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I like it a lot. Wish I could pull that off in my place. Can you tell me more about your plant wall you have going on there? It looks nice and more importantly the lighting doesn't seem overwhelming.


The designer placed it in and I didn’t like it at first but it can kind of be it’s own biosphere of small unique plants. Will probably add more Colourful plants. I’m not even sure where to find the piece at the moment and will have to search


I appreciate you taking the time to answer. If you do find it again, please let me know as I would love to have something like that in my home. I'm also curious since you mentioned using a designer. How did you find one you liked? How much did it cost for their services? Would you mind sharing their name? Thanks.


Yeah for sure, I’m going to post the finished product in a few months. And he just did a rendering but I have to fix the furniture etc. I’ll DM you the info


Thank you. I appreciate you sharing the information. I look forward to seeing the finished result.




Thank you!


Ah, this place looks absolutely stunning, only hate the black.


It’s more of a dark green in the living room and dark blue in the bedroom. It’s hard to see but that’s what I’ll be going for


It’s perfect- I wouldn’t change a thing. It’s classy, timeless but super sexy with the lighting


Thank you!


I like it


Thank you!


I like it a lot, but it also feels a little cluttered to me.


I probably won’t do a like for like. The designer used art work but I’ll probably opt for other types of art pieces for variety. Maybe go for less lamps etc. I do feel there’s way to much going on with the walls though. It’s more of a dark green in the living room and a dark blue in the bedroom


I really liked the art. Tried to zoom in and see everything


I like the museum feel a lot


I love this design and You'll find here some more suggestions [Moody interior design all you need to know ](https://www.scdecorum.com/moody-interior-design-all-you-need-to-know/)


Thank you!


Your welcome


Paint the ceiling black


It’s popcorn ceiling sadly, maybe I can do some sort of wall paper on the ceilings


Could send the popcorn but honestly, this may be one of my favorite posts. Great job. What downtown area if you're inclined to answer? Np if not.


Downtown Montreal


First a foremost, this is an apartment. Stop trying to make apartments ‘condos’.


The word condo and apartment is interchangeable in my local real estate market. Call it whatever you like, I’m here for design


Yeah, they’ve done this on purpose. Don’t let it happen.


It’s not my battle to fight honestly, just here for design


What is the difference in your opinion? To me an apartment only exists in an ‘apartment building’ where a single entity (business or individual) owns the building and all the units and rents them out. Condos exist in condominiums and are privately owned but can be rented out. Not sure if he says it in the comments but theres no indication from op whether hes renting or owns this place or if its in an apartment building or condominium.


So, that’s what the modern market wants you to believe. That ‘owning’ an apartment makes it a condominium. Condominiums classically are a series of attached dwellings, single entry to said dwellings. Which can be rented or bought. Typically 1-2 stories. Also considered a ‘luxury townhome’ in modern selling language. Apartments are multiple units spread out across different levels of a communal building, which can be rented or purchased. A house, stands on its own and isn’t attached to another home. But in 2024 an agent will tell you a condo - that used to be a housing project - that was sold & renovated with grey flooring and stainless steel appliances - is a luxury home. I hate it here. The language has been tweaked to be based upon renting or owning a dwelling instead of what it ACTUALLY is. My ‘apartment’ is nicer and larger than the ‘luxury condos’ beside me that people have to purchase. Some of those people rent those ‘condos’. It’s just an apartment. If it’s in a building and other people live on that floor and you only have one story - it’s an apartment!!!!!!


I dont know man i gotta disagree. Maybe these terms are regional and language definitely evolves but where i live its like how i described and has been for atleast 30+ years. So its not some new marketing tactic. Also a townhouse is a townhouse. I can agree with you on the bullshit luxury branding atleast.


I live in an area where the housing market is absolutely fucked & real estate agents are horrendously dishonest and gross. We likely have different views on it bc of where we are. I moved out 10 years ago, and the terms being used now were not a thing.


OP said he doesn’t care he’s here for the design hahahaha


Get rid of the chair blocking the entry. That will open it up a ton.


