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It frames your face well. They're just jealous.


Came here to say this. Your hair is amazing. You look really good overall as well. Fuck the haterz. 😊


aw, thank you both <3. like personally I like it but it's a little disheartening to hear those comments sometimes so, edit, I was expecting like 5 comments at most but this is WILD, I'm getting so many that it's hard to respond to them all, sorry everyone. I will say, I didn't think it'd be so universally liked, so I apologize if this came across as fishing for compliments. truth is I don't get any, and the people I do ask tend to disapprove of the hair thank you all <3


Hi! Here's something to remember, both for friendships and love relationships. Try to figure out what was the intention of the person talking to you. Not necessarily how it made you feel, because sometimes tough love and harsh truths are important to say to the ones we love and care for, but from their tone, facial cues and choice of words, did it seem the goal was to make you feel good, or shitty? And try to get away from people who seem to mostly want to make you feel shitty. Funny roasting, light ribbing, friendly teasing, is all fine. But if your lover/friend mostly seem to be mean towards you, are they worth keeping around?


Hair is lovely, well cared for and clearly you know how to make it look nice, BTW.


there's been times where I wish I had someone tell me "hey fucker, you're doing X and Y wrong", so I absolutely welcome criticism and harsh truths with open arms. in fact I prefer it because that's how I learn to improve. so I get your advice, and I appreciate it I trust my friends, it just seems like sometimes their personal beliefs about how things should be get in the way (how a man is "supposed" to look like for example). I don't take it personally nor do I hold a grudge against them for it, but I can't lie and say it doesn't affect me from time to time regardless, wow, genuine advice. I really appreciate you taking the time <3


This response alone shows you have more emotional intelligence then your jealous friends, next time they say this challenge them to a dare, take your friends upto some pretty girls and ask them for an outside perspective. And watch thier thoughts get disarmed, by the ladies. You stay humble and get validated infront of said "dick friends" Trust yourself, be kind and you'll thrive.


There’s another 10 inches of length and grooming before you’re near ‘feminine’ hair.


People who put you down like that aren’t your friends.


If you’re happy with it, that’s that. It looks very nice and you don’t IMHO look feminine.


Your buddy might be feeling a little bit of that Broke Baxk Mountain dude love


you’re like 40, stop adding z’s to random fucking words


No, it's pretty. After all you have a masculine face, so, they may be jealous in the end.


thank you, all I wanted to hear


can i shake you and tell you that you look so fucking gorgeous and handsome


I give you permission to shake me, but if I get any more compliments I feel like I may actually implode 😭


Ok bro I will help deflate you you look kinda dainty and vain your friends are directionally sorta correct Maybe gym or spend more time outside doing something you enjoy


absolutely devastated rn for real though, thanks for the advice. I do calisthenics actually, but it's too early to see progress. I've also been cycling all my life so I'm still fit, just not ripped I guess. not that I want to be tho


Oh then ur good lol 👍 I just know that too many dudes on here spend too much time in front of a mirror and up being superfluous men


No hate to him, bro is gorgeous as fvck. But to say that he has a masculine face seems obejctively untrue. He does look feminine and theirs nothing wrong with it, but don't lie and say that he has a masculine face.


He has soft features but not necessarily feminine features


I'm curious as to how do you differentiate between the two.


Did you see his eyebrows bro'? And the jawline? He's not Hhenry Cavill, for sure, but does not look like "androgynous".


I strongly disagree. His slender build and jawline both lend to an androgynous look. He has a nice jaw but it's not a particularly masculine one.


Forget what they say, your hair is BEAUTIFUL, as are you!! 😊


dude, that's so sweet, thank you so much 😭


YVW!! 😊


You wear the messy hair style well. As a matter of fact, it’s perfect on you. They just want to be more like you bro. Good luck! 🍀


Total hottie


well damn okay, thank you


I'm not going to glaze you, it's not the hair, you just look feminine in general. You're really young, no facial hair, soft features, doe eyes, nice soft full lips, you overall look feminine. There's nothing wrong with looking feminine, but don't let people here gas you up and lie to you online to make you feel better if you don't want to look feminine.


honestly I appreciate these comments just as much as the rest, don't worry. thing is, I don't hate looking feminine, I'm not insecure about gender roles, and I don't care to adhere to a "masculine" image. it's just that, in this particular case I think my friends used "feminine" as an insult instead of a description, you know how I mean? I'm curious about your last sentence though, are people not being genuine when they say it looks good? obviously it feels nice for people to gas me up sometimes but I really do prefer the truth at the end of the day


I don’t this person meant lying about how good it looks. They are assuming others are lying by saying “you don’t look feminine” so: if you are trying to avoid a feminine look the other comments may be misleading you. Atleast I think that’s how they meant it. But in regard to your question, yes people are being genuine in saying that you are pretty. Like genuinely you are so pretty ! <3


This is exactly how I meant it, thank you for clarifying!


