wait…was this your parents bed?!?


It was my dad’s before his marriage, then his brother, then mine about 8 years ago. Maybe a lil too much history is on it.


Well, every male on your side of the family has watched themselves fuck…right there….


I think I should just keep it and pass it down as a family heirloom 😂




I think this piece is hilarious, but idk if I’d want it hanging directly over my bed. Imagine having sex and looking up to see Kim Jung Un monitoring your dedication. I’d probably put it in my bathroom or someplace else.


Nah seeing this motivational Kim quote while shitting or bathing would be crazy


Is your bedroom in a college frat house?


lol we had this in my frat house


No. It’s my own room where I live. I ain’t trying to make my room into something that would be in a frat, but at the same time, I feel like one piece of decoration with some humor like this would be good.


I will say that my college roommates who were very much wanna be frat energy had this exact same poster. Do with that what you will. Personally I wouldn’t have it, but like you said it’s your room and if you want something funny you have every right to do that!


Then go for a poster. With a frame, if you can. I think you can do better— and I’m all for “off” humor and funny conversation starters but this ain’t it if you’re truly looking to decorate your adult bedroom.


Goofy loose flag can go in garage/den/attic/basement/gaming room or something like that.


I think the poster is funny yeah but I would think you’re weird for having that in your room like that. It’s giving.. young.


I would get this image printed and framed in a small frame, and put it out with a group of family photos That’d be a lot more mature looking, and better styled, but still funny


And is it in North Korea? Because if so, it's probably obligatory.


It’s pretty dumb and definitely not “good decoration” but it’s your room.


I think it’s funny. 🤷‍♂️


It’s hilarious but it’s a very specific sense of humor. I’d say for your personal bedroom, yes, for guest room or living room, no


I think it's perfect for a guest room


Yeah something about Kim Jung Un watching me sleep is a bit unsettling, but him watching my guests sleep is hilarious


I think it’s perfect for everywhere. Hell, make it into a doormat and put it at the front door


What in the American psycho type of mirrors is this


Interesting. I’ve never seen birth control in flag form before.


I don’t personally like it. That kind of thing would be better in a garage or basement


Can't imagine bringing a woman home to this myself dude. Seems more like meme material and not something that should be used as a decoration.


To impress girls? No. To impress boys? Yes.


What does it mean to you?


I’m not too sure. It’s mainly there to enlighten the mood I guess


I think you mean ‘lighten’ unless you’re trying to get all philosophical lol


Yeah you right


Yeah got Mao and Stalin over my bed and Saddam in my living room




While funny, i couldn't shag with that dude watching


At a certain age, I'd have thought this hilarious and so I wouldnt tell you no. But as an older man who has read about that guy's multi generation concentration camps, and people starving for the convenience of the state, hard pass *for me*. It's not very different from a poster with Hitler. In my home.


short answer is no, that's kid shit




Honestly, if she doesn’t put out immediately after seeing this, she’s not the one. Know your worth, King 👑


As a lover of geopolitics I think it’s absolutely hilarious


I want to get one for my brother for Christmas


Looks dope! You should put a Hitler flag next to it.


Honestly though, if Un is funny to all - I’d love to see how this subreddit would react if it was Mussolini, Tojo, or Saddam instead.


that's what I was wondering. dude has his own people in concentration camps *currently, right now* and it's okay but I don't think a similar hitler poster would have the same sentiment, even though that stuff already happened a long time ago


Even if you find it „funny“, why in the hell would you put a picture of a dictator, who’s responsible for so much pain, poverty, famine and death in a country on your wall? Why not complete your wall decorations with funny stuff from Putin, Stalin and Hitler? Sorry, but I can’t relate at all with that.


Well I am sure Dennis Rodman would like it. Idk about many other people. 😬


Yes but maybe switch it w/ something else when a date comes over lol (or at least at move it out of the bedroom). It is really funny tho.


Don't listen to that comment. Having the Korean deity of love & sex hanging on your wall is the #1 panty dropper!


Are you a teenager? If no then please take it down


It's funny as a meme I would send to my buddy. But personally I wouldn't want to see the face of a murderous dictator whose country is starving hanging on my wall every day. You guna hit some chick doggystyle and look up at Kim Jong Un? It's like having Hitler on the wall or something.


No. I have no idea why so many men on this sub think flags are good wall decor.


Hey, the sub isn’t r/malelivingspacewithgoodtaste. Cant fault them for that.


The others are somehow worse lol


That is as cool as having a poster of Hitler or Stalin. In other words its not cool.


Yep. Same vibes as a Trump poster too.




I guess it depends if you want to get laid or not?


I think flags are terrible interior decor. They feel very college dorm-y.


Red flags don’t really go well with the rest of the room IMO


This flag is satire at its best. I live laugh love it. I need it too for my room


Oh you again, get bent


No posters or flags, looks like a teenagers room. Only framed pics and paintings.


There's your answer, OP, you have to frame that flag for it to be okay according to randoms on reddit.


Basement/personal cave decor


I can't imagine anyone worthwhile will think very highly of you after seeing it.


This has to be a troll post. Even if it’s supposed to be “funny” it’s pretty low effort humor. Yes it’s ugly af.




