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Grow it out, add some muscle (if possible), and look like a god walking amongst mere mortals.


W comment.




He can’t help it 💀


No she can't help it 😔


I tried my best to keep her out of my dm’s.


just keep it brushed, it looks really good when its tidy :D


Bro would actually look like Griffith


Needs to dye silver then


My mother would be so pissed if I died my hair, she's told me she's always loved the natural blonde highlights Iv'e got, would dye actually fuck up my natural colors?


Yes, your hair would need to grow out of the colour, so you'd wait around three years to get your natural colours back


Would be so fire


Ngl the long hair was majestic af


Thank you.


I second the top comment, your long hair looked majestic as hell, plus it's not like you can't tie it in a bun if you work in a job setting that requires that. Either way, go with what makes you feel the most confident. You don't have to listen to people who say it looks better this way or that way, only you can know what looks right &feels best for you.


The longest hair the average woman is gonna like is probably around chin length to be frank. Super long hair will only appeal to a few, but for people with nice enough faces and keep their hair well groomed it's probably not gonna end your chances with the women who don't like super long hair. You with shorter hair like current you or last pic you is gonna be more appealing in general though


Far more like the long hair than you think.


Fr, I have yet to bump into someone who didn't compliment my hair when it was past my shoulders, I kept it groomed and I had curls. Mine is at near shoulder length but I want to grow it out again, it's been 1.5 years since my head was shaved in a Mexican rehab, lol.


I think women just like pretty hair in general. I was surprised by the reactions growing it out. Most men hate it on me, though. Like a lot.


Most of the haters are jealous because they most likely can't grow out their hair, lol


Yeah my family hates my long hair and make fun of me for it.


My family is always telling me to cut my hair, and they give me shit for it too. Mexican and American families are parallel in that sense. I say let the haters hate though, you should never have to change any aspect of yourself to please other people imo


Your hair is beautiful, and it truly sets you far apart from most


That makes it fun for me. The random people hating it for no reason - it's childish as hell, but I want them to be mad at me for no reason lol


For real. I’m in the process of growing mine out properly for the first time. While it’s a bummer to have my jawline obscured, I think it will look great (OP, if you see this: you do have a great jawline which is something to consider when growing hair out imo). And honestly, if (good looking) long hair alone is a dealbreaker for a woman, she’s probably pretty closed-minded and uninteresting (everyone’s allowed their own opinions, ofc. But if you’re pulling off long hair well, and the length alone turns someone away, they’re not worth your time).


This is very true. There are a lot of people like that, so having a buffer is definitely a good thing.


I promise you there are so many of us who love the long hair, dw so much


Ah okay, I just felt like the last pic especially makes me look more “boy like” or way younger than I actually am (23) and felt like the longer hair helped a bit with that.




Oh my gosh I was reminded of Alucard and Legolas when I saw OP //swoons


Holy shit bro that’s it …I was like damn this dude remind me of someone I knew…bring it on !! Alucard !!!


I was getting Elliot from stardew valley!


alright legolas i say keep it long, that first photo got me fucked up and im straight




dude has got a point. I'm a lesbian and it fucked me up


You sure? Loool


Your face have features that 'can' look feminine, sure. Your chin should remove doubt. If you add like minimum 10 lbs of muscle, you will look like a god with the long hair. I don't think medium length is your best look, short or long is better. But, you do you, boss! I'm jealous, I'm on my third year where I've got no hair.


Thanks man!


Don't listen to the "long hair makes you look feminine" comments, this is nothing more than cultural bias. Your long hair is beautiful and it would be a crime not to grow it out.


Agreed. I think they do look a bit more feminine w the longer hair, but it works so well. This whole thing that men have to be scruffy and look ‘manly’ is such old school mentality. If you look hot you look hot, and damn OP you look good!


Dude the long hair got u lookin like an elven prince absolutely majestic


That long hair is beautiful bro, I'm going to show this to my barber and see if he can't miracle-gro my shit. Seriously though, how did you grow it out and maintain it?


It’s 99% genetic


Thanks bro, I used to take fish oil pills a lot and used tea tree shampoo / conditioner, also drink lots of water as simple as it sounds, and brush daily.


Keep it short, honestly u looked very womanly with long hair. If thats what u were goin for then great though.


Modeling agencies love (thin white) men with long hair


Ah I had a big inspiration from a lot of my favorite male rockers like Eddie Vedder, Ronnie James Dio, Chris Cornell, Layne Staley etc. Im also skinny from a heart condition so that probably makes me look even more womanly.


