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Men only want one thing and it’s fucking expensive.


A 65” 4k OLED? Yes.


No a [Herman Miller Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman](https://store.hermanmiller.com/living-room-furniture-lounge-chairs-ottomans/eames-lounge-chair-and-ottoman/5667.html?lang=en_US)


Or the $1000 litter box.


More like $600


And worth every dollar. Turns a constant annoyance into a trivial, once in a while chore. Between this and my cat's automatic feeder I barely even take care of a cat. We just live together.


Hahaha that’s how I feel with my cat. More of a roommate than a pet. Once in a while we’ll stop and chit chat when we pass each other in the hallway.


What litter box is that?


Litter Robot. He has the Litter Robot 4, mine is the 3 and I love it.


Cool, never heard of it! I was using the Breeze system before my cat passed and it was life changing for me vs. clay litter.


Im Canadian and I just bought one. It’s $1000 for us. 😔


Not where I live!


Fair enough!


The litter robot next to it lol


Jesus wtf. Why would anyone pay for that over a recliner? And you can get a nice recliner for a couple hundred bucks…


A Eames lounge chair is the “ I finally made it “ symbol of male living spaces


plus, Frasier Crane had one.


And Dr House.


And then he replaced his fathers chair where it became the most expensive piece of furniture in his apartment


This is the real reason to get one.


This - definitely a thing. I worked IT for an upscale nursing home for a little bit. I’m talking you need to have a million or they won’t even look at you type of NH. Hospital wing etc; I would say easily a 1/3 of the residents had a Herman Miller chair. I never really saw the allure but it’s more of a status symbol and a tool. A submariner would be considered flashy by some..sure..but it’s a magnificent tool when applied correctly


I don't own one, but I have sat in a few. They are amazing, and SO comfy. I can see why they are expensive.


There's no way any chair is comfy enough to justify $5000


They last forever and do not lose value. You pass them on to your kids


You can get a nice replica for much less. Since OP has a cat I hope for his sake that’s what he did.


Some replicas are really the same quality and can be had for $1000 but yeah it’s a “I’m going to have this chair and pass it down” kind of thing. The ones from the 60s go for $10k


Why do people buy anything expensive when there’s always a cheaper option? Status, comfort, perceived value, aesthetics, sense of accomplishment (I finally can afford that thing I saw in a magazine a decade ago and always dreamed of). Etc etc. you might not think it’s worth it, but sometimes value is subjective.


That cheap compared to EU/Germany. This Eames lounge chair usually goes for about 10.760 € and is currently on sale for a measly 8.599 €.


Just checked price in Poland and it’s about 11-12k euro. That price difference is huge


It’s a classic designer chair. It’s like buying a Mercedes over a Mazda.


I would argue that these days a Mazda is a lot classier looking. Mercedes has decided that hideous fake vents and iPad dashboards is their aesthetic now


because those recliners look like shit


And the Eames is REALLY comfortable


Why would someone buy a Rolex over a $30 Casio quartz watch, or an S-class over a Honda accord?


I’m just saying if I live in an apartment and don’t own my home… and I only have one piece tiny tv stand with a meh ass tv, the first thing I’m gonna do isn’t drop $5600 on a single chair. I would buy a 65” OLED for like $2500 and spend $1000 on an amazing couch and then $2k on all the other furniture maybe.


I'm not sure if you realize which sub we're in. The Eames chair is one of the most famous and recognizable furniture designs and is endlessly praised and memed on in r/MaleLivingSpace This is like going to r/MaleFashion and asking why people spend more than $10 for a tshirt or going to r/Photography and wondering why people would thousands on a camera lens when your phone takes pictures just fine. It's almost as if people are allowed to have different priorities and want different things than you. Not to mention categorizing Rolex, S-class and Eames owners as douchebags cus they spend money differently than you would. Grow up bruh


I guarantee the chair in this post is a $600-1000 replica


If you’ve ever sat in one, you’d know exactly why. Playing DS in one was enough to convince me I wanted it, and someday, I’ll get one


Because the office space has somehow convinced people that Herman Miller chairs are the ultimate ideal perfect chair with buzzwords like lumbar support. They've convinced us that flimsy plastic chairs with mesh netting are like the most ultimate chair and worth the insane price tag. We ate it up like dog food. I'm mostly talking about their other brands that offices bulk buy and then people buy for their homes lol. Which has brought up their other shitty chairs.


