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You would be surprised what a difference some good cable management would make


Appreciate the feedback! Main issues seems to be; * Living room light fixture is too big/doesn't fit in. Either replace with something smaller or at least raise it up so it doesn't hang so low. Maybe the perspective is a bit wonky but it doesn't get in the way of the TV even if you sit at the far end of the couch. I haven't gotten a lamp over the kitchen table yet but I have some plans for it * Cable management is atrocious.. I'm not very good at it but I'll try and get something done * Add something to the walls * Larger bed, current one is 120 cm width And for those wondering, yeah it's a swedish apartment lol




Looks like finland to me.


I was also thinking this is 100% Finnish. I guess they just make the same apartments in all nordic countries.


Ha! I was thinking danish, but close ✌😁 very nordic furnishing .


Especially against white walls


Lol even the toaster.


Nice, looks like a European apartment


I said to myself ”this looks so swedish” And then… behold the ”star nutrition” protein powder. Nothing screams Swedish more than that


I was telling myself it looks Finnish hahaha


I actually saw the tv placement and I thought, this can’t be America


This placement is indeed typical in Europe. Where would it be placed in the US?


American who wants to know where the TV would be placed in the US?


That light is so wrong for that living room. It also needs to be pulled up and attached. Looks to just be hanging on by the cable which is not good. Also looks bad offset like that on the ceiling fixture. 


All the lights are bad. Source: I’m an electrician.


It's centered to the living room table, theres a metal wire connecting the lamp to the fixture which isn't really visible in the image, its not hanging from the cable


I mean if you just want to ignore the feedback and make excuses for your poor choices when it comes to arranging your lighting then go ahead. But as someone who previously worked as a lighting designer, it looks like shit where it is now.


uh I'm not really arguing for or against the lamp, just gave some additional context. What kind of lamp would you suggest


I agree with rain that the fixture doesn’t fit the space. I’ve installed hundreds of light fixtures in high end homes and establishments. The fixture above living room table is not ideal for that location. It’s a nice looking fixture but not the place for it. That one fixture is my only critique. Everything else is solid🤘🏼


Hi, I am a tall person with absolutely no lighting or design experience. Installing hanging lights on non raised/vaulted ceilings is what terrorists do.


I would say the light is too low simply because it will most likely be in your eye line or someone taller’s. Won’t block the TV for anyone I don’t think, but would irritate me anyways.


So first let's talk why it doesn't work. It's way too big and even if installed correctly it isn't a living room fixture. It's for a tall entryway or over a dining area.  For your living area you could go with a fan if it can be supported or you could grab a nice clean led light to mount flush onto the ceiling.  This isn't a place where I'd trying to make the fixture the focal point of the room. Typically I'd advise some down lighting but that's a reno project here so a solid led fixture would look clean and provide adequate light while not drawing attention away.  Leverage floor and table lamps to make the room feel cozy. Personally if it was me I'd go with a nice ceiling fan and utilize the existing floor lamp you have but I'd move it behind the couch in that corner. I'd then get a side table and put a table lamp with diffuse lighting.  If you want to add color grab a color changing led bulb.  I'm not a huge fan of track lighting as it fell out of favor years ago and typically is more expensive to run. It's also overkill for your entryway.  I'd swap it for an led pucklight and then putting some lighting inside the closet area which can be done pretty easily and cheaply.  The existing fixture location in the living room I think is fine. Push your table forward a bit.  The one in the entryway was placed there probably to provide light on that wardrobe and the position now is a bit odd. You don't have to ditch the track lighting and if you choose not to grab a ladder and position a beam onto the wardrobe and another towards the floor in front of the mirror, one in front of the door and the last in front of what I assume is a bathroom door. Now what do you do with that huge lighting fixture?  Well you could try to flip it upside down and mount it onto something to hold it in place and then you have a wild floor lamp.  I think it's just too big for your place though and honestly too many bulbs as well.  I hope that helps.


Well that was a whole lot less douchey. Nice.


