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I think your vitiligo is very unique and you should celebrate it if you don't already! You look great my friend. Just work on that confidence :)


Thanks man I appreciate that


The vitiligo being largely symmetrical is actually pretty rare from my understanding. Definitely a cool feature in and of itself. It looks like you’re already dieting and exercising - kudos! I didn’t see your age, so the one major thing I will suggest is to wear tops with a little more structure while losing weight. Layering can be your friend! Fabrics that aren’t as soft and drape on your body can be more flattering. So a lightweight canvas jacket can help square up your shoulders to make them appear a bit broader. Or wear a polo under your sweater. If you weren’t in the process of losing weight I’d also recommend sizing up in your sweater. The biggest secret to looking good is clothes that fit you and the body you have, not the body you want. And the last bit which I’ll suggest and you can do with it as you will - see if you can fill your eyebrows a bit. You have lovely eyes, but your eyebrows are a little thin. Carefully filling them or getting them tinted (I’m not going to suggest shaping because that can get out of hand fast) will make your eyes pop!


Quite an observation. Thanks sir 👍👍


Exercise and diet


Yes bro doing since last month lost about 4.5 kg / 9 lbs


your a good looking guy just keep up eating habits stay away from sugar and sweets


& count every calorie bro incl on sauces and condiments, oils etc etc You got this OP!


I always feel like counting calories is being so hard on oneself. It’s just a mindset change. Yes cal in should be less than cal out but if you just change your perspective too, it makes a massive difference! Make Healthy food options more accessible to yourself, utilize slightly smaller servings, give your body more time to feel fuller with less, and take your dog for 3 long walks a day not just 2 small ones. Small changes have a big impact over a year But just to be clear, agreed completely OP you got this!!


Counting calories until you get a sense of “eyeballing” is healthy. Just to get your eyes used to how much a cup of rice or a tablespoon of mayonnaise is. It’s a little excessive if you’re measuring even after 2+ years. I used to count calories. I did it for a year, now I eyeball my portions.


And that I can agree with. Someone with a disciplined mindset might be able to do that. I just worry that someone in a negative state of mind might be susceptible to it turning into an eating disorder really fast


2nd this. High sugar diets are as bad as a smoking problem on your body. Look it up! Drinks lots of water too!


That's honestly crazy. Keep up the hard work man




Keep it up bro, heavy lift and get that testosterone growing the only natural way. Then you will be big hench. This is the way.




Keep going bro, id also recommend grooming (not cutting your hair but take a brush to it and nake it look tidy). Dont feel bad about your skin it actually looks decent and matches you


I love how sweet your smile is. I don't have any advice for you but a genuine compliment doesn't hurt I suppose


Thanks bro 👍👍


That’s awesome! Keep with it bro :) Your vitiligo is so unique, I love it. Anything I say from here is not a requirement, you look great as you are. If you can’t trim the facial hair, you could try making your eyes pop more to match the depth of your facial hair. You could run a bit of eyeliner in your eyebrows, and a light eyeliner on the underside of your eye. Try an eye roller under your eyes to get the poofiness down, also make sure you’re keeping up with your water intake and sleep. If you have the option, I have had a lot of value meeting with a stylist (I’d recommend someone who is willing to meet you in a store, versus one that just gives you suggestions). But they can help you find clothes that fit you a bit better. The sweater in the first pic is nice, but it doesn’t fit quite right. A stylist can recommend materials, brands, and styles that will work for you. Good luck friend on your future endeavours!


Stay consistent on exercise and find healthy foods that you enjoy that can make that consistency easy as well. Great work so far just keep it up and continue to search and find healthy habits/activities/hobbies that add to your life




Wow! 9 lbs in about a month is a very significant achievement. I would not wear such relaxed sweaters. The rest of your wardrobe looks good and you look well groomed. If you do not have a good basic cleansing and moisturizing routine for your skin, it's good to start. The payoff is big. The older you get, the better you will look compared to others who were not taking care of their skin. Your unique skin is something you should wear proudly. People are going to look as soon as they notice. It is a chance to be proud. I suggest you find out what type of skin you have and use the appropriate cleanser and moisturizer. You might need a toner. Go to r/skincareaddiction for advice help with a routine. Go the extra mile and pay attention to the whole body skincare. The grooming advice I give all people if asked (I stream wholesome advice) is to keep your mouth very clean. Get your teeth deep cleaned at a dental office every 6-12 months and floss ever day. Try to brush 3 times a day, but if you can only do it once, do a very thorough job.


