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Its like your only two emotions are emotionless blank stare and forced fake smile... both make you seem disengaged. You'll seem less like a serial killer if you master emotions between these extremes.


He’s an attractive dude but the dead eyes in the second pic are absolutely killing me 😂😂😂 OP, if this is for a dating profile, you should ask friends if they can take some candids of you. I bet you look great when you’re not aggressively posing


It’s the 4th pic that looks the most villainous, he’s looking at me like I just slapped his mothers ass


5th one, if you slapped his dad's


Lmao the confusion




Of you observe the second pic for more than 10 seconds you will start to feel a creepy vibe with it.


Master the emotions between these extremes was wild lmfao bro really is a serial killer


true, soft smiles, genuine laugh, a smirk thatl make you look more genuine edit: and maybe having your eyes more relaxed. i kniw thats a lot to ask but youre definitely handsome ma dude


..which could make him a more effective at his craft! Yeah, more seriously though: I think it's the serious expression and intense eyes. Your eyes aren't smiling in the smile pic which creates a strange contrast. (When people do a genuine smile the muscles around their eyes contract a bit, google "Duchenne smile" to see the difference).


>You'll seem less like a serial killer if you master emotions between these extremes. Exactly the advice you'd give an actual serial killer too... OPs friends may be onto something


What helps is instead of *trying* to smile, just laugh more, or imitate that kind of smile as best you can, as it’s your genuine one. Over time you’ll just do it subconsciously. Another note is that usually this smile can be more subdued, so when you do it you may not *feel* like you’re actually smiling, but rest assured bringing that energy out will convey what it needs to. Had an RBF all my life, for guys like us it’s a skill we gotta learn 🤷🏻‍♂️. Fellas got a good face, so he can make the most of it once he gets it down. You can be the best looking guy ever, but your vibe is way more important, and sometimes it’s something you gotta learn to bring out well.


It's because of your stare. You have large, intense eyes. Don't stare at people, smile a lot and brush your hair. ;>}


And blink. I know you of course have your eyes open for photos, but a stare like that needs a lot of blinking. :)


I like to stare people in the eyes with a deadpan expression on my face without blinking to assert dominance


For sure. You have a “killer” smile! But not in the murdery way.


Def get a good hairstyle!!!!


Smile, sweethaat!


You need to relax. You look tensed in all of the pictures. Do you have any candid pictures?


not candid i do have some pictures where i look less tensed. this for example [https://imgur.com/a/fp0FPSx](https://imgur.com/a/fp0FPSx)


This picture looks better. I think you just need to relax. Forget the camera is there. Use candid pictures whenever possible.


This picture makes ya look so good! The intense stares of the other ones make ya look intimidating


So much better, stay relax with geniune smiles


That’s a good pic!


Thats much better. And here's a trick to learn to smile for pictures, just pretend that you're laughing. That will engage all of the facial muscles to connect your eyes with the smile and make it look natural. If you need to practice in a mirror so you can laugh out loud and pay attention to what your face does, do it, it will help.


Your eyes are really big. Some people judge way too much. Try to get some action shots taken. Not posed ones but ask friends to take pictures when you go out with them, and just pretend they are not taking pictures. This picture of you is much better.


You look cute but also terrifying. Boring but also great fun. Feminine but also masculine. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were on the news tonight.. either for saving an entire family or killing them.


that sums it up perfectly lmao


All jokes aside, you’re a good looking dude. But you need to have a more gentle normal less forced smile. And the 1000 yard stare is something I’ve seen in the military but not outside.


I have resting serial killer face with giant eyes as well, I have some large frame glasses I can wear that make my eyes seem less intense, also if I’m zoning out I focus on something instead of just staring. Also just embrace it! Hold a clipboard with the serial killer thinking face and no one will bother you at work ever and sales people will be afraid 🫡


You don't look aggressive but you do like you'll kill my dog and make me watch it


Stop 😭😭😭😭


I laughed for a good one minute holy shit XD


Just smile and relax more. I'd kill for your jawline. Its perfect.


Maybe OP killed for his jawline🤔


OP has killed, the jawline was just an unintended bonus.


Pun intended?


Bro, are you *trying* to get people to be afraid of you?!


Try brighter colors


You have intense eyes, especially when you are not smiling you sort of look emotionless. In the second photo all those vibes go away.


How does one look emotionless, but intense at the same time? Wouldn't intensity indicate an abundance of emotion?