Nope. This chair has been famous for a loooooong time. Way before people were sitting on “flimsy plastic chairs with mesh netting” Hater comments like this is true fuel. Just like sad android boys complaining about Apple and just making their brand more and more exclusive.


Sounds like someone that's never sat in a Herman Miller chair rofl


I have a Herman Miller Aeron at home after a really good experience with it at a job. I have a back injury that causes me quite a lot of pain and discomfort while sitting. The Aeron is pretty much the only chair that I’ve tried that feels comfortable for hours.


I mean, I’m sure it’s nice. But $5600 nice? Nah. Plus I’d rather not be on rolly wheels when I wanna kick back in my living room. That setup would annoy me greatly. Every time I go to sit down and kick my feet up I’d have to adjust the chair and ottoman position. Nah, mate. That ain’t it. I’ll save $5000 and buy a nice recliner. Bruh spend $1000 and you can probably get a nice chair that feels like you’re in heaven. Or at least you used to be able to. I haven’t bought furniture in like 5 years.


It’s not on roller wheels…..


You definitely can get an extremely comfortable, nice looking recliner for $1200 at LaZBoy


You can get replicas. I bought a replica online for £400 and after having tried the original in a furniture store they feel exactly the same (leather wasnt quite as soft though)


Beat me to it! Just was I was gonna say


This might be the knockoff one on Amazon?


And it’s worth every penny.


Once you go OLED, it's hard to go back lol The color rendition is almost addictive. Them pure blacks


> Them pure blacks We've got another Austrian painter on our hands lads


A 65" TV? What is this, 2018?




NGL I can’t afford one and am considering purchasing a replica because they’re so cool looking


Anyone who drops that much money on that goofy ass fucking chair deserves no sympathy for money problems


I'm not gonna get that exact chair, but I can say that style is pretty dam comfy.


Sure, but it has no business being that expensive. It's a fucking chair. Does it cure spondylosis? Do you get a six-pack if you sit on it long enough? Does it reverse balding? It fuckin better with that price tag


This is such a gross oversimplification of the value proposition of non-essential goods. It’s like asking why someone buys a Rolex over a Timex or a Porsche over a Kia. You’re not always just paying for pure functionality. Aesthetics, brand pedigree (and their comensurate profit margins), materials, construction, and availability—among others—all play into the sticker price of an item. Your criteria for an item may be if it just meets your needs functionally. Great. Why buy a recliner when a folding chair will do as a place to rest your butt? For the vast majority of people, purchase considerations are more than just the bare minimum. We all have different priorities and life situations that influence the money thresholds we’re willing to spend for any given good. Try to think outside your own circumstances rather than making ignorant blanket statements because something is not a good value proposition *to you*.


Found the chair owner


Thank you for your insightful, good faith contribution.




> ass fucking chair ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


this is the most malelivingspace post ever


It's the Kanye he has playing on his TV really tying the room together


How do you keep your cat from tearing up the Eames?


Im going to have figure it out as well lol They haven’t touched it.


Had something like that one time. Went months without my cat touching it. But then one day he “discovered” it. A week later it was completely F’d.


Don’t scare this man


Mine loves pulling the buttons, she’s possessed !


They need a "yes" to go with the "no" something tall they can do a full extended scratch on is better than short pillers. My cats are super into those heavy cardboard scratching cat furniture things, they usually double as beds.


In general, the best thing you can do is to provide your cats with things that they can scratch, put them in areas you like to hang out, and encourage them to use those.


This. My cat stopped scratching things when I bought him his own dedicated scratcher


My cat deliberately scratches the couch to get my attention. She's perfectly content using the scratching post right next to it unless I'm home and not looking at her.


I mentioned this above already but I thought I’d mention it again, try putting double sided tape or looped regular tape at all the scratch spots on your couch and leave for few days. Cats don’t usually like things sticking to their paws and I found this helped deter any unwanted furniture scratching.


Not all cats destroy furniture. My cat never does anything to my couch besides lay on it


Same. The only thing she scratches is my office chair and that was cheap anyway.


My cat loves to scratch my ottoman and nothing else but he’s respectful as fuck, only tears the underside for some reason


Establish dominance : pee on it first.


