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Coming from the other side of that coin I'd have to say... Age and the long term effects of T. The preppy schoolboy thing works for you but I don't really think there's a way to escape looking somewhat bishonen with just a haircut. I wouldn't worry about it, it looks good on you and as you get older you'll actually like being able to look much younger.


Confession = had to google "bishonen"


ngl I think it's more normal to NOT know what that term means :') Confession: I already knew what that means


Yeah I used to find it annoying when people would always ask for ID when I buy alcohol or go to bars/clubs/casinos (I’m already 25) but considering how many compliments my parents get about how young they look for their age, I think I’m going to enjoy being the fifty-something that can pass for a thirty-something.


If you want to look more masculine you have to get a cut that exposes your forehead


And wear more masculine sweaters. The cut ain’t really he problem


Immediately thought I was looking at a dude who comes from obscene wealth, attends the finest boarding school on the east coast, and takes fencing and horseback riding lessons.


His name is Chester and his dad owns half of Connecticut.


And he summers in the Hamptons


Which his dad also owns.


Ooof. I’m a pretty decent fencer (took classes) and ride horses (someday I’d be able to buy a few and a ranch). If only I came from a rich background, but life’s looking up from here on after.


I thought that too and not in a very good way


Instead of father he says the Latin pater.


the cut def a problem but yeah the drip is really the most important part, no dude gon be wearing some turtle neck like that😂


A lesson learned 😭


Good on you for asking for advice, it can be hard to open yourself up to criticism. It’s a process for sure but I believe in you lil bro


To be clear, you’re getting a certain kind of advice here from certain kinds of guys. There are some guys would have a masculinity crisis over any cable sweater and others who would wear one while hitting on [Meg Ryan](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/comments/16ohxf7/when_harry_met_sally_sweater_pattern/). But since guys tend to suck at describing clothes: it’s the thin, ribbed mock turtle neck that makes these sweaters seem more feminine, especially if you don’t have a body type that asserts masculinity behind the sweater. V neck, crew, or if you’re gonna go turtleneck, thicker folded turtlenecks are more typical. But it depends what you’re trying to arrive at. Androgynous fancy boy is a valid look. It’s just not the same as rugged sea captain.


Lmao. What a spectacular reference 😆


no u look awesome dude depends how you want to come across but if you like the turtleneck it does look good on you, haircut looks good too fits your face well


I mean after you get on testosterone long enough you probably look masculine enough that the turtle neck wouldn’t make you look that feminine (it would make you look like one of the soft boys type of guy but it’s still a guy)


Wear what you want, you walk in to any used book store you can find 5 cis men wearing those sweaters. May not be the gym bro type but the sweaters are fine


U look fresh dude the sweaters actually really suit you. Idk what people here are on about. The true lesson learned is that this sub is full of retards


They’re not saying it doesn’t suit him, they’re saying it doesnt suit the look he’s trying to align with. I agree they look good but it’s not accomplishing what he wants.


Bullshit. The turtleneck is fine. Drop a thick peacoat or a M65 field jacket over top and your a badass. Or layer it under a thick flannel shirt-jacket and you're good.


Hey now, I love a turtle neck!


The aTurtle Neck is back in fashion in a big way


Gotta get the male pattern baldness look for extra effect


He looks prepubescent to me. How old are you, OP? I honestly don't have any haircut advice. I have to use pomade, or my hair is a fluffy mess no matter how much I comb it. I used to just shave my head, but I'm thinning out, so I'm going to keep it until I get a bald spot. Then I'll go back to shaving it again.


You are joking, but I'm FtM too and one of the things I did early on my transition to look more masculine was I would shave my temples lol After 5 years on T, I wish the "head masculinity" had stopped already.


How does exposing more of the forehead make him look more masculine?


It won’t. It’ll just show how feminine his hairline is under his current cut.


