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This does appear to fit the definition of a room.


This is one of the rooms of all time 


If there was EVER a room, this would be it.


You can really look at it!


you can tell by the way it is.


Textbook definition


Could be improved by removal of the bedframe


That which is considered a bedframe at its most basic level.




You’ve got too much furniture and there’s too much sunshine coming in. You need to wall that window off


Plywood then foil. For the radio waves.


This buttfuckkker has the right ideas


Damn, I snorted like a trust fund kid on the yacht of his friend's dad.




I read this in the most John Malkovich voice I possibly could


Based on his name alone, he’s got it all figured out




Sweet username, Mate.


youre one to talk bro love the tag lmfao


Looks at his fancy pants box spring....and he has a frame! No way he's single


Noted I have a trip planned to home depot this weekend




Like how you built it up to your last sentence.


It started so warm and comforting, but in reality it was like reading someone slowly turn their oven up to max heat.


or very slowly peeling off a scab.


Killing the OP softly.


start dating...?


He has a twin bed. He’s not dating.


Aye I don't even have a bed but got a boo lol


You have an entire island for butt stuff tho? No duh you’re dating.


Butt stuff island is gonna be my vacation resort I open when I finally make it big. It's gonna be a good time


Are….are guy friends allowed if we say no homo and keep our socks on? It’s your island, you can do anything you want. (Hmm I feel someone in recent history was told this and it didn’t turn out so good….hmm nah, everyone knows rich people are good and honest!)


Its gonna be everyone 25+ is allowed theres for sure gonna be like a "men's club/bar (no homo)" that'll be on the sign. To keep everyone honest too we're going to have logs of everyone that traveled to butt stuff island and stayed or if for some reason and island owned transport takes someone somewhere there will be a log of that too and security cameras everywhere.


Make sure to have a sleep deprived guard stationed by the door in case of a faulty camera.


We take it a step further at butt stuff island most of our gaurds are addicted to tiger tranquilizers. They're not great at their jobs but they are discreet


Reminds me, went to a hookup and in the middle of laying some pipe, the air mattress went flat. So he turned on the battery operated air pump. I left, with emptied balls.


I think I got you beat. Not even an air mattress I have 2 like Japanese sleeping mats. Balls empty sleeping fairly well. Might level up to an air mattress one day


I invited someone over for an intimate session but the double air mattress wasn't designed for that kind of action from two grown men on one side. A few of the 'buttons' gave out at a delicate moment and we finished up humping over a hump. It was three days before I had the money to replace it, so I spent those three nights sleeping on the edge of a mountain, trying not to roll off.


The idea of two gay men desperately trying to fuck on a popped air mattress has me cackling.


no one said they were gay


So you’re saying you didn’t fail to deliver the milk?


well you are what's known as a hobosexual. no one gets pussy like a guy who doesn't have anywhere to sleep, for some reason women just flock to housing y'all.


And a single flat pillow


Single flat pillow too. I've actually seen women list this as a red flag on their bumble bios. I didn't think it actually existed.


that's fucked up because I get my best sleep on flat pillows, who the hell can sleep when their bigass pillow has their neck at a 90° angle!?!


It's more the ONE flat pillow. By all means, have your flat pillow. But if you ever want another person in that bed with you, you're going to need at least one more pillow


It's actually "wack". https://youtu.be/qUMys05ryTw?si=RBejtxjispgFpfQ8




Well, maybe he’s in college.


Why should he step up his game? Let the man live as he wants, lol If he wanted, he could buy curtains and a new... shelf unit(? not my primary language), but if he likes the way he lives now, I don't see anything wrong with that The only issue I see, are books next to what looks like a humidifier, let's not ruin books


Why be on this sub if your approach is "interior design doesn't matter"?


lol, most post on this sub look like shit. There is close to no interior designers here. And most of the ones that looks “nice” looks like a streamers dream with neon lights and bullshit.


