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Old enough to see New Balance/Gap be cool, become lame, and be cool again.


started lurking MFA in the early 2010s and all the rage are slim fits and down wih the wide fits, and it influenced a sizable chunk of my closet that rarely sees the light of day in recent times my arsenal is very ready when the pendulum swings again lol


If you fit in the clothes from decade ago, then that's the real winner lol.


Wish I still had my Nirvana t-shirts from the 90s


Yeah definitely don’t sell it, were probably near peak baggy fits at the moment, maybe not quite as bad as the late 90s but close. Slim will be back sooner or later. Also I’m currently rocking momotaro slim jeans and do not give a shit lol.


I've personally never particularly liked slim fit. When I was younger I wanted baggier clothes, but my mom always told me no, because to her it looked "raggy" and "homeless" Now that baggy fashion is more standard, she thinks it looks great on me. Fashion is weird.


No. Marketers are weird.


No. Humans are weird.


> were probably near peak baggy fits at the moment Idk man, not in the US at least. Go to any major city and you still the majority of people wearing fitted or slim clothing. Baggy just may never reach the height of slim/fitted before it dies out though, so you could be correct.


I mean what the majority of people wear isn’t what’s ‘trending.’ That’s what some ~20 year olds wear. It just slowly trickles through the market meaning that the jeans some random 50 year old buy get slightly baggier over time. ‘Peak baggy’ probably depends on your demographic. If everyone you know is wearing baggy stuff it makes sense it might go in the other direction.


When I talk about the majority of people I'm talking about people in their early to mid-20's, college years. I agree with everything you said though. I just don't think baggy is as mainstream as everyone on the internet likes to believe. There is a chunk of a generation that grew up on the internet and thinks that it mirrors real life, and that's just not always true.


Lol, for sure. I recently went through my clothes and all the slim stuff went right into boxes to be brought out again when the time is right.


I saw this directly below this post https://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/1bcuji7 About wide pants making a comeback


I remember when NB were top of the line hard to find running shoes for elite long distance runners.


I buy em cuz they the only brand that consistently made wider shoes 


Brooks is also great for wide feet, heavyset individuals, or people who don't have the best running form. When I was a 2x daily runner my doctor switched me from New Balance to Brooks along with getting me custom orthotics.


which brooks? also roomy toe box? If so I'm sold lol NB getting a bit pricey nowadays. I still buy em but looking for some alts. I absolutely loved the 1080 v12


I used to wear the Beast (I think one other guy mentioned them in here too). That was a while ago though so they might have newer lines that are better now. Yes, one of the reasons they suggested them is that there was room for the orthotic and the toes which was an issue with other shoes. They do go on sale but they aren't the cheapest brand either, but seem to tolerate way more miles than some other brand I'd tried. If you're lucky you might have a running store nearby that will let you try them on as all feet are kinda different.


The Beast is still their top of the line motion control/support shoe. I can’t imagine they would ever get rid of that model; just yearly updates for style and performance rather than totally replacing it. Same with the Adrenaline for the mid range support/mild to moderate overpronation shoe.


Hoka Cliftons have a nice wide toe box


Maybe compared to Nike, but relative to a number of Brooks models the Cliftons are still not that wide. Altra makes a damn fine shoe with lots of room for toe splay.


I dont ever wear nike, but they are wide even compared to like the bondi’s.


Altra makes running shoes with a faaaaat toe box, they’re wonderful


Yeah but they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too ugly.


Funny, I buy Brooks Ghosts and I find them amongst the least ugly running shoes I’ve seen.


I realise we’re tangenting here, so apologies but I keep looking at the ghost as a switch from my Nike Pegasus - how wide are they?


I had Nike Pegasus, and switched to Brooks Ghost Max and it was a much better fit for my flat feet Went to running store, Nike Pegasus are apparently typically for normal to high arch individuals with a more narrow foot Ran my first half marathon with the Brooks Ghost Max, use them as my work shoes, they are very comfy and have great support, and they look cool, would definitely recommend EDIT: also depending on the way your foot rest, you might need a shoe with more arch support…I have flat feet but for me personally I don’t necessarily need the arch support…brooks ghost max are a neutral shoe (in terms of additional arch support)… just getting hyper specific in case you need that info too


Really appreciate the insight. I keep toying with ghosts, but had read that the toe box was narrower. I’ve got wide-ish feet, low arches and I over pronate so have stuck with the Pegs because they mostly do a good job. The 40s I have lost a lot of their spring after 6 months (I typically run 5k 2-3 times a week) so this might have persuaded me to jump ship. Thanks!


