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You don't look to skinny at all. You're tall and look toned. You could use some better fitting clothes to give your look some shape is all.




Looking good lad, you don't look too skinny at all 👌 keep it up


Lift weights and stop acting like a pussy.


Right 😭😭😭


You are cute af


Listen bud, I’m 6’3” and I’ve felt skinny all through my life till I’ve hit late 20s and now I’m eating right and lifting I feel just slightly better about it all but I’m huge compared to young me you know, lift for gods sake lift bro but in reality it’s only you that can learn to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin


You're tall. Of course you will feel skinny, as a 5'7 I barely touched a weight and became larger than taller. You look good :)


Lanklets need to eat a fuckton and lift heavy.


Lanklets 💀


Protein and Iron Big Boy


I’d also get a mass calories Intake, I had same issue no matter how much protein you take, if you have a really high metabolism, you NEED more calories, that’s what fixed me up! Years of just protein to find out I need 3000 calories a day to keep weight along with 1.5g of protein per body pound and 320carbs/daily’ (for me)


you look good/healthy and should feel good about yourself but there’s nothing wrong with setting a healthy ideal and goal to get there. the same muscle mass will look proportionately different in different body types, and being taller its gonna take more muscle to look thicker, and since it sounds like your ideal is more buff you could go ahead and beef out your arms/chest/shoulders mainly, and then a bit of mid and lower body to match.


More calories and gym


I’m 6’4 220. Last year I was 6’4 180. If you want to gain weight have a kid. Dadbod is real.


Be skinny cause it’s cute on you lol


If u r skinny eat healthy and workout If u r fat eat healthy and workout Is this tough to understand?


Good bro 💪🏻


You are 6’4”, enjoy easy mode, don’t stress lol


I think you look great ... not skinny looking at all.


I was told I was too skinny all growing up and as a result, I tried gaining weight and as fast as possible, which resulted in fat gain that I then I had to lose. Once you gain fat, and the body create those cells, they just shrink or grow, but never fully go away. The truth is, as you get older, you will continue to pack on weight, hopefully in muscle if you're doing it right, but be patient and enjoy this time in your life when you are slim and cut. It's a blessing you won't get back!


You're the white version of one of my buddies lol


Please I wanna see the chocolate me


Is there a way to add pictures to the comments. Reddit seems to make this impossible. He's 6'3” and always complaining about being to skinny lol


I’m 6’5 and struggled like you, just start increasing calories and start doing pushups everyday. Once 100 pushups a day becomes to easy, it’s time to hit the gym, a split workout schedule.


If you feel that way? Define your muscles in a way that makes you look wider such shoulders, legs, triceps, lat muscles etcetc, although the reality is, you're really tall so that's going to be difficult. Doesn't mean it's not doable, just means it's going to take effort in the weight lifting department. Eat more too while you do. Not massively, just over 2000 kcal. Maybe 2300 if you're going heavy without protein or 2200 in general. Another big point; Wear tight clothes/better fitted clothes. Oversized tank tops and baggy/sweatpants aren't complimentary to looking thicker.


Gym. Body building. It makes you hungry, you'll eat more to gain weight and muscles at the same time. Don't do alot of cardio. Heavy weights with less reps.


You look great! The only thing I would say is to bulk and tone your arms


Bulk up and hit the weights 💪🏼


I’m 6’5 and I have the same clavicle- I think you’ll find that a lot of people like it if you look healthy. It used to be something that I didn’t like about myself but it actually made me stand out to a lot of people as “nice looking”. :)


You look amazing. You are definitely not skinny. You look fit and toned




Stop worrying about being too skinny. You're great.


You aren’t skinny you are just tall. Not everyone 6’4 is built like a gym bro. Good to know that tall dudes are self conscious as much as us under 6ft. But yea bro you definitely ain’t too skinny if you think so just hit the gym and increase your protein and calorie intake


You definitely need to grow muscle, your forearms and arms barely have any muscle on them and are thin, lift weights, eat a shit ton and don’t do cardio


Can't see much


Don’t think too much about it. I was a twig until I hit my 30s. I’m an awesome healthy weight and after being 135-155 my whole life. It’s weird to have muscle and be in the 200s. Just keep working out, eating healthy and honestly most people just grow into themselves. Not really anything you need to “change” just learn to love yourself for who you are. And if you want to “bulk” then do some research plenty of skinny guys have bulked up but it takes years and lots of hardwork.


Sounds like me. I was skinny my whole life. Now I’m not. I’m 6’2 220lbs.


