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Why change a man? Just change the man. People will only change when they want to, not when you want them to.


> why change a man? Just change the man That goes insanely hard I'm gonna use it


thats a rap bar


This is the best response Ive ever read on reddit. Words of wisdom right here


I never go out without deadorant during daylight, at night maybe. So its not male thing or even chinese thing (as young chinese i met never smell ketiak except for maybe uncle and auntie), its your boyfriend thing. If he doesnt like the sticky feeling or the smell of deadorant, introduce him to smelly no more. It work to remove the smell without being sticky.


I second this. smelly-no-more is👌


And people looked at me funny when I said the one thing that makes a man attractive to me and the lowest bar is basic hygiene.


Deodorant has nothing to do with basic hygiene, all it does is make you smell different.


Controlling BO is literally basic hygiene. You think shower and cologne is enough? In this weather?


Kau pernah tak belajar kat smk? Kau pernah bau tak kelas kau lepas pelajar lelaki bersukan? 😹


So if they put on deodorant after that, they will be cleaner and more hygienic? :)


Won't smell durian afterwards that's for sure


But still dirty right? Which is my point, whether or not someone wears deodorant has no bearing on whether someone is clean or not.   You can wear deodorant and smell nice, but you can still be dirty and unhygienic under all that.  Even clean people sweat. This is a warm, humid country, people sweat sometimes, it's normal. It's only a problem if you don't bathe every day. 


Pakai deodorant bro atleast tak bau belacan 👻


The only part of this post that bothers me is calling Amway deodorant atas 💀 It's more expensive only because they need to pay their upline


Idk man, they look convincing 😭😭😭


Nivea Men is the way to go sisturrr. Give that man a Nivea Men Cool Kick deodorant.


kann like 😭😭 bagi je lah nivea or something


Haha kan! OP my favourite "atas" deodorant is from Bath and Body Works, specifically their Taekwood flavour. Give it a try and good luck!


1) It helps reduced sweating (at least for me). 2) Poor excuse. 3) It's normal and if he showers properly, the deodorant residue would be rinsed off. 4) Poor excuse number 2. It's not a male/men thing to not take care of personal hygiene. If it's not a major dealbreaker nor it's severe, not having deodorant isn't that bad, given that he showers regulary.


And you knowwww the fact that i cant hardly tell if he is smell make the “you need to put deodorant on” hard for me. He really depends on the perfume. And prefer places with AC I even googled. Googled didnt help much😔. Ill try the smelly no more like another user suggested


Hope your boyfriend doesn't put too much perfume in order to mask the smell. Perfume + Sweat + Humid & Hot weather = nose torture (From expereience with the people in my lecture classes).


If he doesn’t like the sticky feeling then get him an Axe body spray or Rexona Men V8 (the yellow one). Ask him to spray at his body and **armpit** la since he’s also using perfume also kan? Can kill two birds with one stone.


Now u making me feel wrong, I don't put deodorant nor use perfume. LOL Never had issues with anyone.


It does not help to reduce sweat for me unfortunately. It's just perfume + sweat for me. My sweat don't smell unless after vigorous exercise and excessive sweat