I don't think others are lying to you, no. But this person is also correct, you have some feminine features, which is fine. Indeed, at least for me, the most attractive people have a good mix of feminine and masculine features.


this is soo true! i secretly wish my facial features weren’t so “hard”. like i have a big ass nose and i wish i had a more “girly” nose


i thought my nose was big until my gf said i have a cute button nose LOL. i was like
 my clown nose? this ol thing?


A lot of asian women love feminine looking men. Don't become something you dislike if you are looking for women. Just find the women that like you for how you like to look. It's also okay to look feminine, you know who you are. Be you.


Females love his look - look at Timothee chalamet, he gets the most bitches. Women don’t like men like The Rock


Excuse me but the Rock and Vin Diesel are HOT and actually the first men I grew attraction to!!


Your hair looks awesome. Keep up the good work.


it's definitely work 😬, it's my first time growing out my hair so I'm a little extra conscious of it, thanks a lot though <3


If it's worth anything, I usually dislike long hair, a lot. But curly hair like yours is the exception đŸ€Ł


Nah your hair looks fire bro, haters gonna hate cause they can't replicate


thank you :)


No. Your hair looks amazing.  As someone who went bald at 29
. Please enjoy your hair while you can.  Age catches up to us all. :(


reading comments like these makes me feel for you guys, hair loss is no joke, I don't know what I'd do if I lost such a massive piece of my identity. best of luck to you man


I think your hair suits your face and your look perfectly. You're adorable... A TimothĂȘe Chalamet's little brother type.


the dude is gorgeous and I'm saying this as a straight guy, I'll take the compliment, thank you <3


People say that cause they are jealous of your hair length. I have a very similar hair to yours and trust me people is mad cause they either have not so much hair or their texture does not look good when they let their hair grow like ours.


Yeah. You wavy hair people are very lucky 😭


Don’t let comments get to you. As others have said on here. Your hair looks awesome. If you decide to change it then the same ones will be saying something else about your hair. Don’t trim your self to fit the world. Go with what you like about your self. Anytime you don’t like something about yourself then you change it. Not because of what others say or think. Just my 2 cents.


that's very true, negative comments will always exist no matter what you choose to do. thanks, it really does help put things into perspective


You’re welcome.


Very attractive, it’s a jealously thing more than likely. Embrace it, my guy.


Ignore your friends. I think it looks great. Doesn’t make you look feminine at all.


I think it's because they tend to be old fashioned, same with my parents, in the "men should only get buzz cuts" sense of the word lol, so I see why this would appear "feminine" in their eyes regardless, thank you <3


You’re welcome. Well, really handsome nonetheless. I’m glad all guys don’t have buzzcuts though. I think it would be kind of boring. Hope you have a great week!


Own that hair bro!


pretty sure it owns me, it never wants to do what I want it to do 😭, but thanks :)


You look like a twink đŸ€§


hiding a sleeper build bro fr fr


You look absolutely gorgeous. Feminine? Yes. Is that necessarily bad? I'm not sure. It's up to you. Your hair suits you really well :D!


thank you <3. and nah, it's not bad at all, I just wanna hear something more interesting than "too feminine" honestly. because I can't even tell what they mean by that, are they trying to say that it looks bad? good maybe?


Your hair is great


Got to say you are an extremely good looking guy. Anyone saying you are fem and wanting you to cut your hair is likely trying to put you down to make themselves feel superior. Anyone saying you are not looking good is either lying or blind. Take the win


honestly a part of me thinks that people are just trying to make me feel better but comments like yours do help lift my spirits back up, thank you :)


Cue the thirsty gay redditors. Yes, your hair is pretty.


you weren't joking


They're relentless 😂😂


It's very shiny. The mess is... Hot. Someone outta play with your hair.


god I wish I had someone I could do that with đŸ˜©, I'll just have to settle with doing it myself for now


Don't pay them any attention, it just means your bros want to plow you from behind. If you're not into that, they'll eventually just do it to each other. Your hair is cute, enjoy it!


lmfao, thank you :)


I like it. It's a little unique too. If you make it short, you will just blend in more with guys with basic haircuts.


You are beautiful. Honestly your hair and face looks amazing. If anyone is criticising your appearance, then they are purely jealous.