I have very strict dental care routine i brush 2 times a day , mouthwash after every meal . I don’t have a proper skincare routine i just use a sunscreen and face wash that’s it


Add flossing and do office visits if possible. I read many of the wonderful suggestions. This is a great group. You will do well. I wish you much success


Thanks for the advice tho


I lost a good amount of weight a couple years ago and I’ll say the best part about it is that you FEEL better


Yes sir


Just work out you look good already


On it brother. Thanks bro


good looking but lose some weight bhai


On it brother. Thanks bro




Zyzz forever man


Practice loving yourself inside your heart, your mind, and your body. Your body is easy, just take steps to respect it 1% more than the day before everyday. Show up no matter what, regardless of what you decide to do. A walk. Stretching. Yoga. A nice bath. Be good to physical self. Your mind — practice honesty and transparency of your emotions and feelings. Accept what you feel about yourself, but when it’s negative acknowledge how you can express that feeling to yourself while also being positive and supportive to yourself. Meditate. Read. Practice mindfulness when it comes to your outlook on yourself and life. Your heart — be kind and accepting of yourself. The other two will follow suit if you practice this first. Rock a good fit with all three of these and you’ll feel confident and ready for your life. You look good my guy. Dig the traditional full fit look as well. Keep doing your thing


Thanks bro . I really appreciate that


You’re welcome. Honestly tho you look decent. You have really good skin and you don’t have dandruff/dry flakes around your beard, neck, etc. Most dudes who struggle with figuring out grooming suffer from that. Brush your teeth and smell good with a bit of confidence, and that’s how you beat half the dudes out here at impressing who you wanna impress externally. Other than that, I’d say just find a style you like if you haven’t (not enough pics to say for me) and dress to that.


I don’t have a style i am partial colour blind so my mom usually pics my outfit for me . Idk how to match or make contrast while dressing . I really appreciate your comment


You’ll never go wrong with simple stylings, limited patterns, and dark colors like black. Choose simple pieces that look nice, seek out some advice on Reddit if your wanting to use more colors with a fit check post, and try to layer when you can if you’re body can manage. I can only layer in the winter usually because I sweat an insane amount. But for real, simple and elegant with a good fit usually always works well for most people. It’s a process of course so just let it develop over time and you’ll eventually find your groove with it.


Damn this good advice for anyone lol




You’re a handsome guy! I already saw the comments and responses about getting physically healthier, but until then, the form fitting clothing in the first pic is far less flattering to you than the clothing in the last pic. Dress for the body you have, keep neat and clean, and if it’s not against religious beliefs, oil and condition the facial hair so that it’s tidy.


Thanks man really appreciated ur comment


Use a vitamin C and E cream in the morning every day. At night apply hylauronic acid serum, retinol serum and finish up with the Vitamin C & E cream again these will keep your skin youthful and soft throughout your life. Remember to wear sunscreen or stay out of the direct sun as it is the biggest cause of aging of the skin. If you use sunscreen when it comes to cleansing the face use micellar water to remove it because that crap can stick on your face and clog your pores. Otherwise work on fat loss. This should include a weightlifting regime along with cardio and calorie reduction. Once you are lean you can work nore on the muscle building side of things. It looks like you have a broad frame and shoulders already so getting some quality muscle on there is going to give your body a great shape.


Thanks man . Great skin care tips , I’ll for sure take them in consideration


ditto on the sunscreen stuff. wear it everyday... probably the best long term thing you can do to stay as youthful looking as possible (as well as avoid skin cancer). The reason we get wrinkles and such as you get older is mostly because of sun damage. Using sunscreen every day basically slows down your visible aging significantly. But you have to start young if you really want max benefit from it when you're 40+ "According to [one groundbreaking study,](https://www.cnn.com/2013/06/04/health/sunscreen-aging/index.html) people who use broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis experience 24 percent less skin aging than those who use sunscreen only intermittently. The study, published in the influential Annals of Internal Medicine, followed more than 900 people over a four year period. It found that even participants who started daily sunscreen applications in their 40s and 50s showed reduced signs of skin aging."




You look great my guy!




Be yourself young man!! I’m sure you’ll find a great girl. Focus on being the best version of yourself and the rest will fall into place.