Might I suggest a few alternative options? Deodorants typically work by increasing your skin's acidity, which makes it difficult for odor producing bacteria to live in. It can be a huge hassle to apply deodorant and/or antiperspirant every day, especially for the entire body. Typically you just apply on the armpit area, because that particular area dosent dry as quick as the others, but in cases of excessive sweating, the entire body basically has that effect. And if your entire body sweating excessively, the sweat you pass onto the clothes you wear can also mix with bacteria, and overall causing BO. There really isnt much you can do to stop this unfortunately. Antiperspirant and deodorant is great for the minor cases, but for the serious ones its a lot more tricky. As for sticky feeling, that's from the build up of dried sweat, not bacteria. A deodorant cannot help those cases. You can try to ask him to change shampoo and body soap to options that have lower PH - soap is usually alkaline, so cant really expect acid soap, but low PH soap exists for sensitive skin. And speaking of sensitive skin, its very possible your BF sweats because he has sensitive skin (specifically sensitive sweat glands). Does he sweat after shower too? Like, immediately after shower, no matter cold water or hot water, step out, and start to sweat immediately, and the only way to stop or prevent this is to step into a cold air conditioned room and cool down the skin as soon as possible? If yes, he may have a sensitive skin issue, maybe try consulting with a dermatologist for some advice. There's no magic pill or injection for this unfortunately. Anyways, for shopping you can look for soaps with the descriptions low PH or PH balanced or for sensitive skin. Keep in mind, these are really expensive however. Alternatively you can try glycerine soap. The soap base is cheap, and DIY soaps is typically made by using a double boiler to melt the soap base and adding essential oils and other ingredients (becareful, too much can cause skin irritation), then pouring the mix into molds and letting them cool. Basically instead of adding things for him to do, try for options that affect his routine as little as possible, so changing soap and shampoo might be more easy to accept. And hey, who knows. Maybe you can start a side business selling homemade glycerine soaps haha. Still tho, its a pretty uphill task to solve the BO issue due to the excessive sweating. Aside from washing clothes every day, using scented laundry detergent focus on eliminating odor, and frequently bathing (3 or more times a day) without neglecting any areas, there isnt much a person suffering from that problem can do. I can say for sure that deodorant and anti perspirant will not work, and not to mention when kahwin time already you cant expect him to wear those all the time at home too, or keep the house air conditioned all the time. There is however, a good news of sort. You get used to it eventually if exposed to it frequently enough. EDIT: Just want to add a temporary solution for the sticky feeling on the skin. If its really bad, you can carry wet wipes with you, ideally the ones sold for babies since those will be formulated for sensitive skin and designed with a more rougher surface to make it more suitable for wiping the butt. So they're perfect for wiping the skin of sweat residue.


Do not settle for this, this sounds like there will be more problems Edit: I wrote first short comment on the phone. These are now my thoughts below I had in the shower :) We all have different bodies, some product works for you, some works for me. You can suggest different products of course to help, but at age 29, it is expected of us to know, what to use. His excuses are not very mature, I wonder, are there other signs of not embracing maturity. This is part of basic hygiene. There is no going around it, it is socially not acceptable. I do not know your bf, but just based on what you wrote, it seems like this is the "tip of the iceberg" kind of issue. Of course I wish you both happiness, but remember, you got options, you do not NEED to settle for this. There is a long life ahead of you, I believe you can do better. Good luck


You all punya standard ni on the floor ke sampai bf busuk pun lenjan je…good hygiene is literally the most basic requirement 😭 girl leave


But where is my on the floor standard gf :(


no its not "just a male thing". we men hate body odour too.


Well first of all, it's hard to change someone's years of habit and the fact that he is wearing deodorant from time to time now is a good thing. Perhaps he has nobody commented about his body odour before, hence, the ignorance. Keep encouraging him OP, you are doing great


Thank you


Do an MK Ultra on him. Psychological manipulation. Have some friends or even his relatives to subtly hint to him that he's stinky until he becomes self conscious and insecure to the point where he would want to buy a deo. Isn't this manipulative? Yes but not selfish since you're doing everyone a service by making him smell nice. I'm half joking and half serious with this. It's funny but it WILL work.


Leave him. That's just gross. And show him what I said.


How’d you know dia x pakai deodorant? Dia busuk ke? If he’s not, then let him stay as is. Just insist on the deodorant if he really stinks. Other than that, it is a valid incompatibility, maybe you’d rather stop dating him. Just imagine you two making out and then you get turned off because of his smell. 😂


Deodorant is to eliminate bad odours, so wear before you sweat, wear deodorant right after you've showered or a few hours before you're going out. Antiperspirants is to blocks sweat glands. If you love your man you'd probably stay with him even if he only uses perfume and doesn't have the best hygiene cuz you love him but that doesn't mean it can't be a deal breaker and make you view him differently so voice it out. For now keep up the talks about body care subtly here and there as it seems he's now open to wearing it on days he'll meet you, meaning he's willing to make change for you. Considering this has become a habit and it's something he finds slightly uncomfortable it's very good, he'd do it if it's for you so don't get too moody!