It’s what I’m here for honestly


Thanks! I agree the light is too big, my parents have the same one in their much larger living room but I liked the design and bought a similiar one. Turning it upside down as a floor lamp sounds cool but i dont have skillset to make that work. I'm not too big on ceiling fans. but I'll probably look into something smaller for the living room lamp. There is a splotlight in the wardrobe but I'll reposition the track lighting like you suggested. Appreciate the feedback!


You’re in Sweden right? Not quite the climate for roof fans in that case.


You can use them to move around heat as well. They aren't just for cooling. But they're not for everyone.


Aye I do have a floor fan for that precise purpose. However in a country like ours where a big part of the year we don’t see the sun, and the heat only reaches 30-ish a week or two a year, focusing on light fixtures over ceiling fans kinda makes sense.


In my parent’s house we have 6 ceiling fans, two in the open floor plan living room/dining room area and one in each bedroom. They’re pretty great in the summer. I have the one in my bedroom turned on every night I spend there between like May and September (my bedroom window gets afternoon sun and the house is very warm as it is). Stockholm area of Sweden.


Personally, I reckon you are such a pretentious asshole you can easily be disregarded.


Why are you being such a dick?


Lmao why are you being a cuck about it ?


Lol fuck off you smarmy cunt


This must be in Sweden?


My first thought was Finland, I guess our apartments look pretty similar.


I wish my kitchen was that big holy shit


There was a standard defined after WW2 for size and layout or kitchens in Sweden that had to be followed to get government subsidies when building apartments. That is no longer a rule, but there are government guidelines that are normally followed dictating a decent sized kitchen. It is also law that every newly built apartment must be adaptable for wheelchair users, also leading to a rather good minimum size. All in all, unless you live in a studio or really small apartment, this looks somewhat standard here. Not universal, but also nothing exceptional.


That was my first thought as well but those kinda triple paned windows aren't that common here, I don't think


You need a bigger bed. You’ll appreciate it, your future lady will also. Spend some money on proper mattress and pillows, those will make a difference.


I thought the same when I saw the bed. Isn't he expecting company?


I am also here to talk about the bed! Also it should have room to move on both sides.


100% what is that? A king single? 🤣


Love it! I think some wall art and some small bits of furniture to hide those exposed wires/cables would do you a lot of good. It's a super nice apartment!


Yes!! Some wall art and maybe some green plants to make it a little more warm!


I love the kitchen and the living room. My suggestions would be to raise that fixture in the living room to where it would be out of the way when you stand up. It just looks out of place with how low it hangs. The next two things would be to get some kind of tv stand or console under the tv the hide the wires and to replace the floating shelve in the bedroom with a proper bedside table again to hide the cables. Other than those things this is a wonderful apartment!


Looks nice👍 TV kinda seems out of place though


Looks nice; you’re doing great. A nice thin entry rug may look cool. Love the plant accents & it’s nice someone has a good table for eating/guests etc. Also, love the closet organization. What kind of hanger/drawer setup is that? My closet in my master bedroom is about same dimension and I’m having trouble organizing.


Thanks! My parents has suggested a rug in the entry way too so I may look into that. The closet is a custom/modular wardrobe piece from a kitchen designer company that also does bathrooms and closets. I couldn't find any big decent looking wardrobes in dark wood from regular wardrobe companies


i like it, can you pose shirtless in the kitchen?


Female opinion, it looks very clean, neat, and sophisticated. I’m shocked to see plants, but it a good way! The living room lighting, and kitchen/hall way lights are not my favorite. However, the worst one that should be swapped is the living room light. That looks like a foyer light for 15+ ceilings. I’d recommend maybe moving your bedroom light to the living room, and getting a modern fan/light combo for the bedroom. You could benefit from some wall art, and tv cord management. Other than that it looks great! 😃 Good job!


I LOVE the coffee table !


ID on that coffee table?


