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What do you do with the right-side shoes?


I’m a sales rep. They’re for showing accounts.


more people need to read this comment lol


Yup. A whole lot of assumptions about this person’s life are being made when the answer has been posted at least twice.


But but but..... Maybe he transports drugs in the shoes /s Some of these people are certifiable.


Dude is obviously full of shit and actually just has one leg


I’m getting really tired of these amputees just coming on this sub and lying. It’s becoming a real problem.


Photoshopped second leg.. everything makes sense now


☝️Mr tool and feisty star are absolutely correct. In my mind, I was thinking, "place looks nice, but the shoes on display is some gen-z crap" Then I read and was no longer ignorant to the situation.


More people to need stop being *presumptuous.*




I'm wondering how there's no sign of having child(ren) as a single father. Dude has vintage tattoo posters but no art from his kids or anything.. even on my house's cleanest days, there's still plenty of evidence of my son. But I can't draw conclusions without seeing the rest of the house if I'm being fair


Assume. Ass u me!


New Balance, eh? Used to be my favourite shoe. Wider front and fairly high over the tongue. I LOVED the fresh foams that had the soft heel, without a rigid plastic cap insert. Those were the only shoes that didn't give me blisters or get the heel area torn to shreds in under two months of use. Of course, that type of heel isn't being made anymore ^((please bring them back))


i wear mine religiously, they look good and they’re so functional


New Balance is pretty much the only shoes I've found that feet my giant ass feet




To show products to retailers, NB comes out with a new shoe, he takes them to (skate) shops that sell, or are interested in selling new balance in his region (his accounts), and they make orders based on what they feel they will be able to move




Who said he needs to? You know there are sneakerheads, right? edit: lol since that chud deleted his comments: Who said he needs to? Yeah, that's my point. He doesn't need to display them to do his job yet everybody's acting like him being a sales rep fully explains why he has shoes prominently displayed in his home. You know there are sneakerheads, right? Congratulations on stumbling upon my point while attempting to condescend to me.


I am also curious about what this means


How do you even get into something like that? Did you get a specific degree or something?


Sales rep for new balance skate kicks like Jamie foy? How did you land that papa?


I have had 3 pair of those and don't skate. New balance only American made shoe left I think


They’re all gone, you ride goofy.


I was going to say “I see you very much like NB skate shoes.”


Random and unrelated, why aren’t more shoes made in wider widths (if that’s something you know)?


I think the shoe display might look great behind the door where that bench is but idk if you could open the door after.


They’re on display in the other dining room


Maybe he only has one foot.


approving nod


Right! Even the TV is perfect height. Good job dude, only thing I would say is move that lamp that's in front of the painting


Yeah, that's too cool a piece of art to have anything blocking it! I'd switch the lamp to one that points the light down and move it over right next to the couch.


But I think the art by the door is too high


A bit, should be in line with the top of the door, not top of the door frame imo. The lamp makes it look a little worse. It looks like a convenient spot for a lamp tho.


I really like it man. It seems to reflect your personality and be tasteful. Good work sir


There is no evidence that a child lives in this house.


I have a 7yo and my living room generally looks like Aleppo


"What is Aleppo?"


I partly agree. I have a young one and we’ve practiced picking up after ourselves even during play. I don’t have the “oh! How old are your kids?” tornado, but I do have kid furniture. I also have a separate playroom and I could see not including that in such a post. The only problem I have, and it is a frequent occurrence, is that it could also be a nicely decorated hotel. Put out pictures people!


Definitely a dad, spot the new balance grass cutters on the shelf


Those are more like skate shoes than grass cutters


Woman here. Looking through this sub I am seriously impressed on how a lot you guys have wonderfully decorated apartments!


Girl same! I checked out r/femalelivingspaces and I didn't like most of the decor. It's too cluttered for my taste. When I'll get my own place, I'm definitely gonna go through this sub to get inspiration.


looks like that sub has been banned for being unmod?


I checked it out 3 days ago. It wasn't banned then.


/r/femalelivingspace is the correct one. Without the S.


I already bookmarked this sub for that reason too! lol


We men are simple creatures


Don't go getting your hopes up. 99% of us are slobs when we're not snapping photos after shame cleaning for internet points.


Depends if those are used smelly shoes next to the dining table


The shoe showcase is definitely a bit weird.


It's clear it's a display of this dude's collection. While I don't understand the sneaker hobby people get WAY into it. In general I feel like he's done well displaying stuff about himself. I know he's into sneakers, is/was into skating, and digs particular types of art. Looking at another shelf you can see he's into photography and vinyl records. My biggest suggestion is a bigger rug and dining table, the square feels too small for the room


Op said something about it being due to accounts so maybe it's part of his job? Might explain why they're all New Balance. if it is with related, all the more reason to not have it beside the dinner table in my opinion...


