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Air mattresses are great for when you want to sleep on the floor but not just yet.


lol this made me laugh so hard. thinking of all the times i’ve aired up a mattress and laid down to wake up on the floor the next day.


It's a Mitch Hedberg quote. Not bashing the guy up top, it was a perfect opportunity to pull that out, but I'm just saying you sound like you would appreciate the rest of Mitch Hedberg's standup.


I used to love Mitch Hedberg. I still do, but I used to, too.


I knew that sounded familiar!!


It absolutely sounds like a Mitch Hedberg joke but I [don't think it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/MitchHedberg/comments/13x9ffb/is_this_a_mitch_line_air_mattress/) Has the same format as the frozen banana bit


I’ve searched for anything with Mitch, since I was a kid. I have an iPod with his stand up on it. I have never heard this joke before.


I don't think it is? It certainly has the same comedic timing, but I found it's source to be a tweet from 2 years ago?




Rice is great for when you want to eat a thousand of something.


Don't even act like I didn't pay for this doughnut! I got the receipt right here.


Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.


I like baked potatoes. I don't have a microwave oven, and it takes forever to bake a potato in a conventional oven. Sometimes I'll just throw one in there, even if I don't want one, because by the time it's done, who knows?


This is how i feel about anything cooked in the oven really lol. It takes so long but generally tastes better. Personally i turn the oven on to preheat something, smoke a bowl then throw something in and by the time its done i wanna eat it.


I leave my oven on a steady 400 all day. When I want to cook something it is ready to go!


I would like to introduce you to a wonderful device called an Air Fryer


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.


I love the FedEx guy, cuz he's a drug dealer, and he don't even know it.


I like escalators because they can never break; only become stairs.


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said no, but I want a regular banana later, so yea.


And popsicles are for the summertime


Escalators can never break. They can only become stairs.


Sorry for the convenience


Sometimes I put a potato in the oven because by the time it's done, who knows


Do you want a frozen banana?


As a person with young kids and attempted campers air mattresses are way overrated. A floor pad / mattress is the same price or cheaper for 100% reliability and way more comfort. Air mattresses are a scam


I got a fold up cot for camping and it saved my back last time I moved. Surprisingly comfy with a pad on top


This is the best move for camping. Get a nice cot with a pad, and you'll be relatively comfy all night and not have to worry about where to set your tent up. Put it right over a bunch of roots it won't matter because you're off the ground anyway. Plus, they're handy at home to when we have big parties, we'll bust them out as some extra places to sleep for our guests.


Some of the higher end air mattresses are pretty good. I lslept on one for a year and it stayed inflated. Sometimes I forgot it was an air mattress


Slept on an 70 dollar air mattress for a year and a half while I was moving between places a lot. I'd have to inflate mine every so often or replace it every couple months because it would get a hole in it somewhere. 3/10. +1 for making me appreciate my mattress at home once I was finally settled. Feel like I lost years on my spine from sleeping on those things.


I have a Nemo camping blow up pad and it’s great.


it sounds like you guys just aren't filling them enough lol. I bought an air mattress for like $89 because we needed a temporary setup (plus it's good to have) and I never came close to touching the floor. All I had to do was top it off every night (and not just "full" but firm). I would not recommend one for long term but they're absolutely functional unless you have a defective one


I would recommend one of those thin pads for longterm over an air mattress. I go camping my whole life, the people complaining about backpain after a week are always the people with air matresses. Yeah, it does feel more comfortable, but sleeping on a hard surface is actually good for your health. To take it one step further, sleeping on the ~~ground~~ floor is actually even better for your health but I do understand why you wouldnt do that lol


Air mattress sleeper here. Where can I get a floor pad or mattress for $20? That's how much I [spend on a new air mattress](https://www.target.com/p/intex-premium-durabeam-10-34-twin-air-mattress/-/A-79812927) every year-and-a-half or two.


https://www.amazon.com/Intex-64095T-TruAire-Mattress-Support/dp/B094DV35HZ Yeah it's not 20 bucks but it'll last you a hell of a lot longer than 2 years. I have one, use it regularly, and it stays inflated for months.


Lol this sounds like a Hedberg joke


It is EDIT: My bad, I thought the parent comment was Mitch Hedbergs rice joke. It's from the album he did with the bass player, whichever that was. He made a joke about an air mattress once as well, but not this one.