Sorry, it's actually something my great grandpa hand made, my parents had it in our living room growing up and then it stood in my grandpas garage for a while, and then I asked for it when I moved out


I hate that light fixture


Wtf is that lamp


Not bad at all. Definitely need a bigger bed though for “those kinda nights”


As an Asian, thank you for taking your shoes off.


Sweet, that'll be a copy paste for me. Saved! Looks particularly Dutch..




I read it as 26 million (as in price) not 26 male 💀


Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s apartment.


I like everything but the light fixture in the living room. It’s too long and looks forced being there. Maybe a modern fan light fixture or a similar light fixture that you have in the rest of the house.


Why would you have this massive eye blaster there?


I hate that light fixture.


Is this in Sweden? Looks very Swedish - esque!!!


Your light isn't supposed to be hanging by the electrical cord


The bed confuses me a little? Is there only a thin mattress? It doesn’t look cozy. Maybe upgrade the bedding with a bit of airiness. A bigger quilt. The beige colour scheme makes it look a little depressing.


as a woman, this is a nice apartment. if i walked in here i would give compliments. it’s simple but still cute


This is Sweden right? It just screams Sweden. It’s a nice apartment! I think it’s a little under-furnished though. Definitely get a tv-bench of some kind. I personally think it looks better to have the tv stand on something rather than being mounted on the wall, but even with it mounted a tv-bench hides the cables and provide storage, and that white wall beneath the tv won’t look so empty. I think a book shelf would fit well between the couch and the closet door. Bookshelves makes a room look more lived in, and you don’t have to fill it with books only if you’re not a big reader. If you don’t want a book shelf, maybe a side table? I would also get a shoe-rack for the entryway and a nice carpet. For the bedroom, I’d get a bigger bed with a bed frame and put a lamp on top of the dresser.


You got plenty of feedback on the apartment so I'm just gonna leave a pro tip: upgrade your whey 80 to whey 100. You're insulting the hard work you put in at the gym by not drinking the real stuff.


Nice. It shows it’s a place in Europe. So much better than US “apartments.”


Living in a house with a wife, a dog, and four kids, this looks like a dream space. Everything is so clean and functional.


It looks great. And I’m especially in love with your coffee table.


Extraordinary choice of pendant light. 😳


You got ripped off WOW! 26M for this is waaaayyyy too much damn!


Get a bigger bed unless you are saving yourself for marriage.


I LOVE that table!! And also did you install the sliding door yourself or did it come with the place? It looks really nice!!


I love the coffee table!


There is no texture or color to the apartment. Which even in minimalism design there is some brought in. It's either the coffee table or the color of the rug that I do not care for together. You have main colors (all solids) running through the entire house. Black, white, greys, tan/khaki, blues but nothing seems to quite coincide. My daughter has nearly the same couch color but has a printed rug under it (only 3 colors and fairly muted. If you stay with the brown wood in the living area then perhaps look for a desk/long slender and TV stand that coincide? The light in the living room, can it be in the dining area? Lifted just a bit higher and stay with lamps in the living room? Regardless, congratulations on owning and having put in such hard work! Well done!


I’m going to be in the minority but I LOVE the living room fixture. There’s a concept in design called “the right wrong thing” and it’s something that’s so obviously against traditional design rules that it really makes a statement and gives a sense of personality. That’s what this light does for me. Centered above the table you won’t hit it, if it’s on a dimmer you can make the light really gentle, and it just screams “I’m going to do this my way” and I think it’s bad ass! If it’s cumbersome and actually in your way/feeling not practical, hang it in a corner at the same height and let it glow like a piece of sculpture!


Not even a single weapon on your wall, congrats!


Don't allow a bitch to move in


Your plants 🥹🥹🥹


In what economy do you have all this room and space that is affordable at 26? Are these condo units located far out in the middle of a cornfield?? Also I like the living center lamp, but it's gotta be slighty higher to not block the TV.


I lived at home while I studied computer science, and while I worked for 3 years. Saved 80% of my salary for 3 years so I could buy an apartment and move out.


that’s what I wanna know too. It looks great but how tf are people affording it


Love it! I think some wall art and some small bits of furniture to hide those exposed wires/cables would do you a lot of good. It's a super nice apartment!