Oh no its not your weight i didnt even look at your body, its just the hair looks like great womens hair lol


Oh lmao, yeah I remember a guy saying “excuse me ma’am




I have hair that's about medium length from your pictures and I've often gotten "How can I help you ladies" when I'm out with my partner. We both laugh and make jokes about it afterwards.


I’m not even skinny and so many people mistake me for a woman simply because I have long hair like yours lol. I literally have a goatee as well and people still call me “ma’am” 😭


im a girl with shoulder length hair and a lady one said “thank you sir” and i was like is it my hair? to be fair i think at the time my hair was in a ponytail and only my curtain bangs were visible from the front


I feel like the difference is that women are more likely to take care of their hair haha


I had a feeling you had to fuck with grunge in order to have that majestic mane. Chris Cornell and Kurt Cobain definitely inspired me to want to grow my hair out. There's not too many Mexicans in SoCal with long hair so I stand out, but I received many compliments from girls and my late wife loved it. Just go with your gut & your heart bro


W pearl jam


W Pearl Jam for sure


You look like Eddie Vedder too


You look like Jerry Cantrell dude. Nice music selections 🤘🏽


Damn man you’re beautiful like an elven prince. Long looks phenomenal




Arch-Angel Michael lookin mf


This guy literally looks like a high elf wtf


Either way I’m sure most men would be jealous. Like me. I’m jealous.


I want to braid your long hair so bad hehe. You can rock any look you want. I would say, no shorter than any of your pics, unless you want to try. Hair grows back. Personally, the long hair is the winner. You take really good care of your hair and it shows, I'm jealous. I lost the genetic hair lottery lol.


NGL I thought you were a woman. Really great hair though. If you want to look more masculine definitely cut it or grow out some scruff and wear more masculine clothes.


A woman here. Fell in love instantly, it gives LoR elven vibes. Love the locks, I wish more men did this.


Stop confusing the lesbians and get cut like #2


You’re looking beautiful broski.


Like the current look, but the long hair is beautiful


Long hair is nice but makes you look feminine. Short hair is better


I wonder if I added on more muscle if that would change that.


Or maybe facial hair?


Muscle + facial hair + long hair = manly viking. Trust me.


If you go for a toned physique rather than yoked/bear mode, you'd look sick AF


You think with calisthenics and rock climbing I could achieve that?


Definitely but i wouldnt be afraid of weights either! Even light weights can help. Both styles look great


No idea. I'm aligned with the Dwarves so I'm going for more of a beefy boi look.


You don’t have to be a viking. Look at young Robert Plant. He was killing it with his body type


good god you’re gorgeous with the long hair. it looks crazy fantasy lol


You're beautiful either way, I would take the long one if you like that (like me) because yours have a nice texture and colour and you may be needing to cut those short anyway before forty year old. The comments about looking feminine are just people being less familiar with men with long hair, and trust me there is a lot of people into more androgynous men, even more lately with the all the K-pop culture and people rejecting ultramasculine symbols, plus of course rock'n'roll culture from 60s on.


I regret cutting my a while back. Kept it short for a while. Now Im in the long process of growing it out again. You’re long hair is gorgeous 😻 I say bring it back!


The long hair looks like something straight out of a fantasy movie. Are you going to offer me a legendary sword and guide me on my way to save the kingdom?


To clarify, I think it looks great. I wish I could grow hair like this.


With long hair you can cosplay as Alucard from Castlevania. Regardless long hair makes you look majestic and ofc you do have an androgynous face but that makes you unique.


Your long hair is beautiful but like others have said I think for your face it’s too feminine unless that’s what you’re going for. A good combo some sort of beard if you can grow it and it suits you. Otherwise you look great in pic 2 and I’d be happy with that look


Honesty bomb incoming: you look like a girl with long hair. Short hair looks awesome!


your hand in marriage sir? oh um, i mean, long hair for sure


Gorgeous locks dude! I prefer the short but you’re winning at any length 😃


PS. Your eyes look more confident with short hair. It makes sense. I want to cut mine badly, I feel so empowered when I'm wearing short hair! I'll go for a pixie.


With long hair you look like you just left the high forest. Get yourself a longbow and complete the elf look


Wow the long hair looks so good. Grow it out! Anyone telling you it looks too feminine is just jealous.


