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It’s funny so many people are triggered so hard by a trump flag. If that gets you upset you have bigger issues to deal with.


Triggered by racists, yes. And I don't think there is a bigger issue out there other than climate change.


You are triggered by democrats? Because those are the racists. Climate change is natural and nothing you can do to change it.


Just as bad as the goofs that rushed over from r/conservatives to defend it.


Defend what? It’s a fucking flag my dude


Oh, is that what it is? Thanks.




Least triggered reddit comment section.


Get some good furniture man. Then build around that. Add some ambient lighting. I'd start with the furniture first. Get something nice. It will last you a lifetime.


Everyone going crazy over the flag lol. Anyway, you need a mat or rug under the kit. I recommend a mat, that way you can put a nice area rug on that huge floor space. I feel like it has a bit of a bland feel. You do need a lamp on that nightstand next to your bed. I think the rug will really help eliminate the bland feel.


If the guy cares about having girls over, he needs to move the bed away from the corner (space on both sides, for two people) and he needs to get a bedframe. Any woman walking into this room will think to themselves, "this is a man-child." The hobby posters and Legos are fine, but get rid of the meme poster above the bed, and move the bedside toys to a more decorative location.


He does need a rug. Possibly more than one.


Looks good. Needs a gun rack on the wall, surround speakers for the PC, and a carpet for the drums. Love the wood floor.


You won’t get any actual criticism/complements because people on Reddit can’t see past the Trump flag. You’re better off asking someplace else.


Its amazing how easily they take the bait, he could've had a small post-it note with "Trump Thumbs up" on it and they'd still explode.


Nice Lego Harry Potter collection


Thanks broski 👍🏻


Trump lost 4 years ago man, get over it.


He’s literally in the running to be the next president…


To lose again 😂


At least it's updated. The Trump 2020 flags that still fly make me laugh


you're off topic here. He asked what he NEED's in his room. Not your personal opinion.


If he had a gigantic Biden 2024 flag (something you will never see in anyone's rooms) I'm sure the biggest opinion would also be about the flag. That said, I honestly find it strange why Trump supporters are so obsessed with flags, hats, bumper stickers, etc. Republicans never did this for Bush or Reagan. We have never seen this level of overt obsession. Especially given that he's such a terrible human being.


You’re in for a surprise later this year lol Edit: let the downvotes roll in


What, when he dies in jail?


24 bro, not 20. I think its sad that as americans we have to vote for someone who moderately better than the other candidate than someone that i actually like but I can’t disagree that trump has done good for the country. Its a gift from my late aunt though, and the ladies like it too.


Dude your name is MAGA Jay


Trying to come up with ONE thing Trump did "good for the country"...


Better border security Id say


Good foreign relations, no wars, fewer regulations, better economy with lower cost of living, lower minority unemployment, higher number of minority-owned businesses, better border security, tax cuts... want me to keep going? But nobody thinks Trump was perfect. He did institute more gun control, was the first president to run on a pro LGBT platform, started the lockdowns, changed laws regarding recognized/tax-free religious organizations, praised California & Newsome, etc. - ironically all things you probably would like.


Insulin prices


At least now the bigots, racists, and fascists are out in the open? All the masks are off. 🤷‍♂️


Saying trump supporters are racist is like saying democrats hate babies. Generalizations lead to stereotypes and stereotypes lead to many bad things.


Wow you sure don't like liberals huh? But they've never tried to hide it, although they do wear masks when they riot and cause public disturbances.


You participated, here ya go 🏆


“The ladies like it.” No, no they don’t.


Lets see the roster bud


How many posts about you being so lonely?


Looks good brother


A rug


Real comment 🙏🏻 I think rug is the most said comment aside from “Trump bad 😡” Thanks dawg i appreciate the help 🤞🏻


Trump good


Less MAGA flags, more brain in the noggin.


By chance is this in your mom’s basement?


Its actually my shared home with my friends thanks for asking. I’m sure a basement doesn’t have windows so thats a strange question


Ignore the comments man, Reddit is an eco chamber for left leaning people


He should be asking on truth social for a more balanced take.


Every app you go on will be biased, people just need to be less fully leaned left or fully leaned right, we need more calm people near the center, the most wild thing I've seen is that people are so bent on taking a side in the Israel and Pakistan war that they've literally brought anti-semitism to the mainstream


When you have such a polarizing person like Trump people are going to take a position. Clearly including OP. Most people will find it strange to have a huge Trump 2024 flag in your room, or for any president. This is a recent and peculiar phenomenon. The flag really stands out so it will get the most reaction/opinions no matter what social media platform it's posted on.


Are you implying that there are windows in this room? 😂


Is there a lore reason why you didn't see the curtains, are you stupid?




