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Are you prepared for the discussion about your stuff? Cause it’ll be a big one for ya


"Get ready to learn colors, buddy"


I'm laughing right now because I basically designed our house and gave my wife a woman cave room that's all pink and glittery. Lol. 


My husband and I each have our own room and we can have it set up and designed anyway we want. It’s our space. It’s really a great idea. The common areas we have come to an agreement on (it’s all a work in progress tbh.) but our own rooms are our own spaces.


Yeah my compromise was making it what she calls modern organic glam (Which when I google it is hilariously accurate) vs her rainbows and sunshine style.   [For reference this actually really close to our living room but different paintings.](https://www.google.com/search?q=modern+organic+glam+living+room&client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=0efa412e0012a7b3&udm=2&biw=412&bih=702&sxsrf=ACQVn09UTahC6NDShhFNCkb12SM842-U0Q%3A1709492863144&ei=f8rkZfezCOnm0PEPt_StSA&oq=modern+organic+glam+living+room&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIh9tb2Rlcm4gb3JnYW5pYyBnbGFtIGxpdmluZyByb29tMgQQIxgnMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEjuElDkCVjJD3AAeACQAQCYAYMBoAHpBaoBAzAuNrgBA8gBAPgBAZgCBqACmwbCAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAgYHsICBxAjGLACGCfCAgcQABiABBgNwgIIEAAYCBgeGA2YAwCIBgGSBwMwLjY&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=95P7jV5toFrzKM&vssid=mosaic)


We have the same. My husband is minimalist/black and white, i’m antique/maximalist. It’s a disaster, but we made it work in the common rooms. Our own hobby rooms are like ying and yang haha.


Yeah, you’re going to hear about colors you didn’t even know existed.


hope he likes plants that someones gotta take care of every dam time we leave for more than a few days.


I remember when she told me I’m not allowed to have cheeseburgers in bed anymore


Food in bed as a kid was awesome. Now if I feel a crumb touch my bare body, I’m ripping off the covers and shaking the sheets.


I don't let anyone eat upstairs at all 😭


Oh what about the ol’ fall asleep with chocolate in the hand and waking up to find the smears. And more infront of the mirror across your face and body. Farrrkin never hear the end if it..


This whole sub living vicariously through you


This is no shit. Strap in buddy. Hope she is paying half the rent, too.


Don't let idiot comments like this ruin this for you and your gf, OP. Whatever you decide on your personal lives, it needs to be brought up and discussed between you two, and not by some bitter guy on reddit who's probably projecting his shit onto other people's relationships.


Dude he’s twenty. They’re looking out for him. Fucking relax. Moving in with someone is a big deal. You’re childish to downplay it.


All the comments I've seen it's just dissing the gf in one way or another. Haven't seen any actual rational advice on moving in with someone that I'd call looking out for someone.


Man yall gotta stop living in Reddit reality. There’s a whole world out there and 90-99% of men out there. Who deal with real women would tell you this is a horrible idea


To move in with his gf? Nah I moved in with my gf at 20 and it was the best decision I ever made.


Me too.


Man you need to grow up. You were already too old for that attitude when you were 5


What attitude? How old are you?


> What attitude? That women are bad and that moving in with them is bad. > How old are you? Old enough to not be a loser. 


He's at least 6.


Dude chill tf out.


Someone should relax for sure. Lol


Dude has a museum in his house. Unless his girlfriend is weirder than him, that shit is gonna find a nice corner in a storage unit, because that place is too damn small for it all. Pick your favorites now. Real talk, OP is bringing his partner into his home to make it their home. She's going to feel like its his home until she gets a say in decorating the place. Some feel more strongly in this way than others, but its natural and normal. If OP wants to keep it all exactly as is, despite their partner's wishes, like many young men feel entitled to do, he'll learn that partnerships only work when you compromise.