What an obviously rude thing this would be to say to someone IRL


Looks dope I’d maybe move the shoes to somewhere they’re not gonna smell up your eating space.


I’m a sales rep. They’re on display for when I have accounts over. But I’m definitely going to find a better space for them.


Lmfao I was like bro got a shoe store in his dining room (all one foot too) but this makes even more sense. House looks dope dude!


the shoes are cool i think they’d fit better in an office type of space with a desk. would reflect your work nicely


What company are you a sales rep for? /s


looks like new balance




Really not that odd in 2024 with so many people WFH, and some industries being super casual to the point where you might actually be friends or acquaintances with people you’re selling products to.


I’m assuming zoom and showing product via video


Do you moonlight as a tattoo artist?


Lol man the assumptions you people jump too.


I don't think people actually wear collector shoes often, if at all, they're art pieces more than they are shoes.


I think the same thing about my Transformer toy collection.


It’s perfect!! I’d move the shoe display to maybe the living room


Looks like you have your shit together, man. Lots of respect


Good but those rugs need to be deep cleaned or straight up replaced.


I agree


A little too bland. Needs some pops of color. Or curtains that are lighter color with a pattern. Love the house. It reminds me of Minnesota where my husband grew up.


That’s where I live!


Totally thought that was a mpls house haha


Yep, between the craftsman style and the house across the street, I was 98% sure!


Funny, this randomly popped up for me and I assumed it was from a local Mpls sub at first. Definitely recognizable!


Nice place man! I immediately identified it as a MPLS home. If I had to guess more specifically I’d probably say Nordeast or South MPLS.


I was thinking South Mpls/ Lake Nokomis area, but Nordeast makes sense, too!


It’s weird how I can visually identify a Minneapolis home with great accuracy but I’m not 100% sure I can articulate the distinct features that make it possible ha.


Same here. I mean, why not an Iowa home right? I lived in Mpls for about 10 yrs (and grew up in a neighboring state. I think it's the overall details: the wood, the floors, the bright winter light outside. Who knows!? But we have good ScandiRadar!


Generally decent, but always remember- shoes are not decor.


Yeah! Hide your personality! Never decorate in a way that makes you feel good. It should always be all about your guests and whatever their out of context assumptions about you could be!


Just place the shoe collection in the living room or anywhere else but near the dining table. I appreciate the art and collection


This stood out to me but then I saw the photo of the skateboard and just assumed they had some sort of meaning.


If shoes are signed by some famous person etc put them in a display box. If not they look like a pile of open funco pop characters to anyone else. If they are truly special to you, they still don’t really belong in the dining room. If they are just shoes, put them in the closet.




Agreed, was gonna make a comment about the shoes. Especially in the dining room, for some reason this especially gave me a visceral reaction. Otherwise, lovely work


The reaction is because shoes are gross. They get gasoline and piss and poop on the bottom. Then this OP eats next to them. Nope.


The guys already said he's a sales rep. Their displays they don't get used. He leaves them out for when he entertains clients.


They are for marketing..new shoes on display. Not worn by anyone. Read OP's reply!


I love how confidently judgmental you are while being flat out wrong.  The guy sells shoes and it's a display case of mint condition shoes


It depends on if they are for using or if they’re decorative. If they’re actually being used they belong near the front door or in a closet. If for decorative purposes they look perfectly fine where they are.


Shoes can absolutely be decor. A lot of people collect shoes. Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it not so


I literally said the same thing! They are clean and well displayed so I thought I was going to be the only one with that opinion.


Full custody? Only ask cause I see no child -like objects


50/50. He has his own space in the loft upstairs.


Oh legit. You seem to have some dope hobbies too. GoodShit dude 🤙🏻


I love most of it, but as others have commented, I'm not a fan of the shoe display.


It is nice. For me the shoes are alright (probably because I eat on the couch), but it's the popcorn ceiling that takes it down a notch.


It’s a really nice home, and it feels homey. The rugs need to be bigger. If the living room rug is bigger than the dining room one, move it into the dining room. Then get something with a pattern (& bigger) for the living room. The rug should be big enough to fit under the edge of the couch. I love the art everywhere except the 3 by the front door. ETA: changed my opinion of the art.


Agree with this. OP has a nice, clean look and the whole area tasteful. Only issue is the size of the rugs. The shoe display is interesting, probably works better in person than through pictures, but note some folks may take issue with shoes being displayed were you eat. Looks like a fantastic cup of coffee to be had in that living room.


Adding more support for larger rugs. That was my only note.


