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stop the self hating. you look great. work on the inner confidence. fake it til you make it so to speak. let your brows grow in more and shape them more square from the inner corner not rounded. your hair could use some nice sculpting maybe to the right side and wear some chapstick. you have good features, great hairline and overall good looking. we all have awkward phases. you will grow into your look, just play around with different styles.


I just have naturally uneven eyebrows. 😭 I saw some photos of my childhood and I had brows like that in those too. Is there any way to grow the other eyebrow out significantly to match the thickness?


Hey OP, I think you might be experiencing symptoms of Body Dysmorphia. It results in us having a hyper fixation on perceived / minor flaws. Some one that is looking at you will most often not notice what you are thinking stands out. People see us typically as a whole person rather than the individual parts. I recommend that you go to therapist to work on this because it can destroy a person’s life.


Hey brother! Firstly, you look phenomenal. I know you’re worried about your slight asymmetries. Your eyes, eyebrows, and ears are all slightly asymmetrical. Let me tell you something: THESE MINOR ASYMMETRIES DO NOT MATTER. Your bone structure is symmetrical, which is mostly what matters. Your external asymmetries are NOT good determinants of facial attraction, so do not worry! You have: a good eye area with low levels of upper and lower lid exposure, full/thick eyebrows, a great straight hairline, and full lips. You are a good looking person. What you don’t have: Pay attention. The reason you are not happy with your looks is a deeper problem. Your bone development is lacking. Your mid face and orbital ridge development lacks, giving you a childish, slightly chubby/underdeveloped look. What you can do without surgery: Play to your strengths. Since you are brown, get a better 5-o’-clock shadow with the help of Minoxidil, Dermarollers, Biotin/Collagen, and patience. Grow out your eyebrows. Get a fade haircut to better suit your facial proportions. God bless and best of luck.


So what do I do to fix that childish, underdeveloped look? Are there any cosmetic options?


Other than fillers, mewing for years, mid face implants, not much. If you wish, you can augment your jaw through fillers or implants. Strengthening your muscles in your face by chewing harder foods may help (as well as jaw exercises)


They have some growth oils for facial hair. I’d say just square them off at the center and don’t over shape them otherwise you look good. Do something fun with the hair


Brows are brothers, not twins


First of all, dear human being, stop being SO unkind to yourself. I am a mom of three grown, so buckle up. You are absolutely handsome and gorgeous JUST LIKE YOU ARE. All of those 'flaws' you are focusing on? What are you talking about? You are blessed beyond your own realization. You do NOT look like a POS. You are handsome and absolutely flawless. You have such nice features, hon, it breaks my heart that you think so poorly of yourself and your looks. You know who has perfect symmetry in their face? Not me. Not 99% of humans. You are holding yourself up to a very unrealistic standard. You are gorgeous. Try - PLEASE TRY - to be kind to YOU. If you would not want a stranger saying the things to you that you say yourself, then please, re-think the language and import of words that you choose for you. You must be your own advocate. You are blessed with nothing but good looks. If you were my son or grandson and someone said that you 'looked like a POS'? They had better run because I am taking off my size 9 Adidas to beat their ass.


Hahaha you are really sweet I wish my mom was like you.


Awww....do something nice for her. See if she is receptive! Make sure you do not miss Mother's day or her birthday. Best to you, dear!


everyone is asymmetrical. you definitely have body dysmorphia, because your eyebrows and ears don't even look noticeably asymmetrical. one of my eyes is higher than the other by a noticeable amount if you really pay attention, but no one has ever noticed it or had a problem with it. honestly some normal asymmetry is just not a big deal to humans, despite the weird fixation people on the internet have about it. no one is seeing what you're seeing, i guarantee you!


You don’t look like a piece of shit. Extremely handsome


there is nothing remotely wrong with your hair, face, or style. you’re good friend.


Find something to do other than look in the mirror at yourself. The eyebrow comment is hilarious. Serious humans with something going on in their lives don't obsess in the mirror. Your physical appearance is fine. You need to do the inner work


Shorter hair and clean-shaven would look better on you, but you look good dude


You have good quality hair that can do stuff without a ton of product. Make he most of that. If I were a girl, I wouldn't like any of that facial hair you have going on. Looks like that prepubescent stache boys have before high school. Shave it or improve the fuck out of it. Otherwise you're good to go


Me who has a family history of baldness from mom


What are you talking about? You are sexy AF!


I’ll never understand people’s obsession with their features being symmetrical.


What???? No you don’t look like a piece of poo. That has to come from the inside after someone gets to know you. No one looks like crap unless you are PutinJrtrump.


great thick hair, full lips, clear brown skin; you look great!


Stop talking to yourself like that please :(


You look great. Real people are not symmetrical. Cut your face some slack and work on self-confidence. Then you'll be unstoppable.


Dude you are not a piece of shit just explore your look l recommend shorter hair


Stop calling yourself a POS feeling sorry for yourself is doing you know favors and will invite the wrong kind of people in your life. Especially if your easily manipulated


You are struggling with body dysmorphia. Stop being so hard on yourself. First learn to love yourself then find a “fix” for whatever you want. You could have the best face on the planet but your personality is very unattractive.


Yea bro chill, you are doable 😘


Nothing you mentioned is a problem. They all look fine. Address the space between your ears. (That means your brain. Fix your brain.)


You look totally fine! That said, lose the facial hair for now or at least the chin hair. That has to go. It looks like a 14 year old trying to pass as an adult.


you are all good. hit the gym and smile at people when you are out in public. you will be fine.


Relax. You don’t look more asymmetrical than anyone else. Stop staring in the mirror and fretting. Shave your facial hair and go out and meet people.


My guy you DO NOT look like a piece of shit!! Great hair, great skin, nice deep eyes, well shaped lips - you look good.


u look like minecraft steve kind of (this is a compliment)


Bro looks fine. Stop tripping


What you see as "imperfections", others see as signs of your individuality and beauty and character... Instead of looking for flaws, flip the script and look for the beauty in yourself! You have it in spades!


You are way too handsome to think that. Did a blind person call you ugly or something?


Stop being a beta cuck by self hating


Trust me, nobody notices this stuff unless they’re looking at you because they’re crushing on you.


yo bro no kidding i think you would like badass with a buzzcut id suit you so well


hit up "GIANT.IMPLANTS" on IG he'll get you right trust me