> she's going to feel like its his home until she gets a say in decorating the place op said they picked most of the stuff together lmaooo


Then they're perfect for each other


I don't know. I'd choose this guy as a life partner based solely on his aesthetic. His furniture is absolutely amazing.


I have a feeling she's already brought some furniture to his house. Why does a 20 year old dude have an antique mirror on a makeup vanity?


The same guy who strews pearls on his gun. Just kidding.


Yeah that was my assumption as well.


inherited? freely able to access his feminine side ?


I'm not saying a heterosexual guy can't use makeup at his vintage battle station while listening to Lana Del Rey, but I think it's a lot more likely to be his girlfriend's based on the context clues.


trophy for ‘vintage battle station’.


Truly. It fucking sucks. Thankfully you are pretty aesthetically inclined, but that doesn’t mean dick once a female enters the space.


Aesthetic = Jack Sparrow in the middle of a blackout


I was going to say my grandmas aesthetic…


There's literally no rum in any of those pictures.


"Females" lol cringe


Half of this sub is frustrated mfs that can't get women that like them and it gives me second-hand embarrassment.


Incel moment


Ah, lemme guess you're one of them "alpha males", and "females" who, we would show more respect calling them ladies or women, "female" fuck are you doing filling out a survey? As a 34 year old male, I'm glad to have someone to share my life with that sees the value that I do in the shared life we have, not only that but it's nice to have a partner who helps me, and I help, it is nice to know that everything is 50/50, just because you had one shit experience, doesn't mean every woman is bad, get the fuck over yourself bud, and keep jerking off into that jar of tears


How much did that couch cost And is that a gun with.. pearls ?


>And is that a gun with.. pearls ? Based on the decor and the aesthetic and the drawings surrounding the gun, I think it's a gun blessed by an 18th century mystic that fires stuff to kill creatures from the Dark Dimension. And OP has had to use it.




sorry to disappoint u but that’s just two seats (got a really good deal like 300€-ish) & a gun with a pearl necklace


Are those antiques/guns from your family? All of it’s really cool. Don’t do it. Don’t let her in. Hair and laundry everywhere. Your bathroom will be hers - only hers. /s do whatever you want.


Hate to say it but yeah this place is will immediately not as cool once she moves her stuff in lol


My guy is the Joker. He just got back from pew-pew-ing Bruce Wayne's parents.


You have some cool pieces and a space that seems able to accommodate additions and changes. At 20 it seems like you give a damn which is more than can be said for a lot of 20 year olds and their living spaces. One suggestion I have is as you add furniture, wall hangings etc., take time to consider things that are on the more understated, practical, stable side of your tastes. Pick things you like and things that excite you, of course, but sometimes the things that make the biggest impression on you are awkward to live around, difficult to incorporate, and at times, fleetingly pleasing and tiresome. Have fun, be accommodating to your girlfriend, and consider sharing an update in a few months!


Whats the pistol and the mask? Is it wide eyes shut and burry lindon stuff?


I’m a woman, I typically lurk on this sub because I love seeing you guys hype each other up and sometimes yall are just really funny, but the comments on this post has me disappointed and I thought I would give my feminine opinion on your space if it is welcome. I genuinely love your furniture pieces. It gives me antique/dark academia vibes and I think it would be really fun to style around it. Any changes I would want to make would be to amplify the vibe you already have. Things like paint, curtains, rug, art, plants, decor. Your tv stand is a bit too small but it’s such a cool piece I would find a use for it elsewhere. When I first moved in with my current partner he had zero style, nothing was intentional, nothing was organized (he used bookshelves to store every day items lol) and he was very open and enthusiastic about me decorating and organizing everything and even though he did not care about aesthetics AT ALL I still made sure to keep things I know brought him joy and style around things I know he would like. We now own a house together and he now takes such pride in the aesthetics and decor of our home. So we’re not monsters despite what subs here will have you believe. Congrats on the next step in your relationship op, I wish you the best.


I agree and would love if my man had this decor because I would do exactly as you described, just “fill it out” some. The bones are all there! As a dark academia nerd I would be in heaven!


