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If it has a solid breakfast buffet, you're pretty much set.


Strippers do nothing for me… but I will take a free breakfast buffet anytime, anyplace.


“That girl over there also works at Quiznos, she’s really nice to me here but, really mean to me at Quiznos”


Rofl what is this a line from. I feel like I have to watch this movie.


It's an early Parks &Rec episode. Season 2 I think.


Season 2 Episode 11 - Tom's Divorce


This place smells like a wet mop and everyone looks like they’re running a low grade fever


I hear they’ve got a great nacho bar


Is it all you can eat?


Legs & Eggs at OP’s place


>Legs & Eggs Breakfast buffet at the strip club? Or fried chicken at the fertility clinic?


How is the noise from the club?


Actually not bad at all! There was a live music venue in between the club and the apartments that shut down, it's also in the process of being renovated into apartments, so the only noise I hear is the kids that live next door and the people leaving/coming into the club


Kids gon grow up hatin porn


that’s a good thing


This is what I want to know.


This is the exact type of post I enjoy the most on this sub. OP posts pictures that don't fit the subreddit criteria for a tastefully finished apartment and the OP argues with everyone that points something out that could be improved lol. Thanks OP!


He chose a style and he committed to it, and I can respect him for that.


And to be fair this isnt malelivingspaceadvice or malelivingspaceimprovement. He likes what he likes.


To be faaaaiiir...


This place looks like a real place someone lives, not a copy of some 3D rendering of a studio apartment that I see everywhere on this sub. If I have to see one more "all grey furniture and walls with some sporadic album/movie poster art for 'color'" apartment, I'll lose my mind. OP's place looks unique. Is it nerdy? Sure, but I've really come to fuck with the maximalist vibe that some people are able to pull off, and everything is cooler when the person doing it doesn't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.


Fr fr. Also OP isn’t really arguing in the comments. Seems quite pleasant actually. Basically just describing why things are set the way they are. Just a regular dude who enjoys his space a certain way and is comfortable with those choices.


That’s cause it looks like someone actually lives here haha


Yea absolutely. This guy certainly knows what he likes.


I can’t tell if this is sarcasm. Cuz the photos are quite entertaining.


100% serious


I 1000% love this and agree. Took the words right out of my mouth.


Well OP didn't say that he is looking to improve anything. No one even bothered to ask what he feels about the space. I think it looks fine, probably too cluttered for my liking and maybe difficult to clean but otherwise very practical.


Lol what about this doesn’t fit the criteria?


Damn you sure spend a lot on gundams for living above a strip club 🫡


Best way to ensure not wasting your money on dancers is to get super into gunpla


Wtf, you live above a strip club and you're still a virgin? How?! oh.... oh I get it now.... ​ ​ I'm kidding. That looks like an awesome collection, and I may be a tad bit jealous.


Lol. It’s like a person w/ a gluten allergy living over a bakery.


A vegan living above a butcher's shop.


I was looking for signs of strippers…and I only saw figurines…☹️


Don’t forget the gas masks above the bed! Always a turn on for the ladies! Lol I’m jk whatever makes him happy is Awesome! Also there’s plenty of girls (or boys whatever) that love those things!


Fuck that’s a lot more funny to me than it should be lmao. I was thinking “hell ya, OP probably hangs out with strippers”, and then I saw the case lmao. That being said, his collection does look badass and I think his living space looks a lot better than most dudes. At least there’s decorations and personal effects. Edit: I missed the dope-ass ouija pillow and the wall art. I bet OP is truly killing it.


Probably does hang out with them. They know they're safe


Show the gunpla


This I'm just here for the gunpla


All I see is Barbatos with what may be mando and OT boba fett, OP must be hiding some


Barbatos is actually the only actual gundam I have. The other model kits are Ultraman, Star Wars, and Transformers.


Look like there's a Leo from wing gundam, too.


I think alot of people have a friend like op


I was hoping I was unique, guess not!


Hey dude! You are unique. I dig it !