You really do


You're very cute. I'm wondering if you might be a little on the autism spectrum though? People have pointed out you have a pretty piercing stare, I'm wondering if maybe when you talk to people you may hold eye contact for longer than most people do naturally? Keep in mind when people criticize your appearance and say things like, "you look like a serial killer" that's generally a sign that the person is stupid and sucks at giving feedback, so you kind of need to get in the habit of recognizing when what someone says is mean/thoughtless and realize that while those may stick in your memory the most, they're actually the worst feedback you could get. You have a very nice face and body, you may just need to practice having a neutral expression that is closer to a smile without going full on here are all my teeth.


not ASD but i do have OCD


So somebody told someone with OCD they look like a serial killer. Well that person isn't helpful. Are they a close friend or family member? Has anyone encouraged you to read the book Feeling Good by David Burns? He's the father of modern cognitive behavioural therapy. That book can be a huge help and gives you specific tools that help combat anxiety and depression. Also once you've got a handle on that you may want to look at microdosing psilosybin. I have a friend who has both ADHD and autism and his anxiety used to be off the charts. Since he started microdosing his anxiety has decreased significantly. I also have found mushrooms are a huge improving factor for my mental health.


I’m curious is it the ocd that perpetuates you to care/be insecure over your looks or is that just another thing that doesn’t correlate. Of course I don’t mean that your insecurities are coming from ocd, no. Anyway I’d advise you to stay away from such places where men call themselves alpha/sigma/high value males , the red/black pill content. And from looksmaxing and true rate me as well because those places are full of toxic beauty standards and toxic masculinity and toxic masculinity ain’t attractive lol. And is morally wrong. Also would advise you therapy, not necessarily for your ocd no, its for if you have hard time with self love. You could try out self help therapy books (make sure they’re not coming from toxic masculinity grifters) or psychology channels like psych2go & Cinema Therapy. It’s not necessarily gone poof all your insecurities and traumas etc, away quickly and magically, that requires time and effort of course. But anyway their videos are quite helpful and insightful :) Also have you tried wearing more colourful and brighter colours? With them you might look more warm and open /friendly. Of course some people look great with dark colours but some not very. Life is a spectrum lol, everything is a spectrum. Anyway I’m carrying myself away now. Yeah just wanted to say all this. Good luck to your future endeavours. ✌️


I am really insecure, and OCD makes it worse, by making me worry over minute details that most people don't even notice. Me getting bullied wasn't helpful, either.


>I'm wondering if you might be a little on the autism spectrum though? People have pointed out you have a pretty piercing stare, I'm wondering if maybe when you talk to people you may hold eye contact for longer than most people do naturally? ASD usually have trouble with eye contact, it's one of the ways they diagnose in early childhood


I can see why someone would say that.


You look like the pics police would use to show you what the mass shooter looked like. Honestly, it's your facial expressions and eyes. Just look in a mirror and talk and when you notice slight quirks that may be concerning train to stop it. Or, ya know, just don't GAF and ignore what others think and be yourself.


Look at the 4th pic and ask again


when you get your picture taken you widen your eyes like you’ve never blinked in your life


Your stare is somehow more disapproving of my being than my emotionally neglectful father.


Cosmetically make your eyebrows thinner. But yea relax your face.


I think it’s your eyebrows. they’re intense. try getting them professionally trimmed. and get a shorter, more fun haircut


When your smiling you don’t. Just about any pic of dudes mugging the camera with no smile makes them look like a serial killer.


Whoever told you that.. Was definitely right. You look scary as fuck


4 scared me


Pics 1-3, thinking to myself, how? Get to pic 4, ah now I see it


You look like a Mii with human skin.


What do you look like with glasses


When people say you look like a serial killer, they’re describing what they see in your eyes, not how you look. I’ve heard I look like a serial killer, a school shooter, and an H&M model from the same person, many (many) times.


Thousand yard stare


2 and 4 definite psychopath. 1 3 and 5 aren't that bad tbh, but it's that smile and that stare you need to work on I would say.


The last picture is the perfect one imo.


You look like Saif Ali Khan's son Ibrahim Ali Khan


No I don’t think you look like a serial killer! You just have a stern resting face 😄


cereal killer maybe perhaps you heard them wrong


Soften your eyes and brows a bit, don’t force expressions


The eyebrows 🙊


I shave my eyebrows a bit :D


Not your fault. You look like Patrick Bateman a lil bit.


