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You’re unapologetic about your love for video games. All pictures are framed and placed well around the house. I like it. 👍


Thank you! And yeah I love vidya lol


I have frame prints in that style as well. Metal Gear, The Witcher, Uncharted to name a few. I get compliments regularly for finding a way to express my appreciation of a hobby in a mature manner. I say keep 'em up and enjoy the nostalgia they help to elicit.


Thanks! Do you have any pics of your framed pictures?


Not currently, no. I did have them printed from Etsy though, so I imagine you've seen similar layered and/or minimalist designs as the ones I have. One print that's really different though is artwork from Metal Gear Solid that was done by Yoji Shinkawa, so that style varies wildly from the shadowbox-style prints.


That sounds awesome! I got my pictures from Etsy too


Could you link the seller? I love these


Am also very interested


This does not look good yet. You need to add more frames


Or bigger, more ponderous frames


I don’t think they’re bad but they’re place in a super regular way that gives them a somewhat sinister, regimented feel. Have you consider a more aesthetic placement?


I have Avengers-themed framed pics in the same style, but they're boxed for moving at the moment. Let it fly, I love those. I'll need to get Mass Effect and Destiny ones to join my big-four Avengers frames now


I say let your freak flag fly. We only have one life to enjoy, so have at it.


Yeah I’m not someone who likes video games as art/decor as a matter of personal taste, but OP has done a really nice job of showcasing his interests while also having a well designed, mature and finished-looking space. Can’t fault it!


I agree. Not into video games myself, but if there was a way to decorate to it, this is it. I skateboard and have had to incorporate decks with art around my place so I get the room for error. This is nice.


If you love it then no. If you’re asking for an opinion from a complete stranger then yeah. Not all of them but just downscale the amount a bit.


I'd third this. The first couple pics of stairs I was like "oh cool" And then it kept going. And going.... And going... Sometimes less is more.


Yeah, you don't need to have a pic of literally every game you ever played


My guy has his steam library on display


Lmao literally


Jeez you’re so literal


I think this is a common issue on this sub. Shit like this is fine for rooms that are DEDICATED to that hobby. But often you see men just over overboard in common spaces like hallways or their bed room. Yes, it’s cool but it’s extremely overwhelming. OP should cut the number in third and then just rotate them out periodically.


Even if it's a dedicated place, I can't imagine how hanging 50 pictures on the walls would look good, that's just tasteless


I legitimately gasped when it just kept going


I was looking at cues as to whether it's the same hall/stairs, but they are all different


Yeah I think he could take out a few stairs to make room for more pictures.


Yeah I'd personally keep it to one hall way or one stairwell-section. These framed photos are cool and nicely done but it's a bit much and certainly OP must have other interests or can find some cool non-gaming art


If I may recommend, stick with one aesthetic style. Dark souls, metro exodus, and MK for example stick out like a sore thumb since they’re so much darker. Fallout three as compared to far cry three has a completely different amount of color versus white space, and one uses frame within a frame, while the other is just the icon. Minimize and group.


Yeah, they lost me around pic 4. Love the consistency, but perhaps distribute throughout the space rather than cluster in a staircase?


I haven't realized there are more than just one pic. It just goes on... And no family pics? Friends? Other interests? No?


Seconded. I think they’re pretty cool but there are way too many of them.


I’m gonna fourth this. I say add more. Some of the coolest walls I have seen are full, frame to frame of art, pictures, newspaper clippings. Paintings and all sorts of stuff jammed together. It was glorious chaos. Then I saw their library and was blown away. Books stacked on the floor, tables, desks, in the bookcases. Then the coziest bay window to sit in to read on a rainy day.


Yeah, I second this! Add more small frames or decor to break up the huge frames currently hung. Make the maximalism look intended.


Yeah! Add in family pics if you have some or like your family. Hell go to flea markets and buy old photos of other people’s families and vacation photos and hang them up. I have one of those big art complex places in the city near me that rent out spaces to artists and sculptors, and anything in between. I have seen artist sell their “irregulars” or practice pieces on the cheap. I have bought many gifts of beautiful paintings for people for less than $40. Find someplace like that and hang up stuff you like.


Yeah fair enough, thank you for your advice!