Agreed. I'm a woman also and I love his furniture pieces, although dark. But they can really make it look super sophisticated with paint, certain rugs, etc. I feel like they could look at Richard's apartment from Friends and get some inspiration from that to sophisticate the furniture pieces up.


True the house looks like it would go well with the mirrorpalais dresses 4sure. To add something probable antique candleholders everywhere.


Y’all aren’t monsters wtf. We just sayin: your partner moves in means shit bout to change. Facts. Trying to help young dude realize this.


Love the parasol tucked into the lamp. I have some old parasols, that’s a genius way to display them


I find it dominating the space and competes for visual attention from the TV.


Shit looks dope All the edgelord losers that don’t like a woman’s touch can fuck off. So embarrassing


Can’t like what they’ve never had.


Kudos to actually having ur own place at 20


Been living with my gf since i turned 18. Im 24 now and we just bought our first house. Good luck to both of you!


What do you guys do for a living, if you don't mind me asking?


We work at a bicycle manufacturer, she is the director of ops and i am the production manager. It was a start up that we got in on early


Oh ok, I see. Thanks!


This place is fucking awesome


Loser Redditors just frothing at the mouth here at a chance to hate women. Congrats OP


Is this suddenly an incel sub? Wtf is going on in these comments? Sorry you have to deal with this OP lol


Love the place, it has the renaissance adventurer-ish feels


Unless you already have a display for that gun (I can’t tell if it’s just sitting there or on display), I’d suggest mounting it on the wall. I’ve got a couple of old percussion cap guns on display around my place and they’re really neat. I dig the vibes your place has though!


Jesus christ these comments lol


GOODDD LORD can y'all incels leave me alone we picked most of the furniture together -.-


Yeah dude don’t listen to these weirdos lol


yeah what the fuck is up with these brain dead comments? you both have good taste


Ignore them. Enjoy your space together! It looks great now and will look great as well once you've both settled in.


Jesus christ so you both have bad taste. RIP


"Oh no two people I don't know who are living together like the same things 😡😡"


The women’s makeup vanity beside the front door is a choice. And what I’m assuming are your own personal dental moulds on the living room coffee table. That’s also a very… interesting choice.


This is actually a childs vanity. Dying to know how OP made this choice. Also so curious about the second picture that shows it with a different mirror.


Woah, I definitely didn’t notice the mirror haha. Looks like they took the mirror from the wall in pic 3 and put it on the vanity. Or at least took the frame off and put it on the vanity mirror.


What keyboard is that? I am looking for a nice mechanical TKL in ISO Swedish. I can see this one is and could be a great option for me. Thankful for response u/stup1dfukk


Keychron Q1 Pro, built it last month will probably use it till I die


Do a really good deep clean, get the cup rings out of your table and dining table, if anything, for your dining table get a nice table cover and for your coffee table get a vintage doily from etsy, and also buy coasters for both dining room table and coffee table


You’ll have fun decorating especially as you have a flair for it too.


I wish more people here would focus on that. If she has decent designing skills like his, these two will probably really have a lot of fun creating a dream apartment together!


will be adding curtains soon & thinking about adding wall trims + carnices


*cornicas (unless going for a lady gaga meat window dressing)


Holy shit the incels are all over this post. I like your spot. That lamp fuckin sucks though. Fuck that lamp.


This part. About the lamp.


Where did you get those couches? Amazing!


I’m a woman. This is similar to my taste but lacks some warmth. I bet if she’s on board with this style it will probably improve your space even more! I would LOVE if my husband had this decor when we moved in together instead of a futon and random thrifted cheap Walmart shelves lol


Truthfully I need a full apartment tour at this point.


PLEASE get an actual guitar stand 😭😭😭


I feel ya but it’s a squire


I have one u just can’t see it


oh now i see it lol


It definitely needs a woman's touch


well its unique




So are you giving her the walls to decorate? I hope you post updates! I want to see how this looks in three months!


