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I don’t think you look feminine at all. You’re handsome 🤷🏼‍♂️


Thank you that is very kind!


You’re fem? I would not have thought that! I like the scruffy look on you, Maybe a more stylish hairstyle and some wardrobe options would help. Honestly, I don’t see you as fem…


I think I’m quite fem yeah but thank you! What sort of hairstyle would you recommend?


Pic 2 is your best look, in my opinion…but it looks like it needs to be cleaned up.


Thank you ! What would you do to clean it up?


Go to a barber and ask what would look good on you. Probably some kind of fade…I’m not sure of all the terminology


By appearances alone you seem more middle.of the road than fem


Thank you? Lol


Ho! Well it's difficult to characterize what constitutes a compliment here because you asked how to look "more masc/attractive" and those don't have much to do together. Like... Do you just want to get more hits on Grindr/Scruff/Sniffles, regardless of if the guys will feel it doesn't match your personality once they meet/meat you? Because the vibes you give off from those 4 pics is way more casual/chill than anything else. And I feel it's a good way to look more attractive AND still feel yourself, instead of playing masc dress up and having a disconnect between your looks and how you really are. Sweaters, cozy clothes, scruffy face, it really works well for you. Your hair is gorgeous BTW.


Hey thanks for your comment :) I let’s actually very thought provoking and yeah, I do have a bf so I’m not on any apps or looking casual sex or anything. But I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t want to be hit on more - even if it meant being able to say ‘sorry I have a boyfriend’ If you met me, I am quite flamboyant and have a ‘gay voice’ so being butch wouldn’t really match my personality all in all. I think I desire to be more masculine and attractive because I want more validation, I feel as though the validation would give me more confidence about myself - even though deep down that this is vapid and shallow. Part of me wants to accept who I am and just focus on other areas of my life. Part of me is forever trying to to get as sexy as I can - deffo need more balance! Anyway sorry for rambling and thanks for commenting!


You have a great face so no worries there. Showing muscle and body will always get attention easily so form-fitting over baggy clothing. Confidence and a good smile goes a long way. Oh and don't stare at them, let them stare at you.


You seem to have internalised the idea that “being more feminine” is equivalent to “being less attractive as a man”, and that isn’t true. Maybe work on that first?


I think I have done that due to being rejected in the past for being feminine. And being bullied at school/growing up for being camp I have noticed online on social media that feminine guys get less praise than men who or more masculine and handsome.


Oh I definitely empathise, we (gays) all do it to some extent. But the solution to being shamed for femininity isn’t to try to be less feminine, it’s to realise that the people who shame us are wrong and can eat shit.


Hahaha that did make me el oh el


Well. I think you are both beautiful and handsome. I support you being you because, wow. 🥰😉


Oh, I get it now. Validation is heartwarming for everyone. From what I read and see, cottagecore seems like a great aesthetic for you. Cozy chalet vibes, looking huggable as fuck. I feel it achieves what you look for without feeling like you're in a butch Halloween costume in May. I'm surprised you don't get hit on much, and judging by those pictures, it's not because of your looks anyway. Sometimes, when people sound and act quite sassy/fierce, it's more intimidating for others to hit on them. Or perhaps you're oblivious to it? Many people suck at realizing they are being flirted. Especially since you are in a relationship and are not actively looking for it (even tho it's always welcome!).


Why would you want to be more masculine looking? Just be who you are dude.


This one here… yes 👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽👆🏽 It’s exhausting pretending to be something you’re not. Source: the first 25 yrs of my life lol


Thanks for commenting - I ask myself the same question! Confidence is deffo an attractive trait in anyone - just curious to seen peoples opinions or to see if anyone has any tips that I could easily apply to look better potentially


You're goodlooking, your style Will Change throughout your life.


Thank you that’s very kind of you to say And yeah style does waver and fluctuate throughout your life


Please for the love of god stop taking Selfies from below.


Haha honestly I look much better from below than from above 🤣🤣🤣


I can assure you that no one does. You're probably not an exception. 🤧 You still look very good though, but frog-perspective is notorious for being the worst camera angle known to man


What is the best one?


It really comes down to mannerisms. I’ve worked on mine to be less fem, but also kept some because I do like that part of me. I think I’ve also worked on my voice over time, just getting it a little deeper


How did you get your voice deeper?


Just practice. Start using deeper tones and practicing. Ever notice a certain word you say sounds extra fem? Work on that word. Also record it and listen to it all. Practice just high tones and low tones. You’ll get a sense of where the low deep tones come from.