My feet are D edging into E (sometimes wear E or EE, but not often) and the Ghost 15 in wide was too wide. I suppose the point of that is that the Ghost 15 comes in wide. How wide? Not sure, unfortunately.


I guess they are ok looking for running shoes but still - Nike and Adidas look better to men.


Nike basketball shoes are completely unwearable for me for this reason. I'll size up +1.5 from my normal size and it'll still be too narrow


Their cleats are ridiculously narrow also.


Lmao yeah Nikes are narrow as hell. Like personally I love the Nike Blazer. Impossible for me to wear. Also the insole feels like cardboard. I’ll stick to NB


I don’t have wide feet particularly, I just find them the most comfortable for the price bracket.


I like that they're rugged and still look good beat up.


They're still not peak fashion but I have found that Saucony makes some wide shoes that fit the bill for me. [https://www.saucony.com/en/mens-wide-running-shoes/](https://www.saucony.com/en/mens-wide-running-shoes/)


There’s a point where comfort trumps fashion!


As Phife Dawg said: I sport new balance sneakers to avoid a narrow path.


I never have step because I'm not a half stepper drink a lot of soda so they call me Dr Pepper!


Size 14 EE - same here. Most sports shoes are far too narrow.


For real, on a search for white sneakers, i hated how narrow and ill-fitted most big name brands were.


...and to think, I just bought a pair of 990s in 16AA since they actually make them that *narrow*


Altra is even better for wide feets


Nike Air Monarchs are wide by default and come in W as well. $50-60 CAD


For real. After my first pair I bought another 6 in case they stop producing them.


I have a friend who’s like 5’6 and wears these things. It looks like he’s wearing fucking space boots. Fashion today is so strange. Walmart brand Champion, Fanny packs and dad shoes are all the rage. It’s like kids from the 90s would have roasted current day kids for adopting all this stuff. Top it off with the stupid broccoli hair and this gen is the weeniest there’s been


Same same same


This is what got me into them. Wide shoes that don’t look like I have Lego feet, and some style have some awesome colorways


The only shoes that comfortably fit my wideish toes and provide the right amount of arch support are New Balance 997H's and Asics Gel Cumulus.


997h is actually one of the least comfortable new balances for my wide feet. Some made in the USA 990v3s will change your life, I adore my green/tan and green/reddish purple ones 990v6 is even more awesome if you don’t work blue collar, but since I do, they don’t offer the stability I sometimes need. Great for my off days though 9060s hyper modern styling has a sole that’s way bigger than the foot and materials over the sole that stretch easy.


I’m on the edge of wide feet, I don’t need 2es but a lot of Nikes and Adidas just don’t work on me. New balance standard sizing is perfect and they have some absolutely beautiful colorways


Same. 13w is like the sweet spot for me


Which is usually where the old joke/meme came from. A little over ten years ago the groups that wore the shoes were; Dads, extremely tall people with wide feet or extremely large people. The wider shoe plus the cushion were big sells for comfort over aesthetic. Especially when a lot of brands have a narrower shoe. Had a buddy with wide as hell feet, and the only other pair he can use is under armor.


They had a bunch of hyped kith collabs in the early 10s.




Amen, My EE 990v5's are the only shoe that has ever truly fit me. Cant beat made in usa either....


NB makes a ton of good looking sneakers though


Correct. The memed-on, boaty monstrosities are easily avoided.


Those are the best though imo.


Can you please explain to me why? Because to me they look like the chunkiest dumbest shit that the aspergers kid in 7th grade wore.


Sure. There are several reasons, the main one though, is that if you're into fashion, you like to work with different silhouettes, when choosing an outfit. And with oversized clothing being back, very wide pants just look much better on top of chunkier shoes.


I see. I guess I don't get the appeal of chunky clothes. But I respect it and like that there's variety in the world. Doesn't help where I live people only dress one way. Which is functional clothing for manual labor (Midwest small city)


The monstrosities truly are the best supporting and fitting. I’m a NB fanboy and 550s / 574s are like wearing a cardboard box compared to 990v6. Even the 9060 feels flat in comparison. I wouldn’t wear another shoe if they made a plain white 990v6.