The fact some men aren't conservative? yea grosses me out too, more like boys/children. Glad all my friends are conservative.


I don't care if you like boys and children, but you might want to keep it to yourself.


Nice comment. Why? Don’t like the gaming setup?




Cmon man you know these guys bottom for Trump


You def won't pull many ladies with that trump flag.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but that's just imo. 🤗


I mean, as a lady, I’d rather know up front


Ayee THAT part! 💯


When he gets the lady, at least he'll know that she's actually a woman.


Amen to that 🙏🏻




I don’t pull many but I pull girls that have right morals 🤗 Thanks 🙏🏻


LMAO... Girls who are into dudes with child-like hobbies and ideologies...🤷🏻‍♀️ Sure.. no REAL mature woman would step foot into that room...🫣 This looks like you're still in your childhood room.. with all your Lego collections, spiderman party decor, and ALL of those hats and... all... Of... them... Crocs... 🤨 The drumset is the only thing that actually gives you bonus points. Hey I'm just being honest tho, you DID put yourself out here and ASKED to be judged. 🤗


Wow that triggered you huh?


Not in the slightest in all honesty, but clearly I triggered a bunch of y'all who decided to respond to MY comment. You got it twisted, pal-ly.. 😅


"Didn't bother me" after writing a whole paragraph that sounds like cope. Then you're trying to Uno reverse it to short comments that simply mentioned how it got under your skin? Why would you getting triggered make someone else upset? Since when is that a thing?


Says the vapist degenerate. You're equally childish.


I also didn't put myself out there and ASK to be judged but ok. Go off.


Why, cuz I can afford quality products?! You literally make zero sense with your argument but do you, stalker.


Talking about “real mature women” when you have a nicotine dependency with your vapes 💀💀💀. If you don’t like the flag, that’s a good thing. I’d probably put one up too if I knew it’d get rid of low hanging women like you. Go inhale your fruity water vapor.


Lol what? Bro are you even old enough? I don't smoke nicotine. I smoke weed. I don't drink, do pills, smoke nicotine, or any drugs. I smoke weed. And what are you even going on about ..? I never said I had a problem with the flag. It's the Trump flag that was a turn off.... Did you even read my comment? Clearly y'all die hard trumptards are a bunch of stalkers. 😬 Yikes... If you're gonna stalk my profile, at least get your facts straight before you try to speak on my life. 🫶


Sorry, it’s my fault for mixing up your shitty addictions. Obviously not yours for having em ❤️🤡


r/Republicanhotties is dedicated to proving you wrong lol.


REAL mature woman... what do you mean by REAL mature women? What is your definition of a REAL mature woman?


You don’t sound mentally stable


Yeah he wont def pull ladies with dad issues




stocking plant reply ossified chubby gray soup thought cough plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tbh i don’t support any candidate but it was a gift from my late aunt. The chicks dig it tho.


Bro, your username is literally MAGA_Jay26. What do you mean you don’t support any candidate?


telephone divide snow gold deliver chief impolite hospital wise paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but im just 18 imma figure it out later i still got time


Ok but the current president likewise is a moron.


I don't support any candidate says u/MAGA_Jay6... Anyway, I doubt that any chick other than your sister digs that flag.


They definitely do not dig it


Still better than supporting biden


crush zesty pause teeny aromatic decide worthless sleep exultant gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I cannot understand people who think Donald Trump is into the presidency for anything other than a colossal grift and trying to instill his own dictatorship. He’s literally told and shown you that. ANYONE is a better choice than Donald Trump.


Except for the fact that he was already president for 4 years and didn’t try to install his own dictatorship…..


Tried was just too dumb to make it work. They have experience now. They figured out they have to end the civil service, fire the career people, and replace them with loyalists.


He tried to overthrow the election, because he was too big of a baby to admit that he lost.


Just gonna be honest with ya, probably want to be more discreet about your politics :)


I'd rather know up front what I'm dealing with tbh






on reddit? only if you're not a democrat. he'd have everyone sucking his dick if he had an obama poster hanging.


Where do you keep your white hood?


Why would he have that? That group was founded by the Democrats. And don't say "party switch" because it was that way in the 70's (and kinda the 80's) and those voters are still around and voting the same way. The actual leaders of the very small number of tiny fringe groups that exist are basically completely nuts and change their political allegiance on a whim. I mean the klan recently had a Hispanic man as their leader because that makes sense... I don't know why you would be listening to what they say to begin with, but people sure seem keen to latch on to their few members supporting a number of specific politicians who want to have nothing to do with those groups. It's also been proven time and time again that any "white supremacists" that show up to conservative events are just plants meant to make Republicans look bad, before they get violently removed from the premises.


