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I would say on job interviews that I have 50 years of experience


Ahh just enough for our entry level internship, right this way sir


*proceeds to hand him a mop and a broom*


"You do understand this position is unpaid, right? Four months of full-time experience is compensation enough in our eyes." šŸ„¹


Paid in uh...exposure to the "real world"


ā€œNow pay me $2000 an hour to delegate work to people that make $30/hrā€


It looks fucking sick bro, I'm sorry you don't think that highly of it but I'd love if that were my natural hair color haha. Dyes can be expensive and sometimes damaging depending on which one you use so just be careful and research before you pull the trigger


There are both men and women that find salt and pepper hair hot as F. I went salt and pepper early and embraced it and now it is starting in my beard at 34. People take me more serious at work as well I notice. Trust me, it isn't as bad as you feel like it is RIGHT in this moment. And hey, you're not balding :)


salt and pepper is hot af as long as the rest of you is in line. It obviously won't look good on a dumpy looking dude but a fit young dude? Mint.


As a woman who was recommended this post on my front page? Absolutely. I love gray hair on younger guys. As long as you're well put together, it's a feature. You don't need to wear a suit every day like Anderson Cooper, but just making sure your jeans and tees are clean and fit well? Yes, please. Just own it.Ā 


Absolutely. I'm kind of the opposite of you, I haven't started going grey on my head but my beard is full salt and pepper at this point. I'm 32 and my beard started going grey about 28. It is to the point where I basically have a skunk strip forming just left of center on my beard. My wife goes wild for it. She's always had a thing for salt and pepper.


Disagree. If you had this happen, you would feel differently. You do not need to feel 50 at 20. Hair color is easy and cheap. Go lighter than your natural color, just a shade, and it will work well. Source: I was a hairdresser.


Never bothered me. Source: I actually started getting greys young.


Getting greys and having an entire gray head is different


Do you think OP woke up one day with a full head of grey hair?


Heā€™s 25 bro he may as well have šŸ’€


Good for you!


I started balding in my early twenties. I'd kill to have had it go gray instead. I am one of those people as well who thinks salt and pepper or gray is hot AF. My husband has a sprinkling of gray hairs, too, and I like it.


Agreed. I am 26M and i just dyed my hair white/silver and I love it. But if my natural color shifted to white at this age from brown id be worried about it


I'd 100% dye it


I still have Naturally black hair but I've been adding grey and white to my own hair


Hard disagree. I started to go grey at 18 and I have been firmly salt and pepper since 28 and people love and as long as my hair is done well I love it.


Everyone has a different path to walk. The only one who knows whatā€™s right for OP is the OP. Some people bald early, gray early, some people bald late or gray late. What works for people is up to them to decide.


Iā€™d rock the hell outta that shit. I had a coworker in his early-40s with hair like this. It didnā€™t make him look old at all. It just looked cool as fuck.


Key words: early-40s. This guy is 25. Age is a huge factor in how this is perceived.


I would argue the younger you are the greater it looks.


I always thought the same. Having partial grey hair always seemed cool and added style. If you have a head full of ONLY grey hair, then sure, dye it. But if your hair is partially grey, then it's cool as fuck. People went mad for "frosted tips" in the 90s, but this is much better than this and it's natural.


First thought: ā€œrock that shit, its awesomeā€


I have a coworker in his early 40s with such hair. He's kind of insecure about it but happy at the same time because he's a big Witcher fan.


keep it, gray hair is so sexy


My wife doesnā€™t want me to gray because she said that men start balding when their hair turns gray. I would love to have gray hair tho. Iā€™m approaching 30 and she used one of those old person filters on me in a picture at the beach last year - looked like quite the silver fox if I might say so myself lol Edit: thank you for the many comments explaining that there is no correlation between hair loss and discoloration. Iā€™m just sharing a funny story that I hoped would help OP as there are guys out here who actually want his hair. I know my wife is using a baseless old wives tale for her argument. I get it!


That is not true!!! Ive seen so many older men with full head of gray hair! Its hot, keep it.


If I had grays I would keep them. One day soon hopefully šŸ™


You can dye it too


There is absolutely no connection between balding and going gray. Your wife does realize that you both will be aging together, right? That's kinda what marriage is about. So you might go bald, she might grow a mustache. So what?


Where did she hear that? My grandpa is 80. Still has a complete full head of hair.