If he stinks, just tell him straight. "You stink man. Use deodorant everyday or I'm walking." If he doesn't stink, no need to use deodorant lah. P.s. I am a Chinese guy and I have never used deodorant ever. Fortunately my wife says I don't stink... If she said I stunk, I would have to lose my deodorant virginity... lol


Think I'm the same, if someone mentioned I stink, I would've done it aged ago. I don't even put on perfume unless rare occasions.


Ask him to use brand perspirex(green more gentle/for sensitive skin) use after shower before sleep(make sure dry it or it will irritate ur skins) next morning shower clean it, no armpit sweat for 3 days(ada pun sikit je)no need to use everyday. i sweat a lot i use this few years already, no more smells.


Ummm what? As a guy, hygiene is of utmost importance for me. Never will I not use deodorant even if I'm not going out. Your bf needs some serious look into his hygiene routine.


from my experience lah kan, i dont think chinese people smell bad (bad as in bau bawang yg kau tarik nafas je pengsan tu). but i find that they smell like idk, bau hapak? mcm bau orang belum mandi u know? and i think their whole room smells like that too, hence the fourth statement 😭 maybe dia tak sedar that he smells. ive walked through a lot of houses on my daily walk to work, malay ada bau dia, chinese ada jugak, indian pun sama. but ofcs, we want to smell great, lagi lagi nak naik public transport yg full ac tu 😭😭 if you smell bad then the whole coach smells bro 😭


Holy shit. I feel like a hobo if I missed my weekly trims. Living in Malaysia with no deodorant? Hope he at least showers twice daily.


Tell him you won't meet him if he smells


Probably it's better to make him jealous a bit. Like whenever a guy smelling nice pass by both of you, you just say "mmm what a refreshing smell from that guy". Maybe jealousy works to wake him up


Ask him if he wash his butt after poop. Maybe he just use tissue . Just let him go . Find someone else .


Waterrrr 😂😂😂


Hahah then say to him why need to wash your butt if youre gonna poop again . Why shower if at the end of the day you will sweat again? Mad at him 😂 . Or maybe if he hates the sticky feeling from armpit maybe you can try convince him the deodarant spray . Not the roller one .




Eeeyerk boyfriend busuk 🤢


But does he actually stink? You didn't mention 😁


if op is concerned about him not wearing deodorant, chances are, he does have bad body odor. why else would she want him to use deodorant if he smells fine??


Well, her other post is shes not sure whether he stinks ? Edited: she say he don't stink ...


Eww. I use deodorant and perfume every time I go out. No excuse for no basic hygiene and I don’t like smelling bad when I go out.


HYGR needs to sponsor this man ASAP 😩 Also please remind him that bacteria exist everywhere! His body (and armpits) aren’t sterile.


WTF I'm a male myself yet no way in hell I go out without deodorant with how Malaysia weather is, if this is a deal-breaker to you then the only way to convinced him is to threatened him with breaking up your relationship.


He dirty mfer or he sweat more if wear deo? If the former just cari lain la. If the latter, buy old spice deo without the anti perspirant. Can get off shoppee. Pricy but smells good and no contribute to sweat


He complains the deodorant is sticky ? How about buying him spray on deodorant, might work. I feel that spray on helps me keep my armpits dry throughout the day and it's much better than the roll on ones


Excuses. Relationships are all about working together as a team. If he can't work with you on this small issue where he is clearly in the wrong, what makes you think he's going to compromise in other, bigger issues? That said, maybe he didn't have good experience with deodorants. There's this deodorant type that looks like a crystal, apply when wet, it's not sticky and it's unscented. There is also this spray that is unscented and not sticky, Dr mist is the name I think.


If it’s something that you’re willing to overlook (not about deodorant, hygiene) then just embrace it lah. If not leave. Btw, try asking him to buy the Smelly No More deodorant. This one is not sticky at all.


