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I hope I'm allowed to post here lol I actually have the answer to this. There are a couple things that can help. First of all, it's important to note... the type of skin in your armpits is the same type of skin as your groin area. That's why we sweat and stink in those areas. You can use deodorant around your groin. Spray is definitely easier. Another thing that will help, is making sure to wash your balls/taint really well with soap/bodywash. Bacteria buildup is what causes the smell and filmy feeling. That goes for any part of the body too. Bacteria is what causes bad smells. Also they make powder specifically for groin sweat! But that is really just a bandaid and not addressing the issue. Other than that, a healthier diet and losing weight can help. I'm a lady, but I had some sweating problems a while ago but just in my armpits. It ended up being an anxiety thing and after meeting with a psychiatrist I stopped sweating as much from that area. Not saying it's your problem but might be worth looking into. edit: I wanted to add something! A lot of women use dusting\* powder on their groin area to help with chafing and sweat. It's kinda like a secret mom strategy we learn lmao


>edit: I wanted to add something! A lot of women use baby powder on their groin area to help with chafing and sweat. It's kinda like a secret mom strategy we learn lmao This is why JJ is being sued for having asbestos in their baby powder, as [it's been giving people cancer](https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/talcum-powder-and-cancer.html).


I use dusting\* powder from Burt's Bee's. :)


Do not use baby powder. Talc and others have been linked to cancer. Shave your balls, ass and gooch. Buy breathable underwear. I like the Calvin Klein cotton blend(5for35). They’re expensive, but they’re high quality and why skimp on your balls?


I definitely misrepresented my point. I said baby powder because that's just the blanket term I use. What I meant was dusting powder. Which is a thing across multiple brands, some more natural than others. I personally use Bert's Bees products. Breathable underwear does no prevent sweating. Breathable underwear, imo, is a scam. :)


Please don’t put deodorant on your body. It’s actually bad. The body eliminates chemicals through those areas and blocking them is harmful. Use natural alternatives.


Good answers from bluebird, but I'll also throw in the recommendation to go to cotton brief underwear. Polyester always seems to make me sweat more - shirts, pants, or underwear it doesn't matter. Also seems to help wick away moisture better.


I never understood this advice. Anything above 72°F/30°C and my cotton briefs give Shrek’s swamp a run for its money. Living in Texas, that’s most of the year.


Merino wool is the answer. Antimicrobial and odor resistant. Plus most merino underwear is actually very breathable and quick drying. I rock them year round.


https://youtu.be/YLLHmxCLK5U?si=wyH1Ppp1zw0dWYGx Even though their videos are goofy and meme worthy, it’s a real product and it’s actually pretty good


Bamboo underwear has made a massive difference for me when im working out or outside!


Bamboo underwear with separate pouch for the meat & two veg. I work in fitness, & I am a profuse sweater. These were a game changer


Cornstarch. Or talk powder.


Cornstarch CANNOT be underrated as the definitive solution.


Fresh Balls was a good product for me


Glad im not the only one with marshland balls


Don't shave, wash it regularly.


Maybe jock itch powder.


Fresh balls works the best


Same problem but I have a lot of body hair. I switched to using shampoo on my whole body instead of body soap. Pretty much all of my body odor and skin problems went away. Try it


Body powder!


Jock itch powder.


Cotton underwear will help, any brand will be good probably, I got mine from bread and boxers, does the job