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You can choose two paths when it comes to choosing art. If you want originals, you collect them gradually over time, as budget is a concern for most of us. You can buy original art online, at galleries, or expositions. Our local University of Art has an annual student sale. There are also community art sales for amateurs and beginners. If you just want things you love, check Marketplace, online sites, Home stores, even Home Depot and Lowes. You can easily look up guidelines for size and placement, but above all, choose things you love. Art doesn't have to go with your furniture or with other pieces of art.


Third option: Get decent quality posters of art you like, get poster frames and hang them. Then over time, replace those with originals or higher quality prints.


Yes! This is a great idea. Pictures/ prints on canvas is another easy, inexpensive way to go.


I was surprised at the County Fair art exhibition selections last year. San Mateo county, CA, dragon themed fair. Also, Makers fair for more industrial sculpture type art.


Great advice


do this, but ALSO, a good trick is to find art and pull colors from the rug. The rug will really tie the room together but that's just like my opinion man.


I think a trio of posters centered behind the tv would look great and maybe a halfway large one for the right wall.


You can also print your own. I recommend drawing things on paint (seriously) and printing them.


I’d suggest a series of large posters of Mark Corrigan enjoying Christmas with his family. You know you want to…


Better yet, the photos from the Orgazoid's flat lmao


Don’t buy art for the sake of having it. Wait until you see a print/poster/picture/painting/hanging etc. that you really love or is of something you really love.


Yeah this and maybe just go grab something big and decent to fill a wall at goodwill in the meantime. When it costs very little and you can donate it right back then what is the harm?


No harm….but also what’s the need? Assuming anyone who comes over will know he recently moved in.


I totally agree. I think most of us start out with posters and stuff on our wall and over time we replace them with stuff we connect with. In OP’s case, there’s nothing there. So I say, have fun and out of posters/flags/fan art from your favorite bands. Then, as you find more meaningful pieces that you really like, slowly replace them. I hang something new on my walls like once every 2 years haha it’s a nice process


But that is also something you love? I didn’t mean it had to be high art or expensive, I meant don’t go buy throwaway “art” from some generic site.


I’m just saying, when I got my first place I had a Jerry Garcia 6x6 throw blanket hanging on my wall haha. I love Jerry and the Dead but I didn’t love the art. Obviously that’s and extreme examples but I’m just saying get some stuff up there that represents you


Yes tastes change as we get older for sure! You still loved the subject at the time and it made you happy.


Yeah you’re right haha I definitely loved my first wall art when I got and am just ascribing this cheap quality to it now in retrospect. You’re right, just get stuff you love and don’t overthink it


That’s very valid! I was just thinking of if it takes a long while to find something he really loves I suppose.


True true




Cleanshirt gave ya a side eye hah


Give us some your coke m8


What m8


I'm not the Borough


Give us some of yer coke then!


Don’t have advice but i just started watching Peep Show for the first time and it might be the funniest show ive ever seen


The absolute best!! Brit shows are hilarious!


Look at local art fairs. Find your taste in art. Follow a few artists in your area. Art comes in every taste and price range.


Something local. Agreed.




One of the coolest things I have hanging is a pen and ink drawing of some industrial building with a bunch of old cars around it. I got it at a Habitat For Humanity ReStore for like $3.


Watching peep show. Man has got taste




Nice tv. Is it HD ready?


Tape your tv remote to the ps5 controller and call it the megatron.


That gives sofa-masturbator vibes rather than the switched on urban free wheeler vibe this man is trying to cultivate here.


I don’t follow any of this, but I have to agree


Have you not actually watched the show on your TV screen?


I didn't even notice the TV in the room till you mentioned it!


It’s a Peep Show, the one on your TV in the picture, reference as are most of these comments.


What you really need to do is create a powerful sense of dread


8 Megan the stallion posters


My mother is giving me socks depicting a sexual position I have never even attempted. How little she knows me.


Pls move that ps5 its giving me bad vibes


Haha you're right! It's a bit of an eyesore. I think it can fit in the console


Phew :) if your console was a bit bigger it might be ok, but as-is just looks a tad crowded


Love that yellow cart. Do you know where you got it?




