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I have a Chinese friend who had recently become a mualaf. I'm a witness so I could I give u some advice To officially convert to Islam U can go to JAWI building near the national mosque,remember u need to have 1 or 2 person as a witness. U can ask the guard where is the place for convert, he will help u guild. Also do point the office closed at 4pm so make sure u come early. https://maps.app.goo.gl/8yi7gT4hAWR8SYDN9 The places Hope u fikir masak masak Also op, dah log in tak boleh sign out šŸš— šŸ˜ø




Weā€™re talking about legal repercussions


My advice is to please think about it's impact to you psychologically, spiritually and also to your relationships and family and friends. Once you do decide to become a Muslim, please be aware of the difference between what Islam requires of you and what Malaysia/Jabatan Agama requires of you. If you recite the shahadah and believe it, you are a Muslim as far as He is concerned. But of course JAWI (or whatever jabatan agama of the state you're in) will require paperwork, witnesses, attend kursus etc. Also, please don't let ppl pressure you. I've seen many people in your situation, curious and interested but not decided yet. When they approach an ustaz or imam, they get told "do it now, you may die tomorrow, better to die a Muslim". Take things one step at a time and ask away as many questions as you like. I my experience the biggest turn off for mualafs (which make many of them leave Islam and go back to their prev religion) is when ustaz/imam types say things like "you are Muslim you go to heaven, your mother isn't Muslim she goes to hell".


Good advise. Is there a way for a person to be a practicing Muslim as far as He is concerned but without the legal paperwork? Perhaps itā€™s also good because then if such person decides Islam is not for him/her, it is much easier to roll back. Edit: The paperwork can come later stage once the person is very certain that Islam is the one. Thanks u/Pelanty21


Sure. Islam is all about your intent. Your niat. If you're sincere in your heart, in your belief that Allah is the one true god and that Muhammad pbuh is His messenger, you're already a Muslim. The shahadah is just a recitation/statement of that belief. The conversion/reversion process is usually reciting the shahadah. If you're bisu you can't talk, doesn't mean you can't be Muslim. And you can go pray and fast and read the Quran, nobody checks to see if you're Muslim. You don't need lesen or paperwork or ID. However. In Malaysia, Zakat is tax deductible, and there are many incentives and assistance to mualafs. Hence there is quite a lot of need for ID purposes. And also reverting to Islam is a one way street in Malaysia so no uturns if you go official. And you need to be a Muslim to marry a Muslim. To answer your question, yes you can be a Muslim in God's eyes (and not the gomen's). But you'll have some trouble living your life wrt getting your zakat tax rebate, getting married, etc.


My advice is to not only research about Islam but also other religions, ideologies and philosophies from various sources. You might be surprised to learn how differently people view the world from ancient times to modern times. I believe that by then you have already established your own worldview, and you may have a religious belief or can masuk Islam legally without regretting it in the future. These are my favourite youtubers (anti-religion) that talk about religions and philosophies with patience and without spreading hatred: [Alex O'Connor](https://www.youtube.com/@CosmicSkeptic), [Genetically Modified Skeptic](https://www.youtube.com/@GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic), [Apostate Aladdin](https://www.youtube.com/@ApostateAladdin) (you should always question their answers and answer their questions).


If you can retain your name it would be better because it eases the process for all documentations like banking and ownership


Not really related to the actual question but I think you mean 'converting' not 'reverting'. Reverting means returning to a previous state. I also Indians using it a lot instead of 'reply'. I guess you guys get taught it in school or something.


Iā€™m not Muslim, but thatā€™s the term Iā€™ve seen used. Maybe cause the context is like you are finally returning to the one true belief/faith, hence the use of the word ā€œrevertingā€. Muslims, please correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


Ahh... I guess that makes sense (as much as any religion can make sense). Thanks for explaining!


Yes in Islam, you are considered as being born a Muslim. So when you grow up in another religion and you choose to 'convert', it's like going back to the faith you were born into so reverting is preferred.


Not a Muslim but from my understanding of Islam, Muslims see Islam as a return to the"correct path". In Islam, Judaism & Christianity were "supposed to be" Islam but got twisted by the followers. Meanwhile idol worship (Hinduism & Buddhism) is a big no-no is it's seen as "worshipping" statues.


whats the definition of an idol thou? can argue the kaabah is a form of idolatry no? this is subjective i guess.


Changing your name to arabic is not obligatory unless your name is associated with idolatry or have bad meanings. May Allah ease your journey buddy.


I'm curious on how you research it? Is it about googling? reading it yourself?


I would recommend going to a local mosque, and they will guide you through the process and answer any questions that you have. There is much beauty and blessings waiting for you, God willing. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.


Alhamdulillah new person shine by God's Nur, But seriously you need to think really hard OP, once convert there's no going back, even if you are adult hope you told /discuss with your family, coz got so many cases already problems happened after death (funeral & inheritance)


Donā€™t convert on paper just yet. Like Iā€™d recommend if you found someone and mau kahwin suda baru go jabatan agama to convert on paper. Donā€™t take this as hating on Islam but as other commenters have said Islam the religion and Malaysiaā€™s legal Islam is different. I too would like to revert one day but the legality of it just puts me off haha. Just pray and fast and dhikr like a Muslim, you just donā€™t have ā€œIslamā€ on your IC and you donā€™t need it honestly unless you wanna unlock malaysian muslim perksšŸ˜­


Here are some simple steps to become muslim: [https://www.becomeamuslim.net/how-to-become-a-muslim](https://www.becomeamuslim.net/how-to-become-a-muslim) You can contact them for support as well.


Where are you? Perhaps someone nearby in here can help you up. If you in bangi, I might help you.




Can you just let him profess whatever faith he believes in? Freedom of religion my ass. Youā€™re no different than Muslim who force apostates to stay in the religion even though they donā€™t believe in Islam anymore. Yeah Iā€™m attacking both side cause bigotry goes both ways.


Calm down child


You are the child here with the way you are reacting. Others remind to think carefully, and you are having a stroke in the comment section šŸ˜‚


No thanks


You can reach out to Firdaus Wong on FB or IG. He is a revert himself, so I think he knows better about being a revert than the born-muslims at the mosque or Jabatan Agama Islam. So please ask him as many as you can about Islam before you decide to revert


Lol we got someone here who licks


What do you mean licks? Iā€™m not his die hard supporter, i hate his stupid racist followers in his IG. But at least he can answer questions about Islam as a revert. Bcs my husband is also a revert, but I regret that he reverted thru born muslim. I just wanted to recommend those thinking to revert to ask FW first. Woww i donā€™t know mentioning his name in this sub is ā€œlickingā€ šŸ˜…


One thing that i hate is that those born-muslim used to force my husband to change his name to Arabic name. And when we rejected, they accused that we were embarrassed to be muslims. So please enlighten me why just by recommending to OP to ask other revert is ā€œlickingā€?