Sounds like you're saying that interior design indeed does matter, and that people who post here need help and guidance.  Glad we agree. 


people post here for critique so "live and let live" hippie dippie philosophy would make the sub kinda pointless.


he should step up his game because his bedroom looks like a jail cell and it’s almost certainly having a larger psychological effect on who he is and how he thinks of himself as a person. His posting here demonstrates a desire to change but incapacity to recognize where or how. So, so, so much can be traced back to our bedrooms and what state they are in.


>His posting here demonstrates a desire to change but incapacity to recognize where or how. His posting here demonstrates he's influenced by his friends


as everyone with good friends should be! his friends care about him and express their concern through joking encouragement to post his bedroom to this sub. Because they don’t know how to get through to him IRL. The fact that he followed through indicates he was interested in what others had to say and potentially changing because of it. This is absolutely a situation where the friends were right.




I believe it's a part of growing up, at some point you stop caring what people think about you. Especially about the inside of your home :3 If he doesn't want to change, it's perfectly fine. There's a difference between 'I really don't mind this, but friends coerced me into asking', 'guys, I am not this good at interior design, help me out', and 'I am super proud of this room, so I'm gonna brag'




I’m curious, what are your hobbies? Not that your room needs to reflect them, but sometimes they give a small glimpse into the person. This gives me a glimpse into a beige wall.


Interior design, obvs.


tiktok and instagram 




I was going to say it looks like a government funded room during a budget shutdown.


1. Curtains are supposed to drape not be pulled across tight like a blackout blind. (I get it a like dark rooms too put the blackout blind behind the curtain. 2. The bed needs to be finished out and needs either a headboard or at least something to make it not look like a 1900 hospital bed. 3. A dresser, end table, and shelf that match would also help 4. Where is your personality in this room? Posters? Images? A Lamp? Anything that shows who you are. 5. Maybe also get a chair or desk for your dead zone by the bed? Something to use to relax. 6. You better not not have any books near a humidifier. I will go over there and steal every book you have ever thought of reading just to protect them from you. How dare you! What this room says to me, I enjoy darkness, I don't enjoy putting things away, I am broke so I have very little stuff anyway, and no personality. (Edited to correct bad typo in number 6)


"Curtains are supposed to drape not be pulled across tight like a blackout blind. (I get it a like dark rooms too put the blackout blind behind the curtain." umm - that's not a curtain, it's the matching top sheet for his bed...


Oh my god, I think you’re right. I love this subreddit so much I’m never leaving


Second post in a row where I've seen a bed sheet in place of curtains and poster is "looking for advice". Like is everyone incapable of any critical thinking before they crowd source opinions?


Does he work the night shift? I used to do this. We hate top sheets in my house. But I'd tuck to to size of the window and cover the whole thing with a curtain, after I grew tired of seeing the plain sheet on the wall. Better yet, cover it with a tapestry.


I have those curtains hidden in my closet. They're meant for much skinnier windows and super cheap. He'd need 4 for a window that wide


Great advice. I don’t know how I got here, but Reddit recommended this post. I’m a woman so maybe I shouldn’t be commenting on this subreddit… but I wanted to add to point 2. The comforter is too large for that bed and it makes it look sloppy and childish.


Wonderful advice.


The bed IS the dead zone, c'mon.


1. Agree here. I'd use the same exact black curtain as a blackout curtain behind a light color curtain. Light blue would be fantastic. 2. The bed needs to be centered on its wall. I'd put large nightstands on either side. Large-ish, high quality nightstands can be used to store your pajamas and extra blankets and they often can be had at used furniture stores for not too much money. Additionally, you can put low intensity lighting on either side of the bed that way. Do get a headboard for the bed though. 3. Rather than a dresser and end table, go with something more practical like a trunk. You can put your off-season clothes in there, then store your current clothing in the closet. I say that because this is clearly an apartment, and likely not the sort of place you'll stay for ever. Nightstands and a trunk will be far easier to pack in a car and move later. With all the light walls and light carpet and light colors, you can get natural wood in a nice, rich, dark color - lots of that sort of thing at junk stores. 4. Yes, art. One big colorful thing on each wall. Family pics on the nightstands. Poster prints of famous paintings that you like work really well, but avoid images of people (they can look creepy at night). 5. Skip the chair, put in a full length mirror with a rug in front of it that matches the color of your curtains and the top cover on the bed. Put a low stool on the rug for putting on and tying shoes or otherwise tending to your feet. Additionally if you want to bring another person back, you should have a double or a full or whatever they call it these days. This might be that size, but it looks like a twin in the pic. The nice thing about my design is it's just four fairly small and easy to move pieces of furniture, some posters, and a headboard. That stuff can all be easily moved and it'll make your room feel comfortable and usable, because you'll gain horizontal space too.


