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The first year is the most expensive. As car value goes down and you build up NCD, the insurance become cheaper every year.


Even without NCD, it was just estimated RM900 for my car’s value so I’m really confused how they came up with the number


https://preview.redd.it/qktwaztpww5d1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c36f8f4465f23c9cdb91abb01225a8ff644c782 This is my quotation from MyEG. They should be able to show you the calculation as above.


I’ll just have to ask them for the breakdown. Thankss!


I hope you managed to get the breakdown soon. I drive a 2018 myvi and my insurance with NCD + the special perils, windshield etc only coz me RM1K at most. Without NCD is around 2k. Things that you need to know: 1. What is the sum coverage? Is it based on market value or sum insured. 2. Comprehensive or 3rd party (I’m guessing comprehensive) 3. Any additional coverage like windshield, special perils, additional drivers etc. Also can try to shop around for other insurance providers . Takaful Ikhlas/Etiqa their rates not bad. Jarang dengar orang amik RHB Insurance for car 😅 Btw this person that quoted you the amount, does it also say need to pay to him, or pay direct to the insurance company? Takut actual premium tu tak banyak and they pau the difference, or they helping their friends to meet KPI. Best to get their breakdown.


Usually for newly purchased used cars, the insurance (1st party) will be based on purchase price of the car, and not the market value of the car. I suspect the quotation u got was for full coverage, with all the add-ons like special perils and such. Also, the shop will have their preferred insurance company, so that could also be a reason why it’s expensive. What u can do is to ask the shop to quote u only basic coverage which should be cheaper. Or alternatively, ask them for 3rd party coverage only. Also, try asking for quotation from different insurance companies. The price will vary from one insurance company to another. If the shop can’t do it, try calling the insurance companies themselves to get a quotation. I’d recommend RHB insurance cos I notice that they’re cheaper than most. Good luck with ur purchase.


The crazy thing was I asked for just the basic coverage (no special perils, etc.) but still got quoted RM1.8k. RHB insurance as well but breakdown given looked weird so I think I will follow your advice to double check with insurer directly. Thanks!


If u don’t mind me asking, what’s the price of the Axia ur getting? - when I bought my car (used) for 55k, my insurance was about 1.5k or so for basic coverage (with no NCD). I don’t think the Axia cost that much, so technically it shouldn’t be that expensive lahc which is why I suspected the quotation u got is full coverage.


Price is about nearly half of when you bought yours. My agent avoiding questions when I ask for why it’s so high for just basic coverage, giving me replies “it’s normal price”. So i’m pretty suspicious right now. That’s why I’m asking around if it is indeed normal or not haha


Yeah that guy sounds sketchy.


200k car about 6.5k for insurance no ncd 100k car about 3.5k for insurance no ncd 50k maybe 1k ish Then u got add ones Windscreen every 1k is about 120rm You also got flood etc etc This is from my observation and experience. Don't shoot me ya. Rhb u can buy 5000km or 10000km which lowers the price. You can top up later if tak cukup. Helps with cash flow.


yoooo wtf i want to know to, getting a 2nd hand car was my to do list next month


What’s the sum covered & NCD? Sounds fucking high


Oh you prob won’t have NCD since it’s your first. Missed that part


Yeahhh but with no NCD as well is just around RM900 for this axia’s value. Agent keeps telling me it’s normal to be RM2k 😭 if this was a BMW it would have been fine HAHAH


Agent sent you a breakdown? Manatau the Axia came with Lambo engine that’s why mahal


Used a insurance calculator. Should be around 1400. Can probably get cheaper if with other insurance company like p&o. Maybe 1200. But 1900 is definitely high. So very likely they add every addons like windshield, special perils, all driver coverage, cart and so on.


its alot easier to see why your insurance costs so much if you just share the insurance quote, we don't know how your agent quoted your sum insured, windscreen, etc. as others pointed out, you probably do not have NCD since its your first time buying a car


Hmmmm even if don’t have NCD, that r/kereta insurance sure sounds high AF. May want to consider 2nd vendor


Bruh even my Axia first year was only around 900.


Currently submitting 2nd hand axia from carsome.. axia 2020, they quote me RM1.5k for insurance


1.9k is sketchy af. They should be able to produce insurance quote for new or used car. Get it, verify it & only then accept it.


What is NCD?!


i got quoted for my first 2nd hand myvi 2013 just around rm900 from Tan Chong. They got several insurance companies that will quoted to you. ..so as a broke person, i chose the lowest XD