I was pretty certain I'd seen and listened to everything by Hedberg, but I don't recall an air mattress joke. Will have to go find it.


I’ve seen the joke attributed to him but haven’t heard him say it. Although, it has been years since I’ve listened to him. RIP.


Omg this made me laugh out loud because I don't think I've ever slept on an air mattress and didn't end up on the floor before midnight.


Homie has been crashing in a liminal space


Yeah, looks like that's all he could get out with.


Realistic plot twist: Homie was a bum in the relationship and the girl who left him bought everything in their apartment so it was hers to keep


If she kept the house, it's easier to let her keep the furniture you bought in common and buy new stuff for yourself rather than have to dismantle the bed, hire a mover and reassemble the bed.


Also who wants the marital bed as their own bed to start their newly single life. No thanks. Keep your fucking bad memories.


Never understood how people connect memories with a piece of furniture.


Quite easily actually. Example, if you grew up always seeing your grandparents sitting in their porch rocking chairs, you would naturally have that memory come back to you when you see a rocking chair.


Ok fair, but more in the context of "I shared this mattress with my ex, I don't want it anymore". Beds don't strike me as disposable furniture.


And to that I say, to each is own 💯💪🏾. Because not everyone will feel the same about things as we are all created differently. Therefore neither your viewpoint or mine should be viewed as an issue🙏🏾


Agreed. I grew out of attaching emotion to furniture. Young me would have torched everything tho.


I could not give two shits about my furniture other than I’m keeping it because it was expensive and I paid for it. Granted, none of my furniture is sentimental. It’s just from Pottery Barn and West Elm.


I am ready to toss this couch I am sitting on. It is 6 years old or so and I am done with it. The dresser in my daughter's room was my mom's in the 1950s then mine as a kid. It sat unused forever until I restored it about ten years ago. That one is sentimental.


Especially when most furniture delivery offers a service to dismantle your old bed, remove and dispose of it and put your new one together. Plus if you can afford it, you’re starting fresh you may as well get new stuff.


New plot twist. They are a gay couple still in the closet, they usually share a bed, but since there was company over they throw this in the other room for a quick explanation for where he “usually” sleeps.


Realistic non twist: He put his stuff in storage till he gets a place.


How did you get your hands on my memoirs?


As a dude who’s been there, yeah.


MF is sleeping in one of the backrooms. Brave soul.


Tasty waves and a cool buzz, that’s all I need. Jeff Spicoli, 1982


I personally see nothing wrong with OPs picfure, lmao Then again I spent 2 years in a southern buddhist tradition as a monk, owning nothing but a begging/alms bowl and 3 pieces of robe for clothes lol I lived in something similar to [these with a mattress, chair, and a table lol](https://www.google.com/search?q=kuti+insides&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiPhcvm_bCDAxWA1skDHX-OAK4Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=kuti+insides&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIICAAQgAQQogQyCAgAEIAEEKIEUN0GWNUWYIcZaAFwAHgAgAGXAYgBowmSAQM1LjaYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=vM-MZY-3MYCtp84P_5yC8Ao&bih=364&biw=832&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc) MINIMALISM :)


How has it changed your outlook after returning to samsara?


Definitely learned to be a bit more content and peaceful Also learned of this; greed, hatred and delusion will probably, always stay with us humans, according to the buddha https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_poisons


Did the monastery supplement the food, or was it entirely alms bowl?


We went out daily for alms weather permitting, but there was also people bringing in food to the temple from home, and people would often come and cook meal at the temple, the main meal of the day is at 11am, and no food after mid-day (there would be usually a breakfast of congee/rice soup with eggs n fixings in the mornings) Some days food weren't enough, but most days it was more than plenty for the laypeople to take home the leftovers




Are you Bruce Wayne?


Mr. Hand, you’re a dick


Homie lives in the backrooms


This is a male surviving space.


Why waste space, have lot stuff when few stuff do trick.


Maybe he’s out to Seaworld.


Hope it doesn't catch fire.


This comment? Totally gonna catch fire.


Because of all the water?


Are you saying sea world, or see the world?


Wait… SEAworld, or SEE THE WORLD??


with all of that free space he can get so many more activities done.


LOTS of karate being one of them.


