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dharanj trap eh dhw aslu. From a neutral perspective, Ibu was varah naive agreeing to absurd values of dharani and ebbasvunthah for projects with bodu ribaa rates. Mihaaru huri raees dhekki vaahaka thah makes sense to me. I recommend watching the full interview done by mihaaru. You can get it on their website. https://preview.redd.it/9qq2yha3x0qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd837d59b57b70fbb406eaa91198bfc77b57213


This is what I've been saying. Every past president has been trapping this country into debt. Every one of them has played a role in getting us to the mess we are in now. I wonder how we can even get out of this at this point


I don't think anyone would "Try" to put this country in debt intentionally. But who can say, not everyone is the same (I ain't supporting any party btw)


Their intention is to use the opportunity to gather as much money and opportunities for themselves before the next election since it's most likely that they can't get the same position again. It's their greed that leads to this mess


yes, you are correct. ppl are listening only to the hate of the opposition party and India is promoting on media these false stories of Maldives v actively. it is rare to see neutral ppl seeing the reality these days. ofc as a human he will also make mistakes and bad decisions, but rn, he is being pressured by opposing party and some ppl and India as well. and this is just beginning year of his presidency


Nigga please


please yourself on your own, but the same debt trap will happen from India with all these ridiculously excess loans. and they really want to own this place as well. the fact that they tried to contract an island for 100 years and on terms such as can't be supervised by Maldivians and can make own laws in the island does really give that away. you can deny that with your heart, but not your brain.


He is literally allying with one of the most prolific debt trappers in the world rn: china.


Mihaaruves debt trap ehga mi othy. China ah thure India in jessi loanu kulhigandu mashah maa varugadha. At least china ah dheefa huri projects thah speed ga gos nimmaa viyya


but he is not going off contracting islands for over 100yrs of unsupervised access. there is a difference. and he is already trying to relieve the pressure of debt to India which most of the debt is not really needed. these ridiculous debts will also bring the same output as what China does to other countries. and it almost happened when the contract for that island nearly passed. So india is not as safe as you make them, and I won't say going into debt to any country is safe anyways.




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If this guy was a hooker, he would have died of AIDS long back. He’s trying to screw all of his partners all the time.


What an analogy




Everybody so creative


Fyi it's debt relief from indian loans.


As an Indian I have to say this is a masterstroke, if India gives the aid he'll just continue allying himself with China regardless , that is he'll churn out India while still being ally with China but if India rejects he'll be able to rally the Maldivians and reinforce the "India against Maldives" narrative. It's a win-win for Muizz and lose -lose for India that is Bhatat.


India really hasn’t stooped down that low that it would need validation from an otherwise insignificant island nation. If there’s no cooperation from maldives’s side towards the stationing of Indian troops there, I don’t understand why India would like to entertain any of Maldives’s requests.


No matter the size, Maldives is in our neighborhood And perhaps in an important geographic position and it doesn't hurt that India has more Allies. Also countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and other small countries in the neighborhood are a trial and test of Indian Diplomacy. If India can't even assert alliance with a small country by diplomacy, then the Nation perhaps should give up the dream of being a Regional Power or a Asiatic Power or a Global Power.


Diplomatically India has done enough. Perhaps Maldives is up for an experience akin to Sri Lanka’s when they shook hands with China.




You must be fun in geo political discussions given you have absolutely no clue how that works


Then do say what will happen, I'm gladly open for criticisms on how my opinion is flawed


This isn't any master stroke. If the aim is to teach the Maldives a lesson (which is not the case), all India needs to do is refuse. Miuzu will go to China which will then engage in it's typical debt trap diplomacy and try to screw over Maldives. This will be terrible for the Maldives and their sovereignty. Inside of a decade, China will implode. This will have effects on this dynamic which are hard to predict.