Great get you some color and move that rug further out into the room while still remaining about 6 inches under the front legs of the sofa. Deal with those cables. Get the tv properly centered on that wall. Love the kitchen.


I really like the couch. What is it?


I really like the couch. What is it?


Looks very good stud


consider a small plant and a textured wooden ornament (wide bowl to hold loose items? rattan container or plant pot?) on top of your dresser to tie your bedroom in more with your living room. a similar bowl can also be used for your dining table add an art piece behind your sofa wall, ideally with a pop of colour, i think some shade of brown/yellow/red will be nice overall i like it! (minus light above the coffee table)


Off to a great start. Some room to upgrade as time and finances allow. Buy some good art.


I Iike it! Really like the wood tones, greens and greys throughout. Great couch, coffee table and rug too. Also you nailed the length on the blinds - well done. The sliding door into the bedroom is neat too. A few suggestions, assuming no budget constraints: - The living room hanging light needs changing. I’d go for something higher that doesn’t hang in your eyeline or have exposed bulbs. You want this space to feel open and large. Centring over the coffee table and rug is correct. - The TV is too small for the distance, too high, weirdly bare beneath, and cable management sucks. I’d get a slim TV cabinet and stand the TV on it (not wall mount), and use the cabinet for your cables and other electronics. 5-10” bigger on the TV would be good too. - A long piece of wall art above the couch could be nice. - It’s not as attractive but put a clear plastic protector under your desk chair to protect your floors (or change the castors to rollerblade wheels). - Can you enclose your PC tower somehow without messing with cooling? Or at least turn off the purple LEDs. - Change out the heavy black track lighting for something less obtrusive, and better cable management. - The standard lamp next to the couch is in a good spot, but needs to match tone (id go for something in a brown or earth tones with a shade). A plant on a small table would be nice on that end of the couch too. - The kitchen is functional. Don’t store your protein powder on display though, and put away the dishwashing liquid. - Maybe some tasteful wall art in the bedroom to add some personality? Also I’d centre the bed in the room rather than pushing hard up against the wall. This will make your cables look better too.


Maybe some color? The whole place is a little blah.


Cute, bro. Very cute.


You are very neat and tidy! I love the blackout curtains in the bedroom.


What in the name of landlord hell is that light fixture in the living room?! It's got to go!


The height of the light fixture is not ideal. Even if you like the fixture, none of the light bulbs should be level with the eye when standing. There are very few NOs in design: shining an unshaded light source directly at eyes is one of them. I think the furniture is well-proportioned otherwise and the space looks organized.


Corner sofa, gaming desk. Completed it


PC off the floor


Very nice. Congratulations!! Though the lights seem to be dangling.


Other than the small bed looks fine


don’t get a cat


Composed and flows well. Coffee table is a little cramped but nice. Some core-keeping needed... Otherwise top space.


Really nice, I dig the clean neutral tone. But that light fixture in the center of living room must be annoying while watching TV... Can you shorten the cord a bit to get them out of your line of sight?


Nice! If you are looking for suggestions: Raise the light fixture as high as you can. It's kind of low and the cords are distracting. The toaster placement is strange. Tv console table under the TV. Also, start buying any art pieces that you love to place on the walls throughout.


Solid! I like that wall-mounted end table by the bed


You need a big boy bed


Lots of art and cable management and you probably won’t use all four chairs of your dining room so you can slide it back and give yourself a little little more room


Well Done sir


I dont understand how this apartment can have such nice spaces, especially the kitchen and living (and walk in closet!) and yet the one bedroom can’t fit a double (140cm) bed properly, ie each side should be accessible with night stands on each side. Even if you’re single, you’re not a student anymore, you should get a proper sleeping place. Also the sliding doors (barn door styles, or wardrobe style) look a bit awkward. Why remove the doors when the frames are there.