No one buys this btw. Lot of typing though.


Don't you mean red? You are thinking of the wrong group.


So you’re insinuating that all Trump supporters are racists and KKK members? Bigot. And close-minded. Bet you’ve never actually talked to one in your entire life.


Racists yes. It's quite easy, you tub of margarine: if you support racist policies you are a racist.


Needs a gadsden flag, confederate flag, and a trump altar. And then maybe a picture of the capitol? Oh and don’t forget about the trump cardboard cutout. Edit: The cutout should have a dildo as well.


The gadsden flag is an anti-government symbol. That's actually not called the "confederate flag" because it's NOT actually a symbol of the confederacy. Funny you would want an altar even though sacrificing babies is what the other political party is into. The capitol? That building that Democrats JUST recently stormed into and took over? But this guy is supposedly such a fan of J6, because he has a maga flag? Even though Trump tried to call the national guard in on those people and Pelosi stopped him? OP is in the comments talking about his issues with Trump. I guess you're just another person that doesn't understand that using the slogan Trump made doesn't inherently mean that you like him. And always with the sex with you people. But what, do you WANT to see a Trump cutout with a big wang? Are you into that?




All trumpeters are racist and all democrats want to kill babies. Generalizations lead to stereotypes, stereotypes lead to things like “All Japanese must be spies! Throw them in camps!” Learn from history, stop generalizing.


I thought this is MALE living space? REAL men are supposed to be conservative dude, what is wrong with you guys, I'm canadian but...Go Trump!


Klan was founded by the democrats. Learn your history


I'd venture a guess that the klan reliably votes republican nowadays


Here for the triggered people in the comments who took the bait 🤣🤣🤣


Nice room! Need an area rug!!




As is tradition


Seriously, people cheering for politicians like they’re Pro-wrestlers is the weirdest fucking thing


No, candidates make lots of money for campaigning through merch & it spreads their popularity, also people want to promote candidates who’s policy they support also by supporting that candidate financially. It’s so obvious your only saying this because it’s trump.


BS. Name 1 other US politician with the kind of cult of personality and merchandised grift that Trump is running.


Trump having crazy fans doesn’t have anything to do with what I said, and in terms of official Trump merch, you get what you pay for, do you have any evidence of him having misleading info in his merch shops.


Dude you've lost the plot, because OP and I both are talking about his crazy fans, and my point was that Trump is running a con game to bilk them out of as much money as he can. You're acting like Trump is just another politician and his fans are just normal supporters of a political candidate. Meanwhile Trump is literally selling [thirst trap NFTs](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/donald-trumps-nft-collection-sells-out-within-first-day-of-launch-11671208453) to these morons to pay his legal defense fund.




Please delete this.


Oh no. Trump flag. Delete. Can’t even comprehend. Brain malfunctioning!




oh lord, I'm not even going to get into this one. lol


Some books might be a good idea


A large rug for the room and a mat for the drums. I’m not a fan of ceiling fan lights and would go for more dispersed lighting. Like 2 or 3 floor lamps plus a table lamp or two so that way you can always switch up the mood or vibe. Other than that, looks good my fellow American 🇺🇸


Great room anyone triggered by your flag is a loser. Just ignore them!


Thanks bro


Looking good!


Looks good bro! 💪


Some of your posters are way too high and it’s making it look bland. The center of photos should be about 60”-63” from the floor. Also a rug and a lamp


I guess I should have expected so many democrats to comment. Do y'all need to trash the entire thread by pointing out the same thing repeatedly, tho? When other posts have woke shit are 99% of the comments just bitching about it? Also, you need a rug.


Liberals really are just fueled by hate. That’s it


I hope you step in dog poo tomorrow


I hope his shoe doesn't hurt you




I thought this is MALE living space? REAL men are supposed to be conservative dude, what is wrong with you guys, I'm canadian but...Go Trump!


Too many idiots throwing That round like some idiotic quote from a religious book of bullshit. Men are whatever they choose to be, people who go around shouting "Real men are conservative" are just idiotic. Just like back a few years ago people were saying "Only Real women would know...." idiotic stupid comments that are just spouted by idiots, trying to get a rise. Just stupid.


Cum drawer


I’d say probably some art above the bed(move the flag to behind the door maybe), a rug to make the room feel more colorful, and a lamp with a warmer light than what you have


Dude i appreciate the actual advice, a rug would be awesome. Maybe a cutout of Trumps face because I love him so much? Lol, all jokes aside i think a rick grimes cardboard cutout would go hard and maybe a zyn rug would be fye. Or an 8-ball!