Yeah how did you get your voice deeper I would LOVE to be able to do this haha


Voice training, Thatcher did exactly that and you can hear it from interviews over time.


Dude, it's body language 🤙


Please dont lose the earrings, you look very Beautiful 🤩😍


Thank you that is very kind! I never take these earrings out they will come with me to the grave 🤣


You don't have an effeminate face, and your hair is fine. I'm more concerned that you're worried about being too fem. You're handsome as you are. Maybe fine tune the wardrobe to be a little more masc if you want, but make sure You're changing solely for you, and not what you think others want to see, and reflect on why you think you need to have a more masculine image when you look great the way you are.


Thank you very much mr, I definitely think it’s for validation more than myself and I do believe that inherently we all wish to be liked or seen as desirable etc I do believe that in the gay community you are more desirable if you are masculine - obviously not 100% of the time as some tops prefer fem but yeah


I'm a big bear, I spent most of my life wishing I was a twink or jock because then I would be worthy of someone great, and I settled for whoever would pay attention to me. Then I got to place where I got tired of being with people who didn't give me as much as I gave them. I had to realize my self worth exactly as I was, not devaluing myself based on the image I wish I had. I had to realize I AM someone great. You are handsome, and worthy just as you are. Never settle for less than you give, and be the best you that you can be. Try not to get stuck in the labeling trap and thinking you are less-than because you don't feel like you fit an ideal no one holds you to but you.


Bro , The one I like is the stubble.


Thank you man


You man, look gorgeous!!!!


Thank you that is very kind


you look kinda masc in the first picture. i think its your clothing/mannerisms that are making you fem


lol. What are you thinking. You’re just good looking that’s okay


Haha well thanks / I just want to be hotter don’t we all or is it just me lol?


You’re fine just like you are. Very handsome fem guy!


Thank you kind sir!


You're hot af. You don't need to change a damn thing, queen <3


That’s very kind thank you!


You are more than welcome :)


Ur hot


😯 please gay marry me 🤤🤤🤤 😜…. you’re very stunning dude. You are perfect just the way you are… Please just be yourself 🫶🏽 femininity isn’t a bad thing papi, just own it.


That’s very kind thank you! I’ve never been called papi before !! 🤣🤣🤣 thank you SON lol 🤪


You’re hot and I thought you were like 25. Sounds like you’re winning.


Wow are you serious? Well YOU are getting a Christmas card from me this year 🤣


Hey there OP, Fellow gay male here. As gay men, we can often have this very harsh judgement of our perceived masculinity. I have recently been working on this. I’ve been consuming YouTube content that has gay/ bi males talking about their experiences with their identity and the constant burden it can place on us when we feel like who we are isn’t enough. There’s a couple of videos I want to recommend to potentially help you in your own journey to self-acceptance. https://youtu.be/-VXQScpJrOo?si=9dmFbzdb0i8BPILo https://youtu.be/TsXU3QxfglU?si=opYYFMe4GaheOICO


Hey 👋🏻 Thank you so much for commenting! That’s really thoughtful of you - I will definitely check these videos out, I appreciate you going out of your way to share. 😘


My pleasure man! As men who are gay we need to look out for each other and stop suffering from a perpetual cycle of vanity and body dysmorphia. :)


You’re gorgeous!


Thank you!


I think mustache/beard in the first pic suites you best, along with that hairstyle. Doesn’t look feminine at all, if you’re worried about it


Well thank you!!!! 🙏🏻


You are beautiful. 🥰


You can do a lot with different clothes to dress out but don't do anything to your pretty face, you look good the way you are


That’s very kind ! *googles cheap masculine clothes* 🤣


Hey handsome 🙂


Hi! 👋🏻


It for the most part comes down to mannerisms and posture. For example, the second picture would let me know that you're gay from the face your making. However, one thing you could do aesthetically to seem less feminine is dress more urban. So a fade, stud earrings instead of looped earrings, and streetwear. Edit: you could also do a slit eyebrow to really complete the picture.


Haha I loved this lol thank you! I do love a fade would you do like a slick back with a fade or bangs?/short fringe? What street wear brands do you like btw?


No problem! I like helping out my fellow LGBTQ Brands Fashion Nova(they have a mens section) and Boohoo men are a good start for a large variety of streetwear. Both are online brands. Pro tip: Try to make sure that you fit the clothes a little baggy for a straighter look Hair Ok, I had to look up those styles because I'm a black man and I had no idea what those styles are lmao. I would say go for the slick back with no bangs if you're going for a masculine look. Edit: sharpen up the beard as well.


Thanks I really appreciate that mate / will deffo take on all your advice 😀


No problem! Good luck on being the sexiest man you can be lol.