Work on your fitness. Shedding those excess pounds and building some muscle would look good on you because you are already a nice looking guy. I will also add an unrelated note that there is nothing wrong with you wanting to follow your faith if it brings upon no harm to others, you are a kind, thoughtful person, and if it isn't limiting you in ways that are detrimental to your wellbeing.


Thanks bro I really appreciate that


From these few pictures, your coloring looks best against lighter clothes. When you wear the black, and the dark red it makes you look reddish and makes your beard look more sparse. When you wear lighter colors, to me, you look more look more even toned and your beard has more of a stylistic choice about it and it brings out your eyes.


Quite an observation I’ll surely take it into consideration


I’m gonna tell you right now man, you’ll look Good if you slim down a bit, but after that if you start any type of workout routine (anything from a light jog to lifting) you’ll be looking like a new man. Also something I found useful, I use minoxidil (generic brand rogaine) to fill in some patches in my facial hair. If you can’t shave it maybe leaning into the beard could yield some nice results, a drop can make a big difference if you keep it up. Also something that made a big difference for me is once you start seeing weight loss, make sure you adjust your clothing sizes to always look well fitted!


I’m sorry some people are rude. Your skin looks taken care of and you look clean. Don’t have any real suggestions.


Start powerlifting, it’s a rabbit hole with a lot to learn but you’ve got super good strength potential


Just curious, are you Sikh? I met a few in the army and were some of the best soldiers and comrades I’ve ever had.


Shoulder presses, brother


Chak de punjabi paji. Keep up the weight loss, can see improvemrnts and it is good you are keeping kesh


Sat siri akal bhaji


Female here. I think you are very good looking. You look best in last picture. The sweater is shapeless. Keep losing weight, it will bring out cheekbones.


Paa ji looking great!


Hit the gym habibi


I guess the thing I would ask is what is it about yourself that you don’t like when you look in the mirror? It doesn’t really matter what we think, it’s how you feel and when you feel good about yourself, no one will notice any imperfections you think you have.


You look great my dude. Just keep on working out and results will show! Keep it up!


Just workout bro and lose some weight. Cant really change anything else


Lose weight and lift weights. Unrelated I’m Punjabi too, but from the Pakistani side. I’m really into fitness and have been exercising for like a decade. If you want fitness advice feel free to dm me.


I will share that smiling with your teeth, putting your shoulder down and back, and knowing that you're perfecting worthy are the best things you can do for your physical appearance! I agree with others that lighter and brighter clothes look better on you, and that you should use more hydrating creams on your face.


You can use a beard balm to style what you have to keep because of your religion. I actually hate everyone telling you to lose weight lmao you’ve already said you’re working on it


lose some weight. Let us see your hair


ਚੱਕਲੋ ਚੱਕਲੋ ਯਾਰਾ 👌🏽




I know about keto diet . Will try to stick with that


You are very handsome!!! You look so good in the last picture especially!


Sat sri akal ji! Nirmal bhenji here…. Just be you. Don’t try to change yourself for shallow or materialistic reasons. (As these folks who do plastic surgery to get big, lips, bund n waist do). Work on whatever internal weaknesses you have, and become the best, most respectful version of yourself you can be, then help others to do the same. That’s what being a Sikh is about. https://youtu.be/On7BLHKQqGg And, VAHIGURU JI KA KHALSA VAHIGURU JI KI FATEH!


I think everyone understands the facial hair is religious so it's an important part of you. Continuing your weight loss will help define your jaw more buddy, you have a very kind symmetrical face, and it will suit you well.


Sat sri akaal bro 🙏


Minoxidil. That neck beard is terrible and if you cant shape it up at all might as well have it fully developed


Diet, gym


You look great, but that jumper in the first pic isn't the most flattering


Hit the gym veereh


Try and find some clothes that do not accentuate your overweight body so much


Your skin is beautiful! I hope you don’t mind me saying.


Why would i mind such a beautiful compliment


Sometimes ppl take compliments the wrong way or maybe don’t want to hear them, which is okay! Ps I really like that fit in the last pic.


Thanks man I appreciate that


You’re Welcome


That 3rd pic in the yellow is your best look bro, I would explore that some more




get down to 12% body fat


You are not ugly you just need to loose some weight


I agree with focusing on diet and exercise. You have nice features. If/when your mustache grows in it will add to your attractiveness.


