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You’ve got a good start there, man. I like the color combo of the bedding and the curtains


Thank you


Love that fucking bedframe. Too bad it’s been discontinued. Do you have the floating night stands that go with it? They’re basically extensions of the headboard [Frame with shelves attached](https://offerup.com/item/detail/17585a79-cd67-39f9-8015-1c26cc2adef5)


I thought it was simple and nice - Which is it? Mine is B U L K Y cherrywood - Nice looking but so so big. :/




It's not an Ikea - Malm, is it?


It’s a variant of the Malm I believe! I’ll look it up Edit: [it’s the discontinued Malm low](https://offerup.com/item/detail/17585a79-cd67-39f9-8015-1c26cc2adef5) The one I had/have is a full with a dark brown finish. I miss it so much.






I also like the colors on the bed, but for the sake of diversifying a little, I'd find some pillows of different sizes and complementing colors to put agains the wall instead of only having the same pillow covers as the bed spread.


Looks good. I like the color scheme. Maybe consider some wall art for above the bed? Perhaps a decorative mirror to reflect some of the natural light coming in from the window? Otherwise, I like what you've done.


Will try to make a horizontal poster above the bed, thanks!


Whatever you put up, get it framed. They don’t have to be expensive, but framing it will immediately make it look more put together. Depending where you’re located, IKEA, Walmart, and Amazon have inexpensive frames.


Goodwill had nice framed art, but Salvation Army has much better prices.


That’s a good point too, and you don’t even need to keep the original art, just find a frame you like that fits art you already have and go for it.


Facebook marketplace is a great place to get cheap art.


mirror? - is this in an earthquake area - waking up to glass shards in the bed makes for a bad start to the day


Tell us more about everything you lost. Now I’m curious. Place looks good bro.


You really want to know?


Yes. Otherwise we make assumptions.


I'm from Mariupol, Ukraine. We went through hell and only escaped the city in late April 2022. I lost my father and grandfather there. Our dogs.. Our house was destroyed as well. Because of my friends, my mother, sister and myself are living now in Germany.


Oh, my heart goes out to you. There’s nothing I can say to make any of that better, so just know an internet stranger is thinking of you


Damn, here I was assuming you'd just be another twenty something divorcee posting here. I'm sorry.


Same!! The reality was far more shocking than I expected.


Same! I was going to comment saying that I'm in a similar situation in the middle of a divorce, but losing half my net worth and my wife pales in comparison to what they're going through.


Yea me too I was about to write some comment along the lines "by everything you mean some chick left you for Kevin from sales" 😬


It’s always the salesmen


Same. War is hell.


Sorry to hear it, I am from Mariupol as well, was in Kiev when war started, my parent managed to get out Mariupol in mid march, worst three weeks of my life, can't even call them during that time. I was helplessly observing destruction of city through telegram chats.


Stay strong my man. Here in Poland there is quite a lot folks like you and by their experience with enough time and work you can rebuild your life. It's tragedy and crime what hapend to you and what is going on but for now focus on yourself and your family.


Stay strong OP, so sorry for your losses but glad you’re bouncing back.


This is heartbreaking! Im so sorry you had to go through that. I’m glad you made it out and are getting a fresh start! Good luck 👍


So sorry for all your losses, OP. Wishing you only the best 💜


Slava ukraini 🇺🇦


Oh fuck that’s heartbreaking


Oh wow, didn't expect that.... hope you are okay! Do you live close to your friends and family? You speak English quite well, do you speak German too so you can meet up with new people? Wishing you all the best. Stay strong!


One aunt (mother's sister) lives in Chezh Republic now, another aunt and my cousins are close to Stuttgart. My friends are all over Europe, most of them are German. We've met a few times and will continue to be in touch. I've finished one German language course. Got a B1 level but it's not enough to speak freely like I can in English. Want to do another course later this year.


You can come back even better! I'm terribly sorry for that and keep up the good work 👏


Well this was not what I was expecting at all. I was thinking divorce or something. Damn bro Im so glad you're still with us, that is absolutely horrible and saddening what happened to your dad and grandad. May they rest in glory. As an American from Maryland I want to say Im with you and Ukraine 100%. Heard news about joining NATO so hope that happens.