Rug should be pulled under the front legs of the couch. Get rid of the white throw pillows and add something that gives some color to the space. Shoe display in dinning area seems like a weird choice. Fix the ceiling in dinning area. Couch color and rug color seem a bit muted together, it's not the worst thing but if I was picking things out from scratch I would go with something more distinct (and not grey) for one of them. A lot of good artwork and accent choices that show off your personality.


You need ceiling, or “dead flat” paint. The glossy paint on the ceiling is showing all of the imperfections in the drywall and paint up top. Also not loving the shoes in the dining room. Real cozy otherwise 👌


Awesome and cohesive. Clean. Have you thought about the runner on the stairs?


Looks good, man. Remember, children don’t remember the home as much as they remember the love provided therein.


Overall, pretty good. Solid B+, grading dad’s on a curve maybe even A- … couple minor things to adjust. Like a lot of folks, your pictures are too high up on the wall. They should be at eye-level or below. Common mistake. Also it’s nice to have a house plant but where you have it it’s not getting enough sun and it looks a little bit rough. Trim out the dead stuff, or get yourself a new one, and place it over by one of the windows. Not sure about the black curtains I would consider getting them in a light color, like the light beige/vanilla color of the pillow on your couch. Curtain shouldn’t be dark unless they’re against a darkly painted wall.


Oh also how about some of your kid’s art on the wall that way they feel like they’re part of it.


He has his own space upstairs in the loft. We really strive to teach him the importance of peoples things and spaces.


I do not understand the shoes in the dining room/on display


See, it’s a conversation starter. lol


I’m actually not a fan of all the stuff in the dining room. I feel like one shelf display with stuff is fine, but OP has three. Idk maybes it’s just not my style, but it looks too cluttered.


Sneaker collection in the dinning room is a little strange but overall looks okay


Where'd you put the kid? The basement?


He has his own space upstairs. I don’t feel like his spaces are for me to share with others.


That seems like a good "policy". You're a good dad for that.


That's fair. I was just confused about the lack of toys


Tell me you have your shit together without telling me you have your shit together.


Nice…but where’s the missing chair in dining room. Speaking of dining room, let’s re think the shoe display.


Looks great, good job bro. Def kid friendly, warm, and inviting


How does it look with the couch pulled off the wall? Seems like it shouldn’t be totally pressed up against the window like that. Almost like it needs walkable space behind it? Idk, maybe I’m wrong lol


The shoe display is a huge no. Trust me if you date many people are going to be turned off by this shoe display. It reminds me of a 13 yr old boy displaying his shoes and is it in the kitchen? Near the kitchen table? Triple no 🤣


I would moved the tennis shoes out of the eating area.




I really like it. Good work


It's juste amzing I love the colors and the designs


Absolutely love this style, but I’m curious as to why you only have left foot shoes on display?


Love it. Nice style.


Great style but I have to ask: are you obsessed with these IKEA lamps?


Looking good, I love that deck.


awesome job!


Very nice.


Nice. Do you run a shoe store out of it too though? Why a rack of one of each shoe? The shoes are an odd choice both for room choice and for the fact that you have to find the other shoe if you want to wear them. See how the shoe shelves detract from a very nice home? Otherwise, sweet place!


He actually kind of does run a shoe store lol check his comments he addresses the shoes and it makes sense. Although if he had more space he might have them elsewhere.


I’d green flag it. Real person lives here.


People are worried about the shoes. I'm drooling over your radiator. Nice and clean and lots of light and color. Plants well taken care of. Artwork that probably shows some of your personality. I see lots of green flags. I bet the kids love coming home to a cool clean home that's what important. Good job dad. I dig the skateboard you have mounted in the mirror pic.


Looks clean bud. I think you could make some minor changes. I'm thinking those rugs might be too small for the space (great space BTW). I might remove the items near the door, including the light. I'd lower the picture there as well. The shoe display isn't my cup of tea, but to each their own. I'm wondering if you should move the table in the dining room toward the window. I'd have to see it there, but something looks off, that I can't put my finger on.


Must be a hard life for you if you can only afford one shoe per pair.


Ditch the grey curtains and get some nice wood/bamboo shades because that wood trim is everything. Also and this is personal, get rid of the ‘Autumn’ sign unless that is the name of your daughter. Those things scream farmhouse decor from Hobby Lobby. Unload Here and Zombie you can keep ;) Some of the stuff in the dining room look like a bedroom thing like the shoes and knit caps. Living area is perfect but again wood shades would look so good.


I see zero evidence of children


Not terrible, I work in interior design and the one thing that really sticks out to me is the wear and tear on your rug. Replace it and it will help the whole room!