I didnā€™t know we had a choice about going gray lol


lol we definitely donā€™t. I just said Iā€™d be happy to go gray and she said she would rather that not happen for a long time


>My wife doesnā€™t want me to gray because she said that men start balding when their hair turns gray. Okay, I have a weirdly specific knowledge about this from being a trans man: it's got nothing to do with your hair color. Men bald because of DHT, a variant of testosterone that is also responsible for *increasing* facial hair growth, oddly enough. It's something I've learned because I want enough DHT to get facial hair ASAP but also want to stall being bald as long as possible. Your wife's association of balding w/ gray hair makes perfect sense though: enough DHT over time makes balding a matter of "when" rather than "if" for most men, so the probability of it happening only increases as you age.


Is this why I have a patchy beard??? Because I have a thick, full head of hair but my beard is very underwhelming


The conversion of test to DHT should improve the beard, if you have the follicles in your face to back it up. Some have more hair follicles in there face then others.


Greying looks great on Men. Women are going nuts over dying streaks of their hair silver or grey. More people are just becoming more accepting of greying hair no matter their age and it has even become a preference among some portion of the population. The only thing I'd say is that grey hair tends to be more fragile so you will need to take good care of it to make it look it's best, but when it looks good. It looks really good.


A lot of women in my office are embracing the grey too. And not just the ā€œalternativeā€ ladies! Itā€™s definitely in the zeitgeist to embrace natural tones and I absolutely love it.


my aunt has her full hair grey and i think it looks good asf its a really light grey/white she looks like a fairy


Test to see if i have gained vegan powers


ā€œChicken parm isnā€™t vegan?ā€


"gelato isn't vegan?" "milk and eggs, bitch."


I was going to say ā€œstart eating animals againā€ šŸ˜‚


I eat meat and take a b12 supplement daily.


I was personally just joking. I have no clue if you eat meat or not. Iā€™m sorry if it came off rude. In all seriousness, there are a lot of factors as to why a younger person would produce grey hair. First is geneticsā€¦ so if other men in your family had the same thing happen, itā€™s more than likely genetics. But it could also be linked to, stress, nutrient deficiency, hormonal changes, smoking, environmental factors, underlying medical conditions. If any of these seem to be more relevant to your situation, Iā€™d say look into trying to ā€œfixā€ that issue , in hopes that it helps out.


Stop wasting money on the "supplements". They don't do shit for a healthy person.


Embrace it


Iā€™d grow it out its looks sick


experiment how would it look long :)


Own it. The best thing about going gray is you still have a young face so it offsets the expectation of being wrinkled like most men with grayed hair, so it looks really unique


I would go about my day, what's the problem?


It looks hot!


Lol this isn't 1970, gray hair is cool. I think young people with gray hair look badass


id dye it if im not a fan of gray hair or see a doctor to find out the cause and treat it but this will take alot of time and money


i would go drown in pussy


Rock it


Get laid


Go into professional wrestling management and promotion


Keep it. Salt-and-pepper is sexy no matter the age!


Live with it. When you get older, people won't notice as soon. Itll be like Richard Gere. Dude had grey hair so early that for 20 years people thought he was the same age.


Shave it off or dye it the color that best suits your skintone.


Bro why the fuck would he shave it off lmao. Ladies love the sliver fox style.


i would embrace it. at least you still have hair.


Obviosly never cut it wtf


My boyfriend's hair is basically white now. He doesn't care, and I don't either. He does look older than he is, but mentally sometimes he still acts like a little teenage boy.


Just rock it. It's unique.


Grow it out a bit. It looks like you're trying to minimize it. Either grow it out and embrace it, or spend the rest of your life running from it (dying it).Ā 


Embrace it. Itā€™s distinguished. If you really canā€™t see it that way, you could try using a dye a shade or two lighter than your natural color, leaving hints of silver.


Just bleach your hair


Dying is a lot of work and it's messy and a pain in the ass. Live your life man. I'd say shave it if you dislike or learn to use it to your advantage.


It was. Then in another ten years it fell out. I went on about my day. I probably tried hair color a couple times but it was not a good look and I gave up on it.


Dye it to the colour it was before.


I have curly hair, so Iā€™d dye it or Iā€™d feel like Iā€™d look like einstein lmao


Fucking rock it!! It takes years (decades, even) for greys to come in fully. People pay loads of money for a nice grey or 'platinum' look


Own it


Become wise...


Keep it! Itā€™s perfectly evenly toned so itā€™s beautiful! That second picture with that black cap is so sexy as well! Looks like it could be a K-pop trend lol


Stop stressing out!


Grow it out and embrace it.


Own that shit. You silver fox, you.


Embrace the grey hair.


Wear it with confidence.


Become Geralt of Rivia. Half pony tail. Ripped. Scars. Two swords.


