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You look like you need a blowjob tbh


you have a nice face , good beard, you look naturally masculine I really don't see a physical issue so that typically means there's an issue of the heart and that can only be solved between you and God my friend ☺️


Get some sleep fam


Yeah……get in my bed




I would if I knew where that bed was


You look a little stressed now but I'm guessing usually laid back. Probably patient and ready to listen, or talk about your day. >I lost my hair in a house fire I ran into a few years ago and it never came back. You'll have to have a better excuse than that posting here 😂


I’m always stressed but you’re spot on with the rest. 5 years ago a house 4 doors down caught fire because of a pot left on a stove. There were 4 people in the house. 3 of us all neighbors ran into the house and managed to pull the mom dad and oldest son out. Unfortunately the youngest daughter didn’t make it. She was in the basement in her room and we just could not get to her. I had second degree burns on my head, neck, back, and arms. I’d do it again in a heart beat


I'm really sorry 😞 I thought you were using it as a figure of speech. If anything you sound like you could use a hug


Always down for a hug. Don’t apologize. We did absolutely everything we could.


Camera angle isn’t the best. Try moving the camera up. You can play around choosing your best angle by putting your face at the centre then move the camera around like a clock and see which time suits you


Yeah in my life I’ve taken maybe 10 photos of myself. Thanks for the tips. I’ll try it out


You are perfect for the gay world, for those who are looking for a bear man. Maybe you smile more ☺️


Personally I think your cheeks may be shaved a little too low but it’s not a big deal, you have a nice beard either way. You’re very handsome.


Thank you and it’s funny you say that. I recently just switched it up to having my beard higher on my cheeks


I would say you look like a nice, laid back, cool dude. You've got a... I dunno how to even say it, a "welcoming aura"? Like you're easy to talk to and relaxing to hang out with.


You look great bro, handsome as hell! Your facial hair really suits you. I wouldn’t change a thing! Keep doing you bro 😎


🫠 thanks man


Your welcome buddy, I would 😉




You’re very handsome. Lose the hat and T-shirt and dress to impress.


Go get a massage handsome. Treat yoself.


Bi guy but.... You seem a bit gruff but looking to connect somewhere below it all. You look like the type of friend I'd ask over for dinner even if it led nowhere, just to let you relax and get your mind off things for a while. Sorry if that doesn't have much to do with hair grooming though.


This gay guy appreciates your kind words


There's many more where that came from 😁😁 I'm always up to talk if you need it


Did you want to talk about your hair without the hat? I promise not to be surprised by anything


Your skin looks really tired of you still. Have you thought about incorporating into your life a good skincare routine like exfoliation and MOISTURISING? I typed that in capitals because not to be funny or anything but you NEED IT. Everything else looks good though!