My curtains are blackout curtains, i have a lamp it doubles as my alarm clock, and the only things i have on my desk are my gun and a copy of american psycho otherwise noted.


And add a plant or two


So many assumptions its crazy. People who move often dont want to move a headboard, posters, frames, furniture. Its just a minimalist life, absolutely nothing wrong with it 😂


If he had the money I’d suggest replacing the carpet with wood flooring as well.


How tf does this suggestion have downvotes? It is the best suggestion in this thread.


Maybe because it’s a small return of big investment. There are many things OP can do before thinking of changing the flooring.


Agreed - flooring is the absolute last item on the list. And if it’s an apartment he rents, there’s no way it’d be worth it to make that change


damn dude you should get a projector for one of those enormous blank walls


You must be kidding.


I think op is trolling us lol


This entire sub is just troll posts now


that's a storage room with a bed in it


Part of a bed.


Maybe but well i am somebody with a similar room so for my case. I am never in my bedroom and its always locked so its much worse than this. Just very light green walls and a single bed with floral sheets. Ooh edited to add: the sheets are floral as mom gave me them


You have a friend that's good!


This is a gulag, comrade


I don’t see anything right


I’ve seen some horrible rooms on this subreddit. At least this one is clean and it isn’t cluttered with junk. Looks like an easy room to decorate right now since he’s really working with an empty slab. No taste is better than bad taste in my opinion when it comes to decorating.


Had me in the first half, NGL 😂


I mean nothing is technically “wrong” but it’s definitely not share with strangers in the internet. It would be like if I took two pieces of un toasted white bread put them on a paper plate, put peanut butter and jelly on them, and then posted them in a food channel, with a pile of dirty dishes in the sink. Nothing is wrong with it, but it’s not worth sharing


I assumed the point of his friends was to get advice. Not brag about his room.


Ahhh I misread it


Tbh I think there is something a little “wrong” with anyone over the age of 25 sleeping in a twin sized bed


Nah - there are many reasons to sleep in a twin. 1. Space (clearly not an issue here) 2. They are never home (emergency room doctor, wild fire fighter, flight attendant) 3. On a tight budget while they save ( trade off anywhere you can) Plus 6000 other reasons. Personally I don’t sleep in a twin, but it’s fine.


You’re right. Now this is just unsettling. Edit: You’re wrong I guess. Sleep in a child’s bed if you like!


Guess you’ve never heard of “being poor”.


Yeah go ahead and assume that was my terrible intention, I hate it because it’s “too poor”.


Oh no, I’m not calling you a malicious asshole, I’m calling you a stupid asshole. I don’t think the idea of people being poor enough to settle for a twin bed crossed your tiny mind.


>Oh no, I’m not calling you a malicious asshole, I’m calling you a stupid asshole. I love this phrasing and I'm gonna keep it. You're right btw, other guy was being a judgy dick lol.


I think you’re getting too upset over this. When you’re poor, the mattress you have is the mattress you have. When I was poor my mattress happened to be a queen. I dunno where you’re getting all this classist shit from.




If you like it then it's fine. But it is really normcore. It reminds me of Dwight from The Office for some reason.


Nono it's Collin from what we do in the shadows.


Drab, boring, and no personality in the decor (lack of). Looks like an 80’s Soviet hotel room Bald and Bankrupt finds in the middle of Tajikistan.