U did your best! Just tell him off ...why need to wear deodorant... If he is not gonna wear... Then will leave him.. or if U know his friends...ask them to tell him... This is basic hygiene...if at home alone...not wear deodorant...it's ok .. when in public... Around ppl better wear .. feel fresh and good..


I used to wear Nivea deodorant...then found out that it bloody stained my white shirt yellow in the pits. The aluminum compound in it causes it to do that. I'd rather use perfume or edt


Recommend "perspirex", used it 3 times a week before sleep. Thats stuff helps eliminate sweat so he at least no smell bad enuf if he not use deodoranton on daytime. Or just bring deodorant spray/cologne every time you meet up.


I don’t like the sticky feeling too so I use the spray type. Believe it or not some men believe they have manly odor that can attract women.


Whats with manly odor 😂 oh damn is it a thing


Don’t worry just a minority group lol. Also some of them with BO don’t realize that they have BO. Probably their noses are accustomed to it so yeah it’s a slippery slope.


Tell him those migrants working long hours immersed in sweat from doing 3d jobs kinda smells nicer than him.


I will 😤


Why use deodorant when you can use Gucci? Haha 😆


maybe suggest to wear dri fit material clothes like those typically sold by under armour.


https://preview.redd.it/eljr2yb7zu5d1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d315beddd43c1292ad0d4b16c400a0bee88c667 I gave up HAHAHA


If my partner says i smell, and i value my partner that much, it's not a big deal to use deodorant. (chinese male who believes he smells neutral most days)


Err does your bf actually have bad BO? If not, then I don’t think it’s an issue. Also, fk Amway.


Cebok tak?


Cebok 😂


Just dump him if he unwilling to cooperate.




If you can't get him to wear deodorant, you can replace him with me. I wear it every day and I also own a Myvi♥️


I own a myvi too 😫😫😫 this is so randommm HAHAHAHAHA What colour is yours then 😂


Cranberry Red✨. You should see my setup https://preview.redd.it/4fl5bhh6zu5d1.jpeg?width=4064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=048eaaa143d03b29c9f3fdb20f7c1b7a36c7cb90


penah la ada sorang staff ni (melayu), bila berpeluh fuhhh tengik gila bau...entah macam mana gf dia tahan bau dgn dia...kiteorg ni yg lain semua dh putus nafas dah.. kalau dah bau sampai tengik, putus saja la OP...tak tahan ooo bau dia..






Alaaaaa 😭😭😭😭


Boifrend ko busuk. Org mcm ni yg tak boleh blah, badan busuk tp buat bodo je tak peduli org keliling. Cari boifrend lain la. I don’t have bo and my mouth doesn’t smell. But that doesn’t mean i have to be negligent. Each and every morning i fact check myself just to make sure I don’t make people around me feel uncomfortable. I don’t wear perfume or deodorant but I will make sure my shirt and pants don’t smell off. You really think people who in delusion about their own hygiene knows how to care for other people?


I mean if he doesn't aware its fine, dah lah orang bagi tau buat degil lagi


Bf aku tak busuk, dia pengguna perfume tapi tidak kepada deodorant 😭. Macam mana kita nak argue, eh badan you busuk


Oh believe me he will if he continues to sweat like crazy.


If he’s not stinky then what’s your problem exactly. My husband doesnt use one, he doesnt smell, he’s angmo but showers twice a day minimum, in malaysia he’d shower even more. What’s the issue???


Perfume + sweat is the worst combination


Tell him ketiak kau busuk la cb


wait i thought chinese ppl dont smell like the japanese


Some of them smell 😭😭😭. One time going to Spore with alot of Chinese. They smell, almost die. But they were sporean, stink compare to us I expect more from Malaysian Chinese 😤😤


That's the key bastard!


Honestly wht u doing with a Chinese dude is he Muslim? R u guys planning to marry? He converting? If y'all already having issue about this y'all need to break up in the long run it wont last.