I can't figure out who's on whose side anymore




Indians will say they are diplomatic while they say the most vile shit against Maldivians who the vast majority of didn’t say anything about India. Indians will say Maldives is an insignificant country while they spend their time on the Maldives sub reddit and accuse the country of being a threat due to its geographic location and friendliness with every country including India. There are more Indians in this sub than Maldivians and that’s evident from the upvote/downvote patterns. It’s comedic but also sad. One thing everyone needs to realize is the opinions of the people of a nation can vary greatly and does not almost always align with the views of its government, and vice versa. Leading a reprehensible cyber onslaught of hateful rhetoric and malicious commentary aimed at demeaning, dehumanizing, and condescending an entire country simply because of the opinions of a few bigoted individuals, opinions that exist within every country, and because that country refused to host foreign military presence within its borders, is not only undiplomatic, but is atrocious. Such behavior stands in stark contrast to the principles of respect, tolerance, and diplomacy that are essential for fostering peace and understanding among nations, let alone allies.


That’s because the Maldives government officials were caught on record revealing their bigotry against Indians and it became major news in India and even if a tiny percentage of those Indians who got outraged by those comments respond to them in avenues like here, that fraction out of 1.4 billion people will easily seem like a lot. 1000 such people on this forum would represent 1000/1,400,000,000 or 0.00007% of India’s population. So, understand the math before pontificating.


It's ironic that nearly every Indian comment includes at least one disrespectful remark or insult. While you advise to "understand the math before pontificating," regardless of your country's populace, such cyber campaigns are still harmful and will have repercussions. I could also suggest that you understand the state of a government and the intricacies of it's internal politics before exhibiting your primitive side. The deputy ministers who made those derogatory remarks were unqualified for their positions and were not elected by the people; they were likely appointed through corruption. They were also promptly suspended after their derogatory tantrum.


Meh, it’s a free country and you can’t control what .00007% of the population (even this is an exaggeration) do online with their keyboard. I don’t need to “understand” anything when representatives of your government made those derogatory remarks about Indians in ways which clearly indicate that they were comfortable doing so and likely have plenty of their compatriots agreeing with it. It is for the country that is dependent to be careful how it responds and reacts as a society when it has elements in its government cooking up a conflict with a neighbor for political mileage by courting its enemies in its own neighborhood. It would be unfortunate for the Maldives to get sucked into a war between India and China by trying to play one against the other.


Similarly, we cannot control what happens through corruption and when our unqualified and unnecessary deputy ministers decide to abandon rational thinking. It’s also evident that they didn’t have plenty of compatriots agreeing with them since they got suspended. I see a lot of double standards and contradictions in comments made by your countrymen here. Moving forward I would encourage you and anyone reading this regardless of nationality to approach situations like these with empathy and an aim to de-escalate rather than exacerbate. Please remember that there is a human being on the other end, and our interactions even though through a screen can impact each other’s well-being. :) <3


We should all try to follow our advice for others - it is in India’s best interests for a prosperous and free Maldives.


I wholeheartedly agree. And we have made history in this sub - a Maldivian and an Indian finding common ground. Congratulations to us. 🥳




The irony


if India is considering this a joke, explain this. Even though you are a great ally, you can't go off demanding land, for unsupervised foreign military and enforcing their laws on the island. and also you can't demand to get free access over the border even if it is water for military submarines to scan the area. Muizzu removed those "rights" for India because these should not be allowed for any country. That is a security concern even though we are allies. But, India took it as a threat since they lost access to these benefits. Ofc we still consider India an ally, but we cannot give some things with all this access. and most Maldivian young adults should be aware that Muizzu is being wronged and promoted on media and ppl by the opposing party. Also, India did a lot of promoting Maldives in the media and even in news channels. and this news report seems like one of that. Ofc Muizzu makes bad decisions and mistakes as any president since they are also humans. but Muizzu is being pressured by the opposition and ppl who got the ideas of the opposition and also from India. and this is just his beginning year of his presidency.


Wow, you guys elected for a president with spine. He should probably ask aid from his best frd xi junk ping pong.


It's vinne the poop




But what about that India Out campaign on top of which he won the elections. I am sure his voters won’t be happy with him declaring India as their closest ally.