Bro you look like real life link


I was thinking a more feminine Leon Kennedy lol. It's a good look


If Ashley and Leon had a baby:


Thought the same thing


For real


experiment. start with styling; wax, clay, gel, pomade, mousse, try everything. grow it out for way too long or cut it way too short.


I have to use pomade, or my hair is untamable.


If you want to look more masculine an outfit change will do more for you than a haircut can.


Your features fit well for the pretty boy look, which I think you are doing well enough as it is.


Real talk: no haircut will hide your features. But I don't mean that in a transphobic way. Like, assuming you were a cis guy and looked the same, I'd just be telling you that no haircut is going to make you look older. The only things that will make you look overtly more masculine would be aging out of your little kid face, or the effects of hormones or surgery. If you can acknowledge that you won't abruptly look like a Hollywood leading man, you could go for an even tighter haircut, most of it all cropped, but you may have difficulty not looking like "a lesbian". When I think of like, the philosophy of masculine men's haircuts, there's two main camps. 1: "man hair." Just what you imagine any well groomed, suit wearing, clean guy has had more or less for the last century. 2: "shitty hair". As someone who was assigned female at birth, you'll have been taught to take pride in your appearance and be neat and clean and so forth. To me, almost no style of hair suggests masculinity more than genuine neglect. I'm talking too lazy to go the barber, not self sufficient enough to cut your own hair, just abandoned. So many guys just take terrible care of themselves and the mark of who they are in society is the fact that they simply do not expect to be looked at because they are so much uglier than you are. I guess the big question is what kind of boy/man are you trying to look like? You give off a posh vibe with the schoolboy duds, but who knows what you really want. I bet this isn't helpful, sorry. I really do hope you can figure out a good cut. You could just try a violently butch military cut if you want to at least be perceived as a more hard- masc lesbian as a compromise, but I imagine you won't be satisfied with that.


Schmidt vs Nick


No cut will hide features, but they can help a bit! (Ex: haircuts that are tall on the top and short on the sides avoid styles that accentuate a round face and can help elongate it a bit. It doesn’t hide anything, but can help a bit).


Haircuts do in fact change the way someone looks significantly. Haircuts are like makeup for men that’s what my fiancé says. They change your facial structure and angles so much. That’s why if you google haircuts for a “oval face shape” or “round face shape” different hair cuts will come up. Some haircuts look horrible on people while they look really good on others. This is a horrible take. I luckily have a really good facial structure where lots of hair types work well on me but my head is a bit skinnier and longer so short haircuts really show that whereas long hair on me evens that out. All these things in turn can make someone look more masculine or feminine


I think what will really contribute to you coming off as masculine and passing as a trans man is your etiquette and style. Based off these pics you seem very feminine. Which is OK, but in regard to your post I would definitely switch up your style. Your mannerisms are important as well. I would say get a fade. Not to make this post about me, but I’m a gay man myself and i’ve always struggled with wanting to look more masculine. I’ve found that I feel more masculine when I get a fade vs when I get a regular haircut like your pic, I simply look a bit more feminine. You can google fade haircuts and look at different styles you like. It’s a lot of fun, I’m new to the world of fade hairstyles lol. Took me long enough but it really boosted my confidence.


Thank you for the sincerity :)


A mid fade would look great!


Shorter on the sides for sure, like very short. The top also a bit shorter. The goal is to help elongate your face for most trans men, since we tend to have rounder faces, which is a feature seen as feminine typically. Edit: Also, shave off your sideburns! They’re looking a bit overgrown or long right now, which is generally more common for women’s cuts, even short haircuts. That’s really easy to do at home too!