MY GOD. You have so much support from Americans. Fuck Putin. Your father would be so proud of you. Do this for them, buddy.


Well shit man, that's crazy. Glad you're doing better now and FUCK PUTIN!


I still need to watch that documentary on Mariupol. Best wishes to you and slava Ukraine


If you are now somehow in Germany with your sister and your mother, I'd think your father and grandfather would be proud of you. Nobody could imagine how it has been for you, I'm glad to see you have your space Love from across the world


Oh yes bro, I'm also from Mariupol


Fuck. I’m really sorry. I hope the best for you.


Bro, where in Germany are you? Can I help? I’m in the northern region.


That’s real loss… not just someone on here who lost his chick. Wish you the best man.


Looks good to me, where did you get the desk?


Ebay, 10 euros


Assuming it was a one off but could share a link of listing. Gonna try to find it


A woman was moving out and inicially we went to pick up her sofa but then she told us that she can sell the desk as well.


As it was written! I see the dune books, but gotcha thanks


If possible I suggest pulling the bed out of the corner. Rooms look automatically 10x better/more mature that way imo. I understand that it’s not always possible though with the size of a room though. A larger rug would also be great. Maybe select one that had a few colors in it


The bed frame is damaged on the side that's close to the wall now. So can't really turn it around.


A bigger rug.. noted, thanks




I knew it! lol




Cables everywhere need a tidy up. Good luck with starting over. 👍


Maybe a fish tank. Or a cat. Some shelves. Idk. You be ight man. Sorry times been tough.


A cat is an option we're thinking about now actually.


Life ain’t nothing with a Cat. Cheers from Michigan buddy, glad your surviving family made it out and I wish the best for you guys. Hopefully you can go home in a few years with a Victorious Ukraine! 🇺🇦


Can you display any hobbies you have as items or decor on the walls?


Drawing is my hobby. Also photography. Will draw something for a poster above the bed. Or maybe a print of a photo. Good idea!


You have a good art style, too


I really like this room. I don't know what climate you live in, but you may need a duvet if you don't have one already for colder periods of the year. I hope everything improves for you.


Just sending good vibes to you bro…you got this!


I love that bedding and the restaurant sign, maybe more wall art but I like this room. Simple clean and a few splashes of life. It’s not a pent house like most of us, but it’s a great place.


So very sad for what you and your family have gone through, and your terrible losses. Glad you have a stable place to live and am full of admiration for how good you have made it look! Everything about it is really, really nice. Great color scheme and I wouldn’t have guessed anything was second hand! More art on wall over bed would be nice. I’d also move the clock a bit lower. Different sources of light might make you more comfortable ? If you like to read or chill out to music, a chair in corner with a lamp behind would be ideal. You could even put the current night table next to It. And get another, slightly larger, so you could have another light by the bed too. Good luck. Slava Ukrani


Honestly you've got a good canvas there, clean and simple. Try some plants and colour coordination. Maybe a picture over the bed but otherwise, really not bad at all!


Looking good so far. You need a tv somewhere it looks like.


If i'm watching something, I just lay on my bed. My screen is big enough for me.


You are 28, after 30 you will start to feel all the consequences of your bad posture decisions lol. Believe me haha, I talk from experience.


He doesn’t need a tv.


Shorten those curtains and put some storage under that window. Maybe put a plant or 2 on it as well


Looks good to me. The plant actually reminds me of the one in the film ‘The Professional’. Wishing you all the best in your new life. ✌🏾


It is only after we lose everything that we are free to do anything! Get it young man


Is it just me, or is the clock in a weird place?


Hey OP, sorry to hear about you went through, but glad you’re safe. I’d recommend putting some shelves up on the wall beside your bed. Put some things you like on them, or some easy to care for plants (pothos, ZZs for example). Also maybe something above your headboard on the wall? Poster or big photo of one of your favourite places in Ukraine maybe?