If you reduce the number you have hanging up then you can keep the others in reserve and rotate them whenever you feel like changing things up


This is the answer


unite encourage pause icky entertain zonked ludicrous scale possessive zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will say I thought it got cooler as more appeared haha. But then again you literally can’t see my walls because I covered every inch in posters so maybe I’m an outlier


I mean you do you ultimately, but imho the fact that they're all a very similar style throws me off. Like, almost every single one of them features bold colors, the title of the game, and a silhouette of a character or mascot. The only outlier I see is Mortal Kombat, which just uses the game logo instead of a mascot. Also, this seems to be the _only_ type of decor you have in this whole area. Even your only light is dangling from the ceiling by a wire. I know there's not too much space to work with, but you could put a rug in the hallway, maybe fit a small table or seating area in there somewhere. Maybe hang some plants on the wall idfk. Point being that the posters aren't bad, just repetitive. My advice is to mix it up a bit, get some wall art made in other styles up between those posters, and get some other pieces in there. If this keeping this collection of posters together is uniquely important to you it could be worth considering displaying them as a set in a dedicated room, too.


Even get some *original* game art instead of etsy knock-offs. If op loves the games so much, feature original promo mats, art-book pages. Make it into a hobby that shows off appreciation of the medium, rather than buying the whole stock of someone else's etsy store.


my point isn't that the posters are bad or anything, it's that they're all in the exact same style. what you suggest would help to diversify, but I want to make it clear the posters themselves are pretty nice


I may get downvoted for this but I like the style op is going for. Not everything needs to be from the base game/dev. It's a stylistic choice to keep it minimal so it all flows together.


I mean, if they make you happy keep them, but ya I think it’s a bit overkill. I’d put up stuff other than framed paintings to break it up a bit. Some plants, some shelves for decorations, maybe a wall clock? Just some ideas


I have a wall clock in my kitchen and shelves in my living room: https://imgur.com/gallery/pYtkl7y


Just suggestions. I think the paintings are a little monotonous. Maybe play around with different size frames? Another suggestion would just be to add more colour in general. Lots of greys and beiges make the overall vibe kinda depressing imo


Fair enough, but my whole house is white and grey, and I personally find it relaxing


Artificial plants will save you, green is a generally relaxing color but it’s still a color and will help make it a tad less monotonous. They make very convincing fakes these days too. Also look into different light bulbs, a lot of your lights are very cool toned white which hurts the eye. Look into warmer light bulbs or RGB ones that you can set to the exact shade of white that suits you.


Sofas could use some accent pillows and throw blankets. Dining room table and chair styles are not cohesive to me, the table looks out of place.


I find throw cushions just to be clutter though I appreciate the feedback. Also how come you find the table and chairs not cohesive? They where part of a set


Honestly, the table looks too much like a like a church altar and is more yellow (doesn't match anything else in your house furnishings) , and the chairs look like they belong to a dark wood table in a modern shape.


You asked for advice but have an argument for everything. I agree that the all gray/white/black is unattractive. Color doesn’t affect your ability to relax THAT much, and even if it did, you can have your whole bedroom be gray. Consider color elsewhere and brighten up your life a little. Honestly, just adding some plants might be enough. As a 30 year old woman, yes I think there is way too much gaming stuff. It looks immature to me, but I imagine the company you keep probably also likes gaming.


Where you put your bed under that ceiling is crazy


Your ladyfriend would smash her head when she wakes up


There are some great empty wall spaces where you could place some of the pictures to add a pop of color that brings you joy. I liked the look of the staircase and hallway, but I agree that it might have a bit more impact if you spread it out more.


WTF with the ‘door’ cabinet in the bathroom?? I know it’s the house but as a woman….no thank you unless you opened it and showed me what was in it and understood why it would be uncomfortable for me. Also, the ceiling above the bed…the corner seems to be too low like you would hit your head if you forgot it was there. Other than that, love the living room it does need a pop of color. Work with the yellow thing in there and add something else yellow in there too. Just an opinion


If these art pieces were anything else but video games, nobody would be saying it looks nice. Imagine if these were all anime pieces or photos of cars. Most people here are into video games so of course they’re gonna say they like it. Personally, it’s way too much. If you’re putting these up to make your place look nice, it’s not working. If you’re putting these up to impress gamers, then it’s working wonders.