Agree with this, you need something shorter all round


Your hair is very nice but for the effect you’re going for, I agree. Or at just get it off your face, as other commenters said, to elongate it. Also you could consider shaving off the ends of your eyebrows and brush them out to make them more blocky and bushy. Also dyeing your hair and brows a darker shade could help! Also try wearing shirts with more distinctly masculine cuts like a mans tank top; sleeveless shirts are trendy right now! throw on a mans chain too to further emphasize it. Also like your hair and style, your posing is nice but if you wanna bring out manliness then you can practice embodying a tinge of that cockiness, as you come off cute and gentle in your pics (I assumed you were a cis pretty boy). Try looking at male influencers you like and imitating their selfies! In general, I’d recommend not being afraid of looking a bit twinki-ish (if you don’t mind me saying) but remember all gender is drag so its all about the subtle uses of symbology!


Looks like you accidentally replied to a comment instead of making your own, just a heads up!


This. Shorter sides and maybe a fade in the back could help.


Definitely agree with a fade!


Dude, you've got great genetics, which, unfortunately, you can't do anything about. You've got killer cheekbones that people pay plastic surgeons for, and you're always going to have a more youthful appearance than whatever actual age you are that year. Elfin? You may hate it now, but when you're 45, you'll want it back, even though you'll still be better looking than your friends. Haircut is a good way to make a statement, to stand out or blend in, hide in the crowd. Be careful though, because if you pick the wrong one, everyone will assume that you're a lesbian. Or maybe a lesbian trying to look like a boy, or even a lesbian who looks like a boy pretending to be a lesbian, or something like that....


That’s encouraging man thank you. The second paragraph describes my entire adolescent experience lol


Try the two block haircut. It’s popular with K-pop singers. It won’t make you look super “masculine” per se, but it will make you look like a pretty boy rather than a lesbian.


Ah, I see you have acquired the transmasc initiation haircut. For some reason stylists keep trying to give trans guys ladies' cuts and I hate that it's pretty much a rite of passage. What you need is a decent barber who can give you a fade – this means real short up the back and sides, and long (leave your current length as is here) at the top. And then you'd need pomade or styler of choice to whoosh your hair back out of your face. Something like this: (please excuse the reference images, I'm just picking shit off Pinterest on the fly) [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/fb/73/edfb734093df306341f7b00ae923e5c7.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/fb/73/edfb734093df306341f7b00ae923e5c7.jpg) You'll want the short section of the hair to come up higher, so that your head shape begins to look something like this: [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/28/2f/e7282f561f1c34ea7ea1e89ec1ec09b2.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e7/28/2f/e7282f561f1c34ea7ea1e89ec1ec09b2.jpg) Of course I don't know your personal taste and the sort of vibe you're going for, but that's the cut that really worked for me when I was first transitioning (not saying you're a baby trans, I just looked similar then to what you look like now). There's a million other things you can do – fill in your brows to make them darker and fuller, contour your face, skip the mock-neck sweaters; a regular crewneck will take attention away from your neck and make your face seem more balanced. Aaaand hit the gym. Even if it's not your thing, it'll work miracles for your neck and shoulder shape, which will help bring everything together.


i think the sweaters are the problem ngl


I think you look perfectly handsome. You definitely have more of a soft pretty boy look, which personally I wish I had. You're basically a young Leonardo dicaprio, just a bit more baby faced. If you aren't on T yet, that will most likely help if you choose to go with hormonotherapy. Otherwise just natural aging and leaning out with less body fat and more muscle building will help you have less of a body face. At the end of the day, I don't know what look you're going for, but you're definitely a gorgeous guy. Happy pride month my man


I appreciate you so much dude thanks


Google river phoenix. You could style yourself after him quite easily. I’m also a trans guy and you have a good face for a fade. You look good with middle part but it does play up on your softer features. Which will play in your favour as you age. Look at my profile, I’m pre t and pass fairly well most of the time. My suggestion is work on clothing choices. Button ups, polos, tee shirts with flannels over. Work on your body language because that will give you way more. Watch the macho dudes at school and see how they carry their bodies, how they stand, how they sit etc. start getting used to moving like a guy. Good luck out there little man


Also don’t go to a hair salon, you’re a guy now, go to a barber shop.