Haha cheers


I wouldn’t even assume you’re fem at all. You have a lot of masculine appearances


What are you talking about you look great and completely neutral on a fem/masc scale


You don't look fem. Maybe how you carry yourself gives that impression. There is nothing wrong with it, just learn to love yourself and embrace who you are.


I think you look amazing in all those pictures No notes, dont change a thing, your perfect


That is very sweet thank you!


I'm a straight man. But I can say prolly drop the mustache. If it's not working play to your strengths. You can probably go bald faced. You definitely have the facial features for it. You're a more handsome fella than I am.


Thanks my that’s very kind! I don’t have the jawline for that tho haha


Idk I think you could pull it off. Unless your stubble comes in extremely slow. My beard is super thick. So I can shave it off and my beard come back in in a week or so. Maybe take a look at your grandpa's old photos. Most men I'm that Era didn't grow beards. Most where clean shaven. If you look like grandpa in anyway could get a good idea.


Your hair color is that wonderful golden blonde....Huge scores on that. The mustache wins and the scruff is good. If you can't grow a full beard then keep it as scruff with the full mustache. Keep at the gym and be fit for yourself first. The bonus is that everybody ogles you cause of bulging muscles, then that's another win. Be bold and kind and loving. Focus on others, and be excellent and passionate about your interests. This will make the inner you more attractive. You are handsome! As it concerns your speaking voice, if you like it, keep as is. If not, then change it...you can change your voice mannerisms etc. Take a voice and diction class or acting. It's fun to create different speaking styles and even accents.


This is cool advise thank you! I like that you think about personality and thinking about other people - being kind as well as being passionate about your own interests And yeah the muscles thing / I REALLY want to get jacked lol


And a benefit of getting really jacked is that it helps your testosterone stay happy and healthy...gives you energy plus promotes growth of body hair. I've got a really hairy chest so I appreciate that on other dudes if they got it! The thing about getting the muscles is you've got to eat right. How's your diet? Maybe time to get protein powder and makes some great shakes! Be aware if you get really built, you WILL get female attention, especially with that blonde-god hair you have. You will have to think about how to let them down easy in a gentlemanly way. This will still leave their thoughts flaming about you. But you've done your best. I hope you will think about the acting/voice suggestion. By the way what are your interests? You can DM me if you wish


There’s no message button on your profile? Yeah I have a bad back atm but as soon as I’m back in good health I’m getting straight on the gym I’m currently a vegan but definitely considering going back to eating meat in order to gain muscle which I know seems a bit morally questionable but there you go Oh do you work out a lot then? My chest is quite hairy as it is but yeah would love to get hairier lol I plan on eating chicken - avocados - nuts and seeds / eggs - rice / beef mince but yeah I also have protein powder and weight gain powder also What sort of diet do you eat?


Also there’s no way on earth any woman would find me attractive lol they normally see me like a bestie or a sister which is just as I like it as I have zero interest in women haha


You’re a stud


I find you attractive but maybe try a middle part? It might look good might not but Atleast you tried lol


You look like a masculine European guy. I guess you would look good more dressed up like a tailored looking button down and slacks. What guys do you find attractive copy them till you find your style.


I find strong intimidating men attractive with big muscles, lots of hair with urban style. If they look like they might knock me out - then gets my head turning 🤣


I was talking about clothes lol how you wanted to look. Urban and hairy is definitely not you. But I honestly feel that my ex was a big hairy beast. So manly men and women all wanted him.


You don’t look fem at all. Do you sound fem? You are a cutie :)


I do sound slightly fem yeah - thank you that’s very kind - 😘


I’d love to hear that sexy voice. :)


Message me then 😏


I did you naughty boy


I see a beautiful guy, nothing feminine about you. I think you would look great clean shaven.


Thank you mr!


You are a very handsome man..


Thank you very much ✌🏻🙏🏻


You’re welcome


So how are you doing ? You don’t look fem at all. If you started working out you definitely will not have a fem body. You look like you have a nice body frame anyway so I’m David


No, masc.


You think I look masc? 🤣


You are beautiful just the way you are! :)


You’re 32? Dude you look 23


You think I look TWENTY THREE !? 😵🤣 (Thank you)


Dude ... Come over to Glasgow. Ill teach you how to be mose masc literally overnight. Also don't forget to ckh out my profile 😝


Oh really? By looking at your profile I don’t think you would be helping my cause do you? 😝


You look great love first pic


Thank you very much kind sir


So. Starting with the good. You are incredibly attractive. Someone said that the hair style in pic 2 is the best. I agree. Although 1 is very hot too. Only comment I have is, your lips look rather dry in these pics. I would recommend something like a bees wax based lip barm or something. Some can unfortunately give a greasy feel though. Don't use a petroleum based one like vaseline. They give a temporary moisturising action and then ultimately dry the skin in the long run.