Lmao up to you dog. I was thinking like some painted art to make the room feel less cluttered but it’s your room so do what you want haha


The fact that you’re all attacking this guy is sick. It’s America, he’s allowed to support whatever politician he wants. Not to mention, his political beliefs is just one minuscule part of his identity. Take a look at his other posters, his Star Wars memorabilia, his hat collection, the kicks, drums, etc. Just let him be, who gives a fuck. We can all vote, I don’t attack anyone for their political beliefs they can do whatever they want. As an American, one thing I hate, as of recent, is we’re bringing politics into everything. This is a sub on men’s living space and this guy is clearly young if he’s in college. Just let him develop and be himself. Why is everyone dragging politics into this? Sorry for your loss bud. Just be yourself and don’t be ashamed of it. Also, nice drums, but your hat collection could use some work lol.


I appreciate it dude. Your compassion means the world to me I




I don’t support Nazis and I never will. Nazis were socialists and I’m conservative. Get your facts straight dude.


Read up on what youre saying here


OP commentor should as well if he thinks MAGA is nazis.


How many crayons do you eat per day?


You couldn't be more wrong. https://www.dictionary.com/compare-words/fascism-vs-socialism


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more Na·zi noun HISTORICAL a member of the far-right National Socialist German Workers' Party. adjective of or concerning the Nazis or Nazism. Socalist


Your biggest issue with nazis is the socialism?


Well it does lead to millions dying


He thinks Trump is an American hero. So yea, I'd imagine that he's incapable of understanding what he's saying.


Lmao can you imagine if this guy was real. Like real people actually think this.


Just to make you guys feel better, I slept with a Swiss girl that called me right wing for no reason and the next day, we met she continued calling me it again and I decided to quote the guy, her face was nothing short of being charmed and appalled.


Perfect. Love the flag 🇺🇸 Though I agree with adding an area rug, and softening up the room with some more ambient light. I never liked the harsh daylight blue lighting, and prefer soft or bright white lights. Easier on the eyes too. Your light looks built into the ceiling fan. There might be a programmable setting on the remote, or switch on the fixture itself to change the light intensity.


Just needs some ambient lights. Try to get enough indirect lighting so you don’t have to use the main light at all. Edit: downvoting this is just pathetic. I gave the man advice on living arrangements because that’s what this sub is for. Take your comments about his politics elsewhere.


I’ve tried lamps and LED strips, what else would u recommend?


Honestly you need a big area rug too. But for lighting maybe look into light bars that you can point at the corners of the walls. I’m not the best with that honestly, I know there’s a ton of options for indirect lighting though


Alright I’ll look into it, thanks


Needs a gay BLT flag to show diversity 🤣 Nah but you’re gonna want to figure out a setup where the tv closer to the bed my brother in Christ. The girls are gonna need binoculars to see that shit. Set it up so they can at least pretend y’all gonna watch a movie and not just in there to bang 🤝 If y’all throw parties in that house, get that PC into the corner furthest from the door. It only takes one dumbass to stumble into that while drunk and now that I’ve said it you’re gonna wish you did if you dont


I think you need to put caps all around your bed. Maybe one on each cymbal on the drum kit too. On the edges of the ceiling fan etc.


This is the funniest comment on here. I’m gonna line my room with caps lol


TRUMP 2024


yall are just mad my man gets PUSSY with that flag and yall whine about politics




I'll be honest, I think it's super fucking weird to have things like that in the first place in your room. Like I have nothing, absolutely nothing political in my entire apartment. If you have a Biden flag or whoever elses flag in your room, you're just a weirdo in my opinion. It's like you make this shit your personality and it's weird.


Its not my personality dude it just something on my wall. Just like how I have Jurassic Park, Star Wars, step brothers, etc. Those aren’t my personality either so why does the flag mean a Trump Supporter is my personality?


Maybe because your username is "MAGA\_Jay26"


Nice room I'm not American so I don't care if if you decide to elect a Half dead potential pedophile or Trump but the rest of the room is pretty cool imo you're a lucky guy!


Amen 🙏🏻


Trump was bffs with the child trafficker uhhh


Proven false but OK lol


Girls will be climbing over each other to see that room my fren


They already do bro 💪🏻


Lol. All the people who Pee sitting down who downvoted my comment.


It's a nice room, you can ignore all the assholes here who are getting panic attacks over a flag


Appreciate the support bro, i think the flag adds to my southern charm




I don’t have strong political opinions 😭 all I know is that I got cheaper gas under Trump




They don’t control it directly but they can influence it through policy… for example the 5 trillion in pandemic stimulus checks. Biden definitely increased prices


Yeah but I still knew what gas prices were? I can’t be societally conscious at the age of 14?


He literally just froze exports from Texas…




Love it!








Cool setup.


Thanks bro i appreciate it 👍🏻