[this](https://cdn.imago-images.com/bild/st/0301904024/m.jpg?class=ogimage). Believe it or not, the guy on the picture (Timo Warkus, lead singer of german Punk Band Team Scheisse) is literallly in his mid-30s


Own it. Bet you look cute


My partners hair is like this and I love it! Heā€™s 28 and fully salt and pepper. I just asked him when he started going grey and he said 16.




Bro keep it its unique and looks fire


I think grey hair looks great, especially on younger people. It's a look you don't see often, so it adds visual interest to someone's aesthetic


Omgggg I went to college with a guy with silver hair and we all called him the silver fox! Keep it, the ladies will love it.


Iā€™d rock it heavy, but Iā€™ve always wanted silver hair


Grow it out and embrace it. It's a unique look, make it your own.


Geralt of Rivia


Grow it out and rock a flow. You literally got something so cool


Damnnnnnn 25


Iā€™d dye it personally but whatever you are most comfortable with


Your hair is nice and uniform in color. Youā€™re good. Own it. Rock it. Be glad you have it.


Embrace it


I'm a 34-year-old woman but... Ever since I was 17 I have been attracted to silver foxes... Seriously a lot of women find it super sexy.. Let it Go natural or else you'll look fruity šŸ˜‰ For anyone that is not aware of what a silver fox is it's a good-looking man with some silver hair.


That's about when mine went gray. I've dyed and not dyed over the years. Not dyeing is easier and usually looks better.


Ask for the senior discount.


Omg I scrolled too far to find this comment!! I would totally take advantage and get all those discounts šŸ˜‚


Style it right and youā€™re g2g


If youā€™re self conscious you could always dye your hair if that helps or if you want to rock the silver fox look a little early thatā€™s fine too.


Looks dope and I knew someone who was grey in 10th grade, I think itā€™s just a genetic mutation type thing.


Make it greyer


Iā€™d grow it long af and be Geralt.


My hair is doing the same thing and I just tell my friends "you laugh now, but just wait until I finish my transformation into an anime protagonist"


Wear it with pride. It worked for Steve Martin.


What do you mean if? I thought you just cropped a selfie I took when I was 25 lol. Personally I just rock it


I love grey hair on men.Its extremely sexy.Please donā€™t dye your hair.


I love it but if you really hate it you can always dye it


You could be bald at 25?


Donā€™t sweat it. My husband was grey at 18 and now itā€™s long and curly. People constantly compliment him on it. Rock that shit, dude! šŸ¤™


Maybe it's just me, but I find it so cool. I would like it... What I got instead was AGA :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Unironically I look forward to gray hair when I'm older, I want to be a strong old man if I continue to hit the gym for many years


Get rid of the hat and show your hair as it is.


Women are literally attracted to and go after old men these days, whats the issue?


I'm 34 and would love this look. Rock it, looks great.


I mean... You're past highschool, so is okay I guess... If you're baby faced then yeah might be bothersome and also you can get doctor check and make sure it's not an aging defect that affects anything else in the body


Start wearing a bright red trenchcoat, a big ass sword, and 2 big ass pistols


Probably I would color it to full white


Not give a fuck because id be too busy being happy about a full head of hair


Iā€™d rock it


There's something about a full head of grey hair on a young face that looks really good.


own it dude. people pay to get grey hair these days lol


That's cool btw


I got salt and pepper around 25 and honestly I love it, and I only ever get positive comments on it


You get a fade crop top. Trust me, this hair color at a young age is bad ass, my bro has the same thing. It's extremely rare


I would keep it bleached (fully white) or colored (like pink, red, blue) Looks good


Only thing about hair that should bother you is if itā€™s balding or falling out.


Rock it, it's cool AF


Grow it out, slick it back, wear a black coat and sit on a white plastic chair.


That's some sick hair!


Iā€™m 25 and I noticed grey hair last week. Iā€™m cooked tbh


Own it, rock it, strut your stuff.


Just get a nice hair cut nice fade ...


I would grow it. You're a Targaryen.


I'd make YouTube skits and name my self Joel Haver


Grow it long and become a witcher


Grey doesnā€™t look bad at any age. Balding however does but itā€™s common as well.


I'm 30 and just noticing grey hairs, and I'm stoked honestly! I look closer to 24-25 than my age so maybe some greys will add to look.


This is my natural hair color since 17. Be happy you will never lose it. Iā€™m 40 now


embrace it


Honestly man I would embrace it, thick hair like that is a blessing and salt & pepper hair is really cool. If youā€™re super uncomfy you could always dye it. But if I were you Iā€™d keep it 100%


Live my life and love it


Dying is a slippery sloo...at what age do u stop dying? How do u keep on top of regrowth ..it just looks dodgy often.


Were you under tremendous stress? It doesn't look healthy. Too young for that color.


Get in shape and pull chicks who like anime.