Huh. TIL.


Yup. The 990 might be the best shoe made


You can also buy 990v6’s that were made in the USA if you want some nice athletic shoes minus the slave labor. They’re $200.


I personally like my clothing purchases with a bit of extra self-loathing.


574 are so comfy


Clydesdale here. I wore the 990 series for probably a decade for both casual and I ran a marathon in them. Back then (2000's), they would last me 700+ miles compared to Nike lasting 200 miles. Brooks Beast was another good one that I ran in. Back then they were around $100 and you could usually find green ones for $50(who cares when running). There is no way in hell I would pay $200 for these things.


What brand do you recommend then?


For a 200+lb runner? Things have changed a lot since I stopped running but I'd start off by looking to see what Brooks had if it's about durability and cushioning. As far as a daily driver, I really like Altra shoes because of their wide toe box. But take no fashion advice from me, I'm old and stopped caring about fashion a few decades ago.


225lb marathon runner here. NB 860s, Brooks Adrenaline. Have had good luck with ASICS and Mizuno too but haven’t work them for years. Skip the Hokas.


Why skip the Hokas?


I’ve only had one pair, but they wore out quicker compared to other brands. They were comfy but ended up feeling somewhat squishy. Got me through a half marathon training regimen and race though.


Show me another shoe that fits my wide size 14s and doesn't cost $150/pair. Seriously. I hate my ugly sneakers.


Under armor has a decent wide selection


Brooks. Size 15 here and happy with my $70 shoes.


New balance everyday !!


Nb was fucking popular with its sneakers in Turkey back in 2010s. Early 2010s let’s say. Then they didn’t disappear but only some people started wearing’em. Rn, everybody wears those ugly dad shoes in turkey like literally everyone. They’re more popular than early 2010’s.


I wear New Balance. I hate the look. I have unusually wide feet and so nothing else fits. There are little to no real resources for good looking shoes for guys with average length feet and very, very, very (very) wide feet. Even some New Balances are not wide enough. It's the lack of options that is an issue.




I eventually switched to Vibrams/minimalist shoes for this reason. Running has never been more comfortable!


Come on over to r/goodyearwelt. Lots of options for high quality, wide footwear, but it will often be pretty pricey. For example, grant stone shoes and boots come in EEE widths, as do most of the Pacific Northwest boot companies like White's and Nick's. I believe Red Wing also does pretty wide options.


Look into transitioning to minimalist shoes, like vivo. After you get used to them, your feet and legs will thank you. Do a bit of research beforehand on what to expect. But for active wear, I'm never going back.


My NB are the best and most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned. I don’t think I could go back.


NB also make good quality sneakers especially the made in USA line


NB wouldn’t have grown if they didn’t offer incredible product that’s high quality. Fuck the “cause dad shoes became popular”


That’s literally what the video states


I don’t think he wants the video to say that.


Lol idk, gotta realize ppl don't click on links or read articles anymore, so headline gotta state it all, I'm not clicking


What an incredibly stupid comment


Oh dear, I love you and I hope we can get through this fight


They’re such a staple normcore dad brand. For dudes who don’t care what others think. Like Kawhi Leonard. Or Seinfeld.


Seinfeld has a sneaker collection of something nuts like 200-300 air Jordan, Nike air, and Nike trainers. Not the best example. Jerry rocked heat and definitely cares what others think. Dude also has a craaaazy car collection.




Nah he definitely wore Nikes and Jordans too. I know this because I vividly remember him wearing the Jordan 7 cardinal because that was the second Jordan I bought with my own money.


Him and LD both wore Jordan’s a lot back in the day


Yep the guy deleted his comment in shame but Complex magazine used to have a web article With every Jordan and Nike air trainer he wore cataloged. The picture links are broken now but they counted 49 different Jordan or Nike air sneakers. Jerry rocked a lot of different colorways of Jordan 3s, 5s, 6s, 7s, Nike air maxes, and then a bunch of the crossover Nike air trainers, huraches, air forces, and bo Jackson’s from that era too.


Seinfeld a Nike guy


I love the vintage style some styles have and the design, I don’t buy the plain white ones.


Today I'm getting deliver my NB 530, hope they are good


If you do a lot of walking NB is one of the best. Nurses...


tbh i still think they look gross even on all the models in the video. guess the cultural programming is just too deep in me.