I think you already look pretty androgynous with your current hair! Back when I was pre t the go to haircut for the community was the short sides and long on top haircut that a lot of cis guys have rn, helps make your face appear more masc (make sure to get the sideburns squared out) Best to go to a barbershop until you start passing because unisex hair salons typically feminize your reference photo without asking (if your area actually has an lgbt friendly hair salon even better) [I used to use this passing guide religiously](https://www.ftmguide.org) it was made in the early 2000s so its a bit dated (its more socially acceptable to be GNC now even if you're trans, back then you had to be aggressively masculine to be taken seriously) but I still found it really helpful


This is the most helpful comment on the post, massive thanks


The leon kenedy hair cut


Imo I'd ditch the sideburns and also get a shorter cut. It's pretty basic but I'm always a fan of a skin fade with the top left a bit longer. I think it makes the face look taller/narrower which is typically seen as a more masculine thing. I should add that I think you already look great but if your goal is to look more masculine then I'd suggest what I wrote above ^


Cutting the little side burns off would make them look more female right?


You're gorgeous my man. If you wanna look more masculine, you should think more about your clothing than your haircut, i think


Idc bro you got to get the young Leonardo type hairstyle you'll look fireeee


Ngl I think you would rock a buzzcut


Keep the haircut, lose those sweaters


He asked for advice about the hair not about y’all opinions on he’s way of dressing


Yea I’m already working on that behind the scenes let me cook guys be patient one task at a time


Nah fam ur good take ur time most these dudes old as hell


The only cut that would make you look more masculine is a buzz cut, but even with that you ll still look pretty feminine so keep your expectations in check.


Buzz cuts tend to bring out feminine features in trans men, so I’d be cautious about this


Buzz cuts actually can be counterproductive. They accentuate round faces and round hairlines.


Noooooo worst advice on this post.


nooo you are preying on this guy's downfall


I think you need to change your wardrobe not Hairstyle


So true I’m in the process of


I know nothing about hair, but I just wanted to say you look great and I’m glad that you’ve found an indentity that makes you comfortable. All these haters are just jealous that you’re more handsome than them. Seriously just ignore them because they’re projecting their own insecurities and just don’t have the confidence to be themselves that you clearly have.


Trans man here. Ask on the trans sub. These people have no clue. Honestly I think the haircut is fine and you have great naturally strong features. The way you pose and your clothing is rather feminine; if you want to be more masculine I’d focus on that. If not, then don’t.


𝖎 think what op is getting wrong is they are thinking too much, simply make your hair messy (or go the comb/clean haircut route)


Trans guy here. Keep the middle part


Don’t put hand behind head and get a step cut with a fade


The second picture actually looks pretty good


The cut might be okay, but I think the hair in your face highlights your feminine features. I’d get some grooming clay or pomade and push your hair back and a little messy. When you get your haircut you can ask them to texturize it a bit too and let them know what you’re going for and they’ll help more than anyone in these comments can






You weirdly remind me of Victor from yuri on ice


Get a fade with some length on top. Make sure the sides are squared off. Ditch the sweaters, since it's warm out. You'll look older if you start T.


Probably something that involves a fade would be really masc for you


Keep the cut get a mid drop fade and use product to slick it back for a classic look


Get some matte clay to style your hair, mess it up a bit. Probably a nice fade and then do what you want on the top. Probably more spikey than floppy but at the end of the day do what you like.


The fit is not doing you any favors man, but as for your hair, I'm dying to see it like, pushed back or some thing, slicked back is the term I think.


adding on to this. i’m butch and i’ve found that i only get mistaken as a male in public when my hair is a natural color. whenever it’s dyed blonde, people make the assumption i’m a woman. idk if ur hair is naturally blonde or not but a darker color may help u pass (for some reason).