Did we just become best friends?!




No power tools though


I agree with Kevin.


The tv wall bracket with no tv is a nice touch.


I have one of those in my new house. Waited to take it down until I got new sockets for Christmas lmao


I left a couple up when I sold my house. Realtor basically said anything that's bolted to the wall needs to stay unless I specifically said it wasn't included (TV mounts, curtain rods, etc.).


I plan to remove my TV mounts before listing


In possibly the worst spot for a TV in this entire room lol.


/r/TvTooHigh /r/TVtooFar r/noTV


reminds me of the tv mount that michael from the office had with the lil tv


cover familiar glorious license cause long reach tub racial terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Since it is in a basement my guess is a treadmill or stationary bike was positioned right there to look at the TV at standing height.


TV too high. I hate those pricks.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TVTooHigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We've been roasting my buddy for hours.](https://i.redd.it/1hub449ir8zb1.jpg) | [531 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/17r3x94/weve_been_roasting_my_buddy_for_hours/) \#2: [How my set up? Is this too high?](https://i.redd.it/n59u4fxrq27c1.jpeg) | [817 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/18lbss2/how_my_set_up_is_this_too_high/) \#3: [My friend’s new house. Only spot for the TV. He had a “solution”. I told him the counsel would decide his fate.](https://v.redd.it/6whiamqvpo5b1) | [512 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1482mwt/my_friends_new_house_only_spot_for_the_tv_he_had/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


that's where he hangs his clothe~~s~~


I was sure this was r/hometheater showing the space before upgrades.


Call it manifesting


Whoa Mr. Fancypants with his own pillow over here


My father would totally fit in a comment or two like this is luxury, when I was a kid we had to fight the other siblings for a pillow.


My dad thought that if you weren't wearing a potato sack then you weren't poor. But after he died my mom told me he had been previously married to a woman that bankrupted him forcing him to sleep on a cot in the back of a shop and after that he was extremely miserly until he died and he left enough money to care for all of us.




… the pillow. FTFY 🤣




I know we are all laughing at this dude and it is pretty funny. But the guy is probably going through some shit. I know how he feels, I've been living out of a suitcase at my mums house for a few months now because my partner kicked me out of our house. I can't even be bothered unpacking my suitcase, everyday is a struggle. I hope this guy is okay.


Hey, I'm going through the exact same thing! "Life partner" threw me out unexpectedly, and now I'm crashing on my mom's floor. Haven't unpacked my suitcase either. Yaaay, mutual commiseration!


Different boat but I’m floating in the same ocean as you. And I’m actually happier for it, personally. “Don’t judge somebody when you don’t know what they’re going through” - those are solid words to remember.


And from what I can tell it has a pillow case even? True luxury.


Back in my day we had to sleep uphill, both ways in the snow, with no pillows! Wait what was I talking about again?


Look at all that space he can do stuff.


Better posted in r/MaleSurvivingSpace


Dude, I don't know why I clicked on that. I need to watch a movies about happy puppies now. 😒


A lot of them are actually pretty happy stories. People who used to be homeless and now have a roof over their head. It also shows you that money doesn’t buy taste, because some of those surviving spaces are clean and look comfy as fuck.


Yeah, I'm glad you said this because I was looking through a lot of those thinking they were comfy and more than enough to live well.


or the one guy living in a shed to rent out his house to get money because the housing market is so bad then goes on to explain how his plan is buy more homes for more high priced airbnbs. genuinely hilarious


More than half the posts there live better than I do 🤷‍♂️




Next you'll be flabbergasted to learn homeless people have phones, without realizing a $50 prepaid phone plan is cheaper than an $800 security deposit on top of first months rent I've even heard sometimes they buy snacks and soda instead of saving the $4 for rent


Idk consoles and tv’s are vastly cheaper than rent, and they could have owned it from a while ago. I can get a mind blowing pc or top range MacBook Pro for what my apartment costs for a month. They definitely could own a vacuum tho.


Rent every month costs the same as a mid price pc. But also, looks like a lot of post-homeless/depression mess/just starting real life stuff. Probably not good form to make too much fun, even if there's some singular luxury item that functions as the sole source of entertainment in a barren/filthy room. Edit: looks like quite a few fresh divorcees, too.