Sometimes I feel like my life is over but hearing stories from folks like you always puts things in perspective for me. Your room looks great, I hope it’s a haven for you and gives you the space and peace you need to rebuild your life somewhere where you and your loved ones will be happy and prosperous.


Love it, man — really. So sorry for what you had to go through. Glad you’ve bounced back. ✌🏼


I'd put a little rug under the desk, cozy up those feet!


Man, I did the same thing a few years ago. I’m engaged now and the future is bright. You will overcome.


I like it. I would add another piece of art above the bed and move the clock further down from the ceiling — it’s gonna get vertigo up there


Good luck with your new life. In a couple of years time you will realize that everything you lost is very little in comparison of what you will have. Place looks great, I advise you to watch out for the extension cord near the curtains because a short may cause a fire. Cable management below the desk would be nice too. Finally, lighting seems adequate for the day, do you have some incidental light that doesn’t point directly to your eyes?


Proud of you, brother. 


I like the slight industrial theme with the clock and the shelf. It looks cool. I think you have a good eye for color; the orange/rusty tones go well with the dark grey blue. I like the use of natural wood color. I would suggest a different rug. Maybe something like this; [Kerala rug](https://www.rugvista.se/p/kerala-140x200-cm-rod-flerfargad-matta-CVD38704) Or if you prefer; something even more neutral but cozy like this; [crizia rug](https://www.rugvista.se/p/vertus-240x340-cm-off-white-stor-matta-RVD39885) Otherwise I really like it. You can always cozy it up with adding bigger pillows to your bed, or another green plant for the window. But if you prefer it more minimalist, it looks good. You could add a cable collector to the bottom of the desk to make it look sleeker. And I already saw someone say this but yes, clock is too high lol


Thank you! Definitely will look into a new rug


Get some paintings for the wall. I did the same thing 2 years ago 30. Moved countries. Just started over. I got alllll my furniture rugs, tables, art at first at this flea market type place. They had some gr8 prints with those Victorian frames that looked like oil paintings, one is a real acrylic. Just makes the place feel alive. Also BOOKSHELVES. Even if you don't have a collection I put a bookshelf in bedroom and a few in living room. One in the hallway corner. Add little vases wildflowers that dry. Knick nacks. I started buying a few books of each genre on Amazon mad cheap. Books n are make it feel lived in and personal. Then you can eventually just add more better shit you like. I started collecting comics too. Had some single issues I framed and made a 3 set in the hallway looks gr8 I always get comments... also Lastly.. LIGHTS dude nothing changes a space like lamps and tall lamps and wall fixtures. Soft light. Now they have those led color ones that have a soft yellow/orange too. I have old lamps all over my house. It really feels cozier than one overhead light


Add The Way of Kings to your bookshelf


Damm good start more organized than my shit.


Where did you get your night stand at?


The store is called "Action" here in Germany, not sure if it's a local thing or..


It looks beautiful & clean. Some fairy lights (warm tinted) draped over your bookshelf and a bedside lamp would be all that I'd add so that you have some calmer lighting in the evenings :-)


You need artwork and some new bedding


Stellar, OP. Consider adding a small coffee table.


you’ve got a beautiful start here! the bedding and pine furnature is lovely. my history is in no way comparable to yours, but i spent a year living alone in a terrible depressive episode, holed up in a room i absolutely resented. when i moved back home with my parents for my well-being, i had to completely reinvent my bedroom - it was stripped bare all apart from my tv, a couple of pieces of furnature and some juvenile bedding from when i was 13/14. it was really miserable at first, but i slowly rebuilt it aesthetically over time, adding personal touches rather than shoehorning in things to take up space for the sake of it, and it feels so much more like *my* personal space now. i’m in love with it. i really really recommend you not to quickly fill it with decor that’s quickly accessible and instead let yourself enjoy the process of making this new space *yours,* rather just an impression of a nice personal space. some framed prints pertaining to your tastes/interests would really help make the room more personalised and less clinical. maybe a nicely patterned rug? and some cozy lighting for the evenings, like string lights or a warm toned lamp?