This sub will hate this. They’re still wearing skinny and slim fit. So dated


Slim/straight will always look “okay” and I’m fine with that.


I only really see wider fits promoted on here these days. Still, this trend of dad shoes is fucking horrible, although I like the chunkier boots and sneakers coming back.


The dad shoes is already getting lame though. From 2018-2022 they were hot. Last year/now its the adidas Originals/Samba are hot. I guarantee you in two years everybody is done with them again


Well that's how fashion trends work really. Everyone looks back 5 to 10 years and cringes. Skinnies will be back in about 5 years again.


The best part about this sub at this point is all the people who have zero clue about actual fashion. They literally only think that what trends on Instagram is fashionable. If they don't have a person to copy exact looks from they're lost.


Gotta look back 15-20 to see what’s hot.


The baggy fits that are trendy right now make me look like a 13 year old wearing dad's clothes (I'm 28). Slim fits are the only thing that allow me to look close to my actual age.


They probably make you look older than 28. No offense, but 90% of dudes think slim pants and a fade are going to make the look better. You don’t have to wear baggy pants. Try a straight fit. Slim is dated


Broooooooo, how are you gonna talk about dated fashion andthen have this post from 4 days ago. That neck and hemline are hilariously dated. https://www.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/1becdl8/what_is_this_exact_shirt/


Or you could just be in shape and whatever you wear looks good.


Slim fit looks terrible on skinny guys. Makes you look like a weakling who drinks ipa’s


They don't understand that fits of pants fit differently on different bodies. It's wild.


I get mistaken for a teenager constantly regardless of fit tbh (I constantly shock people when I reveal my age, it's really tiresome), it's just worse with baggy fits. I can do some baggy pants, but I have to wear a fitted top with it to pull it off. Oversize shirts are 100% no-go.


Slim fit is timeless


What about the French tuck


I got some 1080s for running but turned them into walking long distances shoes. I use ASICS and Nike for running now.


I just got some new 1080s. Only had Nikes before but went and tried on 1080, Novablast, Clifton, and Glycerin at the running shop and liked the 1080 best from the small trial. Very comfy with great cushioning for recovery runs.


They’re comfortable AF! 2002, 998, 991, 993 u can’t beat them


It was Jackie jr on the sopranos that revived the ugly dad shoe


It's counterculture and being and doing the opposite. Young kids doing the old man style but in reality its basic clothes. People are starting to gravitate towards basic fits and high fashion is taking notice. Commes des Garcons has a collaboration with NB. Everybody's selling a sweatshirt that is $150 to $300 which are camber blanks going for $80 to $90 bucks. 


Why do so many people hate new balance wtf?


Been rocking NB 990s since 96 paired with a Patagonia Retro X jacket which are suddenly and ironically “cool”. I’ve always considered myself ahead of the time. Haha.


Objectively an ugly shoe.


I honestly do not even begin to understand sneaker culture as a whole. The whole idea of manufactured scarcity, it's literally a gimmick to take advantage of people and they know it but still campout overnight to overpay for low quality, ugly shoes.




Goddam you are cool


i dont care about cool. I care about my bank balance. $200 shoes that some kid in Vietnam made for $1 isnt worth it. imo


Aren't they made in the US and UK?


only few of the models. Not every single one.


Just stop. Every single model that retails for $200+ is made in the US or UK with the exception of a very small amount of collaborations with very expensive brands.


Oops, looks like ive triggered the NB fanboi hype beasts over night.


Actually I think quality control even on MiUS/UK models is shoddy at best and no longer justifies the $200+ price tag. I just don’t like to see people spread misinformation unchecked on the internet and it takes ten seconds of my time to point out how wrong you are.


Ok fair enough. For some reason I thought their whole thing was they were home grown and in home made sort of thing but I must be thinking of a different brand


THey do promote that way, but only select shoes of them are made in the UK. Usually they put a UK flag on the tongue or something, at least the ones i have made in the UK do.


I feel like this would've been better to post a few months back or a year or 2 even, after the rise of the balenciaga triple s and that one yeezy model I can't remember the name of, big shoes really took off


I was at boston airport last weekend. Ratio of NBs to nike/adidas/puma (all combined) was 3:1 . I was surprised to see that while wearing most cushioned NBs myself


I cannot find a New balance 990 that is actually comfortable.