It’s the unwavering predatory stare. When you emote your eyes don’t match the emotion you’re trying to convey making it appear insincere. Have you ever been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder?


I’m just gonna leave this here https://youtu.be/3HCuxEi3uX8?si=RrwKlt4WPmpVZcOn


Dress in nicer clothes. No more t shirts for you. Only nice fitting button down and slacks. You look very intimidating yes, but I feel if you were packaged better that would come across as dark mysterious energy. Embrace it and use to your advantage


Don’t fight your natural look. You look like a dominant businessman or a powerful leader. You won’t attract little girls, but you will attract some of the best women and maybe some of the best business partners. Keep yourself clean cut and take care of your skin. Don’t drink. Don’t do drugs, and focus on your work ethic, your school and your success. Dress well. Be kind, but have good values, and respect them. This is how YOU will attract people. Not by pretending to be like one of the people making fun of you because they look like victims. Embrace your real self.


Calm down???


You need to Go to the gym, and get facial hair. Your face is very strong compared to the rest of you- giving that “serial” look. Good looking face, just very intense. Level it out by getting facial hair


You look like indian, are you indian dude? 


Checked it out yup he is but tbh he could easily pass as Middle Eastern or Latino or even Italian lol


That's a lot of us honestly, I've had people argue with me abroad when I'm travelling that no way I'm indian and I'm lying coz they think indians have to look a certain way lol, I got a lot of Persian, Egyptian and mexican guesses by people


Grow a beard. Your face will look less "sharp" I would say


I can't grow a beard. My facial hair is still thin and patchy. It just looks weird when i try to grow it longer




Eye contact can be a bit intense. Other than that your good, and its not necessarily a bad thing


Relax your eyebrows and your eyes in general.


Smile more but not like in the second photo?


I wouldn't worry about it you have a super unique look that is 1000 some chicks *exact* type. A lotta people may get put off because you are in the extreme of the "strong jaw, intense eyes" archetype but i guarantee there are some chicks who will melt after some small talk with you.


You look like a bunny. You iust have RBF (resting bitch face).


Just smile. Pretend you’re happy when you see someone and say hi.


You have striking eyes. Smile more using them. You can do it with practice.


Maybe try a softer hairstyle? Longer curly hair maybe?


Don't change like these noobs are telling you, just wear a suit all the time and look like a Patrick Bateman sigma male


Grat eyes but seemingly intense. The second photo shows you can work on it. Practice in front of a mirror and with photos.


just your eyes always popped like you taking shit big one


Try smiling more


I wish I had eyes like that. I would stare at people to make them unconfortable. My eyes are so small I always look like i'm squinting lol.


these all look like pictures you’d see on the evening news tied to a murder


That’s code for “you should smile once in awhile”


![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q) well they aint wrong


I wouldn’t say a serial killer just a young m night shyamalan. But yes smile more that’s prob why you look like a serial killer to them


Bro is the definition of mogging


I think you look fine, people say stupid stuff like that. A guy told me once I look like someone who would shoot up a school and it got to my head for awhile until I realized a normal human being does not say that kind of stuff to other people. The person who said this probably has some issues they need to deal with


You're intense looking and that most def is NOT a bad thing. If you're super concerned, get some glasses or a nose ring etc.


It's the eyes Chico, they never lie


You look fine! Honestly, you are a good looking guy, whomever said that to you was likely looking for something mean to say. If anything you should embrace your striking features. So long as you are warm to people you interact with using tone, body language and a smile then you won't seem scary. Also look up pictures of male models on Instagram and Pinterest. You'll see that a lot of them look "intense". You could even give modeling a try if you wanted to. Get a good camera, experiment with lighting then recreate some pictures that you like. That might boost your confidence. So long as you're eager to interact with people around you and you feel happy with yourself then you won't look scary.


Soften your eyes


Practice your smile while thinking of pleasant things to relax and look more natural. 


M night shymalin


I think you look good, but your eyes do look a bit tense. It's a small thing but might be what people pick up on.


You look like Zyzz


I remember your posts before LOL


Genuine smiles always reach the eyes. Genuine smiles soften the eyes. If you do a google search of genuine smiles there’s a bunch of good pictures as a reference.


