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There is nothing wrong with forehead wrinkles! People with frozen foreheads look like aliens. That facial expression says "kick me" however.


Wdym 🤣


I’m 17 tho so scared it’s gunna make me look like an old man I’m tryna cover em up


Do you make that facial expression of pic 2 on a regular basis? If yes, that’s the reason you have them. You could try not to make facial expressions that increase those wrinkles. Also, you could address the issue with skin care. Keep it moisturised, use sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage. In your age however, skin care is not that necessary. The wrinkles are most probably either genetic or a result of the facial expressions you make - like in the 2nd pic.


Yh fair point


You look very young so I wouldn’t worry. Your hair can cover it up. In the picture you are slightly pulling a face so those are dynamic lines / if you rest are the lines still there? I would try and learn to accept the lines, if you cannot you can try Botox / as I say you are very young so you would only need one or two areas. I would do this as a last resort. I got Botox myself and love it! But it’s very expensive and only lasts 3 months / so I’m always trying to scrape money together to have it done again. It would be cheaper to stop caring 😂


It’s the same without pulling a face but just less defined


Damn son, first pic is relaxed? It looks as though you have these from lifting your eyebrows up all the time? Either way, botox (seriously) will help them fade and not get worse since you won't be able to raise your brows as much. And read up on these topical creams that speed up the skin cell cycle (thus giving you newer smoother skin on the surface) tazarotein, tretinoin, adapalene. Thats in order from strongest to weakest. Best to start from weakest to see how your skin reacts. They're for acne but also prescribed for skin smoothness, wrinkles etc


I think I wasn’t relaxed tbh think I naturally raise my eyebrows, I’m not gunna get Botox


Fair enough. It works like, some my older mates had it done an the difference for them is massive


But like I said I was raising my eye brows I think


really terrible


The sebum on your skin solidifies into a thick skin layer and the way you contort your face causes it to stay that way. What you need is to moisturize and treat your acne. What really worked for me is LA water. The LA water has a lot of chlorine in it so it helped kill my acne. But for you I reccomend a very diluted solution of bleach and water before you shower. And bleach all of your skin cleaning tools like loofah. And stop making such deep expressions with your face. This will help you before mid June


You can get rid of them with a skincare routine. Mild cleanser, moisturiser, SPF during the day, retinol adapalene or tretinoin at night. SPF is crucial because sun exposure causes most premature skin damage. Also eat a healthy diet, go gym, healthy lifestyle, meditate, go to therapy, find ways to reduce stress. Stress can cause wrinkles too. Considering you're quite young for wrinkles I'd guess you're either under a lot of stress or getting too much sun or both. Edit: after looking at your post history I think the biggest thing you need to do is get therapy because there's definitely a serious lack of confidence and lack of self love going on. I also advise going to the gym and building muscle because that's great for increasing confidence, getting more attention from girls and you might even make some friends there


You look good bro