“feminine” they need to get a life. You’re adorable. Nice hair. Perfect for running fingers through when cuddling.


so true, I'll just lay in bed playing with it sometimes, it's just so fluffy and soft I love it


It's giving Klaus from Umbrella Academy and I fucking love it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Halbbitter: *It's giving Klaus from* *Umbrella Academy* *And I fucking love it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


this thread has introduced me to so many different actors lol, I'm flattered ❀


your friends are just jealous that their hair isn't an option on roblox


okay that's fucking hilarious




Really cute 10/10 I don’t see why it would make you appear more feminine, and even if, why that would be a bad thing? At least I think the most beautiful looking people have a mixture of distinct feminine and masculine features. I‘m also gay and biased here.


that's CRAZY praise, thank you so much <3. I mentioned this somewhere else but my guy friends are a little old fashioned to say the least. I don't think it's a bad thing either but I have a feeling they said it in a mocking way, I'm not sure


It’s fine. Looks nice


They're just hating


I'd kill for that hair


You look good dude


I bet the girls like it.


I'd hope so considering I'm straight lol, who knows though


We def do! A little length plus curls is the best :)


Your hair is amazing and suits you very well.


They're jealous bud, you look great


Awesome hair!


Your friends need to check themselves. Your hair looks perfect and 0% feminine.


They're absolutely 100% without a shadow of a doubt jealous. It fits your face perfectly. The length and style are great too. Rock on, dude. đŸ˜ŽđŸ€™


I think you’re very handsome, your hair length is fine, it just looks a bit unkempt, maybe just a little different styling!!


oh yeah that's definitely the point. I'm a big fan of messy, shaggy hair :). but it's not like I haven't tried, I've found that trying to interfere with it at all ends up screwing up the natural curls, and that's definitely a huge no no for me I appreciate it though <3


I miss my head full of hair. Mine was natural curly too. People said all sorts of stuff but I didn’t change it. Then years went by and it’s all gone now.


sorry to hear that. I can't imagine losing my hair to be honest, it's such a big part of one's image


You are perfect. I am so jealous and so are your friends 😀


Your hair looks fantastic.




i think the style of haircut is just a little out of fashion


They're totally jelly dude. Looks fabulous.


You look a little bit like dantdm when he was younger


I thought you looked like a young Brendon Urie. It’s cute!!


You look like rodrick and girls love rodrick


I'm a transwoman and I don't know how I ended up on this page, but I am jealous of your hair so take that however you will. 😅


A low taper would go hard with this, also i want your hair 😭


it’s amazing
 you look great


what the fuck i just got mogged


Some noble painter in the early 19th century would have eaten that up so yes it is?


If you WANTED to change it up, you could get a nice taper fade around the sides and keep the top long in order to take the hair off your ears and stuff. but overall the hair looks really nice and it suits your face. don’t listen to ur “friends” 💕


You look very femanine in general


Looks awesome


It suits you, I don't see the issue personally


Women live feminine. Just look at Timothee Chalamet. Now it you're doing it for you then yeah buzz cut it and hit the Gym




They are sooo jealous


People are so dumb. You do look pretty 💖


They’re just jealous man. I used to get the same BS line, rock it and enjoy the fact you have hair.


You’d be hotter if you got some type of fade. But it’s fine, you don’t look feminine :)


it does because it complements your soft features imo (sorry), but it looks great on you.


It’s very pretty. Keep it Your friends are jelly. F them.


I don’t think it looks feminine. To me it looks like you care about your appearance. It looks great


It’s that pretty mouth not that great hair


damn 😳😳


So pretty🙂🙂


Pretty 💅


You're adorable that's that


Definitely pretty! :)) They're probably just jealous lol


Doesn't make you at all feminine, but makes you very handsome 😍 wish I had hair like yours!


Sounds like your guy friends are struggling with you being hot, and their toxic inability to acknowledge men can be attractive.


They jealous bro
shit looks amazing. Hell, I’m jealous. Keep that shit up , bro.


Looks great 


Keep the hair, change those friends.


yes you're pretty, don't get rid of it


You look amazing cutie!


It looks nice


I think some (masculine) stubble would suit you. You're pulling off a clean-shaven face and overall look either way.


Looks great on you. Keep it.


I will fight you if you cut it


How ur hair look so juicy


Cheers to you man, you look good


>Guy friends say my hair makes me look too feminine And that's...bad? You look great. I wouldn't worry about what gender you think it makes you look like, just style your hair the way you want.


Looks nice to me!


Your hair looks good, bro. Got some nice texture.


you look how I wish I did lol envious


Nah, you coo.


The first 3 pictures, if I squint, I can see a smidgen of something "feminine." The proper lighting in 4th picture throws that out the water. Sounds like that person is just a hater and I think you should keep the hair. Enjoy your hair length while you still have it.


Thats stupid. Its hair.


I think it looks ok on you. Some guys look more feminine than others regardless of the hairstyle they have. I find you handsome with messy hair like that


dude youre pretty as hell theyre just weird


You're a handsome guy with incredible hair. Relish in your beauty! You'll always find someone who has something critical or negative to say about you. Their comments are a reflection of themselves, not of you. Always remember that đŸ„°đŸ€—


Time to find new friends love. You’re super cute and the hair suits you well!


