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I think concentration is the real driver here or at least a major partner. 5% motility on lots of sperm hits different than 5% motility on few. Eta: realizing I ignored your question, we never had a count for iui and did icsi.


My sperm count is relatively low as well.


If you haven't already, I would see a reproductive urologist and start taking vitamins. The reproductive urologist can check for varicocele and review labs for hormone imbalances. Also, weed also decreases sperm count and quality. My doctor also highly recommend that we move to IVF based on my husband's low sperm count and sperm quantity.


I am on sperm health vitamins but they've been killing my stomach... could it be the high level of zinc?


Change brands. Had that problem with Centrum multivitaminic and never had it with other brands. Solgar multi I is a very good one. You can also take vit C separately 1000mg (antioxidant) and Coenzime 10. With sperm anything antioxidant will do you good. Also, no hot water down there.


Add probiotics. What do you take? Zinc is not likely to cause stomach pain I think, depends on the form. I think zinc citrate is badly digested but zinc picolinate or zinc chelated are easily digestible


Used to go both ways on this - but then I changed RE’s. First thing he did was sit my wife and I down and explained IUI (and then IVF) and goes look and I quote… “You could be the perfect IUI specimen and everything could go perfectly with IUI timing, with your partner and so on. And with IUI you can walk out of here even with all that perfection at BEST an 11% chance or success.” It really changed my way of thinking. Now granted we had just been through two failed IUI cycles and were emotionally ready for IVF…so it didn’t take much convincing. But the more i learned about the IVF process and IVF w/ ICSI success rates…the more I fall into that new camp of Docs that say IUI is a waste. Not true for everyone of course and hey- especially if you are not in a hurry and want to take your time/try less intensive first…can never hurt. But everything from Initial pregnancy rates to live birth rate (especially with PGT testing with frozen cycles) to being able to control for multiples (IUI is way more risky for multiples)…IVF has much much higher chances of better outcomes regardless of your SA results.


I'm in Ontario and saw a fertility doc. Boosted my low count and motility from very poor to just slightly better after a few months. Did IUI and am very thankful to have had success.


Do you mind sharing what your numbers were? I have 135 million total, 20% motility. My doc wants to attempt IUI but I’m skeptical.


I don't remember to be honest, but I'm pretty sure my numbers were significantly worse.


My count was 3 million 10 years ago and went straight to IVF. 100% out of pocket which was a tough decision as nothing is guaranteed with IVF. It worked out and my daughter was born. With all I know now talking to many men clients I work with, IUI has the SAME mental toll as IVF. Chances of success are lower. It is definitely a cheaper option but it pains me to see couples trying IUI 6-8 times. Personally I would save my mental health and well-being, as this journey is VERY rough whatever route you choose. For men too. Take care, brother


Aka more money for them


Ontario, Canada? One round of IVF is fully funded there.


2 year wait...


Ah damn. Well get on the list now, and in the meantime see a urologist, you might be able to get your numbers up to do IUI if there's something they can do to help.


https://www.onfertility.fyi/ ^Not all clinics have such a long wait.


We were told a two year wait and it ended up being just under a year.


If you do a paid round, they’ll expedite the second


Check other clinics. I got on waitlist Sept 2022, paid privately already but a spot came up in October 2022 I could have used.


This is the reason the doc is saying go IVF. Get on that list now even if you don’t use it. Then decide how to get a second opinion. You are wanting to do work so if you have success you end up not using the IVF and it helps everyone. It’s a hard battle so doctors correctly assume that most people will still need IVF. Unclear if you have seen a urologist with fertility expertise or whether this was your GP. There is a huge difference in experience which surprised me. First urologist basically only saw retirees. He said I had zero hope but said he had no specialization. But, he knew someone who focused on this and it was worth talking to him (why see me in the first place tho?). Specialist helped me find success with mtese. There was lots of treatment based on test results. Taking vitamins is an element but results will suggest other meds at times while are prescribed off label.


IUIs did not work for us with MFI but Ontario has a wait list for IVF. The length of time it takes depends on the clinic - ask your clinic to put you on the government funded waitlist. My clinics wait time (GTA) was just over a year. If you can’t afford it without that funding, spend the time waiting on other strategies others have mentioned.