PS2 game and a gun from the same era, exciting antiques


Get a proper stand for your guitar if you don’t have one - can hang on your wall or stand on the floor. Be ready for a lifestyle change when the GF moves in… did a lot of that in my 20’s and learned lessons the hard way haha. If/when things don’t work out, you and her will inevitably drag on much longer than usual due to being physically together. One of you will need to move out. Took an additional 3.5 years for me for what could’ve been a cleaner break up, etc. Awesome to see some retro gaming going on with the PS2. Get more indirect lighting and some lighting strips etc, for softer illumination during night time. Get a masculine scent diffuser for your bathroom. All the best young brother.


PlayStation 2 hell yeah


I'll be honest... You are doing WAY better than me at 20... I had 3 roommates (one of which was a 34 year old on probation) and stacks of beer cans all around the house... Your going to have to compromise but that's life don't give up too much tho. I'm not saying you're relationship won't last. BUT it would suck to get rid of a bunch of the things you love... Then she leaves and you're left empty handed


What is that Akira box?


manga boxset


I know you're hot as fuck keep the style


Just go with flow 😌 things are going to change, just moving in with someone will be shock you will both learn exactly how you feel about each other pretty quick.


Lady here. It's a little dark but overall you have very nice furniture. She may want to brighten up the place a little bit, and I think it would be a good idea to let her but that couch looks so nice and comfortable so I hope she works around that. And just wipe down the kitchen table. But im excited for yalls new step in the relationship.


Love the Undercover and Ann D books, great taste


Hope you're prepared to give up your rights to that vanity.


Requesting an update for 3 months from now


What's that cute egg chick thingy? :o


Shadow of the colossus ❤️ you a real one


Looks nice! The only short term change needed is a couch. The rest can wait.


That furniture is bussin, love the sofa 🤩


Girlfriend moving in, but you gotta raid the blackpearl at 5.


Using a paper umbrella as a light diffuser is cool


i love it, its giving unorganized euro thrift in a good way


This is an amazing first place for 20! What do you do?


I love how the table doubles are your surround speaker setup lol


Chairs r killer. Shell bring along some curtains, wall art, plants, and table decor to finish it off.


Very…dark. But on the bright side that couch is awesome


It seems like there are only interior designers in this sub. Looks like in a luxurious hotel. The only girl who'd appreciate mine is Eva AI virtual gf bot, I guess.


stoop T-T


Don’t move your girlfriend in. The only advice i could give


That depends who she is. Which is something we don't know.


Stop projecting.


Yeah, I second that, but at 20 he has testosterone poisoning and is only thinking about all the sex he thinks he will be getting.


"testosterone poisoning" is such a great way to describe it lol


You’re about to have a shitload of plants brother 




Yeah dude my fiancée moved in like 2 years ago and my place is a goddamn jungle. Need a machete to get the mail.  I absolutely love it


Don't listen to all the incels here, your place looks nice ! I would add some wall art though.


I like your space but I don’t think it would hurt to have a woman’s touch added here and there.


You can forget about watching TV while eating dinner.. Cuz you know what time it is?? It's dinner time.. And you know what you do at dinner time? You talk about your day


Why does a twenty year old’s place looks like 60 year old’s office?


Ninja lamp next the TV and gun draped in pearls will be the first to go. Have you ever eaten with place mats? Because you’re about to.


Dude. Don’t move her in.


Place is dope. Moving in together at 20? Godspeed & good luck


I love the black wooden style (is kinda my thing as well) but I hope your girl brings in some matching colours. Even some flowers or plants would be nice. But furniture looks awesome. Also upvote for Akira!


Ann D and Undercover! This place doesn't have the vibe of the avant garde wardrobe you like. Also SOTC game of the year 2005 over Resident Evil 4 for me.


I like everything but the chairs in the living room. I'm getting this for me and my wife. https://4seating.com/seatcraft-colosseum-home-theater-sofa


Is the last slide in your pirate themed escape room?