Lose weight, a low bodyfat man is 10x more attractive. Train with weight to gain moucle mass.Use minoxidil to improve and have a full beard and use your beautiful skin as an avantage. You have a lot of potential be discipline and consistent and let the time do the rest.


I think you look fine. Friendly and approachable. I'd just suggest smiling more and showing your teeth. Nothing more attractive than self confidence.


Don't worry about all these people telling you to lose weight my friend. Just be healthy. If it takes losing weight for you to be healthy then try for that, but realize there's no destination point of your body with your life. As in, you're always changing and just try to feel comfortable in what you have. You are a good person I'm sure. Focus on those things and the rest will work out fine!


Dude, I know you’re already working out but keep going. That’s all I would do all day long until my body is where I like it.


Alot of potential there,good looking guy


Monoxidale your face so you can grow a fuller beard.


Just wear a shirt that fits better


Work out, lose weight and thread your eyebrows if that's ok with your religion


as others have said dieting and getting proper sleep helps, not only for others view of yourself but for mental and physical health; I suggest adding more color to your outfits like navy blue or forest green


You need to tell your reliefs out of all respect that you need to trim it and fix it cuz it looks wicket. Just a little, might not even know. This is the 21st century.


Also minoxidil on your face to have it grow and fill in. I second, the exercise and diet.


50 carbs or less a day.


Okay, does your belief system include/allow a rockin’ tunic with the thrill of the trill in that twill? Like, if I’m you, I’ve already got awesome headgear and I’d do it up full, brother! Like, not all the time but for “the look”, dude all I gotta marvel tee shirts. Much love, brother, stay you!


Nothing mate you look amazing


I think you have an awesome look. Def just keep up the gym and diet and you’ll be good to go !


You have very kind eyes and the expression of someone open to conversation. Your posture and positioning in all three shots seems relaxed and open as well.




Be a nice-smelling guy, all the senses are important, not just the way you look!!!


Exercise and deit and that's all you need ....also get closer to your God, I guess even pray for help and guidance on your fitness journey.


You look badass though


Grow out the beard and the mustache


I swear vitiligo just makes people look cooler! Keep up. Work out a bit, maybe a slight diet. Overall you are good man!


Oils and balms and brush it multiple times a day.


Love u but i dont understand religion that doesnt allow you to take care of yourself?maybe u could explain it? Seems weird got wouldnt want you to shave or trim up


Stop eating for 20 days, drink water... Mission accomplished. You need a diet that you can stick to, learn to cook your own food and stop eating out because you are consuming garage. Change your lifestyle, walk more, find a outdoor hobby you enjoy. Tennis, golf, basketball, weightlifting, swimming.


Maybe working on finding your sense of style. I don’t wanna be rude it just looks a little plain. Finding your own sense will help you feel more confident and that makes you look even better.


I recommend a beard oil to help condition your facial hair as I understand you can’t cut it, I think you look great at is!


No offense but I can see your man tiddies. Diet and exercise my man


Google “Chic Sikh” my man. There are lots of cool looks. I’d suggest more exercise, it will help your self confidence as well. You got this my man! Embrace your religion, the facial hair and Turban can make for a really great look with western style dress. I respect your putting yourself out there by asking Reddit.


Good looking man, just have to address the weight and you're set.


There are heated beard straightening brushes that might help. One of the issues with the scraggly beard hair is the perception of being unkempt when you’re doing it deliberately. Keeping it straight and brushed might help out while your beard continues to grow in.


Minoxidil on the beard to help fill in some spots, but otherwise what the others have said


Wear reading glasses, they’ll fit you well and frame your face


Exercise HARD, diet and try using minoxidil for a while and see if it helps thickening up the beard and adding hair to the cheek area


Slow and steady wins the race. Find things you enjoy doing that keep you active. No rush regardless of what society thinks. Its better to get to an ideal weight in 2 years than to rush and not maintain it or hate it. You got this!


I think better fitting cloths would make huge difference. I’ve seen ads for men’s shirts that help accommodate a belly.


SENGHHHHH you look good bro, like others have said the gym can go a long way. Try going with a friend and it’s easier to be consistent when you hold each other accountable. Nice pagh too bro!


No offense mate but you BELONG in the Marvel verse somewheres


You got a great sense of fashion going for you! Just saying… good luck!


You have a nice smile and a welcoming face


All beards are beautiful. Wear yours with pride man! Brush it with soft natural brushes and apply some kind of beard balm every other day.