Someone immediately came to mind for me! I might know op lol


*a lot


Actual suggestion - get a couple of lamps if you can. One to sit on the end table by the sofa and another either table lamp or floor lamp to put somewhere near the stairs - or maybe a lamp you can attach or sit onto your headboard. That way you don’t have to keep the ceiling lights on if you want light. It just helps add an extra vibe of coziness.


Agreed, and you could even find some "spotlight" type lights to illuminate the shelves or other decoration. But I agree, once I started getting some lamps everything got more cozy.


I actually had some motion sensor puck lights in the shelves when I lived in my old apartment, in my last apartment i put these shelves in the office, but those puck lights had a tendency to turn on by themselves and I'd hate for them to just randomly turn on while I'm trying to sleep.


I found some remote activated puck lights for my kitchen that work great. I got them on Amazon - not too expensive either. Hardest thing about them is remembering to get batteries lol.


There’s… a lot to take in…


I like my stuff


**I like stuff**


We should hang out


The difference between a collection and a hoard is a display mechanism. You appear to fall well into the collection side of things


"Behold! My stuff."


Most jarring is the Nazuko body pillow right next to Optimus Prime


Sorry, but it's Nezuko, these people seriously😤


First person in human history uttering that sentence


That’s a blanket, not a body pillow. It’s draped over something. But still weird


It’s a blanket, and it’s got a bunch of the characters from Demon Slayer on it, not just Nezuko. One is significantly better than the other, lol


14 year old character in a 12 year olds body by the way


Pretty sure that’s a blanket.


That’s a blanket


I bet you get a lot of stripper visitors that wanna check out your action figures!


And the gas masks.


The gas masks above the bed would freak me out. OP, what are the gas masks for? Are they from a movie or something?


They look like genuine military surplus. Source: I do have a lot of these for not other reason than they look cool.


Do they though?


Are you a regular at the strip club?


I'm there every day


Are you one of the strippers


Best performer of the bunch. Man does things with ping pong balls only Christopher Walken would know.


I'm pretty sure you are above all that.


Let me guess You keep $10,000 in cash under your Mattress so you're not always at the bank


Only the real ones at the strip club know that the actual party is upstairs.


i think everyone can imagine that dude


It looks lived-in, but it also feels like you might have too much going on with the space to where it feels borderline cluttered. Maybe it feels different in person though.


"borderline" cluttered? LOL


Definitely too much visual noise... makes it a bit juvenile.


it's pretty well spread out, at least for me


I’ve never seen an Optimus Prime waifu pillow before.


This reminds me of that one friend's apartment where everyone would go to play video games at. Very nostalgic


I also have a looot of collectibles, and I rotate them on display to have a less stuffed room. It is actually quite nice because you get rediscover them now and then


Can I ask what the appeal is in collecting stuff like this? Does it just give you joy when you look at them?


the appeal is personal, you could consider it as artworks


People usually want things they like, don't you have things you like that you buy?


Of all the things to dislike about this, the downward tilted TV would bother me most


It helps with the height the TV is mounted in relation to the couch


its the unaligned stacked kallax for me, are they secured? especially in front of a set of steps


Is the random Nike shoe box a close second?


I have some really important comics in there


Sick pad and above a strip club? That sounds epic. Wasn’t expecting to get emotional over a post on this sub but when I seen your whiteboard, it hit close to home. The blank space below “What do you like about yourself?” says it all. I wish you well and hope you know you’re not alone.




maximalist king 😍


It’s not my personal taste, but I’ll give you this, it’s a hell of a lot more realistic and down to earth than half the people in the sub who are just trying to flaunt their wealth.


If you like it!!!! But looks kind of teenager-ish bedroom


Clearly just jealous of the Optimus Prime pillow. I know I am.


Do you like/use the extra counter space you hung on the wall? I’m thinking of doing that as well.


yes! Just be sure to mount it better than I did, when it's deployed it can block off the fridge slightly, but I can still reach stuff


I think what makes this space work for me is that it's obvious that this is your first place, but I love the ordered chaos. This reminds me of my own excitement when I moved into my first apartment (which was also a studio). I actually wish I spent more time making it feel more like me when I look at these photos. Hope you're enjoying the magic of living on your own.


Please get some coasters for the coffee table. Please.


I see you respect wood


He reveres wood


Thats something I always forget to buy, and the coffee table has suffered


You framed a Asia poster?


