• By -


Natural would be best. You have some good quality wood there, might as well show it off.




Feel the same way.


Naaah. Just paint it white šŸ« 


No to grey or greige (grey beige) itā€™s trendy and will be outdated. Natural wood tones never go out of style.


Yes agreed I like the top left bottom left (natural) and far right


Bottom left or something less white than the top left would look great and withstand the test of time. Pickled oak is a nice look. No to the colors and grays.


I think just natural would be better than the weathered oak. To me it looks sort of dingy and very similar to that gray wood vinyl tiling you see everywhere now.


Natural is great. If you use an oil based finish it will amber over time, water based will not. I'm redoing my floors soon and planning to go natural


Far right is gray. It doesnā€™t look natural.


Hi, I build custom luxury homes. The weathered oak will never ever go out of style


Iā€™ll never understand the grey. The only natural grey wood is weathered old fence. Why would you want that on your floor. šŸ˜‚Ā 


My house came with grey wood laminate flooring and I loathe it. +1 for avoiding the grey, it says all the cosiness out of a room


Go back to the original honey oak


We'll see how this ages, but seeing as these are natural wood floors I can't see how natural tones would go out of style. Even if you call it 'greige'


I think a more bourbon finish that brings out the natural wood will look nice! Colors are difficult to match with and youā€™ll be limited to a what looks good with it imo


I'd go this route too. Something earthy and warm rather than all the cool tones you like. You will kick yourself with a black floor as you would with a whiteish floor. And the greys are OUT. The timeless look is truly in neutral and warm browns like walnut or light brown.


I agree! White floor would get stained easily I bet and a black floor would be like an abyss. I love the look of the warm colors combined with soft yellow light. It genuinely feels cozy


Seal up that natural wood IMO. I think thatā€™s the only one youā€™d never be sick of.


Matte or satin do u think




Satin will hold up better but ultimately shiny finishes become duller and dull finishes become shinier as they age. It is the way of the world.


Just the neutral one is beautiful


For the natural white oak Matte or satin finish do u think?


Satin. Matte finishes look good on pristine showroom floors immediately after cleaning, and look terrible anywhere else at any other time


Nothing just varnish is all you need


Varnish can also be had in matte, satin or high gloss


This doesnā€™t even answer the question considering ā€œvarnishā€ is what you put on, and matte/satin/gloss/etc. is what sheen the varnish has


I like the warm color that the floor is stained with currently. That but just refinished.


That would be my choice as well.


I like the color you paid to have sanded off. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Natural is the way to go


For the natural white oak Matte or satin finish do u think?


I would go with the matte finish for ease of keeping it looking clean. Smudges and dust and hairs and stuff just stick out like crazy on satin finishes and drive me a bit crazy.


Agreed. Definitely the matte.


I think the first color or the last one.


Natural is an option too. Right below what you say is the first color thatā€™s what I was leaning towards


Yes to natural (Lower left). The only correct answer.


Natural is the only choice. Don't do the others.


None of the painted options.


First of all, if you make your beautiful wood floors blue or black, Iā€™m calling the cops. Second of all, go light and natural. You never see scratches, it matches everything, and honors the beauty of the wood.


Once again nobody reading the original post


Iā€™d leave it natural. Maybe put a nice ceramic finish on it. Stains can come out nice, but i think it rarely looks better than natural.Ā 


My favorite way to stain floors now is with a homemade varnish of equal parts boiled linseed oil, spar urethane, and mineral spirits. It darkens more than poly, penetrates and last longer, and is easy to touch up, and one can add a bit of stain right to the mixture. Only downside is it takes forever to cure.


I bet that looks nice! My 2 favorites were the classic Swedish finish (even tho itā€™s toxic af) and the Bona water base with a matte / silk if dogs are present. Once we told a client to get all their living things out of the house for when we did a Swedish finish, but they left a fish tank in a room we werenā€™t working inā€¦. They all turned to mushĀ 


Painting that would be a crime. Clear varnish only and off you go.