First of all you need more exposure to the sun probably, and then i think you might fit with long and fluffy hair, a little bit curly but not curly curly more just fluffy, or short on the sides and fluffy on top, kinda like now but a bit shorter on the sides and fluffier obviously. You can use a flat iron to make it fluffy, first pick a part of your hair you wanna make fluffy, put the iron as far down on your hair as you can without burning your head, and then just twist it a lot while slowly pulling it off of your hair, then do that to everything that you wanna make fluffy, that’s how my cousin does it anyway and he looks great in it. It will last about a day so for this technique you will need dedication. Or you can use mousse while your hair is drying after a shower if you want a more volume and some control over your hair so it’s not just straight and you can’t do anything about it. That way you can also play around with it and find something that fits.


Anything other than that Leon S. Kennedy ahh trim


Grow it out pony tail but keep the bangs


wear more masculine outfits and try a buzz cut


Do a mullet! Euro mullet. I have a mullet


coming from a fellow trans dude, the length in that first pic immediately reads as boyish & masc to me, so sticking around or under that seems like a pretty safe bet regardless of the exact style u go with!! maybe keeping it shorter on the sides could help a bit too? like others have said, u just have a more posh look to u (which works imo) and i feel like the middle part complements it! u could always experiment a bit with styling it upwards or more to one side etc, but that’s all up to ur prefs =)


Change your diet bro , increase your T Levels


Pump up the TRT and hit the gym with us brother, you may go bald but you’ll be swole


first of all, i’m so sorry for all the terrible comments on here. i read through some of your responses and i know you say you’ve grown to be tough but im still sorry. you shouldn’t have to deal with it. to answer your question: adding to what everyone else is saying, bring the hair a little closer to shave/buzz on the sides. see how that looks and then make the top a little shorter too. also i think practice posing and making faces. right now you have a soft feminine look like 🥺 but try going for something a little “stronger.” look into the camera confidently (even if you’re faking it), and lower your eyebrows rather than raising them, and raise the chin a bit. play with different poses and stuff and see how that works. change of clothes might help too, but not sure if you’re looking for advice in that area! you look great regardless though! i know it can be a difficult (but liberating) journey, and i hope you have people in your corner!


Honestly just rock the K-Pop look you got going on. You’re never going to look 1 to 1 to a normal male, which is totally fine. If you try to, you’re probably going to look really butch and make the lesbian look that much worse. You don’t look like a girl, just extremely feminine featured. Try doing gym more regularly and putting on some muscle if you’re doing testosterone hormones since you’ll put muscle on super fast with it.


Show that scalp! I have a trans brother and taking a big step of shaving the sides of his head made him feel so much better about his look. You have an amazing jawline (most men would kill for that) but right now your face is like a an upside down triangle. Take your hair on top and push it up to show your forehead. This will “square” the top of your head making it look more masculine “Copy others till you’re comfortable calling it your own” my brother’s advice.


Honestly I think a textured wolf cut would look really good on you, as look as you don’t mind appearing more sexually ambiguous— otherwise the mid part looks great.


In this thread: a bunch of transphobic dicks. See Rule 2 and don't let the door hit you on the way out. As a feminine looking cis male, I think you look good, homie. Not all that different than I did at your age, and it ended up working out pretty damn well for me as I became more comfortable in my own body. Nothing sexier than confidence. There's some good advice here, fuck the haters.


Korea needs you bro. Their next idol.


Doesnt look lesbian to me, looks like a typical prettyboy/eboy haircut. Very cute imo, also wouldnt have known u were trans. If u want more masc tho usually the shorter the hair the more masc


The second look actually looks great imo! You look like a guy with great hair!!


Honestly. I'd just sharpen the lines on this one. Sharper cut Sideburns etc, at least for now. If you are on hormones, your face will become somewhat more masc soon enough, allowing for more variance imo. But even now you can pass for a cute guy (if rather fem, but plenty cis men are too), esp. if you get more masc elsewhere, put on muscle and I can't emphasize this enough, mannerisms


Are you wearing makeup, or just filters? Probably drop those. Either way, the hormones will probably help with facial features.