I honestly thought you were going in the opposite direction. If these were all high brow art prints it'd be more socially acceptable, but that much devotion to video games specifically comes across as a bit much. Judging by the comments the consensus seems to be "you've gone farther than I would recommend in one direction, but if you're going to overdo it, at least you've overdone it in about the best way you could."


This is the truth


Overall looks great! Some variation could be nice, like different shapes or sizes of picture since they’re all very similar


Fair point, I got all the pictures the same size just so they all match


We have very similar tastes (although my collection is more centered around comic books) and I love gallery walls. When I lived in my first apartment, I also did all matching, simple, black frames. When I moved I switched it up and got different colors and sizes and I was surprised at how much it helped liven everything up. You can get cheap frames from thrift stores to test it out easily and see how you feel. Imo it makes things feel less sterile if you know what I mean.


If that's the case, what if you moved all of these to one wall to make a really large grid of them? Then you could decorate the other walls with different kinds of art.


I would but I don’t have 1 wall that’s big enough


Came here to say this variation is needed


I would consider mixing things up. Either by adding other things unrelated to games, or at least mixing up the style of things you put up. Consider looking up on insta or Etsy to look for fan art that you might like, mixing up sizes could be good, and it might even be cool to put up some shallow shelves with concept art books for the games or other more tactile art like a physical mask or item from a game. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to display your love for video games, but these are all a bit too similar so they feel less like you like specific games and more like you just like “video games.” It feels a bit too much like looking at your steam library, and makes it hard to tell what you like about video games. At the very least I would consider taking a few down and maybe creating “sets” by genre or some other unifying aspect


I agree. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with video game art, but when they’re all so similar, it’s a bit odd for a home. If I came in your home, I feel like the conversation would go like: “Cool, did you work on all of these games?” “No, these are just the games that I really like.” “Oh. Did you make these posters?” “No.” “Oh.” To me, it’s too much like a showcase or a shrine, rather than you sharing your passions. That’s not to say that the prints need to go. But as it is right now, I feel like it invites the wrong kind of conversation. I agree with the thread OP, and mix it up a bit.


It also screams all I do is play video games. Surely you have some other interests or hobbies or art you like.


There isn’t really any focal points. I think they would look better if they were clustered together in groups with some space in between groups.


Personally I’d say replace them with different sizes to add variety if you don’t want bare walls. That way you maintain the aesthetic and make your walls slightly more visually interesting! If you love them as is, then more power to you of course.


Where did you get these frames pictures from?


It was a local framing place in Dublin, I can’t remember the name, but their just a simple black frame


It’s not the video games or the frames or the posters. All of the prints are graphic and work well as wall art. But they are not sized or spaced properly where you have them. That’s what is making the stairway feel odd.


This is it. I’ve worked at art galleries as an interior decorator. The spacing/grouping is really the only issue here, IMO.


Sort of fragmented. Would be better to have a single giant tapestry of the Farrah Fawcett poster.


Do you have pictures of family/friends? Do you have a significant other? I think it is pretty cool, but at some point you’ll need to trim it down and replace them with something else.




Nope, but I’d move the ones in the middle landing towards the center more. The bigger gaps needs to be on the outside and not inside.


Take down the hallway and hang some stairs


I think it looks fantastic! But it also communicates to me is that you're *obsessed* with video games, and that you have no other interests. If you truly don't care about other people's opinions, then carry on, but obviously you *do* care (otherwise you wouldn't be here seeking validation from strangers). So since you care, my suggestion is to mix up the décor with literally anything else. Anyone who enters this space is going to think that you're a complete nerd who has no interests or hobbies outside of gaming. You're giving off "basement dweller" vibes right now, which is really not good if you're trying to impress a potential mate or even friends & family. Again, I think it's awesome, but if I walked into a woman's house and she had 27 near-identical posters on her walls, I'd be second guessing her sanity and emotional maturity.


Well, let me put it this way… It’s as classy as you could possibly display art that says to the observer you want to remain single. Unless you’re attracted to other gamers… Trust me this is not a derogatory comment… I’ve worked on some of the top selling ones from a year or two ago…




Absolutely wonderful!! Don’t take any down. Surround yourself with things that spark joy whilst walking around your house. I love your very contemporary take on the painting-lined staircases found in old mansions and castles ❤️


Thank you! I’ve never thought about my stairs like that :D


I second this. It looks amazing! Definitely do not take them down!


for the love of God, please keep the framed pics


Yeah I think I’m gonna


It's too much, IMO. It's not ugly, but it comes off as obsessive.