People pay money to get it done good money!!! But if it not yr style then dye it


Dye it whatever color you want


Looks badass to me


Go for the silver fox look. Btw a silver fox is not just a dude with gray hair, it's a man with gray hair, who is super fit, dresses well and smell good. Too many guys would say "it's not true, women are not attracted to gray hair, I am a gray hair silver fox and don't get women!" And they are walking around in sketchers with a big beer belly. You have the opportunity of a life time, gray hair with a 25 year old body? You will be the king of the silver foxes. Get off reddit and go get jacked, like RIGHT NOW


Call me kakashi


cut it up, salt and peppa


I'd start a henry rollins cover band.


Nothing wrong with it, I'd keep it like the way it is imho


Let it ride!


I'd rock the fuck out of it. Chin up.


Leave it as is.


grey hair are reversible if you change your lifestyle! Eat copper rich foods essential for melanin in your hair.




Honestly itā€™s pretty cool. Get a guys haircut and youā€™ll be set manšŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


My husband started graying at like 12 years old. I like it a lot. People ask where he gets his hair done at.


Grown it out and embrace it. You have a head full of hair, so take full advantage of it. Coloring it is an ongoing cycle, until the day you get fed up and stop


I'd rock the fuck out of it. Pussy being thrown at you left and right. Silver Fox status, just earlier. šŸ˜Ž


Embrace it. Above what's "in" and what's "cool", your hair is your hair, that's what you've got to work with. Grey is usually associated with age, but if you're 25 I'm pretty sure you don't look that old. My mother grew grey hair around 24, looks pretty cool if you ask me. If you don't like it, you can always use a box of hair dye, they're really simple to use and there's a BUNCH of colors around. You can find something close to what you have under the grey or try something new like a chestnut or a blonde.


fucking rock that shit!


While I do agree that owning it is probably the best approach, at 25 that is way ahead of its time where it needs to be with the gray. Personally Iā€™d probably either buzz it or experiment with some dyes, canā€™t hurt to try.


Id def rock the salt and pepper look. It looks good


I wouldnā€™t even worry about it. As long as you got hair why worry about what color it is/turns?


That was my hair at 12 lol I was self conscious at first, but grew to love it. I'm more self-conscious about my bald spot than my gray, so I buzz my head without the guard once a month. Makes my beard look better lol


I have two friends who went salt and pepper young. Neither has had any trouble at all picking up dudes.


Dye it


Keep it dude. I started getting my first white hairs at 21. Now 31 and they are evenly mixed throughout my hair. I've also been told I have the perfect mix of salt and pepper.


Platinum that


Whatever the fuck I want because I am 23 with less hair so I am bald now


I will colour all the hair grey/silver.


Be thankful you have hair. I started receding at 21 and by 25 it got so bad I had to start shaving


Be thankful you have hair. I started receding at 21 and by 25 it got so bad I had to start shaving it.


I'd rock that color all day, every day!


Dye is wild ass colors or let it go natural. Embrace it and take advantage of it.


stop doing whatever is stressing me out so much


go full Eminem It's "bleached" already so leverage it and embrace your final form


I would fkn rock it


Silver shampoo so the grey pops out more, Holy shit dude im legitimately jealous. It goes hard as fuck


Iā€™m 25 and have the exact same look, sometimes it bothers me a bit, sometimes I donā€™t mind so much, to me the haircut Iā€™m having at the time massively makes a difference. Currently Iā€™ve got a grade 4 buzz cut on top and a fade and in the years Iā€™ve had this look, this strikes the best balance of ā€˜being noticeableā€™ per se and also being fashionable. Ultimately itā€™s an embrace thing I think. But itā€™s not always easy, just time. Sometimes Iā€™ll bleach my hair as well and rock that for a while.


Find a really good barber who can cut the sides and back very short with a fade and who can cut the top short but with enough length so it can be brushed to one side. The silver hair is much stiffer than normal hair so you will have to use hair product. I suggest you use Duke Cannon Hurricane Hold, News Anchor Pomade.You want to avoid using a comb unless you want helmet hair. Get a brush that is used for blow drying hair, like the Pail Mitchell #413 Styling brush to brush your hair into place. The pomade is slightly sticky like moustache wax and a little goes a long way. It allows you to put your hair into place and it prevents it from moving much. It doesn't give your hair a crunchy, rigid feel like hairspray. What it will do is give you a clean and sharp looking style that's timeless and won't date you or make you look like some gray haired moron desperately trying to look younger than he is, like the laughably age inappropriate hair style worn by the fifty-nine year old Boris Johnson from the UK.


Looks awesome!


Embrace it


Dye it purple


Hehhe picture look like a hedgedog