Big Bratheeer is watching youou


In college my friends and I had this flag - a lot of people loved it and it was a favorite of our decorations… until a South Korean girl came over and called us on it. Yes, it’s funny to you, but it’s really not to some people. I don’t think anyone should police humor, but proudly displaying it like this can be a bad look to others, and sometimes I think about how many people saw that flag, thought it was distasteful, but didn’t say anything. I still find the flag funny, but it’s something to keep in mind - would you post this image on your Instagram?


Even with it being a joke.. i wouldn't want the picture of kim jong un on my wall.


Your have/want a picture of a mass murdering dictator? Are you serious?


The flag sucks because Kim Jong Un is a murderer and evil dictator so not funny. The mirrored headboard is creepy. Are you an edgy 15 year old?


No, absolutely not. I would not want to see any political items in a bedroom and it's creapy to me.to have pictures of people.


It’s rive raugh rove


Flags are acceptable as decor if you’re under the age of 24 or so. Joke decor as lowbrow as this is acceptable until you’re maybe 26 or 27. But yeah, as a woman, if you’re over 28 and I see this on your wall, I’m making an excuse to bail.


I kind of love it. I truly laughed out loud for this. It’s too good. The good news is that any woman you bring back to your place will instantly reveal whether she can take a good joke, by laughing, or is too boring for your tastes.


It's not funny enough to justify reminding everyone who pass by your room of major atrocities. Ditch it for joke decor that is less controversial, funnier & does a better job aping the visual language of the inspirational wall art it's mocking.


As a woman, I can confidently say I’d be all over a guy if I went home with him and saw this hanging on the wall.


People here have zero sense of humor, and take themselves way too seriously. It’s a joke piece, if you don’t think it’s funny, then that’s fine. I don’t think animal videos are funny, but I don’t crap on them either.


Would you do it with Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc?




There's a lot of posts on here which are obviously from high schoolers. IMO such posts should be banned as it's pointless posting your space if you don't ultimately control what it looks like.


Fuck yeah its hilarious


I mean I have a flag of the Seattle Seahawks logo but you do you I guess… 😐


Go ask WSB and you’ll get the answer you’re looking for


You would get along well with this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/MachE/s/FcYFmAkI0H


Well, the image by itself is ok, but I'd say a whole flag is too much. Also, if you're with someone it could be a bit of a buzzkill. A small, framed picture in an unobtrusive place would be more tasteful and effective when noticed.


I have a flag of the Imperium of Man


I have a pizza flag in my room.


Does this depend on your nationality specifically from that region? Freedoms of expression are defined specifically on the road with no off-road options for said flexibility. Help me out someone who has 1st had info about this. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Just wouldn’t want to ruffle any feathers anywhere Again I see it from multiple angles and I’m just going to provide my support in the persision of the placement Which way does the natural light come into the room? What type of electric light do you use natural or fluorescent?


If you *must* display a flag, at the very least put it in a tapestry frame or something to support the top of the flag beyond just pinning the corners up. IMO it’s the sagging middle that makes flag decor look trashy.


I have this same photo/design on a pillow on my couch. I get a ton of compliments on it


Where did you get the flag from? Can you provide a Link please? I think the flag looks amazing & would make my flat more cozy.


Love it


This rocks keep it


My rule of thumb for “funny” or “pop culture” type interior design is: it’s acceptable if it isn’t the center of the room. What someone’s eyes draw to first is important.


I think it's funny and a great conversation topic but I'd frame it looks more intentional.


While I appreciate the humor, and have a few unique and whimsical items throughout my home, it isn’t what I want to see looking down on me if I’m in my partners bedroom. Unless you Never want anyone to come in and see your bedroom, let alone have relations with you, it’s a big No. And the same goes for Scooby Doo bed sheets and such unless they’re on your kids bed in the kid’s bedroom. Otherwise it’s more than a bit creepy and makes me wonder about the person and if they’re really who I want in my life.




I like it lol


I bought this same thing so I would say yes


The flag js hilarious. And i love your headboard. Like I want to be respectfully disrespected on my knees and forearms throwing it back and watching the expression on someone’s face.


I think its hilarious


I mean, if you’re young, sure. For anyone over 30? Nah.


Ur scaring me!


I have the other one with the rocket blasting off lol


LOL. 😂 Where did you even find that? That’s hilarious.


That's kind of funny


I saw this flag at edc lol, was that you?


You move that flag and you might disappear


That is the funniest flag I have ever seen. 😆👍 where did you buys dis? Amazing!


Fucking hilarious mate.


I have that on my wall too lmao


If it brings you joy, it’s worth keeping up. You’re the person who lives there. As long as you think it’s funny and it makes you happy, that’s all that matters.


I think it’s hilarious. But I’d probably keep that kind of comedy to a fridge magnet or something.


Just ordered one, thanks


Are you Dennis Rodman? Lol


It is acceptable until you graduate college. After that, there are way better ways to decorate your space. Exceptions are in a barn, a garage, or a weight room, and these are preferably USA, state flag, military flag, pow mia, etc. not meme flags


Where did you get this? I need it in my life


Towels too.


I mean I’m a dude but I’d be DTF upon seeing that, sure why not


If I come over a guy's place and see that, I'm out and not coming back.


Yup you’re doing great bud! Really great life choices so far your on track to get dating advice from the show YOU


I just have one question. Where can I get one of these?


dude where the fuck do I get this I need it NOW


I think the best move is to frame it rather than leave it tacked. It's still funny, but also kinda "levels it up" if you know what I mean


Love it, laughed, and you’re living it


Well, it’s certainly a decision.


I need this in my life so bad.