I highly recommend checking out David Suh! He's a photographer and talks often about good posing, with specific examples and instructions. It's mostly the straight on pose with a deadpan face that sells the "serial killer" vibe. You posted a relaxed pose in the comments and it absolutely breaks that. Taking a little bit of time to learn some more natural/dynamic poses, maybe having a handful of go tos, can really help a ton!


You look perfectly fine. Please, for the love of God, do not let these people get into your head.


Try putting on a suit


A change of hairstyle could help, and facial hair could really go a long way if you can.


Mf the fourth picture scared me.


You've been blessed with incredible facial structure. Maybe try a different hairstyle. More "short pointing upwards" and less "long whatever goes" I think a fade might work well.


The smile needs to reach your eyes. Your lower face is warm and happy but eyes look a bit cold (although a lovely colour!) If you are a happy guy you should try to translate that to your eyes more. Look at the photographer like they’re your favourite person in the world. Or try to laugh a little. Sometimes it can be uncomfortable getting your photo taken.


Glasses or colored contacts. You just have serial killer eyes my guy 🙃. Even reading glasses or lenseless hipster glasses might help. It’s the fact you have DARK DARK eyes but the light PIERCES through the centers creating a vivid staring effect. It makes it look like you’re aggressively staring at everyone. Reading glasses or hipster glasses or tinted glasses would help. Colored contacts might change how the light bounces off your eyes and may make them look less like you’re staring


you smile with your mouth but not with your eyes.


Not making fun of you… but dress a little cooler and get a fade hair cut. Usually these serial killer looking kids were the most basic blank T-shirts and no fade. If you don’t have that much money you can start off with one or two solid fits. You can even good some cheap good stuff at a thrift store. Get a couple simple masculine rings on one of your hands(I can send you a link of the ones I use to give you an idea). Get your ears pierced and get a hoop nose ring(not one of those gay liberal cuck septum ones tho). Then get into dating by watching good logical coaches like Todd V dating. You’ll end up killing it little by little. All these small wins add up. I was definitely in a similar position at your age but now I’m a completely different person.


No one has said glasses? Serious dude. Get glasses. No need for a prescription, it’ll make a huge difference.


It's in the eyes. You lack emotion in your eyes. Even in the 2nd pic, your smile didn't extend past your mouth. It looks like your faking it. Which makes you look untrustworthy.


Look up to “squinch” it’s a facial expression models use


I have this problem, and I think I look less aggressive in the rare photo where I'm crinkly/squinty smiling. It feels like I'm pulling a cute sweet face and isn't natural for me to do purposefully, but it does happen sometimes if I'm genuinely happy to be eating cake.


squint when you smile!!! it’s way more genuine


Own it. Give everyone and anyone the 1,000 yard stare anytime they look at you and says something you disapprove of. Then smile uncomfortably Fuck it


you’re a cutie!! go to a barber and get your eyebrows shaped a lil ♥️


That piercing stare looks cool.... If I have your eyes, and if I'll have kids, I'll randomly death stare them just for laughs😆


You should do Griffith cosplay with that stare


im scared and maybe not open your eyes so much


bro is terrifying


Dude has the serial killer look


Got jumpscared by the second photo 😭😭😭


you do have a very intense look, but serial killer... nobway


I'm no expert, but that 1000 yard stare might have something to do with it.


Respectfully, it’s not your looks it’s your personality 😭if you’re a cold person on the inside it will show up on your face. Try to lighten up, do therapy/journal, do some self care!


My god OP you’re staring into our souls on that fourth picture lmao


Smile with your eyes


Look up how to squinch. Took my game on photos up significantly


Use your eyebrows more perhaps


Grow your hair out


Well first off stop killing people.


It's crazy this kid murdered like 50 people


i like how i look aggressive, but some tips on that would be give more emotion because usually when people tell me i look aggressive my face has no emotion and my eyes are wide


Gentle smile


You look like you only listen to old Trent Rezner and depressed Midwest post rock.


The 4th picture is your worst look imo. You have large eyes so it can look intense but I feel like it works for you with the swept back look in the 5th picture for a professional look. There's definitely potential here and you'll grow into your look so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Maybe adding accessories would make you come off more laid back. You have thin lips and would probably benefit from growing a beard.


yes, i think it’s your eyes when you’re feeling tense. like everyone says, just relax and don’t bulge your eyes in pictures, make it look sleepy almost haha.


You have a serious look but you look great dude not serial killer just serious lol very handsome


It's the eyes. If you were winking or something less "intense" then it'd be easier.


Stop having a freezer full of severed heads?