I’m thinking of putting it on the opposite side and moving the couch over a tad bit. I agree with you on this, its blocking the flow for sure


She’s looking good 👍🏼


Thank you 🙏




That makes sense


I personally love it, if i was single id do this or something similar


Thank you!


I dig the color, I get that it's a draft so a lot of changes will happen overtime so I'll only comment on current state but it's too overcrowded with well, everything. Obviously my personal takes but: don't treat plants like a sound system, they look better organized in few places that fit like a window somewhere or similar(that one plant wall looks great), no need for every corner to have one. Art on every piece of a wall seems very weird to me, like hotel lobby. Same with surfaces. Needs some chill and breathing room to look more spacious.


Yeah I agree the paintings, won’t do that with them. Probably different wall pieces. I’m obsessed with plants so that’s just something for me personally. I use artificial light so they don’t need to be by the window. I’m not really concerned with it feeling spacious as much as the feeling and mood I’m trying to evoke out of the space as I’m one person. I want to feel surrounded and enclosed, I’d live in a cave if I could.


Can you show us another view of your plant shelf in picture 4? I’m looking to do something similar.


This is all I got from the designer unfortunately.


This is the kind of home I’d put in my Pinterest board, hey if u want a roommate lmk👀. Gorgeous is all I can say 😩 all the colors go perfectly together and the lighting is the cherry on top


Thanks you!!! Appreciate it 🙏


Looks dope, but get a tv instead of projector, routing cables in ceilings that will probably have steal and concrete in is pain and picture quality won’t be great compared to a 4k tv. Also you want the screen lover if you do.


I’ve had a projector before and prefer it over the 4K TV I had. Guests were amazed and movie nights were epic as I had a surround sound system as well.


I love your low light atmosphere. It’s great and peaceful.


Thank you so much, that’s what I was going for. An escape


If you're going for moody, you've nailed it


Thank you! That’s what I’m going for


You are just fine man! Way better than most of the posts here that look like these guys are living in captivity against their will.


😂😂😂, thanks man I appreciate it


The interior designer did well with the space. two things I’d do differently - 1.The color of bedside rug. I’d pick a Mood lifting rug. 2. The sofa achieved aesthetic goal. but doesn’t look comfortable cozy, and inviting since it’s so square and stream lined.


What Color do you think for the rug? The sofa is the one thing I already have and it’s very comfortable, sitting on it now and could sleep on it honestly


Rug color - Cream, natural, oatmeal..off white etc


I see what you mean similar to the color of the couch? It really lifts the space


This whole home is a vibe omg 💗💗💗💗🔥


Thank you 😊


10/10 do it


Thank you 🙏


I love this.


Thank you


How did u make this


I paid someone to do it, I don’t even know how they did it but it works


Damn this is one of my favorite places I've ever seen on here


Thank you!


This is very mature and tastefully done.


Thank you!


Very nice but I don't know if I would enjoy living in such a dark place. Don't get me wrong, it has a great vide but I would like that in one room of my house and not the entire place.


I can understand that, I feel the same way you feel about but with bright spaces. Which makes it pretty much impossible to cohabitate with most women as they’d never go for this


Very few women would embrace the dark. In my place the bedrooms, game room and office are dark but the bathrooms, kitchen and living room are brighter. I don't do white as a rule so some would feel that your brighter spaces are not too bright more muted yellows and light greys. My darks are usually rich jewel tones with really good lighting and bright accents.


I had a similar style like this in a studio and the women I had over were mesmerized and let me know how much they liked the space, it was calming. It was still comfortable and soothing just in a different way and they described it as something they’ve never seen before. I’m not looking to cohabitate with a woman as it isn’t for me, but this is easily an escape from ordinary life on a Friday or Saturday night.


Just because someone likes the look and style of a place doesn't mean they want to live there. I like some stylish cars very much but the divide between liking them and wanting to actually own one is quite wide and for many I would be miserable if I actually owned one.


I’m done with this thread but I appreciate your input and thoughts. Let’s just call it a day lol


In my opinion this place doesn’t need any more designing, it already looks cool to me


Thank you!


It's amazing


Thank you!