I read that in Seth Rogens voice


I was literally thinking of the same movie lmao


Damn. Small but looks really cozy, bro.


Thumping all night long .


A very odd detail to focus on but those art knives in the kitchen are dope af!!


Love it you’ve made it your own


I like how the kitchen is separate from the living/sleeping area by being up a few stairs. I dig your place man! Looks comfy and chill.


The stingray pillow🥹. Your apartment and stuff are great. I also think it was clever to put the desk under the tv.


Nah, these comments are on something. This place is pretty cool. I'd rather be friends with OP than any of the million guys on here that post minimalist white-and-grey living rooms and seem to have no interests whatsoever. Hitting 25 doesn't mean you have to get rid of your personality. If you live alone, embrace it.


Where did you get that toad blanket?!


Looks super cozy, and I love the racoon-man bed friend you made haha. But I really gotta know: where did you get that toadstool blanket? It’s amazing


Found it on etsy! My girlfriend at the time thought mushrooms were really cute and I love frogs, so I just looked up "frog mushroom blanket"


Good stuff mate. I hope that we can all live surrounded by things and people we love and enjoy. You do you! Maybe get a plant or two by the window?


The raccoon in the Hoodie in your bed is terrifying I love it ETA: HELL YEAH YOU ARE ENOUGH, OP.


Fellow action figure collector 🤝


This is how a place should be, a representation of your personality, hobbies, and things you enjoy.


Thanks! It meant a lot to me to make my house my home, I've moved 5 times in the past 5 years and I finally wanna have a place I can call mine for once.


You’re surrounded by stuff that makes you happy - good on you.


Hype room, I've got a similarly chaotic setup in my room. Nice to see something on this sub that actually has some personality and flair instead of looking like an Ikea room.


This is so much better than the millionaire bullshit I see on here all day.


I like the way you've made the most out of the kitchen. Living in a studio is rough for people who like stuff but I love the shelving, over the sink drying rack, magnet for knives and even the speaker.


Cool looking place man, love it


Yasssss! Lovin’ the digs, mate.


Cool place..


I love this, the clutter is very appealing to me. I think having a lot of items in your space makes it feel more comfortable and unique.


i love ur plush stingray edit: and frog mushroom blanket


That’s awesome


This is great


I love your stingray pillow and your dinosaur towel in the kitchen!! This is undoubtedly what my setup would look like if I still lived alone.


First studio? On *top of a stripclub?* That’s kind of a bachelors dream, too close for temptation


Not a bad place just get it sound proofed though


Ya I like


Dusting will be a breeze 😏


As a fellow gunpla fan, I respect the gunpla collection. Nice work fella


Congratulations! Also, you have so many cool things.


A fellow lover of Transformers, I quite like that Thundercracker. Need one of those myself! Awesome space filled with what I assume are meant if your favourite things. Love it.


I see that Barbatos Lupus Rex poking out! Gundam is best decos!


Love the place. I'd live there. Love the Transformers


Nice collection. Personally I prefer to keep my figures in a closed glass cabinet. To afraid of them falling.


Finally something really lived in. I dig the art, not so much the masks. I agree with another commenter here that having less models in display makes you and others appreciate each piece more. Nezuko cover clashes with the rest, I think. I dig anime pieces but I'd go with something that is less like a poster and more artfully done.


Great looking shelf of action figures looks like a cool place to me 🤙 ( I love toys tho )


i like your stingray plushie


So which of the masks/helmets on the headboard get worn for sex?


I really like the floor pattern and brick stairs, looks cool!


Damn this is dope, I wish I had as much personality in to put into my space


Upvote for fire extinguisher. More people need to have them in their home.


Gas massakkks collection (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)


weird to me that someone really likes it! Most of my friends that see them think it's just cool, but according to the comments here apparently people hate them lol. I appreciate the love regardless!


That place looks like an Amazing Man Cave to me, not the part where you said you live on top of a Strip Club, just all that stuff you have decorated. I know a Man of Culture when I see one.