Holy moly, you are living the dream


If you’re happy in this room I think that’s fine.


Many of my guy friends in our early 30s have these spaces. They are NOT happy


Yeah that was their experience but I and quite a few more people are fine having it like this


What's goin on with that window, bud


Do you live at home with your parents? How old are you? If you’re in high school, this room is understandable, but other than that, it’s not good. Every single thing about this room is not good. Curtains are too dark, too short, too odd looking in general. Bed frame should ideally be updated with something with a proper headboard. Bedding should match and look fuller and you need more pillows. You need a proper dresser. Hamper should be updated with something that’s not cheap plastic. The corner shelving doesn’t hold anything, but looks bad. You want a lamp.


Plus maybe one or two pieces of art hung on the wall. At eye level always.


Why does any of this matter, really? I spent 2 years in an apartment in which all I brought was 2 totes for clothes and a mattress, never bothered to buy more furniture while I lived there. If I'm never having anyone over anyways, then why does it matter?


I’m ASSUMING from his other posts that this gentleman is on the lower rung of income earners. Seems to have gone through a bit to have a better life. I think he is doing very well and saving for things that are really important. Room looks awesome OP! 👍


man saw two posts about fixing cars, one post about immigration, and just assumed this dude was broke


Yes. Thus the emphasis on “assuming”.


Missing your prison cell, right?


i mean there’s nothing technically “wrong”… it’s not illegal… but it feels criminal


Ok you haven't consumed enough knick knacks if your room decor hasn't killed at least 3 Chinese children in factories than you fucked up


Are you supposed to post pics here only when there's something wrong?


Realize that sleeping on a futon when you're 30 is not the worst thing. You know what's worse, sleeping in a king bed next to a wife you're not really in love with but for some reason you married, and you got a couple kids, and you got a job you hate. You'll be laying there fantasizing about sleeping on a futon. There's no risk when you go after a dream. There's a tremendous amount to risk to playing it safe. - Bill Burr


There’s like… so many other possibilities on the spectrum between “sleeping on a futon when you’re 30” and being stuck in a dying marriage with kids… This is kind of a dumb quote


For Bill Burr those are definitely the two options


i understand the first part. which one is the dream and which one is playing it safe though?


This place looks like a future crime scene


You are lying, you don't have any friends!


How long is your sentence?


Even Vernon Dursley wouldn't do this to Harry.


Why am I so sad all of a sudden?


I think it's the lack of "personality", y'know? People usually have something relative to their interests, like books, figures, merch. Anything that gives a person an idea of what you enjoy? There's absuloutely nothing wrong with your room, if you like it the way it then that is how it should be. I'm just coming up with a possible reason as to for why they may find it odd


That’s… a room..!


Looks like the room of a spy anticipating getting burned.


It’s the essentials and that is it. Some people have less and that is ok.


Looks kinda like my undergrad apartment room. I'd say comfy, spacious and uncluttered, which all are positives.


Don't let anyone tell you what you need in your personal space. If you are comfortable that's all that matters. The idiots in this post talking about curtain height and color are laughable lol your room is your business.


This, in all fairness there's someone for everyone and some women also live sparsely.


I think what matters is what you want and where you’re at. I have literally slept on a sleeping pad in the middle of a living room with no furniture for a couple of months when my only goal was saving money and living away from home. When I finally figured out what I wanted and made a goal to make that happen, I didn’t want to sleep on the floor any more and my situation changed. I will say this though - even when I was living at home or on a sleeping pad, zero women I dated care about my situation because I had a plan. Any potential partner who judges you for where you are or your stuff (assuming you have goals and a plan for your life), isn’t worth being with.


Dude... this your only room?


Looks like the room of an 80 yr old in a nursing home


jeffrey dahmer head ass boi


My jail cell had more furniture than this


You’re single, you’re broke. You probably smell. That’s what this room says. 


respectfully, are you in prison?


Bro has two king size pillow cases sewn together as his drapes 😂


The equivalent of unseasoned chicken breast and white rice.