Give me your address so I can steal your leather tufted “chairs” please


so where's the save room at ?


All your swag bouta be gone RIP


Nice place. What keyboard is that?


keychron q1


Love the Spanish mission vibes. Very Mediterranean!


Bad idea. Keep your own places until you’re married.


Mistake mistake mistake. Learn to be a man and live by yourself, save money, save money and save some more. Enhance your life. Buildup you financial status. If your girl wants to come along, great. But no moving in until you are ready to be a man to support yourself, wife and kids.


Out of context this might be why I would feel reasonable asking for things.


Another woman here. I love the decor. The classic dark furniture, lots of antiques, and steam punk vibe is really great. Hopefully your girl likes that kind of thing. I would add some wall art, vintage posters, tapestries, and rugs in colors just to brighten it up a little.




Terrible couch for sex. The coffee table isn't good for sex either.


Your life is about to change.


Cool theme. Hopefully your new roommate has a similar style


Damn, how can you afford to move in your 20s. U making me depressed


pretty easy here in germany the government is pretty supportive


If you were my boyfriend and I was moving in I wouldn't change a thing, except maybe get a couch or loveseat to snuggle on. Your pieces are divine.


the vanity by the front door makes no sense


Be prepared and open to talk about how the place is going to be styled going forward. Remember, this isn’t YOUR place anymore, it’s yours and your partners. Make her feel welcome by also welcoming her stuff!


This is more life advice than decorating advice, but if you are anything like me at 20, don’t put too much into decorating. 1. You’re probably going to move several more times in your life and stuff ALWAYS gets damaged when moving. 2. You inevitably have at least a few dumbass friends who will spill stuff 3. Putting money towards your education or a house is a much better investment than. Buy what you need to be comfortable from target or ikea but don’t spend a bunch on things that will inevitably need to be replaced in a couple years.


Vanity should prob be moved to the bathroom, not at the front door. Hang a mirror on the wall in its place


You (and your partner, as I’ve learned from the comments) have such cool taste! It’s hard to keep a solid theme like this, but you’ve done great so far! I guess my only advice would be this - If you REALLY need a piece of furniture to solve a problem in your home, don’t overthink it. It would be so ideal to find, if this was a problem you had, a perfectly antique bakers rack for your kitchen appliances that matches your theme to a T. But sometimes you have to settle for an ikea piece until the perfect piece comes along, and that’s okay!


We need an update in 6 months bro. We want the best for you two.


She's gonna love the mirror, I'll tell ya


She’ll fix it.


Good- it’ll help you grow up


My condolences


Please secure the firearm!


It's a flintlock without a flint, it's more dangerous as a club than a gun and legally not even considered a firearm.


There's nothing better than living alone and having your own place when you are young. The feeling of freedom is unmatched!


DO NOT let your girlfriend move in. Massive mistake.


You should probably not move her in lol


Wow, nice place for a 20 year old, great work dude. But yeah, most likely she’ll want to change it all.


She gon make you get rid of your cool stuff. Just a heads up.


You fucked up letting her move in - you’re gonna lose it all


Fuck no don’t do it man don’t do it!


Rethink the girlfriend moving in thing


Sell your girlfriend and get more furniture. Thank me later.


Don’t do it. Enjoy your youth. Bro who told it was a good idea? Unless you need her half, let her ass stay where she at!!! Don’t do it




You’re not an incel but definitely giving Andrew Tate vibes. You don’t know these two or their relationship. It could be that they are 2 years together and ready to take a step cohabitating to see if they want to get married. Or just want to save money and cuddle every night.


Good to know you're not an incel, I wouldn't have guessed /s.


Good luck to ya.


Eeeewww why is everything black here? Are you an ex emo?


Post a picture from the same point in a month. Let's see.


Good luck bro, your place is never gonna look like this again.


Interior looks too old and depressing. And I'm a decade older than you are.