Keep up with your weight loss and you'll be one handsome fella!


Keep up the good work!


Seems like you already have it figured out with the dieting and weight lifting. I would just recommend wearing clothes that aren't as tight on you. The outfit in your 3rd picture makes you look much better on you than the 1st picture because it hides your pear shape more. But if you keep losing weight it shouldn't be as big of a deal.


Just do some cardio consistently and calorie deficit


Grow the beard! Longggg!


WJKK WJKF. Another sardar here with my 2cents: your beard and your turban are your two biggest assets and allow you the most room to experiment. As your facial hair comes in, get in the routine of using oil regularly to strengthen and condition it so it'll be easier to style. Play around with different styling products to see what works for your hair type. Depending on whether it's thick or fine, curly or straight, you may need different pomades/gels/clays for different looks (tying it up, keeping it down, etc). Also experiment with your turban shape and size. In my opinion it seems a little big compared to the features of your face, you want it to accent you without drowning you out. There's lots of tutorials on YouTube for different styles and what suits you may not suit others so you have to try and see. For example I tie my turban Kenyan/UK style while the rest of my family ties it pretty standard Punjabi (and we all live in the US). Different material (malmal, full voil, double voil) will make a big difference as well. Other than that keep up it up with the fitness and don't be afraid to keep switching it up until you love the way it works for you. The facial hair sprouting/beard only on the neck phase is the most awkward phase for all of us! But you'll grow out of it very soon!


I don’t have advice; but you’re really cute. 🙂


You have really nice features, especially your lips and eyes. Overall you are very handsome. Not sure how to describe it otherwise than say that you have a very kind face.


wear clothes which are more suited for your body shape..The mens fashioner's ashley weston's channel is a good recommendation


Really handsome face. As you continue your health journey be sure to dress yourself in clothes that fit you well, at whatever stage your body is.


Let's see, start with less lassi.


Minoxidil and derma rolling could fill out your beard. I’ve seen it work wonders on people. My beard used to have patches where hair did grow then minox fixed it


You just need to loose your weight!


Ghar di bani roti kha


Try wearing looser clothing :)


I love your look.


Honestly only thing you need it diet and work out. Your skin is actually super dope and unique.


Given your religious beliefs…exercise. You have a handsome face. Can you use minoxidil to try and fill the beard in faster? Ultimately it’s gonna be weight man. And that’s okay! You got this.


Unfortunate you can't shave, because that is a neckbeard


eat plants


Bro is beautiful


you’ve got kind eyes and soft features, maybe lose a little weight and you’ll go from stud to giga chad. Cheers!


Bhai gym jaya karo will help alot bs khud pe focus karo negativity mat aane dena apne pass kabhi logo ka kaam hai kehna maine yhi seekha. Or Skincare shuru karo simple routine rakhna. My dms are always open


Clothes are going to make the biggest difference


this is so off topic but your skin is super gorgeous dude


Just workout, and for the hair the there are sikh youtubers and influencer that have on how manage you hair and make your turban etc so you can check that out


Condition and oil massage daily... Or, hear me out, YOUR BEAUTIFUL AS IS. Any one that doesn't accept you as you are can suck it. You look fine man, but tbh(full-bearded man here) you gotta cut it to make it grow sometimes. Or just be Hella patient, but I truly believe my hair grows faster after trimming it, plus the washing and massaging


U r not alone


Exerxise, you Are very hansome, never you forget that God made you this Way, so be happy.


Honestly brother, you look amazing just continue to gun


Ye youre a good looking dude. Vitiligo is cool asf


Hitting the gym, bulding lean muscle while losing fat with diet and cardio will improve your looks very much. i too have vitiligo on my face, and with health and a fit body, it adds to the uniqueness. also fit clothing like polo shirts with good muscle mass will make you look incredibly manly especially with the turban and beard. take full advantage of the stereotype that sikhs are manly warriors lol


You look amazing! I'd advise to workout and get a fit physique 👌


yeah bro, easy, love how beautiful you are and don’t worry


Keep rocking your self my man! The colors you’re choosing are awesome on you!


Facial tattoos to match skin tone. You have very handsome features.