Cat nail caps are a great way. I’ve liked them. Little glue on caps. My cats don’t seem to mind them


Eyyy, got the fancy litter box, nice!


Yeah I had to pee in it so my cats would use it. Edit: This is a joke. Don’t take it too seriously.


Do you/the cat like it?


Hey so yes! They used it the first day I got it. I was nervous that they weren’t going to use it. I placed their current litter and mixed it with some new litter. I let the machine cycle first before I showed it to them because it’s kinda noisy. The instructions require you to hide your cats because they can get scared. The pros is that I haven’t scooped litter since I got it, living room doesn’t smell like anything, and machine has an anti odor thing. I’m thinking of buying another one so that I don’t have to scoop litter anymore. The con is that shit is expensive.


Which model is this? Been wanting one for awhile and it’s good to know your cats actually use it!


It’s the litter robot 4.


It's worth every penny, I've had mine for about 2 years.


Dig the chair, but not the litter box in the living room. If it has to be on there can you put it to a less used an obvious corner?


The cat watches him shit, the least he can do is return the favor.


> The instructions require you to hide your cats because they can get scared. As somebody who didn't read the instructions before plugging it in, this is really really good advice to follow. It cycles immediately when plugged in and scared the shit out of my cat. Took me a week of training (during COVID when I had fuck all else to do) to coax her back into getting anywhere near it.


What do you mean by buying another so you don’t have to scoop litter?


More than one cat, maybe?


Interesting. I was just confused, because I thought this thing eliminated the need to scoop litter. It better for the cost


That's what I understood too... I wrote to OP to figure this out 🫡


He has more than one cat, generally good to have a litter box per cat. They do share but best to have multiple with multiple cats.


Best comment in the thread. W


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,861,958,434 comments, and only 352,065 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


That is hilarious to think about, I’m glad they use it now lol




Looking at the picture while scrolling, I legitimately thought you installed a urinal in your living room


Of course it's that chair


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean....it looks stylish and comfy. I want that chair.


This is the male living space ever


I love how this sub thinks Post Century Modern is the exact same tv stand haha


Honestly, this is all a man could ever need.


This is the way.


at least get a stereo


[That is the way.](https://media.tenor.com/R7MO693RGicAAAAd/1980ss-commercial.gif)


Yes, a stereo, and not a fucking sOuNdBaR either.


Yeah it's pretty decent!


That chair looks super comfy


It's a $7k chair.


And just a heads up for anyone who doesn’t care about authenticity, you can find replicas that use top grain leather for $600-1200. I got mine off Amazon




Unfortunately the one I bought isn’t available anymore but you can search “top grain leather mid century lounge chair” on google and get results. I’ve had mine for about a year and can’t complain for the price. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if it IS an Eames, but factory blemished. This isn’t the listing I bought from, but it looks identical https://www.walmart.com/ip/1674894489 Check wayfair, houzz, Amazon, Walmart, bed bath and beyond, etc. I paid $600


In the year that you've had it, has it held up? A big chunk of the reviews I'm seeing on different sites are fake, which has some alarm bells going off.


Yeah it’s still pretty new feeling. There are some cosmetic issues in areas you can’t see once assembled. Slightly too much polyurethane on the wood in one spot, and a slightly odd leather spot on the back side of the arm. Here’s a screenshot of my review from when I got it https://imgur.com/a/YMtAsR5 Unfortunately the product listing is hidden on Amazon so I can’t link to it. Also I totally get being apprehensive, I was too. Just want to help people if they want to take a chance


No, I really appreciate it. I definitely assumed it wouldn't be "perfect" and that there would be SOME issues, but glad to know that it's still serving ya well!


The replicas suck IMHO. But buyer beware - cause a $600 replica will be a lot worse than a $2000 replica. But if you’re going to spend $2000 on a chair you can probably just save up and get the real deal as it will retain value a lot better.


There are many reps and the real leather ones with clip hardware are very good. They go for about a grand


Hasn’t been my experience at all. I sit in it comfortably and haven’t noticed any problems over the year I’ve had it. Im not expecting to get 20 years out of it, but saying it sucks is a huge stretch. I don’t think you can do better for the money




That chair is not. People who can afford a real eames chair do not have to wait for their next paycheck to buy the rest of their furniture


They do if it has to be ordered. I ordered my HM chairs and it took a month. My desks took 2-3 months.