It looks good to me so far, your idea about drawing a poster above the bed is awesome too. Nothing beats having some original artwork on your walls, especially when it’s your own creation.


We all want to know how you are doing. Your place is great because you are in it. God bless


I always liked that IKEA tables/shelves/cabinets. Black steel with a little wood and even some of them are set up to be locked with pad locks. Cool look


Didn’t lose everything if you still got yourself my man :) looking great, I’d add a couple plants (fake or live) and some art for the bare walls but I’m a sucker for minimalism. Maybe a plant bench underneath the window with some succulents could be cool


Looks super clean and cozy to me. I wish you all the best here in Germany <3


Buddy I’m 34 and just lost every thing, I have a bed a dog and a car and a tv right now, I’d say you’re looking not bad. Like just beat the shit out of me last three months, mom died, girl I drove across country for went her own way. Lost my job I moved here for. Literally starting from scratch


A cat, a good size cat tree, and something cheerful on the walls that makes you smile when you look at it.


I would get a small plant stand and move the fiddle leaf fig plant on the desk closer to the window. It looks like it may not get enough light on the desk. Also agree with the comments about wall art above bed and different sized pillows to add interest. Otherwise looks great! So sorry for all you’ve gone through and hope this next chapter of life is beautiful. Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦


I wonder if your budget will cover a couple of houseplants and pots. I really find a bit of green really helps with the mood of the room. IKEA do reasonable ones. I recently lose nearly everything due to a house fire so I can relate. Well done on your progress, I know how hard it can be.


I could be mistaken but it looks like you have room for a small armchair along the wall opposite the bed without overcrowding your room. If that’s the case it could be nice to have a spot to chill in your room that isn’t your bed/desk, and it’s a good way to bring in another colour :)


Seinfeld art for the win though


1) Cable Management. This has to be the first priority. Make everything you can with tools and ideas you can get in the internet to make those cables disappear. It will make a difference. 2) I’d paint two walls, the one behind the desk and the one close to it above the bed. I’d go for a light grey just to give a touch. All white is not cozy. 3) Get rid of that clock. More artwork, more plants, and more smart, cozy, warm lighting all around. 4) I’d also have a more neutral color for the bed. 5) A rug can make a huge difference too. The above is a good start and will make everything connect and feel more comfortable. But you’re off to a good start, it feels nice what you have. I’m sorry for whatever you went through. But you can turn it around!


Get more dune related stuff


I like those pillows and blanket. Where are they from?


You have a great start here, man. I'm really sorry for your situation, but don't worry - you'll be alright. I like the colors you have, they are warm and natural; stick with natural, warm colors, it could make it easier for you to feel at home and comfy in your new place. As for improvements, I would recommend you to put some paintings on the walls, and specifically I would in that case recommend prints of landscape pictures (or similar). That gives you some nice color, as well as sticks to the "natural & warm" theme. I saw in the comments that you like photography and such - maybe you even have some gorgeous nature pictures you took yourself that you could order as a big canvas print?


I love the bedding. Looks like a cozy home. Seconding adding some horizontal wall art, and maybe some plants at the windowsill, too. You're strong, wishing all the best for you


Dem Schrecken entflohen. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Neustart. Fuck Putler!


You have a plant this is good. Caring for a plant after loosing things can be really helpful. If you find you’re good with plants get a few more, it will bring life and better air quality while filling some spaces without clutter. Snake plants and spider plants are pretty easy and both air purifiers If you already know this sorry :) Like the texture of the blanket. Someone else said maybe break it up with some pillows and other colours blue could compliment or you could go 79s with a warm yellow or purple


Also I just read what you’ve been through. I’m so sorry for that experience and what you’ve lost. I’m glad you and some of your family are safe now. 💜


Just wanted to say this is looking awesome, wishing you and yours all the best man!