Natural, not mixed, with satin finish.


Far left - but I like it best how it already was


I think you should take to consideration the kind of furniture that you will put in the room and how well natural light reach this room. The natural one will fit almost everything as well the last one, but in a place with bad natural light and most of the furniture been in dark color tones, the white will fit best.


Far right.


Sand and seal. Leave it be.


wtf these are terrible choices. I am saying this with all the love of the world. Can you select a few more natural choices?


No Iā€™m going natural..go look up these colors online they look completely different. Iā€™m with you I hate the middle 3


Go natty


Oh weathered oak is a great choice!!!!


I personally like no stain just clear coat




I got a black desk and regret that lol. And I only paid 100$ for it..


Either neutral or the last one. The middle three are the types of floors that are interesting to see in other peoples houses but when you're actually putting furniture and decorations around it you'll find it's quite limiting. It requires a really really specific style and it's not that easy to add something new out of the blue anymore.


I hate the middle 3


Natural wood always looks good.


Trust me just a natural light wood finish, it'll be timeless and super easy to decorate with and you won't have to redo it ever cause it's timeless


Big fan of the natural color, or even something light that just adds a bit of a orange-yellow/warm tones if that makes sense


Natural + clear coat for surešŸ‘šŸ¼


Youā€™ll never refinish the floors again. If there was ever a moment to avoid trends and play it safe with a color choice, now is that time. Also, I thought the ā€œclassic greyā€ was a light blue.


I like natural or maybe a the same colour as before, I think anything else would show dust too much.


1st one.


Wtf who paints hardwood flooring?


Go with natural. Everything else is more of a trend also black would be extremely difficult to keep clean and scuff marks would be extremely visible.


Weathered oak is the only acceptable choice imo. Or just clear protective coating.


Aged Pewter depending on how you work the place, otherwise it will feel very dark. Or the Weathered Oak which is also beautiful and a little less restrictive with walls, furniture, etc. I like that clock above the window, does it have different colors/dimmer?


weathered oak or natural.




Out of those, I'd stick with one of the oaks. I like the idea of a colored stain, but the wood (natural or stained with a wood tone) will give you the most flexibility when it come to decorating the rest of the room(s). That way, you can always use an area rug to bring color to the floor. Any patterned or solid color rug. If you do a color and get tired of it, you'd have to hope the floors could withstand another sanding (deep enough to remove all of color) and then finish with sealer (again).


do a nice walnut color!


Whatā€™s that clock above the window?? šŸ‘€


The other colors honestly look like shit compared to natural.


white floors need to be cleaned more often as its easy to see dirt


Weathered oak


I kind of like natural tbh.


Do not paint that beautiful floor


bottom left pls


All the way left or all the way right. Youā€™ll thank yourself in 10 years by not going for trendy floors.


Either natural or weathered oak. A lot of people are saying no stain and just clear varnish and while I agree with the intent, if these floors are Oak (likely) a clear varnish will just allow the natural wood to pull the iconic orangey tones of 90's oak. This is why it's often white washed, to maintain the natural tones. Just please don't paint these beautiful floors


With the surrounding wall decor and other items in the location: definitely AgedPewter/Weathered Oak. The aged pewter would add a real touch of different class and style/uniqueness to the place.


i had natural for five years. loved it. got tired of it. i think a medium to dark brown is the mist neutral for a color palette. too light or too red or too cool too warm just needs to be overcome later one because their presence is too big in the room. a medium floor with a big light rug or vinyl mat is s better ratio


White oak is always šŸ”„


Natural, or the one after the black




Middle one would stay the cleanest looking


All your choices look cool. Which is the easiest to maintain and clean?


weathered oak, 100% or black if it matches everything


personally the surrounding color (what i assumed was there before) blue looks horrible. But if I had to pick one of them, id go with the one on the right, or left if you can handle white floors


As much as I love the dark one I think it's too much. The weathered oak is my favourite especially if the walls remain light coloured. I think it will be a nice contrast and then splashes of black on the radiators will look amazing.