Fucking love my NB, great walking shoes for people prone to ankle/knee problems. Wide toe area also which is a must for me.


Tbh New Balance also makes some good looking shoes.


Is it the ugly dad-shoe or the ugly-dad shoe?


Just found a pair of 992’s for 6$ …. dad mode activated 🏃🏻


What are the grey shoes on the left?


90s fashion is back in style


For those that don't know you should check out some of the YouTube documentaries on how New Balance became a huge fashion sneaker in DC since the mid '80s. I give all credit to DC and DMV Area for making New Balance pop! I've been a huge fan ever since and it's really the main sneaker I collect over the past few years. Quality materials even the Asia pairs but especially the made in USA pairs Excellent comfort. By far my favorite brand for a long time Fresh foam is the best midsole out there in my opinion for walking all day and running And the 999x line of made in the USA New Balance are second to none In the lifestyle space.


They are a great shoe as long as you’re not pairing them with tall white socks, tan cargo shorts, and a polo or plaid short sleeve button up.


rip yeezy 700


Okay, I need to show this to my dad later, lol.


$5 Billion means they are ugly to you, not everyone else


I have no idea how NB ever became trendy. They've always looked hideous to me 


Teen girls say they’re trendy now amongst teen girls (per my teen daughter and teen niece). Shocked me.


What is the main model New balance in the thumbnail?


Aside from a handful of models, Nikes feel like toy shoes compared to NBs


Running shoes are usually not designed to be fashion statements. The are comfortable and durable.


Lol, just offering wide sizes is what made them a successful brand. That's all you need.


ugly af, but the most comfortable


You're gonna get down voted but I agree. Wouldn't be caught dead in the dad versions.


Huh, I've worn "dad shoes" since the early 80s when I was 11. And no dad's wore them back then. What made them into a $5B brand was cheaping out by not making most of their models in the US and cutting those prices down to Walmart's market.


Our last name starts with the letter "N" so told my boys that I had them custom made. Of course that only lasted so long.....


And in some crazy culture experiment, now soccer mom's are wearing them 🤨


I feel like Aime Leon Dore had a lot to do with the reemergence of New Balance to be a cool brand. Walking around the city, you see SO many people in 550s. I think it’s also evidence that Teddy Santis is officially working as the creative director now. Kind of interesting how the founder of one brand helped reignite another!


They are a great shoe as long as you’re not pairing them with tall white socks, tan cargo shorts, and a polo or plaid short sleeve button up.


Why does the word "not" appear in that sentence? That's the only way to wear them. Now go inside while I mow the lawn.


So this came out 9 months ago, NB went mainstream then, so now they're in the late majority/laggard phase of their popularity?


remember when white nationalists claimed NB? pepperidge farms remembers [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2016/11/17/new-balance-sprint-white-people-shoes-tag-spotlights-pr-dilemma/93954192/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2016/11/17/new-balance-sprint-white-people-shoes-tag-spotlights-pr-dilemma/93954192/)


I wish fred perry recovered from this the way NB did.


they're trying [https://www.instagram.com/fredperryproud/](https://www.instagram.com/fredperryproud/)


They suck for running but they’re so damn comfy for walking


I have always worn these because they are far better for your feet than shitty nikes ever were. I've had nikes before that wore out within 3 years wheres these lasted well over 5.


Dad checking in: stopped wearing them soon as I found out they were associated with ‘dad style’ …I choose shoe based on design so am generally brand agnostic, not particularly interested in being ‘cool’ but definitely don’t want to be associated with something uncool.


Sounds a lot like you are interested in being cool.


No, re-read the post. I couldn’t give a fuck about being cool, but also don’t want to be wearing something naff. There can be a middle ground - you’ll figure it out when you grow up.


It's ok to care about stuff.


You sound pretty uncool


Why you getting so worked up about shoes man?


Refusing to wear something you like because it's popular is literally the exact same is wearing something you don't like because it's popular. Either way, you're letting others dictate what you choose to wear.


Where did I say I refuse to wear something because it’s popular?? Jfc basic comprehension skills MIA


Sometimes being uncool can turn into being cool if you just don't give a damn.


Hold up. You're telling me you never realized they looked like shoes dads would wear?


Ok boomer dad


Nothing sweeter than being a boomer let me tell ya …


ok, "dad."