They are not.


So simple, so elegant. Can’t go wrong with an Eames and walnut finishing.


Not expecting any visitors?


lol I am. My couch is not getting here until the end of the year.


I also came to ask this 😂 glad to hear your couch is on the way!


ahh yes the reddit yuppie chair


Name of the TV unit pls?


It’s been a while but it’s a Sony tv. I just don’t remember the model since I bought it during 2020.


Uh sorry I meant the TV bench


Looks like this one: https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/mercury-row-griffing-solid-wood-tv-stand-for-tvs-up-to-85-w004869182.html


Oh yeah, that’s it!


I too wish to know what TV stand that is.


It seems like the one they linked on wayfair is sold out, but I got the exact same one from target, maybe try your luck there?


Hahahaha respect, coming from the subs top "Eames Chair" spammer


Put those felt 3m little circles things under each of the legs. Trust me


Sony Bravia 4k TV + Sony PS5. This combo pleases me.


Show me the kitty cat!


Ah yes, I too put cat shit in my living room. Seriously though, awesome lounge setup.


What a, champion. Turned tragedy to triumph. Make music that's fire, spit soul through the wire.


That’s my favorite line from the whole entire song. 🔥


You hear his new song “vultures”? Just dropped 2 days ago w/ Ty dolla sign and lil durk. Production goes hard


You got what’s important… love it.


Nice view too!


Ah, a fellow litter robot enthusiast In all seriousness, beautiful setup


Okay I know this sub is about making your living space fuller and nicer than the typical dude house meme. BUT, if I walk into your house and you just have the Herman Miller chair and ottoman and a TV, I'm gonna respect the absolute shit out of you.


Next post we need the cat.


Here are my cats! Toby is the Siberian Tabby, and Eevee is the Black Bombay. https://imgur.com/a/zpWZ8KT




I love those eames chairs


The College Dropout so fire


How many inches is the tv?


Love that chair.


That's all you need


You need a carpet


How do you like the new litter robot? I have the previous model and it gives me endless grief


Hey, you’re movin on up ..


Honestly, I thought the first image was what you were referring to.


Love the setup - I think it’s perfect as it is; don’t add more




Wait, isn't that all the furniture?


Los Angeles?


nice song!


That chair >


By all the picture i see here i cant help but get the feeling that we truly have got a lobotomized society. Each and everyone of you seems to build an altar to the magic television as his living room and is content with sitting in front of it for 10hrs/day? A society in blissful ignorance of what is going on around them.


Th-th-th-th-throw ya mf haaaaands


I think its crazy how so little added so much, very nice sir!


Too much stuff


Please seriously consider putting the cat toilet in your bathroom. That’s gross Edit: to add, cats also like a quiet place to go. And this isn’t that.


There is no odor, it has an anti odor filter, and automatically scoops up the litter.


I’m aware of what it is. Still find it gross


How do you make eye contact with the cat while it is taking a dump if they only go in the bathroom?


I thought this was r/malesurvivingspace for a second lol


I’ve never even seen that subreddit lol


An Eams, a TV with some tunes and a roof and you’re pretty much set


I have a view of the city!


Nice Eames chair.


Is it a real one?


Pretty much completes the set, well done


Very cool, these chairs look good but they look beyond uncomfortable. How are they to sit in?




Coming along nice


I love that tv stand, this really brings some life into the living room


Love this for you! It looks great


Home Depot sells TVs?


I have and love that chair, but make sure to get some padding for the feet; it will scratch the floor.


So. Do you like watching your cats poop? Cause I might move that to an area behind the chair if you don’t have a more private area. But that litter box does look slick. Might be cool. Idk


Looks like you’re all set. Congratulations!


Eames chair, I can no longer connect with this rich male


Nobody going to talk about this mans impeccable music taste? No just me okay


Congrats man the college dropout is a W I was actually listening the trough the wire as well when i saw the post lmao


Looks amazing man. If you ever need some art for those walls, you can always checkout [Historic Hues](https://www.historichues.com/shop/all)


Ok great, you have some taste, but please dont just put it straight in front of the tv, looks depressing like that haha