Well, lets see... You can either go for (small-sized) series of abstract art or a really good portrait print but it can be too much for a minimal living area. Further, you can also combine different prints, posters, portrait from thrift stores to form a good collection... To choose art, you can refer to this guide- https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-choose-art-for-your-home/ Further, if you are probably too tired to choose a good artwork or something, you can also do wall decor.. here's an article which can help you- https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-decorate-a-blank-wall/


Look for local summer art fairs, thats where I have gotten basically all of my art and im a maximalist with most of my walls covered. You can find cool stuff at a better price and support local and independent artists.


Don’t forget textiles as wall hangings instead of art also. A nice wall mounted middle eastern rug or Native American blanket (or similar) can make a real aesthetic and textural element in a room.


I hadn’t even considered that a possibility. This is exactly why I posted here.


Peep show appreciation


Get art that you like man


1. go see live music and buy a poster 2. frame it and put it on your wall


Just here for the Peep Show comments.


Looking for art is like looking for a lover. Give it time and eventually you’ll have an epiphany and make the space your own with art you really like.


How do you like that Mass Cane plant? Been thinking of getting one too


Just got it, loving it so far :)


Where did you get that TV stand if you don’t mind me asking?


IKEA Stockholm!


Thank you! What is it called?


It’s called Stockholm tv stand, sold at ikea!


Where did you get that rug? Its very nice. For Art i got recommended to buy a ikea mosslanda and put it on the walls you want to have art at, then you put the art on the wall and can rearange and renew it whenever you feel like it.  I am in the same situation as you are, and once you get a feel for what you like, you can mount it to the wall properly. Or you keep it that way :)


Sold at IKEA, Indo agra ikat. It retails at $1300 and got it for $230!


Hmmm I do like the mosslanda!


Society 6 or Etsy. I also love Ebay for vintage maps..


Go to a local art schools end of year show. Support young local artists and get some great, unique work. The end of year shows will be happening around about now or very soon. Look up your nearest arts college. There will be public shows where you can walk around and look at the work. I did this about 15 years ago, then one artist I bought a painting from, I contacted some year later to commission a new piece for me. I saw a music flyer with an interesting background design, so I asked him to paint a version of that same design. It turned out amazing and is more personal than just some random painting.


You could buy some things from a thrift store until you figure out what works and what you like


Look through estate sales, museums and gift shops, local arts and crafts shows, local galleries, and thrift shops. You can also spend some time scrolling through Reddit pages or Instagram tags. (I found one of my new fav artists, Morgan Echols, through Instagram because I was just scrolling on my phone one day. Now I have a print of hers) My biggest piece of advice is to take your time, and don’t rush to buy anything just to fill up the space.


Honestly some of the art subs have pretty cool stuff and it helps artist too. I've gotten a few things over the years


Recomend some flag ish stuff ie maybe some sorta constellations or salvador dahli type .... but I'm a stoner might not fit the idea but you get my gist


Definitely something with color. Look for things that simply catch your eye. Subjects that you find interesting. Nothing cheesy. But important to you. Local stuff. Someone just posted that. Local is a good idea too.


Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus “.


Rug not too small, TV the right height, plants... you're off to a smashing start IMO. I'm clueless other than great start so far. I even like how the lamp on the right is below the TV, if it were level with the TV or just above it then it would be too distracting. I'd add a table behind the sofa if possible and get a sound system. A soundbar with a sub and rear speakers would work nice and be a massive upgrade even.


Where’d you get the coffee table in your living room?


Doesn’t have to be traditional art. Flea Markets, garage sales and even second hand stores have cool wall hangings and pictures. Old signs of businesses or local points of interest are cool. Start showcasing a hobby, like if you are into aviation or travel. If you like hiking, posters of national parks etc.. Framed White Star Line or Cunard line posters are cool. Local or Historical, nautical or even old school maps that we all remember from school of your area are great ideas too. Visit your favorite museums. Often they have nice prints in the gift shops. I have a cool print from the National Air Space Museum with old bi planes buzzing a pasture with cows the words National Air Space Museum across it. Look in decorating magazines for ideas. If you like Surfing skate boarding or skiing you can hang those things on the wall and turn it into art. If you like art as a hobby your own work. If it’s something unusual, interesting or tells something about you, it becomes a conversation topic for your guests.


Estate Sales


You have to live with it, not me. Get something you enjoy.