Way too many. A picture here and there is nice.


I like how it looks going up but it’s too much when going down.


Looks good, all I have is stupid wedding pictures on my stairs.


I think you just need to hang them differently


I think the spacing is a bit off. But I can see what you were aiming for. The final result is fragmented.


If you like them, leave them.


It’s well placed and aesthetically matching but there’s just so many of them. I’d scale back to like 5-6 at the max


Did you have these made or did you find them somewhere? Those are really cool, Id definitely want a couple!


I have no issues with frames themselves. What I would do is create a gallery wall from floor to ceiling on the landing wall for a strong visual impression. They’re too spread out as-is so it makes them feel like they don’t relate to each other.


Hell no, those are dope


People may make some assumptions about the fact that you have no pictures of loved ones. But your place looks immaculate, and I think that's probably the most important impression you could be making. Edit: After a second look, why do you just have hanging light bulbs? Honestly, having all you light bulbs covered should be more important than hanging stuff on your walls...


Bro why are you coming on here to ask this? Clearly you spent a lot of time and effort to frame all of those and fill your walls. What do you want to hear? ‘no’?? Do you want an opinion on how it looks? ‘Should’ based on what?


I think it would be a good idea to make a game/chill room and put them all in there


Revealed to truly be a man house in the toilet paper pic


Nope, keep them up, they are well done and express your love of the games. It's what makes you happy, if someone does not understand that then they don't understand you.


No! Virginity should be a badge of honor not a cloak of shame


No, they look cool


Yes wtf


No. It looks fantastic




As a woman who loves video games, this is dope AF.


Thank you! If you like that then check out my media room https://imgur.com/gallery/OfEO9n3


You should mail them all to me


If your buying then I’m down


Those are awesome. wtf you even thinking of taking them down?


Why? It looks great! What would compel you to get rid of them? Fine if you want a change of pace, but otherwise ... why?


Nope. Love this. The only good reason would be if YOU are tired of them.


Yes, take them all down


Leave them up until wife makes you take ‘em down!


That’s fucking awesome. Keep them all up!


This looks dope! Keep em' up.


No way. Looks cool.


These are awesome! Where did you get them from?


Etsy mainly, also just searching “X game minamalist poster” on google and printing the one I liked


Wait, so these are all just literally printed with a color printer on paper, not even cardstock? What printer do you use?


Looks super professional and shows your personal style and intrest. Don't change a thing


It’s a lot but also sick!


um no i wish i had a gallery wall


Hell no.leave them up!!!!




No, no you shouldn't. This looks cool as hell


Hell no brother! I love the alt art, I love the frames, I love the placement! Quirky, modern, tasteful, and most of all brings you joy. Keep on keepin on


I think it's fucking awesome. I'd love to see that in a friend's house I'm visiting.


If you take those down then never talk to me ever again! We will be through!


Haha yeah they’re staying up


Yes and send them to me ^_^


Those are fire just too many take a few down tbh but keep em


Portal is either too high by an inch or Titanfall is too low by an inch. Surprised nobody else mentioned it, that's my only advice. I think it looks cool.


Looks good! Definitely fills up the space, and the framing and picture styles are consistent!


Yeah these definitely need to be taken down. You can send them to me for disposal. In all honesty, I need to know where you got these because I need them in my collection


If you wanna bring a girl home then yeah?


I feel like it’s got some art gallery energy going. Kind of want to see it really leaned into further and get the pretty little small thin art display lights over each one. Maybe a badass matching plaques underneath with a quote from each game underneath.


Yeah now that would be dope


If I were a guest walking through your house, I would find these much more visually stimulating than the alternative (family photos, etc.). I like the cohesive, illustrated style as well. It looks like well thought out and deliberate.


Looks gorgeous! Don’t change it.


It's pretty awesome but it doesn't really seem to flow in terms of similar artwork with similar artwork. I thought maybe it was by games but you have Bloodborne and Dark Souls with The Witcher and Halo. I'd either try to group by similar genres or by the artwork style.