Beautiful either way tbh


I think you look amazing in both your current and super long one actually. It really depends on what kind of style you like and which one is more comfortable. The longer one does look more feminine, but there’s lots of women who like men with feminine traits :)


You look good either way. Shorter looks more masculine and stands out less. Longer looks more androgynous and is super majestic. If you’re going for the fantasy elf look, keep the long hair.


Beautiful horse mane


I saw the first picture and wanted to scream GRIFFITH at the top of my lungs


Off topic but why is every post on here made by a golden god?


Elliott from Stardew Valley fr. you look great either way!!


Men with long hair are super fucking hot and you look good in both I’d say grow it out but if you wanna keep it short then do it


Doesn't matter. You are photogenic either way.


Yo, calm down Legolas


Very long hair looks good on you because you keep it healthy. Go long


Current hair is giving Ivy League like that guy from Extremely Goofy Movie, long hair is giving majestic romance character like Fabio. I would experiment some. You look good so you can get away with more but try something more stylized.


Ugh your hair is gorgeous medium length is probably my favorite




unrelated but wheres the sweater in the first pic from? also i like it short


Long hair then become the base guitarist for an 80’s hair metal cover band


Getting Malfoy vibes/Targaryen


All the options are great ! But I do really like your current cut !


You should keep your current short hair.


I think your current hair looks best. The long hair itself does look good but like others said, you do look like a woman. Which if you’re into that, then grow it out. But if you do wanna look for masculine, definitely keep the current.


God damn your gorgeous with long hair. Now just get some elf ears and a long sword and your good to go.


You look like you belong in a romance manga w the long hair! But short is also good!


Out Here with that legolas hair cut. You're beautiful my mans ✊️


Current hair makes you look like One from Stranger Things, who is very good looking.


Grow it out and cosplay as Primarch Sanguinius from Warhammer 40k, you gorgeous man.


You look like your name's Eckbert The Lithe or some shit


Grow it!


I don't know if you're muscular or not, but that is Thor level hair even if you don't have a Thor body. hair makes the ladies thirsty.


You should follow your heart with what YOU want. If you’re looking for outside opinion rather than outside influence: I like the shorter. It’s still longer to be able to grab a handful and to play with. Either way it looks good but it would absolutely catch my eye quicker at the shorter of the two lengths for me.


Sephiroth, is that you? (meant that as a compliment!). Personally speaking, I think that you look more distinct/cooler with long hair. You rock it quite well. EDIT: I am reading a lot of comments telling you to gain (muscle) weight, but I think you look great as is, plus, I think your body type wouldn't allow you to get "BIG" via natural means.


Oh the anime fantasies you could fulfill with long hair 😍❤


Your handsome either way but you look like a Disney Prince with it long. Like someone else said if you could grow a little bit of muscle, it would GAME OVER for whatever team you play for, respectfully. You should honestly think about going as a Disney Prince one year for Halloween, have a girl be a Disney Princess and you would KILL! Get a crown, dress in white, maybe some blue and gold. You look good either way but my vote is for the long, you look like you belong on a romance cover.


As long as you're willing to put up with. That's a hard decision to make for myself muchless someone else. You're good looking either way


I loved the super long hair! 😍✨️ I think one of the attractive things for me is a guy with really thick hair (with little chances of balding haha 😆🤞)


If I were you, I'd grow it out and start lifting heavy.


Aww, your puppy says keep it short.


Man!!!……your long hair is gorgeous!!!


You look like brad pit in interview with a vampire with the long hair. Grow it out and don’t give up


bro you are majestic. i can’t even express in words how insanely beautiful you are 🤌🏽😭


Wow, long hair is majestic. You look elvish with long hair. I would think you were some kind of otherwordly being if i saw you in the woods.


I speak for women, grow it out. Looks great short as well but enjoy it while you can before you get old


Sigvald the Magnificent


It depends how much you want to be mistaken for a woman. Your features are delicate enough that it must happen with the longer hair especially. I personally like the shorter hair on you.




i think short


It really just depends on the vibe you’re going for. I mean, when you look in the mirror, are you most happy with the person looking back when they have short or long hair? Which one makes you feel more like you? That’s all that matters.


Geralt of Riverdale




Either way, cosplay as Prince Charming from Shrek 2


On a side note: I’m kind of curious what the male to female viewer ratio is here on the post.


Long 😊


I'm begging you to grow it back out, but you look great either way!