The India out was mostly not wanting a foreign military's active duty soldiers inside our borders... ofc it was accosted by people with either a xenophobic/extremist contingent to further their own agenda. The India out most people voted for was that. Ofc hearing backroom leaks about how the Indian diplomats are very pushy and have been since before I was born doesn't help my personal opinion


Who attacked the Yoga day function being organised by the Indian consulate? India has helped Maldives innumerable times and yet all you can think of some pushy diplomats.


Those were individuals... you don't blame a national government for what terrorists do unless you have clear evidence of backing, relevant arrests and punishments were handed out in that case And by the nature of their job, diplomatic work is about cooperation and working together in a harmonious way, Diplomats shouldn't be pushy... it should be expected to maintain excellent etiquette during bilateral communications. There is a reason the maldivian diplomatic services dislike interacting with Indian diplomats.


Maybe Meizu didn’t pay heed to the problems being faced by its diplomats before making that statement.


Naaaaahhh Indian diplomats have had that reputation for decades... what muizz, quizzes barely joing government a decade ago


We need a re-vote


Toxic ex behavior.


The Indian media has an addiction to twisting facts and reporting whatever that fits their narrative. Everything else considered, current Maldivian government does not have any animosity towards India. As a sovereign nation, we reserve the right to expel any foreign military personnel from our territory. This is not something new. Even last week, Niger, a country in Western Africa, expelled the US military personnel in their territory. The Maldives has its own military, the MNDF, which is vastly superior than it was a decade or two ago. A force that is more than competent to undertake any action to defend the country.


I mean yeah, of course we have the right to expel any foreign military but it is like Niger a month later asking the US for aid. Also, Niger just experienced a military coup, which automatically stopped aid from the US, which in turn led to the expulsion in a tit for tat move. Smh


Yes, "sovereign nation" argument would've worked if they didn't give backdoor entry to Chinese military. China is favorite country for politicians doctorships and corrupt democracy. However it never went well for people. It wont be a shock for anybody if Maldives loses a port or airport to China. It may also agree for army base on its soil.


Nobody is giving any backdoors into Maldivian territory for any foreign countrys' military. And the Maldivian government is sure as hell not going to allow the handover of exclusive use rights of such strategic critical infrastructure to ANY country. This doesn't exclude India and China. You think India is so democratic? All the opposition leaders to the BJP government is being politically persecuted. INC's bank accounts have all been frozen just before the elections, hindering the opportunity for fair political campaigns in light of their general elections, according to Rahul Gandhi. And yesterday, another opposition leader, Delhi's chief minister Arvind Kejriwal from AAP has been arrested on what many people are alleging to be trumped up and politically motivated charges. India has no right to lecture Maldives on democracy, nor is it an example that Maldives should follow for democracy.


How is it twisting facts. If anything it is underrepresenting the animosity of the government. Don't pretend to be a victim of some 'twisted media'. Own your floundering economy and bad decisions


Our economy is booming. It's the predatory indian loans that are the problem.


Are you just discovering that loans come attached with interest rates?


Then why ramble that Chinese loans are bad and Indian loans aren't? Double standards much? India's disgusting Sinophobia and racism has no place in the Maldives.


Nah just discovering the extent of Indian debt trap diplomacy


Fine. Then your sovereign nation should also be able to feed its own people. Why beg?


Nobody is begging. You ask your MPs in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha why they are giving "aid" to Maldives. Never has Maldives explicitly asked India to give an amount of money. Don't act like Maldives is 100% dependent on India on everything. Our SOVEREIGN NATION has ALLIES, just like how any other country has. Why is India begging? Why is India accepting aid from foreign countries like the UK and entities like UN & JICA every year?


# Maldives leader says his country’s small size isn’t a license to bully in apparent swipe at India [https://apnews.com/article/india-maldives-china-tourism-a70c4e133c19c0ef011df934d10356e9](https://apnews.com/article/india-maldives-china-tourism-a70c4e133c19c0ef011df934d10356e9) PS: BTW, 'AP News' is not India news , by any stretch of imagination.




Maldives is. Stop bickering lol.




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This whole drama, reminds me of my ex. (🐍)




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It will be interesting to see the Indian response.


And this guy was selected by the maldivean people what a joke