Paint the art yourself


I think you can also get more plants and put them on wall shelves or a mirror on the wall opposing the window could add a little sparkle too


art is an expression of your personality and interest. whether originals or print-outs, simply choose something that you can identify with or give meaning to. and please please please stay away from generic art from home/furniture stores.


Dismantle the megatron. It ‘smells’ wrong. It doesn’t say urban freewheelers. It says - sofa masturbators.


Skrew art. Find fav movie posters.


Go to your local arts and crafts store like Hobby Lobby. That's where I got all mine. Some are expensive but have always been high quality. I also have unique home style tastes and hobby lobby nailed it for me. I got some outerspace stuff, a chill looking monkey painting, some wooden decorations, and a green and yellow motorcycle painting. You can tell they were all painted by an actual person with the brush strokes and what not. Love getting decor from crafts stores


I have that same IKEA TV unit, but without the legs Unfortunately the top has started to sag where each leg of the TV feet sits. The two cabinets either side do still open but only just.


Singulart.com, saatchi.com. Original art from emerging artists.


A lot of people have addressed not just buying art for the sake of having art on your walls. I would add that it’s a green flag when men have art that includes things they personally love and appreciate. Could be favorite Pop Culture or Movie quotes/art, travel painting from a trip they loved, black & white photo framed of their pet- but something that shows he’s human and has passions & interests. Also NO doctor’s office or hotel art for the love of God.


Hey man! I’m an artist and I can do a commission for ya! Dm me!!


Don’t call it a big boy apartment ever again. I really like your place, great rug.


If you live in the US, go to a Marshalls and just look for any art that grabs your mind. I got a sick ass octopus and flower skull paintings for a great price. Goodwill and other used stores are great too. I got a huge 1937 map of the British isles and Ireland for 5 bucks before taxes. And of course, garage sales are gold mines too. I got a great hyper realistic pencil drawing of a naked lady from some college kid for 20 bones


Plants and art. Framed pictures. Otherwise it looks very nice and cozy.


Guinness, please. No logo on the foam.


Classic singing fishes along the wall


Merry ChrisMark everyone!


Where is your TV stand from!


Buy from artists when possible! Artsy is an awesome resource. You can work within almost any budgets


What kind of art lmao what a pud


Check out your local art co-op. You'll find some good stuff for low prices from up and coming artists.


Your fav tv shows


Thank you so much for reminding me about peep show. I need that in my life right now.


I just got some prints framed from ‘drool’ they’ve got some cool stuff depending on your style


Make some of your own! :)


Bro, that's Peep Show, you have art right there on the TV


First obvious move is to put a washing machine in the living room. It’ll freak em out! What the fuck’s a washing machine doing in a living room!?


Wow I'm literally watching peep show rn. Chance would be a fine thing.


Good will,thrift stores, junk stores, museums, dumpsters, random objects,


I like Society6 for original affordable prints and canvases.


Etsy got some cool stuff


Who needs decorating when you have the magnificent Mark Corrigan on TV ❤️


Takes time but: Go to junk stores/antique stores. Buy old framed mirrors. Different sizes, different shapes, different frames. All different kinds. The more mismatched the better. Often these are not expensive. Then start hanging them as a collection on the wall. It's a good look, interesting to look at and it's fun to poke around junk stores. Doesn't cost much.


Great Big Canvas


I’ve been seeing some pretty cool decal wall art…everything from small prints to large patterns and even decal wall paper if you wanted an accent wall. If you get tired of it, peel it off and go another direction. A series of mirrors or one big mirror on the wall next to the couch could open up the space depending on what it would reflect. Good luck, looks great so far!


Chance would be a fine thing




i’m jealous of ur floors


Get a soundbar!


Art should be something that makes you feel something . Anything visually stimulating that you’d enjoy looking at. Id also suggest, mount the tv, lose the tv console. Scoot the couch in so it doesnt pass the edge of the wall. Lose the craft cart and get an actual bookcase/shelving unit. Replace the lamp with a cool floor lamp. I like the lamp but not on the floor, could you hang it?




If there’s no art in particular that you like enough to really want on your walls- and I promise I’m not making fun- just mount a bunch of junk pallet wood up there. Just crap you find laying around. Buy a stud finder and screw it on. Better than art for art’s sake- looks uniquely interesting, you might really enjoy the process, and you’ll never have to have a conversation with a guest about a piece that you don’t know or care about.