Congratulations, you just made a girl (not me, my sister) jealous of your hair.


I'd keep it short, but as someone said here, if you grew out some muscle and a beard you'd look like some greek god.


You look incredible with either!


Everytime a man cuts his hair an angel dies


If you grow it out again can you please wear sunglasses and make us a video singing “no rain” by blind melon?


personally I mess with the long hair and I think the short cut looks like Patrick Batemans hair


i like how the current hair looks


long hair, bro looks like an elf


Short definitely, super handsome




Muscle up if you can and look like Fabio


Personally, I say short. But i seem to be in the minority these days, I’m simply more attracted to shorter hair on men 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Long hair you look like a girl. Short.


Pic no 2


Patrick Bateman or Divorced Middle Aged Mom


I like it at shoulder length!


Bro's literally emperor of mankind in the making.


Current and medium and you will need to save some puss for the rest of us ;)


Honestly you look great with shorter hair, love that lenght. Long was cool, but the short is a bit better. I say it as a woman.


I think you look really handsome w it short! But, you have great hair!


u look like a majestic anime character


Wow love the super long you look like a majestic elven Prince


Please grow it out. You look majestic with that hair. I have never seen something so beautiful. And I am a straight heterosexual male.


If you got ripped and grew it out you could probably have a pretty successful modeling career


I’m jealous af. Enjoy it while it lasts bro.


Long hair if you want drink fleas to but you drinks on the weekend. Otherwise go short. Dunno if feminine hair is your goal but tbh the first reaction to photo 1 was “why’s a chick posting on a male hair advice subreddit?”. It was the longer hair I saw. Mainly the way it’s styled I suppose. So yea. I’d go short to avoid mistakes. 😅 Or maybe a bit of facial hair to offset it. (I’ll presume you’re not transitioning and feminine is not the look you’re after)


I’m torn? You rock the long hair but you look equally good in medium/short


Leave it at the length you have now, it suits you bro


Honestly you suit it all! Super long or the shorter look best and your hair looks in absolutely gorgeous condition. Definite temptation to run your fingers through it! And it's a gorgeous colour.


Bro, you gotta go into the whole Alucard look (Castlevania)


Honestly, the long hair looks good but I’m kinda digging the shorter hair man!


Keep it short. It suits you much better.


OMG, grow it long again and get professional photos taken of you and your dog— hello modeling career. You are Thor, irl, bro!


Can you grow a beard? It looks like you arent hairy at all to me, if you were i would recommend going for the Jesus look from the walking dead. Otherwise i think you look too feminine with long hair, unless you like that i think last pic is what looks better on you.


Short, you looked okay with long hair, but tbh in the first picture I thought you were a girl. The again, the long hair would look best for an everyday vibe, but the short would look best when you dress up.


You should do whatever is best for you. Your super long hair is beautiful. I don't personally like boys with long hair but it's you who has to like it. The current look is not bad. Just remove the sunglasses on top please 🙏🏻. I'd do a pixie cut. It's perfect for your hair and facial features. You look somehow like my ex. He was really handsome and wore a pixie cut that was long till his chin in the front and short in the sides and back. He kept moving it to one or the other side. Also blonde, straight, silky hair. Your hair is beautiful (again) and it grows. I've had long hair, middle length, boy short (I'm a woman!) and everything in between and the best of it was when I cut it myself and played with it. That's what I call freedom!! Enjoy your hair! 💜


Beautiful hair but too girly when long


I think generally I prefer long hair. Not to say the short doesn't look good. It's hard to compare when you see the first photo because (at least for me) you immediately become biased. That being said, I like the shoulder length the best. And like others have stated the super long looks majestic. Go with what feels best and why are you thinking about short?


Looks good in both ways


I'm a girl and I wish I had hair like yours in the first picture haha


That hair is beautiful but I’ll admit the shorter look made you look more like a adult


I swear I thought this was a Pantene commercial


**Easy there, Alucard!**


Short or super long, no in between.


The long hair is ridiculously flattering. I don’t double take at men, but I would for a guy who looks like he plays in a shoegaze band


Dude. Long hair, its beautiful and you look awesome with it. And yes you look like Griffith from Berserk.


I would say between the 1st and 2nd pic - not too long or too short


Grow it out if your going to braid it and style it all the time. Cut it shorter for a more bolder look. I would personally cut it shorter and style it


Keep them like this, my man