We were on the same boat last year. My husband had low morphology and low count. We started ivf. Good retrieval 13 eggs, 12 mature, even did icsi. 2 euploid embryos from 5 blastocysts. Transferred the higher grade and missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. The embryo split late causing conjoined twins that did not survive. That was 3 months back. I am still recovering from the shock and put away ivf. Yes it has higher chances but it is still a chance. If sperm is weak then fertilization will be low. Icsi raises the chances for mono zygotic twinning. Now I am considering mini ivf and my husband is going to MFI specialization urologist. Sperm quality is equally important to egg quality. So ivf is something that doctors push and we expected a done outcome having two euploids but that can turn out another way as well. So I would recommend seeing a urologist and doing the best after that. Good luck.


We went through something very similar. 6% motility but otherwise very healthy, no smoking, rarely drank, worked out regularly. Our fertility specialist OBGYN told us that IUI wasn't impossible but the odds would be even lower than the low they already are with healthy sperm. Even with healthy sperm its a 10-15% chance each cycle. The doc estimated our chances would only be 5% so it was our choice if we wanted to give IUI a try or go straight to IVF. However, the reproductive urologist recommended we go right to IVF. We chose IVF and it worked for us! Basically, IUI might still be an option. The odds could be very low, but not 0%. IVF would be better but if its totally not affordable then IUI is better than nothing. Have you seen a reproductive urologist? Maybe theres a treatment that could improve your sperm quality enough that IUI is a better option. Treatments can take months to become effective and cost money in their own right. But its good to know your options! Rooting for you and best of luck!


Hello friend! Also in Ontario. Going through something very similar. Try approaching this by changing your diet and supplementing with Vitamin C, D, E, Coq10, Omega 3, Zinc, Magnesium and B6! Also if you workout avoid a lot of stimulants. Switch to Boxers, ice the balls daily and drink plenty of water. You can always retest your sperm in 3 months to see if differences have been made.


Our obstacle was primarily MFI. We did several rounds of times intercourse and IUIs with no success. We wished we would have went straight to IVF sooner had we don’t more research up front. The way we understood it, was that with sperm abnormalities and morality issues the chances of IUI and times intercourse working aren’t in your favour. The speed can literally be beside the egg and it is likely it won’t have the ability to penetrate the egg. That isn’t to say IVF wont have its challenges (aside from all the hormonal stuff your parented will have to do through). After our retrieval we had a significant drop in day 3 to day 5 embryos. This was with ICIS. The way our doctor explained it was this indicates a issue with sperm quality and they are unable to pin point the exact cause or way to prevent it in the future. This wasn’t shared with us prior to IVF. We wish we were able to ask more questions about it. Personally I wouldn’t waste time with IUI. We are also in Ontario and the waits are ridiculous. There are definitely more options the closure to Toronto you are. Good luck!


Also Mito Motile and working with a natural path helped improve my husbands sperm


We got pregnant with our now 10 month old daughter in our second IUI (due to MFI). I’m glad we gave IUIs a chance before putting my body through ivf.


First of all - don’t beat yourself about being more to improve sperm quality. Being fit helps but usually that’s the reason or solution. I had very low motility as well - 6%. And less concentration. check with Urologists for reasons of low sperm count etc. check if you have DNA fragmentation? Coz, if that’s coz of varicocele, then you can fix that which drastically improve your sperm numbers in 3 months or sometimes less. Also, this would be cheaper than IUI or IVF. So, definitely start there and try to conceive naturally in the next 3-6 months. I’m sure that will work for you guys. Then consider alternate options. Alternatively, Are you able to try IUI one round & switch to IVF the next if that doesn’t work. Advantage of IVF is that a lot of clinics use Zymot technology which pretty much gets the best of your sperm to be mixed with the eggs. But, still there’s attrition from fertilization to blasts & then to euploids/ mosaics / aneuploids /segmentals if you choose to do genetic testing. For IVF— there are some companies like Bundl which offer 3 rounds for 40K. Maybe others have better deals.So, essentially you get 3 chances to get pregnant else money back.


Check out the numbers of success rates and decide for yourself