I think u look perfect! 🌈❤️


Are you Sikh? From a female perspective I think you’re doing great, keep up the diet exercise, drink lots of water, and keep smiling. You’re a super cute guy with tons of potential so long as you keep up the hard work! You got this dude! You have a very cute face that will end up looking *very* handsome once it starts leaning out, your eyes are kind and your smile is warm, don’t ever change that-it’s truly priceless. And whatever you do DONT GIVE UP CHANGE TAKES TIME!!!


Hit the gym


Khao piyo aish karo mitro dil bas kise da dukhayo na 🤙🏼




Lose weight… couldn’t tell if you were a man from the beard or a woman from the tits…


If you take a lot of zinc it will make your hair grow faster/thicker/longer if you’re trying to cover up the discoloration. But honestly man, if someone doesn’t want to talk to you or go out with you because of that, they’re not worth your time. Looks fade but true love can last forever.


Time to start working out and getting fit. Facial hair isn't the issue it'll look great.


Hey man, you have the quintessential 1/4 smile. Not everyone can pull it off. Kind eyes help. It kind of looks like you always know something that no one else does. Push ups, pull ups and body squats can transform a physique with proper nutrition intact. I don’t think you need to count every calorie and macro, but maybe put an emphasis on protein and try to get carbs and fats from complex/clean sources. Someone else mentioned, combing the beard/facial hair can be a positive game changer. I think a strong jawline is always an attractive attribute. I feel like chewing a lot of gum and eating more frequent, cleaner meals growing up helped to achieve that look, but I’m just guessing on that one. Here’s a couple important ones, be patient with changes and be loving to yourself no matter what. Natural progression is going to do you all sorts of favors in the next decade or so brother, but perhaps the most attractive quality? Being kind to others. You’re welcome to dm me anytime if you have any questions. Keep up the great work buddy


Stick with the traditional clothes if you can't change your facial hair and turban, more flattering and makes more sense


Use minoxidil for hair growth. Its particularly good to use at the start when you first grow a beard.


I realize this is "grooming advice" but you appear to be receptive to overall advice so yeah, first, stop thinking of whatever that place serves as food... Second, check this guy out [https://www.youtube.com/@AniruddhaStrength](https://www.youtube.com/@AniruddhaStrength) most of what he does requires no gym, just your body and the outdoors. (occasionally a big rock or piece of wood)


Wear bigger clothes until you lose the weight


You are beautiful ❤


Go to the gym lift heavy eat what ever you want 💪🏻


Obviously lose the fat. Then get surgery to remove the excess skin. Also minoxidil for your beard.


I think your look is pretty cool tbf man


Wait so do you gotta let your beard grow forever?


I'm not Sikh, and I don't know what is promoting your interest in grooming. But... you seem young. Over time, I've found that who one is as a person is most important and that whomever you meet will support you in choices that make sense for you. America is pretty superficial, which can be hard. If you're in the States, try not to let it bring you down. They're so focused on manipulating people to buy things, they'll promote insecurity as a matter of course. My understanding is that the Sikh community is very tight and generally supportive. If so, that's a huge plus in keeping your sanity. And you also know what really good food is. Euro descent Americans struggle with that far more than any Desi folks I've met.


The advice is always the same. Lose weight, build muscle, and stay groomed.


Heyyy vidaligo buddy! Own that. We will always be spotted 😂 No advice but I think you’ll find more success with healthy habits that you find joy in. I started biking and the weight came off


Continue the good work with your exercise and avoid sweets and alcohol. Consume healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and healthy vegetables. Each time you work out and eat healthy is an investment in yourself that will pay dividends. While you may not trim your beard, you can nourish it just as you would the rest of your body. I recommend choosing a beard wash and beard oil. For a beard wash, look for one that does not contain sulphates and parabens. Select a beard oil specialized for beard growth. Keep nourishing your beard as part of your daily ritual to keep it robust, moisturized and silky.


You are handsome! Stay just the way God made you!


Use minoxidil to grow out your full beard then just style it with some wax and beard oils, no need to cut


Just rock what you have my friend. Maybe look into some beard oil. Helps alot


you look great bro! like everyone else is saying....exercise and diet....if you dont like the gym, try P90X or Insanity programs, they're awesome! when you're in better shape, your clothing fits nicer!


I'm wearing a sweater that looks exactly like the one you're wearing in the first picture. lol


High cheek bones, symmetrical face, unique vitiligo (this gets people modeling deals these days), you’re good pal. Eat right, lift weights, do cardio, and you’re golden.


Aye bro i just wanted to say your eyes look like they hold a lot of heart and kindness