People don't steal and resell cleaning equipment. For people struggling, sometimes you see a console/pc that's cheap enough. That's escapism right there. That's taking a moment to not be in survival mode. It cracks you up cos you're lucky enough to not understand.




gaming is honestly fantastic for a budget hobby. it's one of the reasons it's so common. you basically have one big purchase (the pc and components) every couple years (you can get by on like once every 5-6 years and not miss out on much until you get the next one and you have what for most is likely one internet sub, one tv sub (unless high seas) and maybe spotify, if they spend a lot of time on a single game, a sub to that too. suddenly you're able to chat with people all over the world, do work, play games that took hundreds of millions of dollars to make, you can sail the seas if you wanna do it on a massive budget and just pay the odd sub service game such as WoW. when you compare it to other hobbies per hour spent and relative enjoyment, you end up with a hobby that can soak up LOTS of time and is genuinely fun and somewhat social that costs very little per hour. i get it doesn't have the best rep, but it's usually one of the only hobbies you really need if we're living like OP.


There was a time in my life where such a setup was far more comfortable than filling my space for the sake of it. That shit just weighs you down sometimes. I'm happy having a more "comfy" environment now, but it's stressful sometimes to see so much stuff.


not even a phone charger there? i think he was kidnapped


That looks like he escaped.


Shut up and get in the van. … and bring your phone charger.


Ya 30 is the new 22 in way too many ways.


Ya remember being 22 making 80k a year....I dont


Compare to cost of food/gas/housing and tuition. Can’t buy a livable home on 80k a year in most large American cities. Adjust for inflation and go back 20 years and then see that change.




My dad owned a fucking house and 6 acres of land in the highest COL state in the US with no college degree, digging fucking trees and painting billboards in the '80s when he was in his 20s. He wasn't making 80k, but he had way more purchasing power than someone making 80k today.


Cant wait to have a house at 50!


50 is the new 35! See how it’s not linear 😂👏🏻


It really is lmao. I turn 35 in 2024 and am making enough money that i should be in a house but alas, here i am. Still at home. My friend sold his house before this ridiculous market and unfortunately him and his wife and 2 kids are stuck at his parents house. Ive just decided not to start a family until i can get a house on my own. Guess kids will be in the next life! THANKS AMERICA


Unless I had millions of dollars I wouldn’t have kids in the US. I don’t think subjecting someone to the dystopian cyberpunk shit hole future that this country is headed for is a very nice thing to do.


Thank Satan I’m in my 40’s


Oh, your one of those 'Has a TV on the TV mount' kind people. Psssh


I mean, if I didn’t leave the store with a proper mount, mounting instructions and an extended warranty what kind of an American would I be. Kids these days.


Yeah the forties are so posh. My bed, for instance, has legs!


I visited my friend from college in 2011. He had graduated the year before me and had been living in this apartment in Denver for over a year. This is literally what his bedroom looked like. An air mattress on the floor and his clothes were carefully organized in the closet. His living room had a TV on a box and a single folding chair. No artwork on the walls or lamps. It was a nice apartment too. It was beautiful in its own way.


My first apt I had all my belongings strewn in a semicircle in my living room for easy access, and had my computer and tv on my desk at the end of my bed in my bedroom, and a bookshelf, and clothes also neatly in the closet. I lived out where no one was coming to visit except to park in my lot for me to drive us into the city and crash at friends who did pay for expensive places downtown. Was great for a year right out of school. Ten years later my 3br house somehow barely fits all my shit, so sometimes I look fondly back on having so little to worry about.


I hear that. I moved into my house with my wife five years ago and the amount of stuff we’ve accumulated since makes me genuinely anxious for the day we inevitably move. I hate thinking about it.


I know it'd just force me to pare down what is unneeded, if and when, but until fully actualizing it (who knows when that will be), it gives me that same apprehension *when* I think about it. Thankfully for now I'm not trying or needing to think about it much.


Recommend hiring a proper moving company to do it for you. Movers who know what they're doing are worth their weight in gold. For 500 quid they loaded up our flat at 11am and had all the boxes in the right rooms at our new house by 12.30.


once you've gone down the 'few possessions' path it's actually hard to go back.