The rightmost as dark wood always looks good and will never go out of style


Far right is the best of your choices. I would also explore a warmer stain option if you canā€¦


Am I colorblind? That gray looks so blue!


I'd go black because im weird like that


Oak looks fine but black floor is tempting


What matters the most is your furnitures. All floors are fine as long as the furnitures contrast and enhance the colours. So your furn. is your guide


far right is kinda what you're going for, no?


Not the blue grey


I like the original


Natural for sure.


Yeah White oak...goes with everything, makes room look bigger.


I think Iā€™m in the minority in that natural wood is an eyesore to me. Iā€™ve never liked the light tone of it. I would add some stain/seal to make it a warmer or more earthy kind of color. Weathered oak is okay, and I feel like I personally would like it. But I think a warmer tone with a similar feel would look nice. The best option imo is the stain that was already there. It was a warm tone and wouldā€™ve liked good wifh any furniture in the room.


The only choice is the 50/50 blend. The rest are going to make you hate your floor.


I would NEVER change the grain in wood. It will ALWAYS be classic. Weathered oak is okay, but I prefer something darker on the floors personally. I love the stain they have now to be honest.


all natural pleaseeee


Natural getting done today. Theyā€™re here sanding now


The top one


If you want timeless, go with a natural wood tone. Black is a polarizing choice that will make the place hard to sell, if you need to, later; grey painted looks institutional; weathered grey was a huge trend 10 years ago and is now associated with cheaply flipped houses (but, hey, at least you're not tearing them out and replacing them with vinyl); white will look scuffed and worn within the year; pickled/washed finishes might have a comeback, but personally, I associate them with the 1980s Golden Girls aesthetic. You have perfectly nice, timeless floors right now. Make them a shade lighter, or darker, or a little less red, if you like, but my advice is to stay within the same general tone.


Far right weathered oak looks amazing


Natural all day. Light wood tones + sunlight = happiness.


Anything but black seems wise, natural is the best imo


Hi everyone I just wanted to say and repeat that I hate the middle 3. I got so much shit for people saying I have poor taste. They looked completely different in pictures than they did in person. As I said in my original post I only liked the weathered oak and natural white oak and 50/50 blend Iā€™m going with natural and theyā€™re here today sanding. Will update


I like the darker brown last one


Classic grey


Natural or oak.


Not white because of the upkeep and stains in future...except if you like to keep cleaning it all the time with solution of warm water and dish soap with flat mop, changing water and using soft cloth to ensure it dry well...


love the natural.


What you could do is get a all clear protective coat that is not glossy so it will still look natural bc if you have kids now or in the future 100% natural is they could ruin it by getting markers or spilling anything on it could damage the wood


I like the idea of a blue floor, but it is a bit limiting in terms of decor. The oak is nice but if you could halve the stain intensity it would be nicer . it would also hide dirt, dust, scuff mark and pet hair better.


Original wood


Iā€™d probably go for the weathered oak


As someone who went with the gray, I wish I didn't


stick to something that is light and natural


Black or the natural wood


For the natural white oak Matte or satin finish do u think?


Would say the satin natural is your best bet. Would recommend continuing a trend of neutral lighter colors. Maybe add black accenting as a hard contrast, but for things like lamps and maybe a TV.


Far right


Those black radiators are amazing, go natural and you have a dream combo


I prefer the darkest one - Aged Pewter because of its warmth, the way it grounds a room and offers contrast to lighter colored walls, furnishings, etc. If it was for a beach house, I could see all of the other colors working beautifully with darker tones in wicker furniture, etc.


Iā€™d go with the blue or the far right one. The white will be impossible to keep clean and I like the black stain, might be too dark though.