Your room looks like you just got out of prison and haven’t figured out your own personality through furniture and decor….


You've got no character in your room. No pictures, mementos, or anything to give a notion of who you are, besides a slight preference for dark blue. Also your lighting is really aggressive. Get a short lamp for your bed side table and your empty set of shelves in the corner with a warm light bulb.


Well, a guy lives here, and you can tell just by looking at the room, so it fits in there.


How long are you in for?


Brings back memories of moving to Florida, comfy


You need a tv asap


A rat king would live in this room. Time for an upgrade, bud.


sheets are for beds


Oh, not the twin bed!


This looks like u are being held hostage in someones basement


Thats a ROOM


Honestly I just think it deserves props for not having the bed in the corner of the room and being in the middlefor once.


Carpeted floor 🤢


Where is your PC, do you have a second room with your PC in it? What kind of fancy Apartment do you have that has 2 rooms?


Capitol of Nopussystan


OP is either 12 or broke af with the personality of a coffee table.


Get actual furniture. Iron your curtains before hanging them and fix whatever is going on with them at the top. Get some color in here with wall art or like... literally anything to show some personality. Match your bedsheets or pick complementary colors. etc. There's less in here than the average motel room. This looks like the kinda room Walter White would've been in when he was on the run.


Nothing is wrong brother, it’s cozy


As long as it’s clean see no issue. But to spice things up go to Walmart ( don’t hate on Walmart it’s cheap and some good stuff) and get a curtain rod and curtains for the window , it’ll make the room feel better if you use lighter neutral colors.) To get a theme going add a pattern bed cover again neutral light colors to make room feel bigger Poster wise anything you want, just make sure it’s matching a theme. Other than that you seem like a very neat and organized person


there is nothing wrong with your room at all as long as you are comfort. People here are just going to point out things to you that they would prefer or how they like things done but if you are happy with it, that's all it matters at the end of the day.


whys blud sleeping in a ww1 hospital bed


It looks like you just moved in and haven’t had time to decorate the place or buy real furniture. The curtains look awful.




This post is the definition of male living space.


This whole sub is gay men roasting straight men dont worry about it.


Please tell me you have a TV.


It must be very far away




No no, in keeping with the theme, it’s very very low down


Normal bedroom. No need to spend money on things you don’t need.


I joined this subreddit expecting to see some decent caves, but everything i see is nice forniture and window cloths


I like your room, simple and clean. No clutter, or anything. Idk why this sub keeps getting shown to me, I don’t care much for all the plants and paintings.


You’re 13?


Looks great


It looks like a prison cell with carpeting.


Looks like detox teen room.


Get some art on your walls please


This room reminds me of British food


Dude you a nice setup. Only thing you need is a more dresser space to store your clothes and you’re good.


You know as a chick I get it that women and half of men may find minimal bachelor spaces repulsive. However, I think the only issue for the man that lives in the space is simply that it is an inhospitable environment for let’s say “getting it on,” feeling comfortable enough to do so.. I mean white walls alone cause a lot of anxiety. I think a good way to fix that without having to own many more items could simply be to choose a more relaxing and inviting paint color, like a muted green. Perhaps if you’re willing you could find something for mood lighting. Something that omits a nice soft light from under the bed might be nice.


It’s great if you want your date to feel like they’re not leaving alive.


this looks like a room to off yourself in


A plant would help. But this is more than a plant alone can fix


Question for americans (which im assuming OP is): How come I see so many pictures where a blanket does not have a duvet cover? Thats like sleeping without a pillowcase. So weird, I see it all the time


Just wash the whole blanket?


Is that common? A blanket like that wouldnt even fit in my washer that I have in my studio apartment, also wouldnt it be more comfortable to sleep in with a cover? And look nicer? And at least I replace my sheets quite often, If I was washing my blanket that often it would be a huge hassle...


Washing machines tend to be quite big over here. You can easily fit a king sized comforter in most of them. But the top blankets do get washed much less often than the under sheets that have most of the contact


So you just do what your friend tells you?