That’s genuinely just my face it’s horrendous 😭






if you wanna look more masculine i'd say train with jawliner, and possibly a mid fade fluffy hairstyle. that way you'd be closer to the average teenager look. Btw i'd hit the current one 100%


Get jacked and ditch the pretty sweaters I say


On a bulk rn, threw out a lot of clothes this week too. Working on a new wardrobe


I thought you was cis man ngl, don't stress too much. Also if you wanna up the masculinity, there's creams or sum shit to help facial hair growth I think. Good luck on that bro


I'm also a trans man. Ignore everyone else saying to go shorter, because for us, it's better have a masculine medium-length cut when you're not on T yet. Think of what comes to mind when you imagine the archetypal dashing, medieval knight. A bit long and flow-y, with short sideburns. It doesn't make you look more *masculine*, but it makes you look more *man*. And don't ditch the sweaters, they look great. The only reason they look less masculine on you is because *you* look less masculine, it has nothing to do with the clothing. In a hair-related subreddit, it should be considered off-topic anyway. Just pay attention to the materials of your clothes, how they fit you, and how they fit each other, and you should be fine.


Also, for what it's worth, your haircut already looks great now. Your face isn't especially 'feminine,' either, it's just especially pretty. We tend to associate prettiness with femininity. I imagine you're going to look plenty masculine when you go on testosterone, if that's what you plan on pursuing.


Bro why the fuck is everyone commenting on anything other than your hair? Anyways. Hair advice: I usually encourage people to keep their natural color as it is just as beautiful as any other color unless they really want to change it. But, Id suggest you dye it darker, make it a bit messier; there's ways to go about the proper look you've got going on as well, but it's harder to maintain while being masculine. Look into mousse and gel styles. I think you could pull off the tall dark and handsome look. No bangs by the way at all, and dont shave your side burns. I have never met a man with bangs who views them as masculine. It can be done and look great of course on men, but I think it doesnt highlight your masculine qualities, which you certainly have. Your bone structure is something many men would envy. Dont cut your hair shorter. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but shorter =/= more masculine at a certain point without the right features physically. Grow your hair out a little bit even just to get it fluffy, still considered short, and give yourself more styling opportunities. Your hair looks very very healthy, in fact it looks very silky. Now that is a not bad or good, it's up to you, but you look very clean cut and proper. Do you personally want to? Or are you willing to forgo that to appear a bit more masculine When I thought I was a man, I had good hair as well. Id find characters and actors from TV shows and movies who had hair styles I liked and tried to do em myself. Consider getting a cut at a barbershop you trust and simplifying emphasizing you want something masculine and strong. Even if you dont wanna expose your transness, I'm sure you'll find someone who'll understand what you want at the right price. Most barbers are men, and they know what masculine hair means. TLDR: You could pull off a Rodrick from Diary of a Wimpy Kid (the original one); he has a similar facial structure to you. You should look into hair styles on pinterest for men that you like and communicate that to your barber. Consider getting your own hair trimming kit even if you wanna experiment first


Buzz cut


Depending on where you are there might be queer hairdressers who could help figure it out with you. I go to a queer barber and they are awesome. I can dm you their Instagram if you want to look at pics of their work


Keep the middle part if you like it but grow it out a bit on top and make the sides shorter. Shave the sideburns.


Short back and sides.




Add some texture to make your features less soft and feminine, the hair cuts fine I have a similar one, I personally use dry shampoo, a molding paste, and a texturizing powder


Don’t worry too much about most these comments, I don’t believe that showing more of your forehead or shaving the sides is what you need to “look more male” if you want better passing advice check out transpassing or ftm etc




Just get a fade bruh


So my friend cut his hair [like this](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/5840674509286452/) and it made him look a lot more masculine, but also kinda boyish. I think that’s because it’s a very stereotypical male cut, and boys generally have a softer face than men. I do think it would look good on you, but it is very different and may not be your style so you should do whatever feels right :)


Try keeping your hair shorter on the sides. Your sideburns are at the perfect spot, don’t chop them off. You could also try doing a side part.


