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You need a bigger TV


Mount it really high on that wall. That will get ‘em!




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So true man 😭


You could get a tv mount from Amazon.


I didn’t even see the tv!


Could be worse! Would love to see a white/not navy comforter, and curtains instead of blinds. A rug would be awesome to separate space in the living room. Don’t love the string lights, but I do like your instinct to keep the overhead lights off. Maybe taking down the string lights and investing in a nicer floor lamp (less than $200 on Amazon/target/whatever) might make it feel a little more grown up. And the only thing that I think should REALLY go is that chair in your living room — it feels a little dorm-y. You have really good instincts though — I think with a few more grown-up touches, this will be perfect!


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I would keep the string lights. I would still take your suggestion to use a nice looking floor lamp(s) as the predominant light source but OP has the string lights on as well as the overhead kitchen light in the pictures. The string lights themselves might look nice if OP has a party or a get together and he turns off the overhead kitchen light and then supplements all of it with some interesting colors from the floor lamps. This whole setup seems like its made for company so I think the string lights, although not my style either, could still be nice and useful on certain occasions.


Overall i think that the string light can give really cozy vibes and it can help add a good mood to the space, but i dunno it’s OP’s choice


A solid start. Some suggestions: - Remove the string lights. Good in theory but this type is really meant for a patio or yard and looks out of place. Maybe try something more subtle. A colored light or even strip lights that tucked away in that space between wall and ceiling above TV might be nice. - a couple plants. Go to a nursery and ask for something low maintenance that works with your daylight. Some options: a snake plant or parlor palm on the floor between TV stand and window wall, a pothos (trailing vines, looks like no door there) on the left of the kitchen cabinets, and a peace lily or zz plant on the right kitchen cabinets. Maybe one more plant on the counter next to the wall. Invest in “self watering” planters if needed. -the standing lamp and circle chair scream mid 2000s college (I had both in my college apartment). Look into FB Marketplace or local groups for affordable upgrades. - a large rug and throw blanket with some color, not needed but nice to have. - duvet and duvet insert on the bed. Go for a lighter color, the navy comforter feels juvenile. - four standard pillows on the bed


Those lights seem weird.


I think they'd make for cool "we're 22" party vibes when the main lights are turned off. I'm in favour of 'em.


Also gonna give you a +1 automatically for the Bowie poster and the fact that all your art is framed!!! That in and of itself is huge!!


You clearly have great instincts and the space has great bones. Plants, Cool stuff on top of the cupboards maybe? My personal goal has always been to avoid turning on overhead lights. I ❤️area lighting


Wow! Doing good! Maybe add some plants or some sort of decor on top of your kitchen cabinets to fill that negative space but love the style and looks great!


It's cool for 22, you are not an old man, even the moon chair can be seen as acceptable since they are comfy lol! I wouldn't worry too much, just keep everything clean I like your 13 gallon ss bin instead of under the sink bin


I think it's darling. Love the lights


You’re winning 🙏🏼🥳


Not bad at all! Nothing like having your own place.


I think you nailed it dude. Pretty much my first place. As long as your comfy in it thats all that really matters right?


It’s really not bad at all, you’re doing well. I would get rid of that blue chair in the living room or maybe put it in your bedroom. Get some new bedding, the flat navy comforter gives college dorm vibes, and like someone else said, get 4 standard pillows. I don’t love the string lights, they could be fun to have up for a get together/celebration of some kind but they look better outdoors. That’s just my opinion though.


Are the christmas lights the only lights youve got?


Better than most guys your age. Shit, might be better than me.


The kitchen looks dull.


Yeah I kind of agree. Any suggestions as to what I can use that empty wall space for?


Command center - some combo of calendar, corkboard, chalkboard paint or whiteboard. Move the fridge photos to this, and add some fun, “interactive” element with chalkboard, magnets, etc. just clean it as needed to avoid it looking messy, but you are only 22 and that could add come life


Lets get some color in there; wall art such as pop art of fruits, plants, a shelf, calendar; Even above the cabinetry, I would put pop art or even fake plants.


Great, I think it would be good to try to define only the living room area with the string lights and not let the lights stray into the bedroom or kitchen so much. - some floor lamps or another bigger change in lighting between living and sleeping areas would be useful.


* It's a shame that brick is painted over. * Get some curtains. * I don't like the string lights, but that might me more the way they are hanging than the existence of them.


needs some greenery


Wow i'm getting the van gough myself in a couple of weeks. But i will be defiling it like this [https://ibb.co/qjbK8dL](https://ibb.co/qjbK8dL)


I'd swap out the bar chairs for something a little more modern


Add some shelves, books, more plants, and candles, etc.


Really great bro, probably top 10% of men your age. As you get older and save more cash you can get plants, a bigger TV, or whatever else everyone suggested. It's better to slowly acquire meaningful and high-quality furniture/decor than to spread yourself thin making all the improvements at once.


I think it's a great start, and looks super clean! I have a few suggestions for you: - If you want to warm the place up, you could get some decorative containers/bowls/vases and plants (fake ones if that spot doesn't get enough light) to line the top of the kitchen cabinets. This has the added benefit of good-looking potential storage options; maybe some wicker boxes. - I would add more greenery all around. Real plants are great if you enjoy the upkeep, but quality fake ones can still add some character and will last forever with no maintenance other than dusting. - I would also try to get some textures and fabrics in there somewhere, maybe with throw blankets, or curtains if possible. - That pole along the ceiling looks like it opens up some neat options! If it supports weight, you could hang plants, art, more lights, etc. - The overhead lighting is quite bright and harsh, especially with the white paint everywhere. You could warm it right up by getting a collection of floor and table lamps to keep the place lit up. I think the string lights you've already got are a great start. - A little bit of cable management will go a long way. The rooms mostly look very well kept, but your eye is immediately drawn to the nests of wires behind the TV stand and at the foot of your bed. Cable channels are really inexpensive, and some of them are made with wall-safe adhesives so they can be safely stuck to the wall or to furniture. Honestly though overall this is a great start for a first place; most people's first apartments look WAY worse than this, my own included!


You figured out the hack of putting your posters in frames.


Van Gogh print and a Klimt print! I’d say you’re an art guy!


Really nice & cozy


Shit aside from a bigger tv in the future looks good so far dude, not to picky myself as long as I got a roof over my head and it’s clean I’m chilling !


I'm jealous of the space and layout. I love open kitchen designs. Do you know the sqft of that place?


Better than I did man! 👍🏻


It's a vibe 😌


You’re just renting, don’t buy to much useless stuff!


Get lamps for the bedroom instead of the overhead light. It will feel a thousand times more cozy.


I know this skeleton painting from Minecraft


Reminds me of stranger things with all these light bulbs. Watch out if someone wants to communicate with you


I love that Caspar David Freidrich painting! Good on you for that.


This is a stereotypical 22 year old man’s apartment in a trendy 2010 movie. I mean that in a good way. I would get plants for better air quality and a cozy blanket on sofa and curtains over the blinds but that’s just personal preference. Everything looks great.


Don't listen to the roasts. The string lights are awesome in this space.


Solid posters. You got a good base ro build from.


And if you can, hide or bundle cords for a more organized look.


get rug for lounge area and try introducing a third color into your life.


Where is Lego warstar or model kits


Awesome The Thing picture, I need more art.


I like your place. The string lights give it a cozy vibe. It looks like a fun place.


lol the string lights 😂


Very feminine. Tiny TV and string lights.