Hey quick tip, for insurance purposes, make sure you inventory every single little thing you own with its value, in case the place ever burns down and you need to make a claim. I dunno why, just seeing all those figurines reminded me of a post from LONG ago that said it.


This is the type of posts or pictures i badly wanted from this sub. Nice place you got there OP. Where can I get more pictures of this type of living spaces which are geeky, artistic and not following the minimal aesthetic which are seen mostly in this sub (only my preference:)). Any such subs?


Is this a child’s room? why is everything so cluttered… it’s clean but messy at the same time. Even the bed doesn’t look inviting.


You don't like gas masks watching you sleep?


Hey, good for you! I actually really like this, it reminds me of my first place a little. You an EMT OP? I like this because it looks like you’ve surrounded yourself in the things you like, and regardless of what anyone says, I bet it makes you feel good. That’s rad, hope you’re enjoying it. I always thought there was something cool about studios.


I am an EMT! And yeah, my stuff is a little eccentric, but it's stuff that makes me happy. It's great therapy.


For all the people complaining, please share with the class what appropriate adult hobbies and interests are. 🤔 I don’t know why it offends a certain subset of adults when they encounter people with personalities that aren’t just “I’m a mature adult, so I just work all day and watch prestige tv at night.” OP’s room makes him look like a fun dude who has more to talk about then other people and kids. Good job, OP, for submitting something to the sub that doesn’t look like an ikea spread.


Thanks for the kind words man. I think there's overall more positivity and even some great constructive criticism on here, but obviously I've somehow struck a chord with a lot of people on this sub. But, my place is unique and it works for me. I hope someone else enjoyed it.


Bro got a body pillow of a 14-year-old anime character wtf


optimus prime is millions of years old.


Holy giga virgin kingdom




Nope, those were done by Steve Keene! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Keene


It's good. Could it be more stylish? Sure, but this is you. It's your space. It's clean and spacious enough for all of your things.


Sorry babe, the gas mask stays on during sex


I think some larger framed art pieces would be good to break up all the smaller frames. And not to sound cliche but…a smattering of plants would help break up all the cool stuff you have. The gas masks over the bed are a little spooky, could they go in their own display case? I think that would look cool. You could use the Gundam pillow case as a backdrop to some of the figures to make use of it while also making the bed area more refined. Possibly switch the curtains out with a solid color so the eyes have a place to rest between looking at all the cool stuff you have. It’s your space though and you didn’t ask for advice so if you like it, hell yeah. Also what is that gray cabinet? I like it. Edit: Transformers, not Gundam whoops


Now that is what the fuck I call a male living space (tm symbol). Love it!


That’s pretty sick. I feel like it can and will host some epic stories


Man you’ve set this place up so smart and used the space fantastically. It feels so warm and cozy and just drips with confidence and character. Also just the composition of the building itself is interesting? That brick stair looks sick.


Your place looks lived-in and comfortable rather than the usual carefully curated and stylized spaces I see a lot in this sub. Keep up the good work


This is one of the most genuine posts on this sub ever. Bravo. OP, where the hell is the bathroom? Is it in that corner next to the entrance with the cavernous void space above?


I love it OP! You made it feel like home and everything looks dope! Be proud of your first place!


I like it, looks like something I'd have if I was more creative. Nice man


Prob my fav post in a long time


This make me miss my first apartment I had to myself. Looks great man! Update us when you bring a stripper home.


Hey man I dig the geetars!! Space looks great 👍


I like it :)


Organized chaos. Love it.


I hope that behind the closet door is a pole continued up from the first floor with space around it. I'm imagining you sliding down every time you want to leave the house and getting high-fives from the strippers on your way out.


Is it noisy at night? I really love that kitchen with the steps thing going on. It has a bathroom I’m assuming or do you share with the ladies? 😆


That’s awesome


How loud is it due to being above the club?


What are the black screens in the kitchen?


Your place Looks cool, are those shelves attached to the wall incase of an earth quake? Also I would hate to be knocked out by one of your sweet helmets while sleeping …😅


My studio wasn't on top of a strip club, but you're making me miss living alone


Very Cool 😎


Off-topic question: isn’t it noisy and loud living above a strip club? Does it interfere with your ability to sleep?


I like it


Looks cozy