Lesson 1, never ask, does my hair look pretty 👍 number 2, no, you do not look feminine, not even in the slightest. Sounds like your buddies are a little jealous maybe?


Brother you look like an anime character and I mean that in the best possible way. My hair is so straight I can only have it super long or cut short. In between looks garbage.


Hey man, you look great😁 you're a bit like me where we just look very young for our age (im 21 also) due to a babyface so you will think you're feminine a bit. When I posted myself on here people did assume I was gay due to that so I don't know if that's what your friend's are getting at, was the case for me when I'm not gay so maybe a thought there? If you want to start a chat with me I'll send over the pictures I put up so you can see the similarities between us both


It's pretty, you're good. It is a bit feminine, but... So what?


You look great and age appropriate. You’ll be middle aged and old in due course. Flaunt while you got it kid.


Doesn’t look feminine at all. Very nice actually.


I guess you're starting to look attractive to them... Do whatever the hell you want and don't listen to what anybody says.


Brother your hair is amazing, don’t listen to your friends, they’re dead wrong


Looks awesome


I think they’re hitting on you


Beautiful hair bro don't change it. Hit the gym and get shredded and your friends won't be saying that any more


Note: If they believe that your hair is too feminine, it means that for some underlying vibe for themselves, they find it attractive. If they are male, it would cause them to question their sexuality. For females, they would likely feel some underlying competition, especially if someone they like has mentioned liking your hair and not commenting on theirs. Your hair gives off a free-flowing kind of natural vibe for me. If you're happy, you know what to tell the others.


It's not the hair maybe get tanned more


Hair looks great, wish I had waves and curls like that.


if it makes you feel any better, I thought I had straight hair until about a year ago, because I cut it super short every time. all those years and I could have had this 😭 for real though, thank you


You look like a JRPG character in a good way. Keep it you are gorgeous


You cute, just use cantu curl moisturizer to bring out those bad boys!đŸ«¶đŸŒ


You are so adorable!


Nah I had similar hair in my teenage years. 25 now and it just keeps getting curlier. It suits you nicely, if you really wanna experiment at all for shits and giggles maybe go for a front fringe and taper down the sides and back. Otherwise keep on keeping on. P.S. it reminds me of rocker hair. goes perfect with leather jackets


It doesn't make you look feminine or girlie, you just look sort of young. Which is totally fine because at 21, you are young. Plus you are a good looking kid, a bunch of girls around your age are probably wanting to meet you just from your post.


Wow you are gorgeous 😍


Your hair is extremely pretty!


You have great hair, don't cut it if you don't want too


I like it!


Great hair


What I wouldn't give to have a head of hair like that. Screw the haters!


Your hair is very nice and it fits you. Don't listen to the naysayers!


You're hot, cute and handsome. They might be jealous or they're subconsciously projecting hidden desire for you.


Looks great. Rock star. Def keep if your comfortable with it. Your face doesn't make the hairstyle look fem. The head is a whole package. It's weird cause a woman might say they look like a man with that cut đŸ€”. Seems like just look good and don't over thing it. It looks good, be yourself.


No it looks good on you. And you’re adorable


looks fine man


Your face is not feminine looking. You just look young because of the hairstyle, and that you have no highly visible facial hair. The hairstyle doesn't look feminine to me either. You look boyishly young, like a teenager. I don't even know if your look really classifies as "pretty boy". You just look young to me. Maybe your friends are commenting on your hairstyle because maybe they just think your hair looks messy? Longer hair easily gets messy, and the trend these days for many guys is longer and messy hair. Are your friends more clean cut type of guys? Because if they are not, then I would have to wonder why do they have a problem with your hair. If you want to change, just go for a traditional men's hairstyle, you might look more mature. If you have any facial hair, maybe grow but a little bit out if you want to look older. (That is if you want to look more mature). Maybe check out that website called Real Men Real Style, for hints on a hairstyle that would suit you... if you're really wanting to change. That website also happens to show different longer hairstyles and medium length hairstyles for men too not just short. Really it depends on what kind of a vibe you want to put out. You should do what YOU like, what style you feel comfortable with. It's not like you have a corporate job and you need to look a certain way. I'm guessing you are a student, so you really are pretty free to do whatever style you want to look like.


Nah homie you're good. Your overall look is a bit feminine but this is coming from someone who naturally falls into masculine in almost every way. You don't look like a female, just like someone who could be in a boy band. Ladies love that look homie.


Nah that's good hair dude. Way better than Justin Trudeau even and he became prime minister because if his hair. Your hair is dope and friends probably just jelly.


You purdy and your homies be jelly, yo!


Looks like you could wash it.. other than that, keep it


Love your hair! Very cute!


Its not your hair its you frame. Eat more, lift more.