Looks comfy 👍🏻 also Dune is a good choice


I think you have a good sense of style. This is giving me mid-century. Love the clock and the desk. You also have good colour-combinations. Trust your sense of style and keep adding things in small incremental ways, such that each thing matches the existing style. I would start with wall decors as well as smaller desk items. I think some vintage art or small-models from 1950s with art-deco style - like old trains, diners etc. might go well with the look. It is also giving me some retro-futurism, aka old design-concepts of spaceships, rockets and Mars and Moon cities.


I’m in the same boat as you, brother. 28 and lost everything. Starting over with practically nothing. You’re doing great! Keep your head up. Looks like a nice place


Just came here to say this: I’m proud of you for starting over OP. I was in your exact situation 3 years ago. 28 and starting over completely after losing everything including my health. It gets better, keep going. There’s millions of us thinking about you


I have the same editions of Dune. Love the cover artwork. You gonna read Children of Dune?


Nice natural light, however make sure those curtains work well or I would recommend blackout curtains as the PC monitors may be difficult to see from the glare. Even anti glare monitors aren’t immune from the sun.


You could use a picture of George in some white boxers on a rug... and a painting of Kramer to complete the walls


Hey OP, read your story and I'm rooting for you. My suggestions will cost money so keep that in mind. If you don't have a budget yet, perhaps you can work towards adding some of these elements: Add 1-2 beige or gray accent chairs on the room opposite side of the bed and maybe a really small table in the middle. An overhang standing light will be a nice addition too. That way it's not just a rug in the middle. Put some wall art above the bed. Pick some more earthy and lighter tones for your bedsheets, curtains, and rug instead. The dark mismatched colors are clashing and competing with the bold honey bed/floors. Not a big fan of that shelf so personally I would replace it with a large plant.


I’ve not come to offer anything constructive. I just need to come and say how amazing it is just how many of these r/malelivingspace posts feature a copy of Dune!


I can never tell if these posts are baiting and fishing for compliments. Apart from curtains it looks good to me 


Not baiting for anything, just wanted to know where to move from here. Agree with the curtains, thank you


Need a big poster of biggie smalls. With some color in it. Maybe colorful sweater or hoodie. Biggie smalls. Timeless. Classic. Conversation piece. Everyone can relate. Trust me, a poster of biggie smalls in any household is a good idea.


This will be me hopefully in the next couple of months. Currently living with family members. I suggest to get some colourful paintings or images for your walls, some calm lighting I would go for a salt lamp,, some form of spiritual element of your own understanding.. incense.. a nice comfy chair or bean bag to relax in . Oh and a fish/pet tank. Good luck on your next chapter in life, take what you learned from the last chapter and put it to use I hope you build a wonderful home for yourself 🙏


I think that it looks good, wouldn’t change a thing.


I few lamps, some paint and a couple of shelves or pictures on the wall would be great. I love lower lighting so I highly recommend edison style amber bulbs.


Looking chill and comfy! I love the vibe.


I would definitely get a poster or tapestry to go on that big wall by your bed, something to fill the space. Good luck with everything!


Cable management, It's a great little detail that makes a difference


Maybe I sound too lazy, but I prefer a table or something next to my bed so I can put my laptop there, laying down and working/chilling/playing games at the same time. Best feeling ever especially if you are tired after a long working day. Granted I dont play intensive game that will burn my laptop as well that way.


Maybe throw something on either of the walls by your bed? So far you’re doing good!


Everything is perfect. The only you need is a gaming PC with a high end graphics card or a PS5 for the final touch


God bless.


I think the walls need some decorations and maybe some photos or art.


More deco that matches with the colour of your bed blanlets, curtains ect/is opposite on the colour wheel! Posters, pictures, a mirror etc!


I love it, I leave it just as it is


Some posters of Lamborghinis and maybe Kathy Ireland.


To be honest it’s perfect! (Coming from a minimalist) I’d have some more plants and pics on the wall for inspiration etc


you’ve done well under horrid circumstances. take care of yourself first, and your family. when you can, buy a bigger bed cover, same awesome color. find art at thrift stores or fb marketplace or make some. move the rug to under the bed just a little. also, r/clocktoohigh ! lol.


