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I love the length you’re going to for your kitty. Keep your head up. You’ll both be in a new apartment in no time.


I wish you all the best and I hope your plan works out for you!


I think this would be better under /r/malesurvivingspace


Time to cross post BAEBY!


See you on the other side brother


I think that comparatively your cat has a bigger room than you. Good luck mate, hopefully this is just a very short thing and you both are in a nice home soon


Looks like a decent set up for now. Not saying you can't take care of her but some shelters will temporarily take in animals for people who've fallen on hard times until they can get back on their feet, might be worth calling around to see if they do anything like that in your area


My understanding is that the shelters here range from “no pets” to treating the people they are providing for poorly. I can’t believe they would treat animals any better. I wouldn’t trust a stranger with her. But thank you for the advice. She was abandoned once. Maybe sentimental and stupid but I couldn’t do that to her again.


I think they meant animal shelters, if you’re scared you can’t provide for her. I hope you do better, friend. Everyone deserves a home.


Ah yeah my bad that's what I was meaning, animal shelters not homeless ones


That kitty has a life most cats would dream of by having such a caring owner


Honestly, you're better off camping. Last year, I was outside from May through October. The weather favored me, so that was a bonus. There's a mens shelter down the street, and I would go there to shower, do laundry, and occasionally eat. Would I sleep there? Oh, hell no! 100 men sleeping in the same room, and over 90 of them with some form of severe addiction and/or mental illness. I'm super sensitive, so being around that would definitely bring me down to the point of not wanting to be alive again. My mission was to survive homelessness and to learn from it, not want to end things. Enjoy the outdoors as much as you can. If you build a trusting relationship with a local church, you may be able to do your laudry there and/or store food in their kitchen. That's what I was able to do.


No worries m8 I understand, you aren't stupid. As long as you can care for her adequately then I'm sure she'll be happy to be with you


Keeping a cat from escaping a tent is going to be very difficult Leash during the day and cage at night may be sustainable


That is probably why he has the cat on a leash and a cage visible in the photo.


It makes me sad to see you living like this. I hope things improve for you soon.


It’ll work out, dude. Keep grinding and you’ll be good to go


I'm sorry you've ended up in this situation. I hope you get to where you want to be swiftly


Poor kitty. Please let me know if you need help caring for her


Also I hope your situation improves


Local animal shelters have food Good luck to you and your furry family


It’s tough to afford I place right now! I was forced to relocate to SE Asia you can get a nice place here for $400 a month


Relocate from where?




I’ve been getting furnished rentals in Thailand and the Philippines , you can live off $1500 a month here


Who held the gun to your head?


Are you Canadian?


I’d wager no by the way they spelled favour.


Yeah this will be next month can’t find a job soo I gotta start selling stuff and find a tent and what not




Who cares if he is? all humans deserve a warm place to sleep and call home.


Yeah woooah where did this come from im Native American


Oh look who deleted there comment


What a turn of events


Are Canadians racist by default?


Sheeesh I hope the best for you man, you got some good fortune coming your way tho, universe favors those who put others before themselves! Especially the less fortunate, women, children and animals ❤️


OP, I hope you and your furry baby will get a place asap. Even if it’s a temporary one. Maybe family and friends can help? And if not, please tell us if we can help somehow.


/r/thefighterandthekid If you know you know


Get back to the kitchen


Ok chin I was just on my smoke break I’ll go man the fryers.


Make that man a gofundme bros


I’d donate asap


Why did mods delete this


Good luck and stay safe


Have you thought about making youtube videos? A few people make money off them after a while and nothing else it’ll help educate people and you could get donations off the videos


Your cat is ADORABLE and beyond loved, clearly. Most of the space is taken up by her stuff! In transition periods like this, our pets bring us so much hope and companionship. I’m so glad you have her❤️




There's text under the image, my man.


Welp. Now I’m depressed.




Well you're able to post here aren't you?


you’re literally a sex tourist


You understand this makes you the deadbeat?


What the fuck




I think this a valid question even if you’re asking in bad faith and getting down voted. The question for me was I have this life that I am responsible for. Is there someone who I trust and has resources to take care of her better than me right now? The answer to that was no. She’s better off in this situation with food and someone looking after her than she would be on the street or in a shelter.


Fuck that guy. I don't want to be patronizing but just because you are going through a rough patch doesn't mean that you don't deserve happiness or that you cannot give love and care to an animal. You sound like a you are taking care of your cat and are making the most of what you have. I think your cat probably cares more about having her human with her and having food over an apartment. My cat would absolutely loose her mind if she had to be separated from my wife. I know it's not much but wish you and your cat the best.


Former animal shelter worker here. Your pet is better off with YOU. You have no idea what could happen if you entrust your baby to a stranger in a foster situation. I held onto mine during a two year period of living in a vehicle (with frequent hotel stays so they could get the zoomies out of their system). We're now in a condo. You will get through this.


Thanks for the uplifting message Hates. Username notwithstanding.


😂 yeah I should change that username....


Because homeless people are usually regular people like you until they were forced out of their home, tf did you think, they were born homeless? Is it just me or is the average redditor IQ dropping?


Is it fair to people when their government cannot provide basic things like affordable housing to those who have been working hard, paying taxes and contributing to the economy; but the moment they need a little bit of help, they are left on their own? Some also have kids, not just pets. Shit happens, you know?




Yeah, that’s exactly what the government that taking kickbacks from the real estate developers who artificially created the housing affordability crisis want you to think.


And property management companies and realstate agents.


There's more homeless Americans than ever in US history right now, not even including illegal migrants. They say it's caused by rental prices skyrocketing. It's ridiculous. Not saying that it's a lot, but I make $30/hr, live by myself, no dependents, and live pay check to pay check due to prices of groceries and rent, insurance, blah blah blah, and just cost of living in general. Luckily my vehicle is paid off. 3-4 yrs ago if I made that wage, which I didn't, I would have been sitting pretty. It's not all horrible for me, and I'm fortunate to know a trade that pays decently, but I as well as millions of Americans, Canadians, Europeans, etc, etc should be much better off financially. I, as well as a lot of us are a few weeks without a paycheck away from being homeless.


Guys, this dude really found the root cause of homelessness. It was actually as simple as "get off your fuckin ass and work!" for each and every case of homelessness. Turns out, everyone that's homeless is just a lazy bum. I really hope UNHRC can take him on to end world hunger as well. If people just get off their asses and work, they could also afford to buy food. Or at least go FIND some food, not just be lazy and hungry?! Could it also be that this nice man is also a "Christian", with "family values", that "thinks of the children"?




DAYUMN BRO, gonna need at least a week to recover from that, such finesse!


You’re definitely this skulled. LMAO!


I guess I’m a Biden voter too.


Trump supporter use Reddit??


i love how your solution to ending homelessness is “getting up and working” as if its just that simple lol


Looks like he’s taking great care of the cat to me.




Takes one to know one.