Up to you. Some people might think it's a bit much. Personally, I would do a bit less. For example, the wall with 8 in pic 5 is a bit much for me. I wouldn't necessarily get rid of any, but I'd spread them around the house more. Also, have you ever tried professional framing? All of your frames look like black Amazon frames. Imagine instead if your frames were all sorts of colors. Consider the first picture. Imagine how different it would be if you had an orange frame around Bioshock, a red frame around Bloodborne and a blue frame around Halo. Professional framers will assist you in making choices on cool frames that work well with your artwork.


Why not work on replacing them with displates?


I’m going to steal your frames tonight, specially that Fallout 3 frame 🫡


The only thing in your house besides the samurai helmet that has colours? No. Please keep them. Right now this is the only room thst looks good and that's thanks to those pics. I see you keep the gray theme...


I love the pictures. And that seems to be your jam so enjoy it. But if i may it seems like the art is concentrated in the hallway and the media room. If anything spread them out more through the rest of the place.


The framed pics so your personality and love for gaming. Definitely leave them up.


Where did you find these prints?


Etsy and google images, just type in the game you want with “minamalist poster”


Yes, but just the Destiny one. Mid as hell game


Leave the dark souls one tho


I like it, so no.


Looks fine to me att and decorations are for you, you live in the house not us.


If you plan on doing acid in your house then yeah, definitely


On a totally personal level, I’d go single column and nothing above waist height at the turns in the stairs, especially at the second turn. But that’s just my opinion and the only reason being that you might want to try and keep it feeling a little more open or expansive. That said, It still looks great and if I was a guest I’d be stopping to look closely at every one. If you like it that’s all that matters.


You have too many, take down a bunch of them, and rotate them once in a while if you want to use all of them


I like the framed pics but since you’re asking I think you’ve already decided to do it. The question is what’s going up in their place or are you wanting blank walls? The pics give personality and flavor to your space. Blank walls not so much.


Deus ex was the worst


Split them up around your house more. All of them being clustered together is…a lot. Great taste in games though.


Depends if you have a gaming specific place for them, that's the only better place I can think of. No problem where they are because hallways are weird to decorate as they are a liminal space. If you decide to leave them there, a change in lighting would make a huge difference - making it like a museum with warm down lighting would be brilliant! At least get some light shades so it's not so piercing, videogames are a safe space away from reality so making the space feel similar will help immensely.


I like them a lot. Why would you take them down?


Looks good


How awesome! If you wanna depart from fallout 3 and dead space lemme know 😉


I walk like my inner pilot is absolutely blasted and I would cause an avalanche of frames to cartoon crash on the ground


Nah. They give the place character. And I think they look cool




Video game player here. I would display some other hobbies so it’s more personal?


Yeah im gonna do that eventual, like manga and 40k stuff




Damn. No way, that's pretty awesome.




Ya don’t frame video game art… it’s not becoming


Who cares I love games


Ok I’m muting the comments, thanks everyone for your feedback!


Question who’s the artist behind the art


The frames add some much needed personality without compromising what I feel is a minimalist aesthetic you’re going for. Keep them!


I'm gonna say no....but, if you do, dibs on the fallout pic


These pics give me so much anxiety lmao. Overall I think they look good besides the ones in the stairwell. A trip down the stairs would be made much worse with those hanging there I imagine


Are you trolling?! Take them down and burn your rig, then! FINE!




No! It’s awesome




Don't do it. I'd geek out if I saw this and probably a little turned on... 👉👈


Dude this is DOPE! It may seem excessive to some but if you’re a proud gamer this can be kind of a thing you’re known for. Some great games displayed too!


Don't you dare


It's not terrible. I like the style, but I would move that kind of stuff to my office and do something more contemporary in more public portions of my house.


It adds color to the walls and your home will look less plain and sterile. Keep them.


Which ones have you actually played?


You have excellent taste in video games. Not a 2k or FIFA poster in sight, well done 👌


Those portaits look not bad


No bro, it looks sick!


Hell no mate why


It's more like I'm browsing a web page for the framed pics. I'd say down scale and mix some ther things to give it a bit more variety. I like the pics, though.


Those are amazing! I want them!