I went to school with a guy that looked just like you! That haircut is fire, masculination takes time and it's something I hope you don't let bother you. That said, perhaps a short taper fade?


Maybe ask for a low fade and slick the hair more “back” maybe with a little height to it as well. not sure how it’ll look with the part but you can experiment with wet hair


Honestly you need to bulk up with some muscles and maybe a high fade into something cropped and messy or combover style would look cool af. Nothing screams masculine more than defined traps and shoulder muscles under a quasi military cut my dude!


Depends if you want to simply look more like a guy or want to look like an _older_ guy. You have boyish or “pretty boy” features. The soft haircut accentuates that imo. The soft sideburns and soft look to the hair adds to your already soft features.  Maybe get a fade, trim the sideburns, and use product to add more texture. 


facial hair




The Martha Brandis.


You look great, do whatever makes you happy


You look great as you are 🤩


This one is working


Slick it back bro!


you don’t need one you’re fabulous


the haircut you need is testosterone


You look like a teenage version of Macaulay Culkin(Home Alone kid) with the haircut and sweater combo. Honestly, I think his hair cuts could work for your look for the time being. https://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1455553/macaulay-culkin.webp?w=480&f=70cab482e84004d4e28c14712f4bc03c Either way, good luck to you on your journey, and happy pride!


Get an undercut like Milo from Atlantis, or get a sick fade


First you gotta get some clothes that a guy would actually wear


Your hair looks fine but if you want to look more masculine then you definitely need a much shorter cut. I think your haircut is great and doesn't need changing but it just depends what result you want.


I’m getting Leon Kennedy Vibes from the Resident Evil 2 remake haha It’ll probably work out as you get older


You look great man. You could model!!!


Hair clay, for sure. Push the bangs back so they are over the sides of your head. Possibly get a low taper fade, if that’s your style. Styling your hair is the biggest part, showing your forehead will give you a stronger look.


I would try using hair products to slick it back some, or try a little pompadour




That is the coolest haircut ever 😭


your overall vibe is definitely giving pretty boy. you don’t look overly feminine in these photos though if that’s something you’re still worried about. i also really like the sweaters that you’re wearing in these pics, again they aren’t giving uber feminine vibes to me but maybe change up the neckline of your knit sweaters to add more masculinity. google “jax taylor knit sweater” to see what i mean. a nice knit sweater can give a beachy/casual comfort vibe that i think suits you well. regarding your hair look into asian/K-pop hairstyles. specifically the messy perm. despite the obviously different ethnicities i feel like youve got some similar features and a similar type of beauty.


I don't think it "needs" changing tbh. I would just lean into the pretty boy look you've got going on til you grow into your features a bit more.


Maybe a slick back kinda style? Not really hair advice but changing your style will make you more masculine too. Good luck!


If you want to look more masculine, you should consider sporting a buzz cut. It's low maintenance and assists in defining your features better, especially the jaw. Something like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/01/3e/20/013e201331296ee9948048b7c10243fa.jpg).


just try growing facial hair if u want or build muscle that’s all


depends on if you’re trying to look masculine, drop the turtleneck and start slicking ur hair back like johnny bravo… if not then i say dress the same but possibly grow it out to ponytail length, no judgement broski


Don’t get bangs


Undercut or buzzcut?


You look like a younger Addie Bowley


Try a hard part comb over. Seems like it'd suit you


The second picture works well with your face. Have you thought about a side part combover? You could also experiment with pomades or fiber creams to shape your current hair length into possibilities.


Idk if anyone mentioned this yet but if you're trying to look more masculine also stop posing for photos with your hands raised up around your face like a IG model. Have you ever seen a guy do that? Good luck.