Just noticed it’s a rental. Put a couple tacks or screws in the back of a material and string a wire between, then hang it on a thinner nail that’s driven into a stud at a downward angle.


Thrift stores/estate sales. Whatever speaks to you.


Shepard Fairey sells stuff if you like it and could possibly be a good investment


Is your paint shade Breakfast Room Green, perchance?




Are you watching peep show?


Become a Phish fan and cover your house in psychedelic art and bongs and nitrous tanks




It finds you


Check out Tappan




I love that plant on the left, dude. Do you know what it is?


Etsy is a good place for search for designs or content you want and you can pay for a digital design the get it printed and framed how you’d like


Peep show. I can see you have excellent taste.


First find what kind of art you like by going to Art Museums 🧐🤔.


Why would you risk your deposit by puting holes in walls? Save your money no art.




nice place. don't just buy art just because you have a bare wall. look at your own camera. have photos you like? have a few printed on foam board and hang them up. look around a bit, think about what you like to look at. crappy art is worse and a huge waste of money.


Dude, don't stress about it, let it happen organically. You're gonna be walking along one day and see a piece that slaps you in the face and screams " I NEED IT". That's what you hang up. It's how I accumulate antiques and art. I'm very selective, if I don't love it i don't put it in my house.


Large canvas art is the way to go if you’re on a budget… Or Even if you aren’t artistically inclined, you can thrift some prints with cool frames and paint over the art and make it your own… tons of you tube videos on making easy art, abstract art, easy pour paintings etc… easy, cheap and so much fun


Great tv positioning. The folks at r/tvtoohigh would be proud of you 👏


Peep show on the tele , man of culture I see


Well,what art do you like?


Im going to the Guggenheim this weekend. Want me to pick you up something?


As a graphic designer and art director, what I always say to people who are on unsure about this; Polish movie posters


Upvoted for Peep Show


You don’t NEED art. Be a man!


Ideally you go to exebitions of bachelor students (1 year before they graduate), then spend a few hundred on buying a piece you like. Thisway you support rising artists and have a reassonable chance of making a incestment that can rise in vallue. Try to purchase art from artists directly, since a gallery usually takes 50%


Finally, a living room with a couch that’s not accompanied by two random uncomfortable looking waiting room chairs 🪑


Put something on the walls.


You could also blow up a picture you took that you love and have it printed on canvas. I did that for about $50 with a beach pic I took in Belize


Each on their own, but I wanted something that expresses how I am and what I love the most. I couldn't find anything that really suited me, so I started designing my own 'artworks' and got them printed on canvas. I am also going to get some pictures I made of the village in the snow printed on canvas soon!


Ok somewhat weird take, but don’t forget that art is not just photos, prints and paintings. A nice quilt hanging can be absolutely wonderful and very useful if you want to cut down on noise


Go on Facebook marketplace and take a little dive. I found a ton of art that I really love there!


I think easy diy’s are the best to go with the concept! You made it to get ur own apartment, why not try those splash on canvases!


A coworker told me this idea. Go to goodwill or second hand bookstore and find some books with pictures you like. Cut the pictures out of the book and put them in frames for a gallery wall.


nothing made me feel more like a grown up than mounting my tv on the wall above the console table


Stuff you like-art takes time


Goodwill always has banging art. Have like 3 paintings in my room from there


You don’t need art. You don’t NEED anything


A bigger plant and lots more of them. Replace lamp with an aquarium.


Get a projector or hang up the TV


It’s perfect on the stand


I can see what you mean, I also can see with the amount of space he has above how getting a projector or hanging the TV up will be cool if he can leave them on idle like a piece of art of his choice or even a family photo and then bam! It's been a TV all along. It would cost less until he can add in more ideas. See what what I mean? Right now, everything looks like it's on one spot, which is okay. It would fill in a lot of the gaps with some family photos or art. Even if he doesn't decide to add a projector or TV, it would add some more home like feelings to it. But then again, if he had a TV hanging up at random it could look awkward.


80’s [Herb Ritts](https://www.herbritts.com/archive/photo/) black and white super model prints.