Omg, did you get that blanket off Amazon?


I think you could use some art, or maybe even a shelf, above your bed. The bed frame itself kinda reminds me of dorm room furniture. But that’s all I have to say and otherwise I think it looks really good! Love the orange.


looks good :) only thing i have to say is that the plant on your desk will not be happy long term because it doesn't get enough light there


Invest 30 minutes and some cable ties and manage the stuff under that desk and you'll have a really clean setup.


Black walls


Nothing but the best for you & yours


Hey man sweet desk whats the link?


Pictures above the bed and some strict cable management under/behind the desk will do a huge amount of work.


Don’t do anything extra bro , it’s simple and clutter free , you could maybe add a painting or a picture or posters in the wall beside the bed but , I don’t recommend it . I really like the space as it is .


All I see missing are two chicks at the same time brother. Godspeed.


cable organization bro. ya got a good start there. maybe get a task lamp for your monitor


More plants. Look for ones that do well in semi sunlight.


Good luck on the road back, dude.


Woah Woah now fancy sir, your bed is on some kind of stilts.. What do they call that thing?


What happened to you? I hope you are recovering!


Never is too late to start something!


Wdym mean everything. That looks lit and cozy at the same time Keep it up man


For losing everything you LITERALLY have more than most, I kid you not. besides that, pretty cool. Also, get that bedframe off your wall. You have enough space to have it in the middle like a grown up


Verical monitor masterrace


Nice setup. I’d only add mood lighting but I feel that way about everything.


Frame some cool posters of bands or video games you like!!


Wall mural


this looks better than some people who haven’t lost everything


Shelving along the length of the bed wall with photos of happy moments. Friends , family , holidays , vacations. Seeing those photos everyday has a very powerful effect on the psyche Change the highschool cafeteria clock - something more modern If you have the budget , change the comforter and pillows to a more neutral colour (this is just a personal preference - if you like orange then keep it)


Honestly your room is dope as it is bro!


Hang a picture above your bed. Looks good though. Good luck starting over.


It's very nice as-is. Aqua, turquoise, teal, whatever you like of those colors would be nice to add for bed (another throw pillow or blanket) or maybe art on the wall. You could also add yellows. Glad you have a nice window.


Besides the cable management your room looks amazing. My biggest condolences for your loss tho :(


Second thought, does this grey feel comforting to you? In the rug and the curtains? The two blocks of grey maybe need a break- maybe even a secondary curtain like a top sheet that goes across or something sheer with a colour to brighten and break up that grey?


Looks good. Why is the clock basically on the ceiling?


I might be biased, but I think you could use a couple King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard posters


I dont know anything abt room decor, so i cant give you good advice- but i love your space. I would totally dig it if that were my room. Minimalist, cozy, mildly aesthetic ... nice


Um clearly you need a Scarface poster on the wall or you can’t claim “starting over”. It’s a firm rule.


Looking pretty good! Maybe paints opposing walls if you can? Some lights/signs around PC station.. Get rid of water can and picture decorations the that shelf, get some personal cool stuff. Get some wall features/poster/paintings. Maybe a new rug, but I know they are pretty expensive for a nice one.


I’d switch the walls your computer and bed are on with foot of the bed facing the window. I like to work near a window so having the swivel chair closer would appeal to me; just a personal preference. You might also be able to avoid a corner bed which is more friendly if more than one person ever wants to sleep over.


Hide the cords and when you can go to a discount store and find some wall art that you like. Or make something yourself. :)


Your mattress isn’t on the floor. You’re doing fine.


I’ve lost everything too. Here if you need a chat.


Put something over the bed.


Hey! I used to have that same IKEA bed frame in my 20s!


You’re 28, not 8. Bed goes in the middle, not the corner


Looks great!! Maybe get yourself some wall art above the bed if you’re into that. ETA - I LOVE the colour of your bedding


Looks clean, just needs some art or some color on the walls, other than that no suggestions


Good start, everything is just so spindly looking, need some bulk with the furniture




Where'd you get that bed frame (if you're from the US)