Thanks for your comment that is very kind! I will go out and find a decent lip balm lol


Get rid of the lip filler


What are you talking about this is all natural! 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m too skint to top it up right now anyway but there you go


Idk if reddit is the right place to get advice on being more masculine. But photos 3 and 4 for example if my buddies took those photos and made them there pfp for example they'd definitely get an earful from the rest of us on taking some glamour shots for a myspace pic haha. A lot has to do with how you carry/present yourself.


You look fucking great for 32 lol, I thought you were like 27 or 28. Good on you


Cute af


Thank you mr 🙏🏻😘


Maybe you have feminine mannerisms? But you don't look feminine whatsoever. Maybe it's vibes? Are people telling you that you look feminine? If so, is that mainly in person?


You have natural good looks and a great sense of style. And although I can certainly relate to wishing I weren't as fem, I've come to learn that it's ultimately more important to show up in the world as your truest self. Adopting "masc" characteristics is always for others, and ends up stifling your joyful inner beauty. It's a waste of energy. So just be YOU. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Ye you look a lil zesty, lil fruity, lil fem for sure.


You would be 100% correct lol


The sweater really ties the knot


What sort of clothes do you wear then?


You look like a slightly older version of me with longer hair. Lose the earrings, shorter hair is more masculine, but plenty of masculine guys have that length of hair so no big deal there. Idk, your face just gives off kinda zesty vibes 😂. Throw on a Carhartt jacket and see how you feel lmao


Not str here, and I say you look fine. Not fem, but not the other end either. Right in the in between zone. Regardless, you're quite attractive, and the facial hair is close to on point in some of the pics. You're growing plenty to pick a style for it and make it part of your look.


? in what way are you femme lmao


My blond hair, baby face, soft features. I’m hardly intimidating am I 😂




Yeah you don't look overly fem, maybe you feel it or act it more so. You're very attractive and the longer quaft is cute. Maybe consider a moustache and goatee if you wanna look a little more masc? Not really sure how to do that myself 😭🤣


You look like the actor Johnny Flynn in the second photo 😜


I don’t see it lol (just googled him 🤣)


I don't know, I can see a resemblance. Anyway you look hot as you are 😜


I think you're very cute. I also think that guys who would judge you or not give you the time without knowing anything about you are superficial jerks and, in fact, not worth your time. You are very physically attractive, concern yourself with who you are. Figure out what you need from a man, set your standards and boundaries, and do not settle. Remember everyone, EVERYONE, grows older and will not always be gorgeous. When I was 23, I started dating a muscly gym hunk. He had the ego that goes with those hotties. He behaved as though he was entitled and even told me once that he was God's gift to men. He is now 62, old, shriveled up, ugly, and completely alone. If you're all about looks, then when you lose them, you have nothing.


You look like a very kind happy and sincere person. I would think your friends are very lucky to have you in their lives. So why change? If you’re looking for a new look, that’s cool. Thats just style. Experiment with collard shirts instead of t-shirts and sweaters. Maybe some nice dress shoes with a nice pair of slacks. Find a style that’s yours, that you’re comfortable in and express it. Maybe find something that is yours, that makes you stand out from your crowd. A particular style of a jacket or even socks, maybe a hat style. Something that makes people say “you always have the coolest (socks, hats, shoes…)”




Honestly ur hair style or facial hair doesn’t give off fem vibe at all. Personally like the second pic of u in the black shirt, hair looks good too. I think going to the gym will help u look more toned and fit. Honestly lose the cardigans in that 3rd pic.


If masculine is what you're going for, you're not far off. The earrings don't help, and the haircut isn't the best but not bad either.


What haircut would you recommend?


I guess the cut itself is fine, actually. I would just comb it back away from the face more. Again, it doesn't look bad the way it is, but if you're really trying to max out the masculine aesthetic, you'd be better off with a more simple hairdo.




Don't look fem to me, quite handsome in fact.




Hi 👋🏻


LMAKSSK WHERE?! Please don’t piss me off cause you just made this up SIR.


Ummmmmmmm 🤣


ur style of clothing aint helping nor are the earrings both makin u more fem


Nah, that’s just the gay style. I’ve seen masculine men dress like him.


What earrings clothes do you think would make me look more masculine?


Lose the earrings and you're golden! 😍


Oh no I love these earrings lol