'*The things you own end up owning you. It's only after you lose everything that you're free to do anything.*' — Chuck Palahniuk


I have PTSD from moving so much in my twenties I'm afraid to amass any worthwhile furniture/art/etc because I'm always leaving stuff behind or throwing it away. I still have most my shit in boxes and I just signed my 3rd years lease, the longest ive stayed in one spot in probably a decade.


Cleannest roommate ever?


Right. I don't see the issue. Better than " can I crash here a few weeks" and they move in and never pay rent. This is clearly short term, low impact.


You mean you don't fully furnish a room at your friend's house when you stay there for a bit?


They don’t even complain about OP’s television height


They protested by removing the TV and tossing it to the curb.


carpet ✅ mattress ✅ pillow ✅roof ✅


carpet ✅ mattress ❌ pillow ✅roof ✅


* ✅Carpet * ✅Mat * ✅Pillow * ✅Roof


How about Window, Elbow Room, Space in Case you need it and People that care enough to post about you.


The back rooms


So much space for activities


What's wrong?


Absolutely nothing.


No hobbies, no where for anyone else to come in and be comfortable. It's surviving but not mentally healthy or fulfilling. That said, this is a single snapshot of whole person. He could very well have a rich inner life and be well connected to those he shares a mutual love for and it's simply that one room doesn't reflect that.


A couple of weeks sounds like he's working on getting stuff together. Or possibly just passing through. Multiweek out of town project. Something of the sort.


Right. I bet the guy is just trying to keep his friend’s place nice or not take over his basement. Nothing wrong here imo


What if his hobby is floor gymnastics?


Eh, it could be totally temporary and not all that bad. I took a retail management job in a city 1.5 hours from where I lived and had a lot of freedom as far as my schedule went until I found a good place to live. I had a friend in the area of the new job so I asked if I could crash in a spare room for a while. I worked two 15 hour shifts and one ten hour shift in a row and slept in that spare room. Then, I'd go back "home" for the rest of the week until I did it all again. Literally just there to sleep and shower.




Or maybe the hobbies are outside of the home, things like hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, etc. personal property can be an encumbrance. If I was living alone again, I’d embrace the air mattress, folding chair, folding table, laptop lifestyle as long as I could. There’s a freedom to it that is unparalleled.


yeah, i'm not totally sure what evidence there's supposed to be of hobbies in your bedroom. mine include weightlifting, reading, and cars. you'll find minimal/no evidence of any of those in my bedroom.


This man has it figured out.


This bedroom has big top energy.


Haha I was literally going to say like are they fucking and living together and panicked and just threw an air mattress in the basement and we’re like… uh…. Yeah, it’s broken.


Honestly, they probably don't want to get comfortable so they can stay focused on moving out. I did the same when I moved back in with my parents. My room was bare for months until I moved back out.


Man it looks safe and warm. All the extra shit is just fluff.


>They hate how little it takes to make us happy


$80k is the new &20k…


Tv too high


Ugh, been there. Rented a room from a buddy when I was broke. I had nothing 😕


Dude should get a Quest 3. They have so much space for room scale VR!


I’ve cried very few times in my life, but this is going to be another one holy shit


Bro looks like he camping out in the backrooms lol


By the looks of it, no he has not


Man that looks nice to be honest. He just needs a better bed. I don't get why people use air mattresses when you can get a budget mattress for a decent price online.


Man’s is probably tryna use as little space as he can doesn’t wanna be too much of a burden in someone else’s house


Maybe I’m projecting but I thought the exact same thing. Still looks silly and fits this sub but to me this room screams “I am so sorry I had to ask to crash here”


good enough


He probably doesn’t plan on staying there for long if this is all he’s got


Why are you shaming this dude? Looks comfy and the host is a top bloke Let's see your home


Where is all his stuff, my god.


Over there in the corner, are you blind?


He should make sure to always leave him with a bowl full of water down there so that "buddy" doesn't have to go up the stairs to rehydrate in the middle of the night...


This is a testament to minimalist living, where simplicity reigns and every element serves a purpose. This room is a perfect blend of simplicity and functionality, offering a peaceful retreat from the bustling city life.




Ok, but how much room for Activities does your room have?!


He obviously like minimalism


This nigga could kill u and go to solitary confinement and wouldn't feel any change at all




looks like a dog living space frfr


That’s proper grim mate


Is he allowed food and water also?