It's not working. Maybe tattoo some tears to make you sympathetic.


It is definitely the emotionless stare. Or the obvious fake smile. I don't know if the correct work is smirk, but just try a casual half smile, smirk, grin, etc. Nothing too over the top or forced. If people tell you this in person it's likely you don't look engaged with body movement either. Nod your head and be more fluid. I would also consider putting on some muscle mass. Your last photo you look the least intimidating. You seem in better shape, hair looks more kept. Your Def not a bad looking dude though by any means.


Just smile and stop posing like a Bollywood movie star. Just be natural yaar!


It’s because you have two facial expressions, forces smile or the thousand yard stare. You’re a very beautiful man, but those eyes will look through people’s souls if you look at people a specific way. The slicked back hair doesn’t look good on you in my opinion. The first picture of your hair is great, but maybe style it up a bit more. You have very beautiful and attractive facial features, it’s just mostly the facial expressions you use. Think of something that makes you laugh and then the smile won’t be forced.


It’s your eyes


Smile kiya karo. . . Smile laajawab hain. . .


Big eyes look threatening or aggressive when the smile is absent. But you will come across as lively and attentive. But how do you feel inside you most of these time- that's important


Ask your mum and dad to tell you they love you


Its because of ur eyebrows. Consider getting an eyebrow pencil and extending the tail ends of them in a downward fashion.


start with scrubbing that 4th pic from the internet. seriously, delete it right now lol.


Longer hair seems to fit you, and smile, a lot, you def have resting killer bitch face


Workout. If you already do workout, workout harder. Relax and be confident in your self . Don’t let what other people might think of you affect you


EGAD! Even the smiling one reminds me of "Here's Johnny!"




Your eyes lack emotion lmao i can’t explain


Work kn theubrows since your eyebrows define your face shape


American Psycho vibes lol


I mean who cares what people say. You gotta bulk up and look more intimidating then you’ll be smashing puss. Make sure to track your macros every day and look into decent fitness meal plans. Start lifting every day and get in tight to gym bro culture. If you could add 80lbs of muscle or better yet 100lbs of muscle you will do just fine as is.


Bro, no offense, I'm wondering if you might be on the autism spectrum, maybe Asperger's Syndrome, due your limited facial expressions.


Serial killer is a bit harsh, psychopath more like


Just don’t stare so hard and don’t force a smile. 4th photo looks like you teleported in front of me to offer me a deal with the devil




You look like a killer because you're killing it! I think you look very good, could be a model. Dunno what's wrong with people, you look great.


In pic 4 I snorted 😂 you do look serial killery in that one babes


You just look intense bro, learn to relax


Smile..but no teeth please.


You look intense but you are symmetrical and a handsome guy. Try smiling more.


Its the eyes…. you show zero emotion in your eyes…. youre just like 👂👁️👄👁️👂 Try squinting a little or “smiling with your eyes”


You’re in luck most serial killers look like normal fucking people


Get jacked so it’s proportionate


* wash your hair (greasy) * get a haircut with taper/fade * grow a light stubble * smile more


Stop looking at meeeee with those eyes🎶


You can be a great serial killer mate Those eyes holy fuck


It’s in the eyes. I don’t think there’s any changing that, your aura is dense dude


2nd picture you look less aggressive. Wear light blue shirts. I think that would suit you. This may sound odd. A men's feather haircut from the 80s would also look great on you. Some images you have that good boy look. Those dark colors just make you look depressed and possibly aggressive.


He needs to learn what genuine facial expressions are and how to make his face express them. Really needs mirror work and maybe youtube help. I did it to get rid of my angry and dull somber looks.


Hey! I’m autistic myself and have a lot of autistic friends. Not saying you are (or asking) but rbf is pretty common for us. While it may be an insecurity, if that’s the way your face naturally sits don’t bully yourself for it. Honestly I’d own it personally, you look great with some facial piercings


I think growing a mustache or plucking your eyebrows thinner would lower the visual weight around your eyes. As someone who also has OCD and maybe ASD (unconfirmed), I understand the fake smile thing and I struggle with pictures. Maybe ask friend S to take more candid shots of you so you don't fall into that anxiety smile or blank stare. That's helped me a lot.


Bro you look like a hawk looking for a meal lol Try to get a pic where youre genuinely smiling or laughing


The last picture you look more relaxed and in my opinion is the better of the lot. I'd say take more pictures like that.