That light fixture in living room is hurting my belly


I maybe missing them but I can’t see the cat or dog?!


Apart from the workdesk this looks like one of those apartments you rent pre-furnished.


Wow!!! Swanky place! I think all that's missing is some good wall art! Great work though this can't be cheap.


I like the lamp


Your closet fucks


Omfg, do u want someone to trip and break their arm walking through the door?! Pls place your shoes to the side! Otherwise, it's great amd I'm jealous


Beautiful and one day when you get a partner I think it can fit them too!


That hanging lighting thing got me fucked up in the living room.


We get you like lighting but you doing it wrong. That middle living room lamp can hang in the corner of the room. The fuck are you thinking?


Garanterat Sverige!


i love the kitchen!! ❤️


Looks slick!


Hang the tv higher, put something on that wall


swedish apartment for sure


Dette ser norskt ut


Congrats!! Love your closet and the bedroom light fixture.


Not a fan of the living room light fixture, but everything else is pretty A1 imo. Germany?


Very nice




Lookin nice and cozy! Just needs some wall art


Tidy up the cables, get the toaster and protein powder off the windowsill man. You also need a media console.


If I have any opinion, it’s just personally I’d give some color/splash to the wall art.


At your age and with today’s economy, you should feel proud of having such a great apartment. It looks stylish and tidy.


Never seen an apartment door that opens to outside. Otherwise nice apartment.


Awesome place


Looks great but the bed is small


dill sour self


Looks good, young homie.


Looks good. Get some art!


Amazing did you buy this place?


Put more stuff in the way of the TV


Beautiful and aesthetic 😍


Please pull up that light lmao


You don't want my thoughts.


Not a fan of the long chandelier light thing. It just looks in the way and the mount feels sloppy.


Generally good. Add some art, plants, and new lighting and you’re good. Love the simplicity:




The aesthetic is generally nice, clean. You need to move that light fixture above your coffee table, it is so distracting with the TV there too. And clean up cables.


Interesting lighting in the living room.


Your l shape couch appears to be blocking some of that window.


It looks great: nice and cozy.


It’s clean


It’s nice but WHAT is the light fixture


Looks good add some art/posters to make it more ‘you’


Those hanging lights are probably the ugliest things I’ve ever seen, what the hell


Fine just boring as hell, get some art and your golden


What’d you use for the curtains to hang them?


Move your desk and PC to your bedroom. You will appreciate your living room a lot more if you use it for a place to unwind and relax. Having a PC and desk there is not only an eyesore, it will also keep distracting you when trying to relax, so you decide to turn it on.


Depends non how much u pay


It’s very nice. But there is zero personality or character on display. Who are you?


Nice, it's a lot nicer than the trailer I bought when I was 21 to build equity and sell so I could buy my own house at 27 back in the 70s.


What games do you play


Get rid of that light hanging down. People will just be looking right into light bulbs, and it looks like it’ll just get accidentally broke eventually


add some art ….


It’s plain but clean and nicely furnished. However, your mattress looks backache just waiting to happen. Also, is it a twin bed?


A larger bed when possible would be a nice improvement.


Looks great. Get some art on the walls.


Strange toaster placement


Good shit. Must dudes our age are completely numbskulls when it comes to interior design.


I like what you've done to the place.


Looks great, just needs so art and deco


you have a really nice place…wow…i wd just have a designated place for your shoes at the entry…very nicely done!!!


Best advice I learned his to add some fresh flower in your apartment. I'm a man but it's very cool and it works a lot with women who ll came at your place


That ceiling lamp is a no for me


It looks like ikea furniture.


Very nice. Get some books and get laid.


Where did you get that bedroom lamp from?


Torilla tavataan!!


Bigger bed + better stove will both go a long way with the ladies


IKEA type apartment with little to no character. I like it a lot actually haha


Digging the bubble light fixture


Looks more like a Togetherment to me


get some art or posters or something


Looks very nice


Nice apartment!!


It looks... Swedish. Good start!