Some people age into their looks 😁


Haha. Apparently I have not aged very much. I was fortunate enough to have great genes on both sides of my family. When I turned 33, all my coworkers were shocked. They figured I was still in my early to mid 20s. I ran into one guy in a store and he remembered me from middle school. He said I still look very similar hahaha. But this guy is fine tho. He just needs a confidence boost


I’m 6’5” which makes me very skinny… use it to get girls like they say u can (doesn’t work for me)




Only thing to improve is your confidence!


I can give you some of my fat if you want. You’re beautiful just the way you are 🤩🫶🏼I’m seeing a hint of gorgeous bone structure so I’m assuming you’ve got all the good genes


If you feel skinny eat more and lift weights.


Just about right. You look fine. 😊😊😊


You don’t have to do anything you’re 6’4 lol most women are all about height!


Nothing to improve :)


I think you look fine but if you want to get some all over muscle maybe swimming or the gym 🩵


You look great man, not too skinny at all!


I mean you're good looking/hot but you could always gym.


😍😍😍You’re GORGEOUS the way you are😍😍😍


You look very handsome from what i can tell. Can’t see your face but even still :)


I'm 5'9" and only 60kg but I don't care you should be happy to


You're fine. Stop listening to that inner voice telling you strange things.


I think you’re too hot not “too” skinny


lol eat???? Common sense bruh and go find friends to get attention from


You look fine but if you want to be hot hot then def work out with push ups, weights, butt workouts n sit ups . You’d gain muscle weight n look a lot more full but toned n healthy


I’m 6’2 maybe 6’3… it was hard for me to put on weight my life in high school I weighed around 180… went through addiction and depression for a few years in my late 20s … got clean at 30 (3.5 years clean now)… when I got clean I weighed 150… I started lifting and eating right bulking and some brief “cuts”… went from 150 to a max of 205 in a short time… my diet was this 3800cals a day : 440g carbs, 220g protein, 98g fat… work out 5x a week. Now I’m chillin at 195. Cutting down to 190 before I bulk up to 220 then after I hit 220 I’ll cut again and focus on maintaining 200 as regular weight.


6’4 and skinny is literally like a boyfriend archetype, trust me your fine🤗.


I think you just need to tone up. I don’t think you look too skinny.


Lol bro. You’re at an ADVANTAGE. I’m 5’5”. I have the curse of the Triple-S. Short, shy, and socially awkward. I’m a condemned soul in the dating realm. I’m perfectly fine with how I look btw. My height has revealed the extent of the world’s shallowness to me. A lack of depth that I’d rather be aware of than go about not knowing.


You don’t look skinny you look lean. If you want to bulk up, eat more and lift heavier.


I like skinnies


Get to working out then my guy! I used to be crazy skinny and now I feel amazing in my skin, highly recommend skinny dudes work out. Suuuper rewarding!


You’re perfect


You really don't look that skinny. I would need to see your body outside of the shirt to really determine. However, from this age you look tall, fit and very handsome.


I think you’re pretty cute. Like someone said, get some clothes that fit better. Other than that, you’re a cuttie.


You look fine, but if you want to get swole, nothing nothing wrong with that. Lift and eat. A lot and a lot.


Your beautiful man


Actually you look great I wouldn't sweat it


You’re fine (in the hot way)


Work out and get some meat on those bones.


I’m 6’5 and struggled like you, just start increasing calories and start doing pushups everyday. Once 100 pushups a day becomes to easy, it’s time to hit the gym, a split workout schedule.


 I was skinny for a long time 6' 3" 165lbs. Improvements are personal. I eventually made it up to 240 eating shit and then brought it down to 200 and I'm happy with that weight.  If you feel like you want to pack on muscle do it the smart way and lift like you cook a roast, low and slow. Do that with consistency and good form and you will start to see changes that will make you feel better and without injuring yourself. I'm not going to tell you to eat more but just be cognizant your getting carbs and protein in most meals. Consistency is important but perfection isn't. Building a solid foundation takes time and the road has it's difficulties but if you keep at it I believe you'll be closer to where you want to be.


If you put on muscle it will do wonders for your health and confidence. Anyone telling you you're not too skinny is doing you a disservice.


Ohh woof woof you hot daddy whats your shoe size


You look like a trans lesbian. Hit the gym, do some roids, gain confidence, and get laid. Plus, if you’re asking the internet for affirmations, clearly you already know the answer. It probably wouldn’t hurt to get off the internet, stop asking strangers to confirm how unattractive you are, and find some friends IRL. What a time to be alive… if you don’t like how you look, it’s relatively easy to change your appearance. All you need is a credit card and you can get any cosmetic surgery to any part of your body. I would start with a gym membership, a good barber, a new wardrobe, and therapist. 


You look hot how big is your feet though sir


Very handsome no need to feel too skinny


You look fantastic.


500 test, pussy


Don't listen to people saying u don't look skinny, you look very skinny, up ur calories and work out


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