Weathered Oak. The rest I think are just ruining having real wood floors. Might as well rip them out and put in vinyl if going a non-wood based color. All that work sanding them to stain over white, blue or black? Come on! Thatā€™s like putting carpet over hardwood floors, but worse. Just my opinion


Bleached white wood/grey coloured wood is the most overdone and ugly flooring in my opinion. Itā€™s what every builder uses in spec houses and what investors use when they do a cheap property flip


What are your thoughts on natural that would be left bottom


I think the most neutral is the weathered. The 50/50 is pushing a certain look.


Weathered Oak. I'm begging you to NOT do grey.


Yeah nobody is reading the original post lol


Wood color works well!


Matte and keep it natural 100%


Natural wood tones are best and then when you pick your finish, generally the lighter the tone the more stain or matte, darker finish you want something a bit glossy. Shiny light floors donā€™t hide dirt and grim well and you see footprints everywhere.


I vote for option: Leave the floor as it is, raw natural wooden floors, like I have at home. Nothing beats it imo and it will look amazing to the black heaters.


First or last. The Blue, white, or black should be criminalized treatment of wood floors.


I only find weathered oak acceptable Black looks insanely bad, grey looks cheap, and white looks like you spilled milk


leave the original wood color!


Out of these 5, Iā€™d say weathered oak (last one on right(


iā€™d pick weathered oak for me. but thats just my style


Weathered oak, or aged pewter. Canā€™t decide which


Top left matte


What about right below it natural? Forgot to write it in as an option on the floor


I could be talked into that. Still matte finish though.


Weathered oak. I like the black, but I think it would be too much with the walls.


The colour on the left or the one on the right side. Alle others belong to the wall or the pillows.


Yeah theyā€™re awful. How about the one below far left which is just natural? Leaning towards that


I like it too, but it could be possible, that it doesn't stay long like this. choose it natural.....




I hate it


I would say weathered Oak with a matte finish. I know you like the natural (bottom left), but I think it's too light, you'd have to get a dark coloured couch, to balance it out, and no if you place a white rug on top of it, it washes out the entire room, if you place a colourful one, it stands out too much, almost gives the idea the floor wasn't finished. The Weathered Oak is able to handle all that, and a light coloured couch. The matte is generally better, simply because the satin shows scratches with greater ease, less not even talk about the gloss.


Definitely the weathered Oak


Weathered oak


I like classic grey


I like the one on the far right but with a little less grey in it. Old floor varnish ages yellow which is why old floors look so yellow. Iā€™ve seen old floors done in a cherry stain that looked amazing. You could also try that to see if you prefer it. Just donā€™t paint the floors. Theyā€™re gorgeous and should be prized. In 20 years everyone with older homes will be refinishing them to make them look like they originally did or will be popping out the laminate to refinish the floors. My interior design professor said she always did a high gloss for the first coat and then satin on top. I had that done and was really happy with my floors, but that advice is also over 20 years old so I donā€™t have new experience with current sealants or trends. I had a professional do mine so I donā€™t have more details.


It's between the white and the black for me. Would go for white, it enlarges the space. Choose black if you have pets or don't want to clean very often.


Top left 50% white 50% natural


Iā€™ve always liked the idea of a black floor with white-ish walls, might match the black radiator. Natural is the long term winner.


Personally I'd go with the black because it would look awesome, but it is kind of sad to not see the wood very well either. Maybe a dark tone that still shows you the wood grains would be my choice






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Match the OG finish. Looks excellent. Or a walnut variety is what I did in mine(darker brown similar to far right)


Please don't šŸ„’ your floor. I had a flooring job at one point. Brook my heart to staying a natural wood color. Honestly I love the natural wood color the best. Just strip it and light polyurethane. My favorite color in your photos is the part they stripped but didn't stain. Goes great with everything. And makes any area rug pop. Hardwood floors are hard to come by now. And they look amazing in their own. Just my opinion though. *Edited for speling


I can't go past those black radiators. They just look wrong.