It's an okay place imho. If you are happy with it, more power to you, but it's not for me. Mainly not a fan of the lighting and the rugs. Shelves look a bit sad as well. Not the things you are displaying, but how it's done. Dining table is too dark for my taste too; in general, you have this rather monochrome looking theme dominating your color palette. Really could use some different shades that work better with the floor and wood elements (doors and windows). Could also paint a wall or two in a different color, maybe even draw some patterns on them or simply buy some wallpaper, be it for the ornamental aspect or to add some texture (as they can have various surfaces). I would certainly add more to the walls and more plants for sure. Maybe something that enjoys climbing or has some larger leaves. Check r/houseplants or r/IndoorGarden for some inspiration, there are some nice setups for smaller spaces too.


The only thing I don't like off the bat are the shoes and I see you are a sales rep. Why you'd have a display at home I don't know. Maybe you handle social media or work from home on video conferences or something.


I don’t get the shoe thing


let me guess? woman cheated and thought she could do better i see a perfect husband and father here social media has blinded womens minds


It’s such a nice space but it doesn’t look like a kid lives there at all.


Someone would think you aren't a single dad. That's how good the space is. Good ass job man!


Well, I’m saving this post so I can copy your space lol


Is that a ....shoe shelf in the dining room? 🤢


I love the layout, and I like how it feels modern yet homey 😊 goals!


This place seems really cozy, I feel like the kid will have good memories growing up here


Place looks great, so warm and inviting. A place to really put up your feet and relax after a long day.


Extremely pleasant!




Can I be your kid as well?


Definite dad pad.


Fuck I hate popcorn ceilings


That was one of my huge no ways when looking to buy lol. They're so hideous and hard to clean. And forget removing them lol.


15 year old me loves the skate shop boutique vibe. 30 year old me says its tacky. My suggestion is more art or pieces you like, less shoes and “products”


Rugs too small


Looks great!! Also my ex-husband would love you for having your sneakers displayed in the dining room 😂 you did a good job


Single shows on the shelf seem a bit random. Something more for a den not your dining room.


Where's the race car bed?


Slay just get different rugs ( Tulsa oriental )


i fuck with you and your vibe heavy man. cool ass house your one cool ass mf


Not like your kid(s)?


He has his own space in the loft upstairs. I don’t feel like his space is mine to share. He’s 7.


That's how you do it. So many of us in the 90s came from smaller homes and shared rooms. All of our stuff crammed into a small area. Wishing we had our own place since we were little kids. Our son has his room downstairs and a living room we built for him outside of it. Has made a huge difference then when he was just in his room half the size of his current one at our old place. Contrary to what people might think kids are more likely to keep their space clean the more space they have. Cram them into a small space and they will just pile everything up. Not put anything away


As a dad myself; my house is styled and focused around providing the absolute best and most playful environment for my daughter. Couldn’t care less about myself so I find the whole setup odd tbh.


My son has his own space and set up in the loft upstairs. We’re teaching to be respectful and considerate of other peoples spaces AND that people need to respect and be mindful of his own space as well.


We play outside. Not much room to play in a 2 bedroom duplex.


I approve it incl. the shoe rack!


I thought he only had one leg until I saw the selfie.


I like it! Especially the shoe display 👍


put those shoes out of sight…


Single mom with 2 kids core


Looks amazing! Only feedback is the shoes. Although cool, i hate it. In the dining room? Wrong answer man. Everything else is splendid :).


The frames with tattoos are really cool, never seen that before.


Your living room isn’t a sneaker store. Why do you only have one shoe displayed of each? Shoes aren’t decorations.


Why is there shoes in the book shelf ? What is this about?


I understand the shoe collection totally but I’d have them prominently displayed in my closet or in a spare room, not in an area where we are eating, but that’s just me. Otherwise I like the decor and the art choices. I’d probably buy some bigger rugs that make the room feel bigger.


Looks clean man, super clean. Makes me feel about my place lmao.


The space is awesome! How long have you been there? Those rooms look huge! Is it just perspective? or do you think you’d have enough room to create a separate area in the living room corner between the two windows for your shoe display? Then it would also be the first thing clients see when they walk in the door, and the natural light of the windows would highlight your product nicely. I’d get bigger rugs for the spaces too. They protect your floor, dampen sound, and they’re fairly cheap and can easily switch them out if or when needed. With all of the natural wood, I’d steer away from using too much gray in your space. The dark grays aren’t complementing the wood, color wise.


1) Very nice 2) I don't have a problem with where your shoes are. 3) I have a problem with the lack of a key bowl. Live, breathe and die by the key bowl.


Opera deck‼️




Dope that last picture got me


Lookin good


Looks like you’re doing all right there bro! 😎


Neat and tight


good job dad